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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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but at random, this is war, brother, yes, war, war, contract soldiers, volunteers, they are all heroes, a gift, thank you, of course, congratulations on receiving a state award, i serve russia. it’s the second day of voting in the presidential election in russia; you can vote in person at a polling station or electronically. over 3.5 million ballots have already been issued on the federal remote voting platform; there were almost 5 million applications for participation. the capital votes on its platform, about 2.5 million have made their choice here. for
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the voting process is monitored by more than 350 thousand observers, of which 700 are guests from abroad. this is a given cycle, the video surveillance system also works. polling stations for presidential elections are open from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm local time in the regions of the far east and siberia, voting is already underway. and my colleague from krasnoyarsk, alexander usatenko, is in direct contact with us. alexander, we welcome you. welcome, tell us how the mood is in the polling stations? hello, tatyana, voters are in an excellent mood, it’s a day off for most residents of the region, yes, throughout russia, elections are a holiday. voting in the presidential elections continues in the krasnoyarsk territory, from 8:00 am all polling stations, there are 2071 of them in the region, opened their doors, at one of the polling stations during the opening they did not play the recording of the russian anthem, it... was performed live by a chamber choir,
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our sacred power, russia, our beloved country, mighty will, great glory, are also working in the region and
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despite the cold and windy weather in siberia, people come to the polling stations. krasnoyarsk territory did not get into this year was included in the list of regions where remote electronic voting is used, but this did not become an obstacle for, for example, pensioners and mothers with small children, they say that this is an excellent opportunity to combine a walk to fulfill a civic duty. a large number of representatives of indigenous peoples live in the krasnoyarsk territory. they live in hard-to-reach areas, most voted early, but there are also those who come to the polling stations themselves, often in traditional attire, so crowned representatives of tribal communities came in national costumes and cast their votes. foreign delegates of the observation mission are working in krasnoyarsk; these are citizens of nine countries, turkey, nepal, kazakhstan, indonesia, cameroon, benin, maldives, mozambique and the usa. during. they will visit
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polling stations and, on the final day of march 17 , will be present at the closing of polling stations and the counting of votes. i suggest listening to a commentary on how foreigners assess the course of the elections in russia. we watched voters show up at the polling station, as they approach, show their documents, they are directed to special booths, they fill out a ballot, and then put it in a scanning box. i asked, is the urn used to prevent? the situation of fraud, i was told, yes, of course, i was surprised that the election procedure in new york is exactly the same. according to the election commission of the krasnoyarsk region, the turnout at 15:00 on march 15 is 26.23% of the total number of voters in the leaders of the arctic and turukhansky districts. we continue to monitor how the election campaign is going in krasnoyarsk region. tatiana, you have the floor. alexander, thank you. monitors the progress of the elections in
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krasnoyarsk. sergei shaigun reported on the current situation in the zone of the special military operation about the nature of the enemy’s actions and the tasks that are being carried out. special attention to reports on the effectiveness of reconnaissance and strike contours, as well as on the conduct of counter-battery warfare. according to the military, the enemy has suffered significant losses. so in just a week, three american patriot complexes were destroyed. vampire rocket system, 10 artillery pieces, and storage fuel and ammunition. and in the kupinsky direction, the crew of self-propelled gaubsts from the west group of troops opened the closed firing positions of the ukrainian armed forces and defeated them along with manpower. our artillery hits
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enemy armored vehicles. over the course of several days , the enemy lost dozens of combat vehicles in this area. the mstaes gun can fire from a distance of up to 30 km, and they use high-precision... this is the latest version of the msta galubitz, it is already automated, it has an autonomous navigation system, plus a satellite... navigation, this allows in the shortest possible time take up firing positions, orient the gun, even without the help of any instruments , carry out a fire mission, then change the firing position from a new area and inflict fire damage on the enemy. in primorye
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, seven natural fires were extinguished in 24 hours, and nine more are currently active. extinguishing efforts are complicated by strong winds; a state of emergency has been declared in two regions of the region. the day before in the village of shkud. the fire destroyed six private houses and outbuildings. investigators opened a criminal case. correspondent victoria samuseva will tell us about the situation by this time. contact us directly. victoria, i welcome you, tell us what forces are involved in the extinguishing and where is the most difficult situation now? yes, tatyana, greetings , indeed, powerful fires en masse covered certain areas of primorye, so the day before 16 natural fires with an area of ​​more than 1 were registered in the region. according to the data. to date, seven of them have been extinguished, another nine continue to burn. outbreaks have been eliminated in vladivostok, razdolny, nezhin and alekseevka, partially in the nadezhdinsky district and usurisk. right now it keeps on burning artyomovsky district, more than 200 hectares are engulfed in fire. according to the ministry of emergency situations,
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10 private households burned down in primorye yesterday. the situation was aggravated by warm weather and, of course , strong winds, due to which the fire quickly spread to residential buildings. the fire situation is being monitored from the air; reinforced groups of rescuers are on duty in the areas: 22 fire departments, as well as 80 people. the head of the region once again addressed the residents of primorye with a request to observe fire safety measures, in particular, not to make fires or burn dry grass. oleg kozhimyaka noted that all primorye residents who lost blood as a result of natural fires will receive compensation and certificates for new housing. shkotov. the most difficult , because residential buildings there were damaged, six residential buildings burned down, also not residential buildings, somewhere people have coal warehouses, tomorrow morning we will meet there in order to decide on help, and people, people have gone all over
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friends, relatives, there is a temporary temporary residence facility, but no one will come there, most likely, people will be paid the necessary money funds, it should be noted that in total more than 106 people are involved in extinguishing fires, and there are also 45 more rescuers in reserve, who, if necessary, of course, are deployed in the area, and a special fire regime is now in effect in 22 municipalities of primorye, due to the fire situation specialists have intensified monitoring of air quality in the southern regions of the region, and of course no harmful substances have been detected in the air yet; such research is currently ongoing. tatiana, you have the floor. victoria, thank you, it was victoria samuseva, she talked about how rescuers fight wild fires in the primorsky territory. in moscow, a man was put under arrest for throwing his lover under a subway train. in the vladimir region, the police busted a domestic drug plantation. about this and
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ivlev. a big story in obakan, in order to detain an aggressive local resident who was threatening passers-by with an axe, the police had to call in special forces, which was the reason for the crazy prank and is it true that a gambling debt is to blame? from the scene of the incident our colleague in the region, pyotr permikov. these shots were taken on a mobile camera by random eyewitnesses from the balcony of a high-rise building after hearing loud screams on the street. a man stripped to the waist with an ax runs after a passerby, at some point pushes him to the ground, and then randomly strikes him. it all happened a 15-minute walk from the city center in front of frightened pedestrians and motorists. they were the ones who contacted the police. the security forces worked quickly. within a couple of hours, the man was detained at a rented apartment. he refused to open the doors voluntarily. it turned out, after the massacre, the man slept carefree in bed, as if nothing had happened.
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the recently appointed minister of internal affairs for the republic of khakassia, major general of police, vladimir generalov, went to the scene and personally supervised the operation to detain the criminal. on march 15, the duty station of the russian ministry of internal affairs in the city of abakan received a message from eyewitnesses that on nikrasova street in the city of abakan, an unidentified man inflicted bodily harm on a man lying on the ground , disappeared, and immediately arrived at the scene. now the security forces are finding out. it all happened at the intersection of nekrasova krylov street, this is the very center of the new part of abakan. there are a lot of apartment buildings, busy traffic, and many shops and shopping centers. many city residents still have not recovered from the shock and are afraid to go out. this is absolutely terrible, really. it was right next to us, so i say it’s such a shock that i can’t move away at all. the victim
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was hospitalized in a clinical hospital with an open head injury. now he in reanimation. they are fighting for his life. doctors. a criminal case of attempted murder has been opened. according to investigators, in the morning of march 15, the suspect, while on nekrasovo street, in the city of abakan, attacked a man and inflicted several blows on his head with a swollen ax. security forces worked at the scene until late in the evening, interviewed eyewitnesses and established all the details. the detainee, who now faces up to 15 years in prison, has already been interrogated. the court will decide on his arrest in the near future. pyotr permyakov and olga zhurrenkova, duty officer part. an alleged accomplice of the ukrainian special services was detained in the capital; according to fsb operatives, the suspect launched homemade drones into the air to distract the air defense system from truly dangerous targets. the special forces soldiers caught sight of the traitor early in the morning and tied him up right in his bed. control by hand. immediately after
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his arrest, the attacker confessed to everything and told how he reported to foreign curators, after which he showed the cache in which he kept parts for assembling drones. by court decision, the saboteur has already he was taken into custody and a criminal case was opened for treason. a life sentence for the massacre of a family of four , the attempted murder of a little girl, the rostov regional court sentenced a fanatic who decided to settle scores with his own... with the help of a weapon he sprayed as if on a hunt, among the victims was a two-year-old child, the criminal released him several bullets, so as not to leave a single chance. where did such monstrous aggression come from, and what did the madman say in his defense, report by alina skachkova. in a day after the verdict, denis mashonsky dressed in a mournful black tracksuit; rumors about this
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cruel killer who killed an entire family in small novoshakhtinsk still do not subside. first he killed vladimir, then his wife svetlana and even their two-year-old son vova. the next victim was the former pasya olga, who had recently rejected mashonsky. i pressed the korok and a shot was fired. where were you aiming? nowhere, i’m already like, well, i saw him when he started everything up, then it’s like such a big thing spot. when i was about to leave, i saw the kubelyaevs’ frightened daughter,
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four-year-old sasha, in the room. the killer did not spare her either, shot her in the head, slashed her neck with a knife and left the seriously wounded little girl. doctors miraculously saved me. the child was promptly hospitalized in the hospital, where she received qualified medical care, as a result of which his death did not occur. mashonsky was hiding in the forest belt. an interception plan was announced in the city. the region's best investigators rushed to find the killer of four people. he was detained the next day. mashonsky immediately repented of everything, a lawyer by training. he actively cooperated with the investigation and helped solve his own crime. he asked only for one thing - not to put him in prison for life, but... mashinsky will spend the rest of his days in a maximum security colony. alina skachkova is in charge of the duty department. the fiasco of the virtuoso thief. this weekend on our channel is a fascinating investigation by eduard petrov about the cultural recivisist from st. petersburg, yakov saturday. a hunter for rare violins and rare museum books has assembled a team of burglars, which were called ninja turtles. how
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black monday came in jacob's criminal career. unique shots. the glass was lying there and the mounting was lying there, that’s all. saturday led a group that skillfully robbed banks in st. petersburg. the vault was opened.
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he is now serving a life sentence in the black dolphin colony, how a former swimmer with a competitive rank became a professional killer, what high-profile cases are on his account and how investigators after many years manage to find evidence from orenburg anastasia klimkina, sentence him to 12 years in prison. a new sentence, another 12 years in a maximum security colony is just a formality for victor bertholz. an active member of the orenburg gang of kellers for a long time. resigned himself to the fact that he would remain behind barbed wire for the rest of his life. trips to the dock are now a kind of vacation for him, a break from
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the colony. this time, birt holtz was sentenced for a ten-year-old murder. in 2013, he and his accomplices killed with businessman sergei ivanov. the latter knew too much. due to the fact that the latter’s personal qualities were not suitable for inclusion in the criminal group, and also understanding that during the time of joint communication. he received significant information about the existence of such a group and its criminal plans, the organizer decided to kill him. the body was buried in a forest belt, in the ivanovo village council. for a long time it was not possible to solve the crime, but a life sentence often loosens the tongue of criminals. here ibert holtz spoke. i concluded, in another episode of the participants, i handed over the weapons that he had, gave them a vehicle, the bodies were found for...
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the massacre of a businessman was the first murder in the gang’s account, it was after this crime that the group began carrying out contract killings. bertholtz's role in the commission. until the end of his life he will remain in the special regime penal colony number 6, the famous black dolphin. his accomplice nikita ignatov died in pre-trial detention during the preliminary investigation. killer alexey khudayev still is still wanted. investigation of another high-profile murder case. this time the veselov family became the victim of the keller gang. victor bertholz is considered involved in the disappearance of the sixty-year-old head of the construction company victor veselov and his
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wife olga. details are being established. anastasia krimkina, denis tadnikov, conduct the orenburg duty department. our colleagues in the regions complement the information picture of the day. legal news can be seen in local editions of the program to conduct duty throughout the country. what's interesting in the chat? let's ask at peter pashchenko. hello andrey, here are some of the topics that we will show on air. the situation with cyber fraudsters in the region is, without exaggeration, stalemate. every week , transbaikal residents are steadily losing millions of rubles of savings. the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs decided to act proactively, conducting propaganda among students so that they pass on information to their grandparents. transit with a catch worth 15 million rubles. in transbaikalia there is a floodplain. for a carrier of poached seafood. details of the operation went for a drive and returned to chita, the 53-year-old will go to trial the thief, a veteran of the criminal world, could not
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pass by someone else's car, old habits took over. about these and other news in the final episode of the vesti program, the duty department. andrey. yes, thank you, peter, you have a lot of content, good broadcast. well, we continue. in chernogorsk, in the republic of khakassia, part of a local dormitory building collapsed. it was an emergency, but people continued to live there, our program already told about this story several months ago, residents repeatedly complained to officials that the building was about to collapse dangerous, they even came to live in a tent, although they are colder, they are safer, despite the appalling condition of the house, local authorities refused to recognize them as unsafe and exposed the residents to mortal danger, the popular front got involved in solving the problem, some of the residents were resettled in rented housing , others were waiting for their...
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a real winter garden, a harvest in which there was exclusively criminal, was discovered by police in the vladimir region, the farmer turned his house into... a plantation, growing almost a hundred hemp bushes. of course, with with such volumes of seedlings , it will be extremely difficult for an amateur agronomist to convince investigators or the court that he prepared marijuana exclusively for himself. the security forces have already opened a criminal case on illegal trafficking of prohibited substances. in total , police seized more than 4 kg of marijuana and about 5 kg of parts of the hemp plant from illegal trafficking.
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equipment and electronic scales were also seized. vacuum sealer and mobile phone. but in astrakhan, another novice hemp grower hid his garden bed in a real underground to a secret garden much more the modest man was led by a secret underground passage. at the same time, to protect the harvest, the suspect armed himself and kept a sawn-off shotgun with cartridges under the mattress. now he is involved in two criminal cases at once, speeches about drug trafficking and about illegal arms trafficking. he fully admitted his guilt and repented, but now this is unlikely to help. in moscow, the court sent a pre-trial detention center to an inadequate boyfriend who threw his girlfriend under a metro train
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and... the incident occurred in front of dozens of passengers, these are the shots from cctv cameras. the girl only survived thanks to the competent actions of the driver. alexandra mostova has details. a delicate citizen in a glass box, thirty-nine-year-old jealous anton matorin. he wanted to be a hero-lover, but ended up becoming a hero in crime reports. he promised his beloved love until the grave, but he himself almost drove her there. in the hall of the cheryomushkinsky court in moscow, matorin appeared before themis in the role of an exemplary figure. schoolboy, timidly with downcast eyes, probably really wanted to arouse pity for his person, you can comment on your action, you are on your own your exes were also attacked, you don’t feel sorry for your girlfriend, you also finished her off there, judging by the footage, maybe you want to apologize to her, say something, talk about how the quarrel ended in an attempted murder, matorin doesn’t want to, it’s a terrible scene flared up at the voykovskaya station in front of dozens of eyewitnesses, here is the girl of her companion...
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they are arguing heatedly about something, then the cavalier loses his temper, knocks the lady off her feet and pushes her off the platform right under the wheels of the train, she was saved only by the lightning-fast reaction of the driver. during a conflict with his friend, a man pushed her from the platform under the approaching electric train. the driver managed to apply the emergency brake, but the girl was not injured. realizing what he had done, the jealous man ran away. it was not to be, one of the eyewitnesses twisted the rope inappropriately, and soon the police arrived at the scene. and brought the monster to the department. in these footage, the dog left no trace of motorin. holding his breath, almost in a whisper, he answered questions, tried to convince everyone, saying that he accidentally pushed the house’s heart under the wheels. you didn't want to do anything. what are you today specifically did they do it at the voykovsko metro station? push the girl. where? on real. during interrogation, the suspect explained to the investigation that
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he committed the crime for a reason. the victim's breakup of a romantic relationship. thirty-nine-year-old anton matorin is 10 years older than his former passion. he is unemployed and has a drinking problem. his beloved, twenty-nine-year-old anna, broke off relations with him a year ago, precisely because of motor weakness. and he harbored a grudge and began to pursue the girl. when anna next once she rejected her shameful advances, stalker decided to deal with her. we managed to reach danna, but she was tight-lipped. how do you feel in general? now matorin is waiting for a meeting not only with investigators, but with psychiatrists, they will find out in what state the jealous man attacked his ex-girlfriend. during interrogation, matorin admitted his guilt and said that he seemed to repent, probably hoping that this would help him pity the fimida, but it did not help. by decision of the cheryomyshkinsky court of moscow, the jealous man was arrested for an attempt on his life beloved, he could face up to 12 years
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in prison. alexandrostava!


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