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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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the second day of the russian presidential elections, the overall turnout is about 40%. in a number of regions, including the kherson region in chikkotka, it has already exceeded 60%. almost 350,000 observers are monitoring the voting process. sergei shaigu held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of troops. according to the ministry of defense , the enemy is suffering significant losses. so in just a week, three american patriot complexes and a vampire rocket system were destroyed. 10 foreign- made artillery pieces. three people died as a result of new attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on belgorodskaya areas. these are the figures cited by the governor. earlier, the ministry of defense stated that our air defense system shot down three more drones and eight vampire missiles. fsb operation in the sverdlovsk region, a russian was detained who was planning terrorist attacks on the trans-siberian railway and preparing sabotage along the route of trains to the zone. special operations.
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today is exactly 10 years since the return of crimea to russia. over these years, the kiev regime blocked the supply of food and medicine to the peninsula, blocked the north crimean canal, and cut off electricity. how were these problems solved, what path did crimea go through and how does it live today? this is a special report by olga kurlaeva. i remember everyone, it was interesting, there was a good drive, thank god, now in peaceful life there is no such thing, but then it was all on a good emotional high. on february 22, 2014 , a coup d'état, which supporters of european integration proudly call the revolution of flexibility, is taking place in kiev; blood has already been shed on the maidan. crimean berkhut returns home, crimeans see off the last journey of three dead fellow countrymen. thank you! thank you! crimeans from
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residents of sevastopol openly protest against anti-russian policies and do not recognize the new ukrainian government, activists of the russian unity movement unite into the crimean militia. we acted independently, counted on ourselves, and on february 23 here in the square , speaking to the militia, he also said that we weren’t expecting help from anywhere, but we didn’t believe that there would be any help, definitely, we’re not expecting any help, we’re counting on ourselves and we will hold the defense on our own. in sevastopol on nakhimov square.
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was destroyed by coup d'états, and the charter the un says a completely simple thing: if the state itself wants to destroy its own people or part of the people or the administrative unit of this people, then the people have the right, so to speak, the right to self-determination, by these two factors, that is, they wanted to destroy us, we have the possibility of holding a referendum, held a referendum for... 2 days, russian president
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vladimir putin, the leadership of crimea and the mayor of the city of sevastopol, sign an agreement on the entry of the republic of crimea and sevastopol into russia. crimea and sevastopol return to their native harbor, to their native shores, to their permanent home port in russia.
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blockades that almost led to genocide and ecocide, kiev really wanted to show the rebellious peninsula, whose crimea is, that at one moment all mobile applications stopped working, a card inserted into an atm, it was not serviced because it was blocked, and accordingly, everything people... the banking blockade almost immediately after the referendum. the new ukrainian authorities could stay, if there was no cash, then they were left without money. kyiv arranged for crimea was in a hurry to punish the crimeans, while acting to the detriment of the interests of its banks. there was a financial blockade, but it was in one direction, in one night all cards, all
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accounts, all banks were turned off, but the most interesting thing was to give crimeans the opportunity to repay loans to ukraine, after all , the banks were looking for it and saying that... .. let’s somehow we don’t want to leave such debts, please, the deposit insurance agency or the depositor protection fund will pay all the deposits that we have in crimea, and please return the debts to us. branch russian banks, opened under ukraine, were waiting for instructions from the head offices in moscow. advertising their presence on the peninsula meant being subject to punitive sanctions; their packages began to be stamped by the eu and the united states; financiers returned to forgotten cash handling schemes. all informal non-standard methods were used, including, that is, cash payments in many respects in this case , that is, as if money was transported by delivery vehicles, including across the border of ukraine, we and the ukrainian networkers settled with cash was simply carried across the border by stupid cars with money, that is, in essence there was such a commodity money exchange, a direct form, so
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to speak, that’s all. large russian banks circumvented the sanctions, changed signs and rebranded their offices overnight. simferopol arbat, the intersection of two pedestrian streets. days took part, germanich was here from the first days, colleagues, the bank of russia was here from the first days, that is why, well, in fact, that is, as if here, well, there was no vacuum. in 2 weeks, rnkb launched 11 branches, the bank focused on the domestic consumer and made payments only in rubles, this helped
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the crimeans quickly get rid of the hryvnia. the first branches opened on march 31 , 1914; literally 3 months later there were already 279 branches. which fully covered all the needs of crimea and sevastopol. a new internal payment system was developed especially for the residents of the peninsula, which later grew into a national payment system. in fact , they tested this system on us, and we were the first in russia to issue a million cards world. this was 3 years later in march of the seventeenth year. crimean banks have been operating under sanctions for 10 years. mainland colleagues, who recently helped set up banking. that is, the network on the peninsula, we ourselves are now asking for advice, we, with our experience , helped build a national payment system, exchanged constant information, including this national payment system, it is like a base, like a core, which allowed us to organize such a strong sanctions-free
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system. now the share of non-cash payments in crimea is higher than the national average, and almost every resident of russia has a map of the world, the damage from the actions of kiev during the banking blockade... amounted to at least 60 billion rubles, these are the deposits of ordinary crimeans, which were simply appropriated by the ukrainian authorities, they tried to put barriers to us, everywhere they tried to block crimea from all sides , without exception.
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the blockade was started by the nationalists of the right sector and azov. at the crossings leading to crimea chiplyn, kachingar and perekop, checkpoints were set up. the road was blocked by hedgehogs, the administrative border was guarded by at least 500 so-called activists. the products were thrown away and were not allowed to be transported. it’s all the same, because of inertia, people were driving, some were working, some’s relatives, they even opened cars in the trunks of cars, took away everything they were carrying, took away something valuable.
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was not, these projects were calculated in ukraine, but due to the opposition of the ukrainian authorities, that is, as if the project never, well , there was no chance of implementing the project, since the fourteenth year it was practically an order the president had to immediately prepare project documentation, and accordingly this process started, so the entire blockade was overcome, the ferry crossing worked for us, well, in fact, that is, as if i’m saying again, all this was done manually, the military took part, military transport ships, aviation and so on, that is, well, the whole country was engaged in supplying us, a case of failures in the work of the kerch railway crossing. in the republic of crimea, a strategic food reserve was created to prevent shortages
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of goods and rising prices. already in march 2014 we we realized that everything had been rearranged, yes, the main passenger routes had been rearranged, and in fact those restrictions on flights that immediately had an impact on us. passenger traffic immediately fell, but thanks to the coordinated work of the support of the federal air transport agency, the ministry of transport, and federal authorities, it began to grow and develop rapidly. the state aviation service of ukraine closed the airspace of the peninsula a week after the referendum. the air blockade was supported by the european air safety organization and banned european air carriers approach the new russian region. such harsh sanctions turned out to be useless. at the end of 2014, we have already tripled the maximum passenger flow that we achieved in the ukrainian period, and then it went from there.
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everything was turned off there, everything that was possible, everything was prohibited, but despite all this, we built a terminal, we operated it successfully, before the extreme restrictions on flights , more than 25 million passengers were served in this terminal, in just 22 months the new air harbor was ready to receive aircraft and serve passengers by launching vladimir putin visited the crimean airport , instead of 20 minutes of the allotted protocols, he spent
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almost an hour and a half in the terminal; the president was interested in domestic projects and developments. the baggage-conveyor system was actually produced for the first time on the territory of the russian federation and, as practice has shown, it was a very successful project, because other airports are now successfully implementing, yes, which, especially now, when they are faced with restrictions not only on supplies, but for service maintenance. we don't have these problems they launched the new airport at night, it was a real special operation, the old terminal closed as soon as the last passenger left it, it was necessary to get out of there in just a few hours. time has shown that we have only benefited from this, because we absolutely do not have the problems that many airports in the russian federation are now facing, even in terms of replacing their digital systems, accounting,
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reporting, analytics, and some airport programs. for managing production activities based on domestic solutions 1c, we adapted new software, and did it on our own; we created a unique airport management system under the working name comerton. now the beautiful airport is sleeping, the staff is servicing it, the terminal is being cleaned, repaired, dog handlers are even training here, it will wake up as soon as the sky opens in 15 minutes. here, after awakening, it will be ready to receive passengers, but for now travelers travel to the peninsula along the main bridge that connects crimea from all over the country. tourists go there, and there railway connections. of course, in the summer the crimean bridge serves as a very serious artery, just look, what beauty there is, from that bridge, when you look from right to left, on one side
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is the black sea, on the other side is the sea of ​​azov, on one side is the krasnodar territory, to the east, to the south , west, kerch, crimea is already starting. the crimean bridge is a transport crossing across the kerch strait, the main symbol of the inextricable connection between crimea and russia. his enemies did not believe in his discovery, but his friends waited. over 6 years, more than 26 million people passed through the bridge. cars, of which 21 million are passenger cars. during the special military operation, the crimean bridge suffered twice from enemy raids, in kiev they know that this object of civil infrastructure... across the entire peninsula for 250 km, connecting kerch and sevastopol, its construction is not yet completed, at the end of the road, the highway novorossiya, which goes through new territories, and taurida must meet;
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the land corridor runs through zaporoska, the kherson region and donetsk. the road under construction made it possible to relieve congestion on the crimean bridge. transport and food blockades no longer threaten crimea, nor does the energy blockade. they are completely, completely cut off from ukraine; there is no dependence on them whatsoever. the intention to begin an energy blockade of the crimean region in 2015 in ukraine has been stated more than once. radicals and right-wing supporters tried to cut off all the threads connecting
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the peninsula with square. during ukrainian times , the crimean energy system was energy deficient. was supplied to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant and nikolaev via four high-voltage power lines, the first was cut off by another 8 october, damaged the lep support on the border with the kherson region. the situation was expected , thank god that they weren’t smart enough to do it earlier; if they had done it in 1914, there probably wouldn’t have been any quick, direct linear solutions and the blockade process would have dragged on for a couple of years, i mean the energy blockade. on november 20, the same participants in the food blockade blew up two more. it's time for high voltage lep. experts found traces of explosives in the racks, and also revealed damage to metal structures on fourth last lap. extremists of the banned majelis declared their non-involvement in the terrorist attack, but did not allow repair crews to work. a blackout occurred in crimea: almost 2 million people were left without
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electricity, a state of emergency was declared on the peninsula and they switched to backup power sources from diesel generator sets. gas turbine stations, they were delivered by emergency response aircraft from all over russia, at the same time , an energy bridge was already being built along the bottom of the kerch strait, the peninsula’s own energy system was created, generation on the crimean peninsula there was about 160 mw, and accordingly the question of energy independence of the crimean peninsula arose, in the same year the government of the russian federation approved a federal target program for the socio-economic development of the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol within the framework. llc tekhnoprom-export, which is part of the state corporation rostec , began construction of two thermal power plants in 2015, this is the boloklavskaya test in the city.
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in the seventeenth, eighteenth year there will be more than we received from ukraine today, our own will be more than what we received from ukraine today; our power engineers at that moment were able to build an energy bridge across the kerch strait in a short time, but one energy bridge was not enough to provide the entire peninsula with electricity. the peninsula's daily need for electricity was estimated at 1,200 mw, and crimea produced less than 30%. this year we have a small anniversary, we are celebrating the fifth anniversary of the birth of the station. in february 2015 , the foundation stone was solemnly laid, that’s how it began
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construction of our baloklavskaya tes. tes was designed taking into account supply restrictions, equipment and under the sanctions regime. well, in those days there was already an understanding that western partners were unreliable partners. initially, the design solutions already included the maximum use of domestic equipment. here, for example, we have a transformer. from the electric plant, there are steam turbines - these are the power machines that were provided to us, well, the auxiliary equipment is also all domestic. the construction of tes was closely monitored from kiev and informed partners to punitive sanctions, on any cooperation with foreign companies. to disrupt the launch of the power plant, ukraine announced the installation of two modern turbines from eu countries. there was no time for investigation, to get in touch. rostekhenergetiki did not want to work with foreigners. our power plant was initially built with the aim of making maximum use of domestic equipment and taking into account
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the specifics of the region, because in addition to the energy blockade we also had a water blockade, you yourself know that there is a there is a shortage of water, so one of the features of our power plants is that we have recycled water supply here. the baloklava ts is located between sapun mountain and the fedyuninsky hills. fierce battles were fought here during the crimean war and the great patriotic war. before construction began , archaeologists and sappers visited the site. more than 150 mines and even one air bomb were neutralized. the found remains of forty red army soldiers were reburied at the memorial military cemetery. one of the ammunition was found containing propaganda leaflets from the great patriotic war, where we were asked to surrender. yes. russians don’t give up. in 2019 , two heating power plants started operating on the peninsula. they became key elements of the new energy system of crimea.
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the cost of energy has fallen by almost a quarter. as a result, in 2020 the peninsula was 82% self-sufficient in energy. now in our region we do not feel somehow deprived. no one remembers that people sat without electricity since... with the crimean highway, no one stands in queues at poromakh, that is, you can quickly get from sevastopol in 3.3 and a half hours to the mainland, and during the revolution, crimea even began to share electricity with the kherson zaporozhye region, in fact , we do not currently generate electricity in such a volume that could allow us export it to other regions, two crimean tests, that is, they give 900 mw, plus an energy bridge, plus solar panels, wind power. that is, it’s as if everything together covers us with 1,400-1,500 mw at the peak of electricity demand, therefore, we probably can’t export anything directly somewhere there, but transit is provided in full for the historical
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regions that have returned to russia. interestingly, 3 months after the terrorist attack on lep in the kherson region, ukraine announced the completion of repair work. ukrenergo offered to resume electricity supplies to the peninsula within a few hours, but russian crimea refused. yes, they thought, but people. they called us at the reception, and i remember very well at that time and they said, don’t even think about taking their electricity, don’t even think about it, we will endure it, we will wait for our russian electricity, don’t even think about falling on your knees for this, the state council of the republic of crimea adopted a statement according to which the energy blockade of the ukrainian peninsula is recognized as genocide of the crimeans. poroshenko had a meeting, they came to him with this idea: let’s blow up the initiator. of this blockade, crimea was plunged into darkness, approximately according to our data, they said 3-6 months, there will be no light in crimea at all , so to speak, that’s all, well, imagine a woman.
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was blown up. ukrainian nationalists in the operating rooms were undergoing planned operations, the patients were lying on the tables , the machines were turned off, the displays and monitors instantly went out, the doctors switched to this kind of ventilation of the lungs, i was holding the ambu bag for 30 seconds, my hands were already tired, the doctors worked for several hours, passing them from from hand to hand continuing to pump. the lights went off, the ventilator went off, the monitors went out , the equipment malfunctioned. kidney removal was right on the move, no one was there, no one was warned, no one knew anything, there were no news about this, since there is complete darkness in the operating room, as in our operating rooms, you see that there are no other sources of lighting like artificial ones, there are no
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windows, there is nothing. there was no panic, recalls anton vladimirovich. it was necessary to finish the operation, get out of the wound, put stitches.


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