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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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russia is electing the president of the country, today is the second day of voting, the overall turnout in the country , taking into account remote electronic voting, was 38.35%. the deputy chairman announced this. nikolay bulaev, the day before in all regions, the polling stations were crowded, in some settlements, those wishing to vote lined up. in the belgorod, kherson regions and dpr, more than 60% of voters voted. chukotka demonstrated a record 63.7% in the first 24 hours. the second day of voting has now come to an end. so far, five villages have shown 100% turnout. region, according to the second
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day of voting, the turnout was close to 70%, the local election commission reports. on sakhalin , polling stations have also already closed; according to the latest data from the local election commission, almost 60% of voters there have already voted. i will add that the main stage of the russian presidential elections takes place from march 15 to 17. there are 94,000 polling stations in the country. you can also take part in the elections remotely. application for electronic voting is available to over 4 million russians. and by 11 a.m. moscow time the turnout for remote electronic voting in the russian presidential elections was 82%. mikhail mishustin also chose the most convenient method of voting, remote ; the head of government took part in the elections right at his workplace, and then addressed the citizens of russia and thanked those who had already voted, as well as those who had not yet taken part in the elections, and called on everyone to do it anyway. dear friends, for 2 more days we
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can all take part in the presidential elections of the russian federation, it is important to come to the polling station or express your position remotely. this year , residents of almost a third of the country’s regions have such an opportunity. that’s exactly what i did, i made my choice online, it’s convenient, literally with one click. i would like to thank everyone who has already marked their electronic or paper ballot for participating in such a significant event for the country and appeal to those who have not yet made a decision with a request to vote. we are talking about the future of russia, about the new opportunities that will appear for each of us, for our children, for the next generations. do your choice for the sake of your loved ones and for the development of the country. in moscow, by saturday morning , people had voted in the presidential elections. more than 3
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million people, most of them took part online, this is how they vote at polling stations, we find out right now from our correspondent anna voronina, she is in direct contact with the studio, anna, greetings, what is the situation at your polling station and how many people are voting today in person? hello, colleagues, well, i must admit that we have been monitoring the situation here since the morning, and indeed it is now noon there are many more people, but we will find out all the details from the chairman.
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we are expecting an influx, i think that now in the afternoon, after the holiday festivities, voters should appear. thanks a lot. but i note that today maria zakharova has already made her choice, the official representative of the russian foreign ministry decided to vote at the polling station and for this she chose the traditional method in the form of filling out a paper ballot, here is the russian minister of health mikhail murashko, he still chose to vote online -format and also called on all citizens to make their own choice. let's listen. in recent years. our country has achieved tremendous
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development in the field of healthcare, including. i vote for stability, for the development of our state. in mori costumes, excuse me, we visited smolenskaya in russian folk decorations, but in the stavropol territory the couple chose to show costumes in order to represent their will, well, some can’t resist, they still go dancing, well, for this it must be said frankly, and was
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a special occasion, because newlyweds arrived at the polling station, in particular in the baltasinsky district of the republic of tatarstan, they were accordingly greeted... very joyfully, and of course, thanked for such responsibility, that on such a festive day they were very joyful for themselves, that’s all -they finally found the time to vote and cast their vote for the candidate who is closer to them, very responsibly, i must say, they approached, it should be noted that there were a lot of such couples at polling stations across the country, but i let me remind you that you don’t have to come to the polling station in person to vote; you can also vote. remotely and also from polling stations for home voting using mobile terminals, citizens who cannot come to polling stations on their own, today international observers arrived at our polling station where we worked, in particular there was a group from
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zimbabwe, i will remind that over 700 foreign observers throughout russia are accredited for the elections, they must work in 52 regions, well, of particular interest, of course, after all... in total, six more than 6.5 million voters are registered and 780,000 of them vote online, more than 2/3 voted on the first day. for those who want to come to the polling stations in person, there are currently over 4,000
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polling stations, but we will monitor how voters come here, i should note that by this time there are actually more and more of them, but so far there are no queues , collegium. yes, thank you, our correspondent, anna voronina. the center predicts that 90% of those who submitted applications will take part in the elections on the remote electronic voting platform. this opinion was expressed by the deputy head of the commission, nikolai bulaev. my colleague, vera krasova, has been working at cic since the morning; she is again in direct contact with the studio. vera, tell us what other information about the voting progress is being received by this hour. welcome, the three-day voting in the russian presidential elections is proceeding as usual, the overall turnout on the first day of voting is estimated as a quote very good, the deputy chairman of the central election commission announced this at the morning meeting. the turnout yesterday was, in
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my opinion, very good among voters, along with remote electronic voting with... people voting remotely, the turnout was 38.35%. and with this electronic voting itself, a very high turnout is also noted; at the moment , more than 80% of those registered on the dec rossiyan platform took part in remote voting in the presidential elections, which is almost 4 million people. since we we are working now. with you in real time, remote electronic voting is underway, as of today 83% of those who signed up have voted at the federal site, this is a very high turnout, but we expect 90 percent to vote at
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the federal site, delays in the operation of the remote electronic voting system , which were observed the day before, are no longer expected, well, by the way , distance is most active. kamchatka and altai territories, belgorod, kursk, lipetsk, tomsk, vologda regions vote, and also chuvashia and sverdlovsk regions. chairman. discuss, ella pomfelova came to vote this morning at a polling station in the istra urban district near moscow. the head of the central election commission said that she preferred the traditional, in-person voting method in order to support her colleagues in the election commissions. she also noted that the central election commission and the election commissions, quote: did everything to make it convenient for people and to be able to choose the method of voting, and called on russians to vote. the voting process in the russian presidential elections is underway.
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in thailand, south ossetia. at other polling stations, voting will take place only on march 17. as for early voting and turnout, according to the russian ministry of foreign affairs, as of yesterday in 41 countries at 54 polling stations , 62,791 voters voted early. on the territory of russia there are social activists. on the first day of the presidential election, no gross violations that could influence the course of the voting results were revealed; information provocations were also
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practically not recorded. observers in the second day of voting, just like the first, record the impulse with which people go to vote, whole families will vote, somewhere they celebrate a wedding anniversary, in general voting continues, we are monitoring its progress here at the central election commission. vera, thank you, we will contact you directly again as soon as we have new information. from the center of the zberkom. my colleague vera krasova is monitoring all the data on the desire to vote, which is now being received in real time by the cec. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open investment account, for the purchase of any share you will receive another one as a gift. not just profitable. alpha. profitable a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because
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himself, or was he simply born into a family of musicians? at bigfest you definitely choose. cheeseburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price at a tasty point, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank. people are actively voting in st. petersburg in the leningrad region; in the city bordering estonia , more than 200 russians who came from abroad voted at a polling station. they came to the polling station despite attempts from the estonian side to prevent them from crossing the border. due to this fact, commissioner for human rights tatyana moskalkova has already addressed the un high commissioner for human rights. our correspondent, dmitry akimov, is following how the second day of voting is going in st. petersburg and the leningrad region, he is in direct contact. dmitry, hello, today is saturday, the day off at the polling stations is crowded. yes, daria, hello,
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well, voting is taking place in the leningrad region, just like in st. petersburg. one can say as usual, today is such a quiet working day for the regional election commissions, despite the fact that it is a day off in the country , perhaps the only exception, in the leningrad region 36% of voters have already voted as of the last day, that’s more than half a million people came to the polling stations on the first day, but today is the second day, and as they say in polling stations, people are still a little bit... downloaded and the main influx, the main flow is waiting, and the election commissions are expecting closer to the evening, and such a blissful picture is a little disrupted, of course, by the behavior of the estonian authorities, so we are now working in ivangorod, here the border with estonia is literally 1 km away, and we are located on section 590, which was first opened so
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that russian citizens who live in estonia could come. come here and vote, and yet they are under absolutely unprecedented pressure from the estonian authorities, and we can only appeal to the data that people told us, but suffice it to say that some say the following: firstly, the day before on the radio, on the estonian radio it was said that don't go to polling stations, don't go vote in the presidential elections in russia, because then you will have problems. because of this, today we talked to people, people communicate without a camera, mainly because they are simply afraid that the estonian authorities will see them, and even when they cross the border, they say that they are going to relatives or to the store and not reveal their goal, and yet people are coming, 351 people have already visited this site as of noon,
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but the estonian authorities continue to apply pressure, today, for example, there was closed... some of the checkpoints , let's listen to what volunteer sergei, who works at this polling station, told us about this, if on ordinary days the so-called biometric corridor works there, that is, the person who had the biometric ones, he will put a green light and he goes, there are four such gates, now they are all closed, they motivate by the fact that this is supposedly a breakdown, that’s all that works, as they say, people have two windows.
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the ministry of foreign affairs has the opportunity and the right to apply with dota to government, and i, for my part , appealed to international bodies, the un high commissioner for human rights, the commissioner for human rights of the council of europe and other international bodies, in order to draw the attention of the international community to these violations and take measures to ensure that to remove. these obstacles, it’s worth mentioning about sergei’s volunteer, who was just on air, this is a man who was deported from estonia for being... the organizer of the immortal regiment action, this is how the estonian authorities behave today, and many people here at the polling station do not call such actions anything other than fascist, and
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one more very interesting detail, here at this polling station today they are giving out flags like these, and many people are afraid to take them, but because the estonian authorities, when crossing the border back, if if they see a flag like this , they can fine a person... 400 euros, but people still take these flags, hide them and take them to their homes, such news from the leningrad region, colleagues, i give you the floor, then, dmitry, thank you for such details about the progress of voting in the leningrad region, well, on the border of the leningrad region of estonia in the city of ivan, the city where our correspondent, dmitry akimov, is currently working , former citizens of ukraine are also taking part in the presidential elections in russia today, those who in recent years have mostly .. at the beginning, svo made a conscious decision to move to russia. many were evacuated literally from under shelling by the ukrainian armed forces.
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anton potkovenko will tell you with what mood they vote these days. yan taksyur, ukrainian orthodox publicist and writer, votes for the first time in russia. moscow managed to exchange him in the spring of that year, saving him from behind the walls of the sbu. kiev accused taksyur of high treason. the writer carefully opens a brand new russian passport. what is the dream? for which i was arrested , to be honest, i am waiting for holy russia, a single people to unite again, i am participating in the life of the country to which i have always felt involved, for me who served on the amur or worked in moscow, or who visited sakhalin back in the seventies, it makes no difference to me, it's mine my homeland has always been there, she has remained, in my homeland i vote for the fate of my people, the taxyur came with his wife larisa and son
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and the public chamber, mikhail was born in kharkov, he left for russia immediately after the crimean spring 10 years ago, in moscow on a business trip, then he went to polling station. you just need to live a couple of decades against your
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will in another state to understand how important this is for a particular person, and what makes me especially happy is that these are our territories that have now returned to russia, but people have not had time to get yet passports of russian citizens, they can also vote using ukrainian passports, and this... is of great importance for people, and to be honest, i don’t know another country in the world where this would be possible, where it is recognized in fact that these are ours people. adelina augustina abramova from donetsk teaches aerobics at st. petersburg letty. an athlete with awards at russian championships, she moved to the northern capital with her husband and children, as they say for love, she appreciates museums and architecture. a historian by first education, adeline believes that now the country is experiencing a momentous moment. choose your path, i'm sure everything will be fine. elena shelistenko, a journalist and writer from kherson, was evacuated in the fall of twenty-two after
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her eight-year-old son was wounded during enemy shelling. the whole family, elena and her husband have five children, moved first to simferopol, then to moscow, says: “we dreamed of russian citizenship for many years.” for me, this is the first russian vote, i am the first to choose the president, the whole planet is watching us, we must show them that we are all together. “we are right, we are victorious, there are many of us. ukrainians with such different destinies, all already with russian passports, came today to vote in the presidential elections of the country with which they now connect their future, and this is probably the most important choice. anton potkovenko, nikolai lomakin, andrey yurchuk, lead. the minister of defense held a meeting at the headquarters of the joint group of forces. shaig was reported on the current situation in the special operation zone, special attention."
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storage of fuel and ammunition of the armed forces of ukraine. more than twenty successful attacks were carried out in one day mobile calculations of fpv drones. ukrainian armed forces targets were hit by paratroopers of the dnepr group in the zaporozhye direction. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the enemy responded with artillery and mortar fire, but our mobile crews managed to get out from under the fire on atvs without losses. everyone left, thank god, everyone is alive and well, everything worked out. that's it, this is the most important thing. the fact that they came out without losses, everything was fine, the task was completed, everything worked out. the fire season has begun in fifteen russian regions. per day employees forest protection aircraft extinguished five large outbreaks covering an area of ​​more than 90 hectares. the difficult situation remains in primorye; the day before , 16 fires were simultaneously extinguished there. in one of the areas, the fire spread to the village, six residential buildings and outbuildings burned down.
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the people left homeless are now there. in temporary accommodation centers. the cause of most fires remains the human factor. local residents burn dry grass en masse. fighting the fire is complicated by strong winds. a special fire regime has been introduced in twenty-two municipalities of primorye. shaman quanon, aka jacob chansley, who became famous during the storming of the american capitol, gave an interview to tucker carlson. the most colorful participant in the january 6 event was sentenced to prison. imprisonment for a period of 3.5 years. chansley claims to be a victim of a so-called deep state psychological operation by the biden propaganda machine. for more details, see our joint project with the carlson tv youtube channel immediately after the advertisement. pay as conveniently as possible with alpha pay with any smartphone and receive supersh. beck everyone
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