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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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back to the news review, we start with a message from the belgorod region, literally half an hour ago russian air defense destroyed two ukrainian ones there. drone attacks on the city do not
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stop, but despite this, local residents continue to go to polling stations to cast their vote in the presidential election. my colleague, igor pikhanov, is now working in belgorod; he is in direct contact with the studio. igor, hello, what is the situation in the city at these moments, what information do you have and how is the voting going? hello, yuri, despite the fact that the situation in belgorod still remains difficult, people continue. go to the polling stations, people are voting quite actively, today ukrainian militants fired at the regional center at 8:00 am, fired from a multiple launch rocket system, the residential sector came under fire, as a result , among the local residents there were dead and injured, as locals reported authorities, all the wounded are provided with the necessary assistance, for this there are the necessary specialists and medical equipment, except... we passed
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in all affected areas , talked with local residents, they reported that all people would also be provided with the necessary assistance, utility services have already begun working on the spot, they are working to restore blood-damaged buildings, damaged windows, and residential buildings were damaged as a result of this strike houses, social institutions, also... the cars of local residents were destroyed, meanwhile people are saying that ukrainian militants are hitting belgorod, hitting the border area in order to disrupt the election process, people are talking about that the enemy will not be able to intimidate them, and people continue to actively go to polling stations, we see that people began to come here already from 8:00 in the morning, that is, from the moment the polling stations opened, they began to work at 8:00 in the morning work until... at
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20:00 in the evening, in total , more than 1,200 polling stations opened their doors in the belgorod region, let's give the floor to the local residents, they shoot and shoot, and this morning i think again, we must not be late, but you still weren’t afraid and came , this is important for you, well, they didn’t scare me, it’s necessary civic duty, i am a citizen of russia, well , that is, you are not afraid of what is happening, you go anyway, but why be afraid? i’m philosophical about this, according to the regional center of the election commission, as of 3 p.m. , 73% of the total number of voters had already voted, that’s 214 thousand people, there are four forms of voting in total, this is early voting, that is, residents of the border region could vote earlier, directly to their home members of the election commission came, it was...
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we all hear the missile danger alert and here we need to note the work precinct commissions, everyone acts clearly, harmoniously, in accordance with all instructions, and does not allow fuss and panic in the polling stations. thank you, dear members of precinct election commissions, for your composure and responsibility. the elections are observed by media workers, this is regional, including federal, here more people work at polling stations. media workers,
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in addition, observers work here, these are 3,500 people, including foreign ones, we talked with them and they say that they celebrate. thanks to the professionalism of the election commission staff, this process is proceeding as normal, despite such difficult conditions. yuri, yes, igor, thank you, well, together with you we are following the progress
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of the voting, let me remind you that my colleague igor pikhanov was in direct communication with the belgorod region. the russian military, together with the fsb border service, thwarted new attempts to break through by ukrainian saboteurs. according to the ministry of defense, militants tried to enter the territory of the belgorod region from from the sumy region towards the settlements of spodoryushin and kazinka. according to our military department, as a result of complex fire strikes, losses in the ssu amounted to up to thirty military personnel, three tanks, two armored vehicles, as well as the vampire igrad missile system. our artillery helped thwart the attempt of ukrainian saboteurs to break into russian territory, and the howitzers of the west group of troops hit the enemy. but basically this is counter-battery fighting, that is, enemy mortars, some pickup trucks, occasionally also barrel artillery , howitzers, self-propelled guns, after the reconnaissance report, they seemed to try to do everything as quickly
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as possible, accurately, without delay, so that we could do it quickly, because they could also fly in response... there were at least two pieces that we hit, perhaps there were some additional ones in slightly different directions, we left, turned around, started working on them, hit the celibogs. so, today is the second day of voting in the russian presidential elections, the total turnout is currently approaching 50%, this is information from the cec online portal. there is already turnout in several regions of the country. voters exceeded 75%. in chukotka, where polling stations have already closed, more than 78% voted. and five villages showed 100% turnout. and also more than 78% of voters voted on the second day of the presidential elections in tuva. and more than 77% is the indicator for the jewish
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autonomous region based on the results of the second day of voting. more than 78% turnout and north ossetia more than 75 in chechnya. sites have already closed in the far east. on sakhalin, according to the latest data from the local election commission more than 64% of voters voted. in the magadan region, on the second day of voting, a turnout of more than 61% was recorded. in primorye the figure is close to 50%. polling stations have already closed in the irkutsk region on the second day of voting. by 3 p.m. today, more than 40% of voters there had voted. more than 70% voted in the yamalo -nets autonomous okrug. this is the highest figure in the ural federal district. in the kurgan region, the turnout by 13:00 moscow time was almost 34%, in the tyumen region of yugra it was 58.5%, in the sverdlovsk and in the chelyabinsk regions, where voting also takes place through dec., slightly less than 50%. let me remind you that the main stage of the presidential elections
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takes place from march 15 to 17. there are 94,000 polling stations in the country. you can also take part in the elections remotely. more than 4 million russians applied for electronic voting. the turnout for the presidential elections is currently 85%. voters are very active in the elections in moscow, the number of those who cast their votes is already approaching 4 million, this was reported by the deputy head of the public headquarters for election monitoring alexander asafov. our correspondent anna voronina works at one of the polling stations; she has now reached direct communication. anna, hello, what is the situation in your area? hello, colleagues, it should be noted that this is the case.
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cast their votes, that is, the turnout is very good, but it should be noted that the majority of those who prefer to come and cast a vote in person at the polling station today do not prefer the paper form. opportunity to develop, get an education, i invite everyone to vote for
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president of the russian federation. irik fayzulin, minister of construction and housing and communal services, also voted in the traditional way using a paper ballot, emphasizing that today’s choice, of course, determines the development and future of the entire country. a russian official also managed to cast her vote at the polling station before noon .
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had the opportunity to vote, but it should be noted that remote electronic voting is really popular, out of the total 85% of those registered for this type of voting have already cast their votes, and i remind you that today is only the second day, they still have time to fulfill their plans, colleagues, yes, anna, thank you, we were in direct contact with the studio correspondent anna voronina via. more than 4 million russians have already taken part in the federal platform for remote electronic voting in the presidential elections; earlier the central election commission assumed that at least 90% of those who submitted applications would take advantage of the opportunity to vote online. about, how they vote, including in person, we’ll find out from my colleague vera krasova, she’s been working all day today at the central election commission. vera, greetings, tell us what information about the voting progress is available at this moment? yuri, greetings, the three-day voting in the russian presidential elections is proceeding as usual. russians vote in person, choosing
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a convenient polling station for themselves, and remotely, now just from march 15 to 17, they are actively voting at chosen polling stations that are convenient for them, more than 4,800 voters in...
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kamchatka, altai territory, belgorodskaya, kursskoe, lipetsk, tomsk, vologda regions, chuvash and sverdlovsk regions. it was possible to launch such a large-scale electronic voting thanks, among other things, to the state services portal. he has greatly revealed his potential. national portal of public services. and where we are currently registered, but in fact not 106, there are 108 million citizens who have a so-called confirmed account, that is , which allows remotely performing legally significant actions, these are all prerequisites for us to we revised our approaches and made them more modern and more convenient for our citizens. participation in the electoral process should be for citizens; since the beginning of voting in the presidential elections in russia , 160,000 attacks on data desk resources have been recorded;
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rostelecom, in turn, says that attacks on the portal of public services and other resources are coming from the territory of ukraine, north america, it is also reported that work in this most professional group. it is also reported that the state government is used to count votes. automated election system. the deputy minister of digital development also spoke about her work. it has a distributed structure. at the territorial level, it has more than 2,900 installations of the system.
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in our country, the same names mean different things, we will have to do some work on the spot, since this is a new direction, at least on the classification, that is, what this or that name means, so at least start with this, the second voting day continues, observers record the same as in the first
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the impulse with which people go to vote with their entire families on their wedding day, on their wedding anniversary. we continue to work in the cycle, observing the progress of the voting. yuri. yes, thank you, vera, my colleague, vera krasova, monitors all the data on the voting progress that is received in real time by the election commission center. where else can dance become a world heritage? sports is an invincible machine, let's go, go into space , send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn a department into an application, knowledge into a vocation,
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i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, there are no significant violations in the russian presidential elections, this was stated by the coordinator of observers from the cis interparliamentary assembly. with international observers.
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despite the continuation of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces, there have reportedly been no serious incidents during the elections so far. our correspondent joins the broadcast from donetsk, ekaterina shindina and... "hello , tell us how the second day of voting is going for you, is there any latest data on turnout? yuri, hello, at exactly 8 o'clock
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the work of polling stations in the donetsk people's republic began, the second day of voting, but the number of people willing cast their votes for the selected candidates, it certainly doesn’t get smaller, people come in the first hours, now there is quite a large flow of people wanting to vote, people come with their whole families, people..." everyone wants to take part in such an important event for our country, but i i think, of course, it’s better to learn about impressions first-hand, next to me now is lydia kovaleva, a donetsk mother with many children, a teacher, lydia, hello, are these all your children or are there more, no, there are small ones left at home, and how many in total, only 20 people, half left today.
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above them everything was quiet and calm. thank you very much. i note that members of the election commission note for all residents of our region, who have been living under constant attacks from the armed forces of ukraine for many years, for them it is important to take part in the elections to determine the future of the country for the coming years. if we talk about turnout, yuri, you said that based on the results of five days of voting, this is four days of early voting and one in-person voting, which was the day before. the turnout was. 69.28%, this is of course, today’s turnout is not yet there, i think it will be no less, there are observers working at the polling stations, both regional and
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international, very... for russia, vote, these elections are a historical moment we we see that people are not afraid to come for donbass, for the region, and naturally, people want to take part in it, despite
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the tension of the situation. yuri, i note that, of course, all residents of the donetsk people’s republic can vote, the main thing is that they have a passport of a citizen of russia, ukraine or a citizen of the donetsk people’s republic, the main thing is that there is registration in this territory, special attention is now paid to citizens with limited mobility who can’t visit polling stations on their own, a project has been launched for them called i’m taking them to the polls, i’m literally two i’ll tell you in words how this process goes , people submit an application, which is processed by volunteers of youth organizations, they agree on the time and day of visiting the polling station, after this the person is taken directly from home, taken to vote and also returned home, there are a lot of applications came from yanakiev, gorlovka, mariupol, makeevka, shakhtersk and other cities of our republic, people are very glad that they had the opportunity to take part in such an important event
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for our entire... "i am very grateful that helped me vote, together we vote for russia with strength, i didn’t think that i would be able to vote, because i’m not able to come there, they brought me, took me away, the service was excellent, well , of course, you can’t
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intimidate the citizens of our region so that they don’t went to the polling stations and under no circumstances voted, but the residents of donbass, who have been living under these shellings for 10 years, cannot see how the ukrainian authorities behave, they could not stand aside and not take part in the presidential elections of the russian federation, therefore more what is this the first elections in our region, people go and vote with joy, with great mood, with the best. and i would like to say that today voting will also be held until 8:00 pm at polling stations, whoever does not have time today will come tomorrow on march 17, more than 600 stationary polling stations are open in our region, but there are also groups that walk around local areas and collect votes from our voters. yuri, i give you the floor. yes, eveselina, thank you, detailed story, let me remind you that ekaterina shindina monitors how the residents of donbass vote. you.
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