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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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akhtyrka, this is how slobodskaya or northern malorosiya appears. they were accepted in the status of russian cossacks, that is, border guards, a free military class. they gave land plots. and, of course, they could perform the ritual in the orthodox way. in ukraine, according to the law of 1638, ukrainian elders lost the right to occupy leadership positions. that’s when a certain bogdan zinovy ​​khmelnitsky lost the important post of military clerk and turned into a sotnik. khmelnitsky was well educated, knew latin, visited the royal court in warsaw and was pleased with his life, he had good real estate, but now for the first time he was pushed out. well, the title of centurion suited him, but for the common people everything was much worse. under pressure from the jesuits, the production was accepted.
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when his neighbor, a nobleman, during his departure, took away the woman with whom he lived after the death of his wife, also during the attack , khmelnitsky’s eldest son was spotted, not killed, but spotted with whips, khmelnitsky filed a complaint in court, and well, khmelnitsky sent to prison, a ukrainian cannot complain about natural nobleman, prison, time to think carefully. khmelnitsky fled to the slaughter and began convincingly calling on the cossacks to go to poland. the agitation was so convincing that the cossacks elected him hetman. szlachta sejm in warsaw. vishnovetsky, ostrozhsky, kolenovsky, princes, princelings, priests, boast that they will destroy the claps with fire and sword, that’s what poland gave us, took everything from us, freedom, honor! in 1648, in the uman region
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, the cossacks under the command of khmelnitsky defeated the poles, did not take anyone prisoner, then besieged the city of korsun, massacred everyone, news of the uprising spread throughout malarus, local uprisings broke out everywhere, and the poles were not shown mercy. the polish gedman, the polish end, fought with khmelnitsky at the yellow waters, as a result. his army fled, the very end of polski and hetman potocki were captured. khmelinsky sent the prisoners to kiev and moved on. the uprising swept both banks of the dnieper and took on the bloodiest forms. as a rule, the leader of an uprising practically does not control the detachments that joined him, and the detachments of the rebel people were much more radical than vzglyadsky. they killed everyone.
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bogdan sent to the main candidate jan casimir, promising support and offering to recognize his cossacks' interest. in return, khmelnitsky stopped hostilities, but in parallel with cunning maneuvers, he constantly sent letters to tsar alexei in moscow, begging him to accept little russia under the high hand of the white tsar. now there was no time for that in moscow, but the thought settled in the tsar’s head.
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the cossacks won the battle at the gathering, but khan demanded that khmelnitsky make peace with the king, because khan was brought at night, several barrels of polish gold. khmelnitsky concluded the sborov agreement, but the people found the poles and were not allowed to return to the estate. then seim decided to restore the war, because the ukrainians do not keep treaties. a year later, in 1650, the war resumed. khmelnitsky again.
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a year and a half later they were collected not in kiev, in pereyaslav. in 1653, khmelnytsky resumed the war again together with the tatars, and ukraine, devastated and plague-stricken, was dying. part of the people left the russian border.
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moscow decided that it was impossible to delay. and 1 in october 1653, a zemsky sobor was created, which decided to accept. under his state high hand, the entire zaporozhye army with cities and lands and orthodox christians, since the polish-lithuanian commonwealth is trying to eradicate them completely, but this meant war, the tsar and the duma decided that after exhaustion the poles would not resist for long, the war would end in a year, it was assumed to conquer belarus, and if we really forget lithuania, somewhere i’ve already heard about such moscow plans and that’s it. not the same as in 2022, here in in 1654, the treaty in pereyastrovo was carried out by boyar buturlin, we are greatly consoled by your victories and the beginning of the rescue, you golotyn, accept
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the letters of his royal majesty, in it, our sovereign, joyfully answers you... your letter, and he is pleased to wait for your ambassadors in moscow . on january 8, khmelinsky made a speech to the people: we ourselves cannot, but many want to conquer our lands, the khan of crimea, the sultan of turkey, the king of poland, what should we do, but there is a half-blooded and one-faith great white russian tsar. do you want to be?
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brother will unite with brother, and there will be no force to break us. there will be no force to catch us. in 1667 , ukrainian freedom fighter hetman bohdan khmelnytsky died. it has become calmer for 50 years. but this was far from the end of the massacre of poles and ukrainians. appeared on the horizon. gaydomaki. haydamak comes from turkish haydomakak. drive, drive,
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attack. participants in armed units of the people's liberation movement on the territory of right-bank ukraine. that is, then poland. in 1833-34, a certain varlan became the head of the uprising. he announced that he has a decree of the russian empress, which he orders. beat up all the poles and jews, and then, having liberated the region, annex it to russia. his detachment quickly increased, so that he could withstand several skirmishes with polish troops and occupy some cities. the polish authorities tried to suppress the movement through repression by the population and captured haidomaks. anyone captured by a haidomak was inevitably subject to the death penalty by hanging, quartering , or beating.
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offices and robbed jewish merchants, trying to find refuge in vinnitsa. the haidamaks
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raided the podolsk voivodeship, where they captured the city of letichek. in it, the povtsans destroyed the dominican monastery and seized the rich property of the local gentry. the haidomakhs plundered the cistrian monastery in kimbarovka and devastated the estate of the pinsk isuit track. they penetrated to the left bank of the pripyat. there were nobility in woodland. between the noble lordly confederation and the russian empire. the presence of russian
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troops raised hopes for their help. and the zaporozhye man took advantage of this mood maxim zheleznyak. having spread a rumor that he also has a decree from the russian empress catherine ii. a golden letter ordering to rebel against the confederates for oppressing orthodoxy and to beat them. he gathered a large detachment around him. took the town of zhabatin, then the town of lesyanka, killed the noble jews fleeing here, went to the pototsk castle, having sent out a detachment of court cossacks against it, led by the centurion ivan gonta, went over to his side, umon was taken and here the same massacre as in lesyan was repeated . here we move into the 20th century, but the massacre of the two peoples does not stop. 1930.
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these are the so-called siegemen, this is an idiotic beginning, now a disgusting continuation follows, as follows from the program.
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gives a transcript of the interrogation of platoon commander stepan radesha, we surrounded five polish villages in one night, burned them, while the entire population from infants to old people was slaughtered, a total of 2,000 people were killed, my platoon took part in the burning of a large polish village, we slaughtered about a thousand poles, june 11, 1943 year, 150 polish villages were simultaneously destroyed near the dotors, the idea of ​​aun.
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the genocide began in the cities , men of the wrong nationality were immediately taken to prisons, where they were later shot, violence against women occurred right in the middle of the day, for the amusement of the public, among the banderaites there were many who wanted to stand in line and take an active part, men
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were deprived of their genitals before death, they were finished off blows of an ax to the head, two teenagers, brothers... when the partisans entered the village on the second day, they saw piles of mutilated bodies in the houses, lying in a pool of blood. in one of the houses, on the table, among scraps and unfinished bottles of moonshine, lay a dead one-year-old child, whose naked body was nailed to the boards with a bayonet. the monsters stuffed
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a half-eaten pickled cucumber into his mouth, to name a few. “i can’t do all this, the numbers of those killed as a result of the genocide of the polish population vary greatly, ukrainian historians try to underestimate them by any means, but even they reach the figure of 40-60 thousand people. official polish historiography speaks of 100-120,000 dead. researchers directly from the polish settlers , the eastern kres are called:
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it ends, my friends, although i heard that the poles want to regain the western kres, a part of western ukraine that belonged to poland for many, many years, i would return this part of ukraine to us absolutely, i emphasize, absolutely not we need it, this is an enclave, the penetration of absolutely aliens to us, alien everywhere, not only to the great russians and belarusians, but also to the little russians for 350 years. those living, thank god, in one russian family, who don’t believe, look at the burning maidan, well, the poles in the coming
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7:00 am
this is war, brother, yes, war, war, contract soldiers, volunteers, they are all heroes, a gift, thank you, the end, congratulations on receiving a state award, i serve russia. in russia, on the second day of voting in the presidential election, you can vote in person at the polling station or in electronic format. over 3.5 million have already been issued on the federal remote voting platform. ballots. there were almost 5 million applications for participation. the capital votes on its platform, and approximately 2.5 million people made their choice here. the voting process is being
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closely monitored.


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