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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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remember the russian stepan razin or bukhachev, i remember once two wonderful actors, lyubshin kostolevsky, approached me with an offer to make a film based on the script of the recently deceased vasily shukshin, about the razin uprising, i came to give you freedom, i promise help, the consent of the relatives of the late director . i refused, for me the razin uprising is like other uprisings. a symbol of the spontaneous destruction of the state, that is, a thing that is absolutely impossible for me, probably from the point of view of other people and other points of view, i i’m wrong, but i think so, and i also think that god forbid that you and i survive the righteous indignation of the people, shoot like napoleon in toulouse with grapeshot from cannons.
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the poles did not recognize ukrainians as free people; anyone who is not a catholic, not a human being, not a citizen, cannot have land, cannot participate in elections, cannot hold a judicial position, the ukrainians turned them into kmets. a powerless peasant or
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serf, this is the source of the uprising in this territory, now poland. in addition, after the union of brest in 1596, the russian the church was subordinated to the pope, the uniad church arose, and the orthodox were outlawed. in response: in 1591, there was an uprising of krzysztaf kasinsky, a colonel of the zaporozhye army.
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they were burned, the inhabitants of the estate were also not favored, and no one was left alive. the uprising is dispelled by drowned blood. when the rebels were defeated, tsar alexei mikhailovich allowed the remnants of the rebels to retreat to russian territory and settled in the kharkov district. this is how the cities were poured, familiar from modern military reports: raisins, sums, akhtyrka this is how slobodskaya or northern little russia arises.
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the post of military clerk and turned into a centurion. khmelnitsky was well educated, knew latin, visited the royal court in warsaw and was satisfied with his life. he had good real estate, but now he was pushed out for the first time. well, the title of pimp was fine, but for the common people everything was much worse. under pressure from the jesuits, a resolution was adopted to close orthodox churches. impossible to confess.
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i filed a complaint with the court, and what, khmelnitsky sent to prison? a ukrainian cannot complain about a natural nobleman. prison is a time to think carefully. khmelnitsky fled to the slaughter and began convincingly calling on the cossacks to go to poland. the agitation was so convincing that the cossacks elected him hetman. szlachta sejm in warsaw.
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polish hedmann the end of poland fought with emelnitsky at the yellow waters, as a result his army fled, the end of polski and hetman pototsky were captured. khmelinsky sent the prisoner to kiev and moved on. the uprising swept both banks of the dnieper and took on the bloodiest forms. as a rule, the leader of the uprising.
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coming towards him. on september 9, 1648 , the battle of piliavtsy took place. the armies were separated by a forest, a river and a swamp. two roads led towards each other, one straight, through the area above the river, the second - around the forest. deciding to deceive the poles, khmelnitsky sent them supposedly defectors. these people understood that they were going to be tortured.
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promising support and offering to recognize his cossacks' interest. in return, khmelnitsky stopped hostilities. but in parallel with cunning maneuvers, he constantly sent letters to tsar alexei in moscow, begging him to accept little russia under the high hand of the white tsar. now in moscow there was no time for that, but the thought settled in the head of tsar alexei mikhalovich. jan kazimir did not fulfill khmelnitsky's expectations.
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who was asked to atone for his guilt. he occupied kiev, slaughtering almost all the people of kiev. kiev has become depopulated. and this is one of the reasons why the rada was assembled not in kiev, but in pereyaslav a year and a half later. in 1653, khmelnitsky again resumed the war again together with the tatars. and ukraine, devastated, plague-stricken, was dying. some of the people left.
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you golotyn, accept the letters of his tsar's majesty, in it, our sovereign, joyfully
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answers you to your letter, and he is fit to wait for your ambassadors in moscow. on january 8 , khmilisky made a speech to the people. we ourselves cannot, but many want to conquer ours. land, khan of crimea, sultan of turkey, king of poland, what should we do, but there is a half-blood and one of the same faith, the great white russian tsar, do you want to be united with moscow? the people answered, yes, and for 350 years, 350 years, we were together in one state, glory to the people.
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soon the day will come, brother will unite with brother, and there will be no force to break us, there will be no force to break us. in 1667, the fighter for the freedom of ukraine hetman bohdan khmelnytsky died, it became calmer for 50 years, but it was far from an end to the massacre of poles and ukrainians. haidomaks appeared on the horizon. gaydamak is happening. to drive, drive, attack, members of armed detachments of the people's liberation
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movement on the territory of right-bank ukraine, that is, then poland. in 1833, a certain varlan became the head of the uprising. he announced that he has a decree from the russian empress , who orders to beat all the poles and jews, and then, after liberated from her, to annex the region to russia; his detachment quickly increased, so that he could withstand several skirmishes with polish troops and occupy some cities. polish authorities tried to suppress the movement. reprisals by the population and captured haidomaks, any captured haidomaks were inevitably subject to the death penalty by hanging, quartering or impaling, but this only increased the courage of the sredemaks in skirmishes with the polish troops and did not stop raiding. in the spring of 1750 , another gaidomass
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uprising began. several gaidoman troops entered the territory of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. during the appearance.
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the gentry in polesie were in panic; the poi regular troops could not cope with the haidomaks. the russian government feared the spread of the gaidomas uprising from polish possessions to left-bank ukraine, that is, russia. with joint efforts, russian and polish troops suppressed.
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there is a decree of the russian empress catherine i golden letter, ordering to rebel against the confederates for oppressing orthodoxy and to beat them, he gathered a large detachment around him, took the town of zhabatin , then the town of lesyanka, killed the jews of the gentry who were fleeing here, headed to the castle of pototsk, having sent out a detachment of court cossacks led by the centurion ivan against him gonta went over to his side, umon was taken here too...
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and then a disgusting chronicle. the event from which the countdown of the volyn massacre begins was the massacre in the village of poroslya, february 9, 1943
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of the year. it was a small village of 26 houses.
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a small polish village, we slaughtered about a thousand poles. on june 11 , 1943, 150 polish villages and khutar villages were simultaneously destroyed. the ideas of aun, an organization of ukrainian nationalists, are now the guide to action of modern ukrainian nationalists with whom our army is fighting in the donbass. according to numerous messages confirming the friend, ukrainian.
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were amazed at their sadism, gouging out eyes, ripping open bellies, and brutal torture before death was commonplace, they killed everyone, women, children, genocide began in cities, men and the wrong nationality, they were immediately taken to prisons, where they were later shot, violence against women happened right in the middle of the day, for the amusement of the public, among bandera’s followers there were...
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partisans , cut their bellies, chopped off their legs and those who tried to call for help with real hands, generously covered the wounds with salt, left the half-dead to die in the field, in total in this village... 173 people were brutally tortured, including 43 children, when on the second day in the partisans entered the village, they saw in the houses piles of mutilated bodies lying in pools of blood. in one of the houses , there were unfinished bottles of moonshine lying on the table among objects.
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look at the burning maidan, well, the poles will have something to do again in the next 30-40 years.
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thank god, as long as they don’t interfere with us, bye, thank god, that’s it, goodbye, digital services, elections, and where to vote? let's look at the russian central election commission website, they have a convenient one. services, you can find out the address of your polling station, find out about the candidates, also this information available in your personal account on the state services portal. crimea and sevastopol return to their native harbor. on march 16, 2014, the crimeans - sevastopol residents decided who they
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really wanted to show kiev with. to the rebellious peninsula whose crimea, they everywhere sought to put up barriers for us, everywhere they sought to block crimea from all sides, without exception. the handsome uchansos was in the fifth year of the water blockade of crimea, it completely dried up, and the water balance of this peninsula changed. it's always nice to look at water, especially when it's not just water, this is your resource for providing the city and is absolutely controlled. now it exists, the land corridor with the cream, they are trying to cut it, but no one... no one will succeed. the novorossiya highway, which goes through new territories, and tavrida should meet. you don’t have to be afraid today, just go and do it, we will definitely be the best long region in the world. the people of crimea will never surrender to russia.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often say.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective. let's translate it from clerical to understandable, it's not
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like that. it's scary if there are instructions. next on our broadcast, watch the documentary film yakut leopards about a battalion in which there is a special operation in the zone.


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