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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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when the light went out in the operating room, the ventilator switched off, the monitors went out, the equipment failed, the removal of a kidney was right on the move, no one was there, no one was warned, no one knew anything, there was no news about it, just complete darkness in the operating room, since in our operating rooms you see that there are no other sources of lighting other than artificial ones, there is no window, there is nothing, there was no panic, anton vladimirovich recalls, it was necessary to finish the operation, get out of the wound, apply stitches. all this matches the color of flashlights and
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phones. this was our longest day, because our doctors and the administration had to think about where to find at least some kind of light source, how to connect it to the operating room where we were, because this didn’t just happen in one operating room, it happened throughout the medical center. the doctors exhaled a few hours later, when generators were brought up and they managed to start the resuscitation equipment. doctors took turns going out into the corridor to... consult with colleagues in the operating rooms there were 12 patients, twice as many were in intensive care. well, firstly, this is experience. indeed, at that moment, probably all those who doubted, if anyone had any doubts in their heads, had already made their final choice, due to the fact that there was no turning back, that was it, this was probably the last straw. the patient survived, recovered, and even came to the new building of the semashka republican clinical hospital. anton vladimirovich is now working. here the head of
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the operating unit, our old territory, which was located in the city center, is quite old buildings that were built back in 1911, at the time of our transition they were already more than 100 years old, these are two-story buildings, scattered, each had its own separate operating room, each department lived as if in a small separate house, but quite dilapidated, which is... i was just ready to fall apart, but... the equipment we had was what we got, that's what we got. the new twelve-story medical center opened 4 years ago, there are more than twenty specialized departments, including radiation diagnostics, resuscitation, intensive care, neurology, cardiology, there is even a helipad, there are 16 operating rooms. we have a very large number of operational stirrers that were once new to us, maybe 2-3 years ago, now they are in production, and this happens every day.
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there are about 50-60 surgical interventions per day, planned per day, that is, per month this is about 1. 1200 surgical interventions, this is quite a large level for our medical center, for the whole for the republic of crimea. rumors about the medical center, which was built in crimea by order of president putin, reached the kherson region and zaporozhye. as soon as the border disappeared, the number of patients among crimean doctors increased. well done, uh-huh, this , this is what... we need to show people such a building, so magnificent, just a patient was admitted from skadovsk for a planned operation, before that he was treated in hospitals of the ukrainian ministry of health, the man has just woken up from anesthesia, but already understands that the stenting was successful, you know, the most important thing is trust, who only you come, you immediately find yourself surrounded by pleasant
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food, so, let’s say, many are from the mainland, this is st. petersburg, this is moscow, and decided to do the same and come to crimea. ivan davidov from chelyabinsk, he learned that promising vacancies for doctors were open in the republic of crimea, talked with his wife and moved from the harsh city of metallurgists closer to the sea, his colleagues followed him. there are four surgeons operating with me, it turns out.
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something that cannot be refused, it is very actively imposed, but this allows us to do so, that many pathologies are detected in the early stages. the budget of the ministry of health, one of the leading in the republic, is organizing polyclinic services, opening clinics, purchasing new equipment, now only domestic or
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from friendly countries. the medical blockade continues a little, which is why, firstly, everyone has shut down. rates of medical equipment, not only the equipment itself, but also consumables, that is, even if we possessed and received certain medical equipment, which we could use during surgical interventions, and highly specialized medical care forces us, even obliges us to use various consumables for heavy equipment, then at some period of time we received a blockade due to the fact that this simply was not supplied to the republic of crimea. the crimean waterfall, the beautiful uchensu, is the highest in europe, it is higher than 100 m. in december 2019, during the fifth year of the water blockade of crimea,
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it completely dried up, and the solgir river, which absorbed simferopol, disappeared along with it. reservoir. this happened because i changed it.
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one way or another, for several years this program allowed agricultural producers to survive. the canal provided water to the eastern part of the peninsula. the most difficult situation developed there; residents of feodosia kerch could be left without water supply. in 2014 , hydraulic structures were built that made it possible to fill the north crimean
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canal with water from the belogorsk and taigan reservoirs along the bed of the biyok karasu river. thanks to this engineering solution no disaster occurred. in thirty settlements, the old one was reactivated and drilled. to see from all sources how much water reserves we have left, i naturally had all these sensors on my computer, of course, when, well, actually... in real time, because the water was leaving and somewhere around 5 million when we landed, of course, well, that moment was a little exciting, to put it mildly. in
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2020, there was virtually no precipitation on the peninsula, and the drought reached its peak. water level in chernorechesky reservoir, the main one in the sevastopol reservoir.
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water is your resource for providing the city and is absolutely controllable, because
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here we always have 50,000 km now and can supply it to the city networks if necessary, so of course this is such an excellent correct object that for many years allows us to make the city’s water supply system more manageable . the dry period ended, but facilities without interrupted water supply came in handy again. in june twenty-third as a result of a terrorist attack on kokhovskaya ge. the dnieper water has stopped flowing into the north crimean canal, while there is a zone of instability, unrest, of course, all this, which means that while a special military operation is going on, of course, here, well, there is no stable calculation for the dnieper, for the dnieper water. in the republic of crimea, three new water intakes were built and essentially launched a new water supply system for the peninsula. with the beginning of the northern military district, dnieper water came to crimea, the russian military simply blew up a makeshift dam. this made it possible to replenish water supplies in the peninsula's reservoirs. by on behalf of the president
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, the government of the russian federation, together with us , is implementing all programs, simferopol, despite the fact that the worst drought was for over 100 years, so to speak , nevertheless, that is, as if the picture was entirely thanks to the measures implemented in honor of the situation . the construction of two reservoirs in alushta and yalta is on our program until 2030, but somewhere around 26-27 the money will be available; in the twenty-fifth we are designing and we will build the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh, that is, how about it. will additionally make it possible to reserve the required volume of water for yalta-olusta. otherwise, there is no threat, after the victory of the special military operation, the achievement of goals. i am sure that the water supply to the north crimean canal will be restored. we have all the technical capabilities for this. the total damage of the diversion blockade amounted to about 6 trillion rubles. but sevastopol winemakers saw certain provinces in the drought for the 2020 harvest. there is such a moment that, for example, when this was the peak of the drought, the twenties,
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well, this is a planting from 2007, it’s not exactly a crimean vine, all the vine that you see in front of you was brought from france, from the giom nursery - this is a nursery that is already in its fifth generation engaged in the selection of grapevines, now there are problems with purchasing vines, seedlings, yes, yes, now , because of the sanctions, it seems to be very difficult to purchase vines, so many, well, thank god , local nurseries have begun to develop. the brothers rom and rem were taught to grow grapes by their grandfather almost 20 years ago, he planted
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vineyards on the sevastopol toruars, the first wine was bottled 10 years later at third-party wineries; they started thinking about their own production after crimea returned to russia. in the 4th year, we just started designing this whole thing, and during the transition period , it was probably a good start, because somehow, well, they heard us from... that is, well, crimea and sevastopol were heard by everyone and there seemed to be a very loyal attitude towards us, and largely thanks to this they managed to get through. received support from the state, and subsidies and grants from the ministry of agriculture were given to small farms that were just starting their activities. for the first 4 years, when the vine is forming and there is no commercial harvest, the state compensated 80% of the costs. well, it’s important, the first component is compensation for the costs of planting vineyards, it exists, yes, then there are a lot of different programs, there are grants aimed
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at the same agritourism, for the development of tourism in agriculture, there is preferential lending, as it were well, in fact, you don’t have to be afraid today, go and do it, yes, don’t worry about what you don’t have enough there money or something else. rym managed to fulfill his dream of building his own winery with a hotel and restaurant. already this year , the first agritourists will be able to try the original wine. of course, you can get drunk and forget yourself just with vodka, but here you want to talk and... and somehow feel and understand where this wine is, how this wine was grown, how it was made, in general, this is a whole science. crimean wine is experiencing a real renaissance, the demand for drinks, the production of small farms is simply enormous, many talented winemakers after studying at european wine academies, they returned home to crimea. according to rem, it is they who will dictate the fashion for crimean
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wine. no, uh, in this regard, it’s like, uh, well, in general, it’s like... winemakers there, european winemakers are very interested, they look with envy even somewhere, what’s happening now in crimea, that is, they see that development is underway winemaking, but unfortunately, they cannot come here, and they cannot see and try with their own eyes, some, by the way, sometimes come and come, unofficially, of course, to i also don’t advertise the bypass of sanctions, oak barrels are supplied from france, this attribute of a wine cellar is prohibited from being imported into russia , first in a special military operation, in the crimea oak barrels are illegal.
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connected with the first anniversary of the crimean spring, for the tenth anniversary, yes, but we will have it. we don’t have a name yet, but it will definitely be a classic sparkling wine aged for a year on the lees, that is, it will be a young classic sparkling wine, but in the anniversary year it will go on sale, well for now... the author's wine is waiting in the wings in the cellars, here in in the refrigerators upstairs, this author's crimean cheese is already ripening, it can give odds to any parmesan and the famous french brie, from cow's milk or sheep's milk with nuts, olives, wine truffles, classic hard or very fresh,
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soft, cooked according to standard technology or according to the author's recipe, but in their names there are obligatory... to the place of origin, that is, this is the ancient name of belogorsk, mavron-kastron, translated from greek as black fortress, that is, we named it in honor of that in the area where we make it, this is the most popular cheese, that is, it is made from 100% veche milk, hard cheese, that is, it is made exactly according to hard cheese technology, but if analogues are produced, then somewhere here are spanish italian cheeses like manchego , well, we named it, of course not manchego, we called it... in denis vanzhi’s cheese factory it is forbidden to swear or use foul language, it is also not recommended to approach milk containers in a bad mood, otherwise the bacteria will sour the cheese and it will acquire a bad taste. make cheese begin at 5:00 in the morning after the morning milking of french dairy sheep, which were brought in a roundabout way through austria, keeping
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their final destination secret. sanctions apply even to such purebred and cute cattle. a breed that was just brought from austria and was bred in france, that is, this kind of milk makes it possible to make such cheese, that is, we would not be able to make cheese from the milk that, let’s say, local sheep could give when giving, that is, it’s still special technology begins with the base, that is, with the animal, and then further complexes are developed. alpine sheep have taken root in the crimean hills and produce not only milk, but offspring with european ancestry, crimean cheeses and yoghurts go in limited quantities to simferopol restaurants and moscow living rooms,
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this is another grandiose project, that is, we have three grandiose projects being implemented in sevastopol today on behalf of the president, this is the cultural cluster where we are now, this is hersanez, the new
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chersonese, and the historical and archaeological park, which is literally across the bay, this project is being implemented, in principle it will all be one , a single cultural landscape. and the abandoned military unit will be replaced by the largest choreography academy in europe, which will open this year. as polunin says, our famous dancer, a dancer who is now the director of the academy , that this will be the best choreographic academy in the world, there is no such facility anywhere in the world, sports palaces and ice arenas, stadiums and swimming pools, artillery sites and city spaces, hundreds of kindergartens and schools, over 10 years russia has built more social facilities.
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envy, which at the moment when we already began to communicate and come to crimea freely, showed promise. after 10 years, the residents
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of the peninsula see the results of returning home and know the exact answer to the question: whose crimea is, those who create and not destroy. here, the vast majority of projects were implemented only thanks to the direct participation of the president and adopted by him. today the key to successful development of any territory is a short connection, so to speak, between the performer and the boss, vladimirich himself kept most of the projects implemented in crimea under his personal control, and the fact that i can reach the leader at any time, thank him very much for giving me such an opportunity, it’s like this is the key to successful and rapid development and overcoming all difficult situations. 10 years ago, in the center of simferopol , a monument to a polite person appeared, a little girl hands flowers to a warrior, there are always bouquets of fresh roses, carnations,
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tulips, especially in the days of russian spring. a lot, because it started from here in crimea. looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him.
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alexey shevchenkov. they went there for reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then , i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion, hello, i’m boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov and we... are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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sasha, turn on the morning playlist, turn on the music. sasha, how will you dress today, stay warm and get some sleep. sasha, what time is my meeting? at 15:00. sasha, where should we go for breakfast? i found three establishments nearby, but vote first. sashenka,
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how... did you build the route, turn left, you have arrived, sashenka, who should i vote for, and you must decide for yourself, together we are strong, we are voting for russia.
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russia is electing the country's president, today is the second day of voting. overall turnout across the country taking into account remote electronic voting was 38.35%. nikolai bulaev, deputy chairman of the central election commission, reported this. in all regions, the polling stations were crowded; in some settlements, those wishing to vote lined up. in the belgorod, kherson regions and dpr, more than 60% of voters voted. chukotka demonstrated a record 63.7% in the first 24 hours. now the second day of voting there has come to an end ; at the moment, five villages showed one hundred percent turnout.


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