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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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back to the news review, russian air defense systems destroyed 15 rockets over the belgorod region, as reported by the defense forces, about an hour ago kiev tried to strike from a vampire rszz. earlier , a missile threat was declared in several areas of the region. despite this, local residents continue to go to polling stations to cast their votes in the russian presidential elections. turnout was reported to be more than 73%. works in belgorod. my colleague
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igor pikhanov, he again came into direct contact with the studio. igor, hello again, what is the situation at these moments and how is voting going? oh, hello, yuri. the last attempt by ukrainian militants to attack belgorod occurred about an hour ago, for about 15 minutes, the operation of the air defense system was heard, and the sounds of explosions were also heard. local residents report that a fire is visible. in the private sector of the city, now the operational services are clarifying the situation, ukrainian militants also shelled belgorod using a multiple launch rocket system, a czech- made vampire, the residential sector came under fire, among the local residents there are dead and wounded, now all the victims are receiving the necessary assistance, and residential buildings, social institutions have been damaged, cars have been destroyed in the city , repair and restoration work has already begun in the afternoon...
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units of the ministry of defense, as well as the border service of the fsb of russia , are protecting civilians as the city approached , 15 vampire shells and a multiple launch rocket system were destroyed, and drones were also destroyed; local residents say that in this way ukrainian militants are trying to intimidate belgorod residents, but in order to disrupt the election process, but people continue to go. they continue to vote for the elections, today the polling stations opened their doors from 8:00 in the morning and will remain open until 8:00 in the evening, there are more than 1,200 polling stations in the region, let's give the floor to local residents: i believe that these are the shellings on election days are intended to intimidate and disrupt these elections, the people of belgorod cannot be broken, we will still vote.
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here it is necessary to note the work of the local police officers commissions, everyone acts clearly, harmoniously, in accordance with all instructions, does not allow fuss and panic at the polling stations, thank you, dear members of the precinct election commissions, for your composure and responsibility.
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observers highly appreciated the organization of the electoral process, let's listen to a foreign observer, today there is a missile danger in belgrade, but i see that there is nothing terrible, but people came today, they are not afraid, everything is fine, and i see today that people are very active today, thanks to the professionalism of the staff electoral commissions, the election process is underway. in normal mode. yuri. yes, igor, thank you. together with you we are monitoring what is happening. let me remind you that my colleague igor pekhanov was in direct contact with the studio. the russian military , together with the fsb border service, thwarted new attempts by ukrainian saboteurs to break through into the territory of the belgorod region. according to the ministry of defense, the militants tried to penetrate from the sumy region in the direction of the settlements of spodoryushina and kazinka. according to our military department, as a result of complex fire strikes , the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to.
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crews of the howitzerstab of the group of troops in the west, well, basically this is counter-battery combat, that is , enemy mortars, some pickup trucks, uh, occasionally there is also barrel artillery, howitzers, self-propelled guns, after the reconnaissance report, they seemed to try to complete everything as quickly as possible, as if without delay, so that we managed to do it. quickly, because they could also fly in response, there were at least two of them, which we hit, perhaps there were some more in slightly different directions, we left, turned around, started working on them, and
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eventually passed the target. everyone has their own image of success, some dream of overcoming gravity and flying into space, some have personal space in their own apartment, while others want to take their business to a new level. we won't achieve your goals for you, but we will give you everything to do it yourself. rolf ultra oil, created using innovative gta and pao technologies, ensures maximum engine performance. rolf ultra - a new era of motor oils. entrepreneurs, come one at a time, don’t detain people. what's
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of voting. the most active regions, where the indicator already exceeds 75%. chukotka, tva, jewish autonomous region, north ossetia, chechen republic, kusbas and yamalo-neninets autonomous region. they vote very actively on the remote electronic voting portal. 86%, more than 4 million registered voters. the service is working normally, despite the fact that at first. observers, good evening, yuri, we are now at the polling station in
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moskovsky cultural center in kazan, more than half of tatarstan residents have already cast their vote in the russian presidential elections, the turnout by 15:00 on the second day of voting was 54.5%. they are actively participating, now i propose to hear the opinions of voters from the polling station. how, surely, the issues must be resolved, who will be our leader? russia, russia, which is and will be. these elections determine the future of the country, and of course, everyone should take part here, especially in the difficult period that we are now going through. for voters there are 2,722 permanent and 45 temporary polling stations in the republic. it is possible to vote on the doba; just over 2% of voters did so. more than 16 thousand observers are monitoring the voting process, including ... international observers from tanzania, indonesia, spain, they have already visited polling stations in kazan, innopolis, and naberezhnye
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chelny, note the high efficiency and technology of the russian electoral system. the impression is very good, 3 days for voting, people can come today, who can’t, maybe tomorrow the next day. there is video surveillance, video recording, everything is very well organized. by the way, the most unusual and technologically advanced site is working in enopolis, because there voters are greeted by a robot pet, this is a symbol of the games of the future, an energy network that creates paintings based on vandvog. i would like to say that there is a festive atmosphere at all polling stations, because many come to vote with their families, with children, even in the republic there are republican photo competitions with the whole family for the elections. and the first prize winners are vladavest’s car was won by a family from the oktanysh district, in just a couple of hours they will be raffling off the second car,
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you just need to post a photo from the polling station in a bracelet for the whole family’s elections, these elections were special for the idris family, because they came to cast their vote today immediately after the wedding ceremony, first of all , this is family, our future, our future, this is reliability, this is the leader who can only lead us forward. and here in the cultural center moskovsky was held today gastrofestival cuisine of the peoples of the world 12 peoples living in russia dressed in national costumes and accompanied by folk music treated voters with their traditional national dishes. in total , almost 3 million people have the right to vote in tatarstan, well, the turnout results will be summed up tomorrow evening. yuri, i'm done with this. yes, thank you for how it's going. sleep in tatarstan was told by diana dasaeva.
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a liturgy was served in the cathedral of christ the savior and funeral services were conducted by bishop anthony. he was a representative of the serbian patriarchy under moscow patriarchal throne. the service was led by patriarch of moscow all-russia kirill and patriarch of serbia porfiry. bishop anthony was the rector of the church of the apostles peter and paul at the jau gate. this has been the courtyard of the serbian orthodox church for 18 years. it was always joyful. and were aimed at extracting some benefit, some benefit for themselves. a real
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only two managed to get out alive, they are now in the hospital, the cause of the car accident could have been a malfunction of one of the trucks, a wheel came off while driving, as a result , the heavy truck flew into oncoming traffic at speed, now investigators are looking into the details, a criminal case has been opened, all ongoing news in mode...
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the first footage has appeared from the scene of a double murder in dakistan, where the son of a former prosecutor and his lawyer were shot. this is
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what happened in the parking lot near the nogai district court. it can be seen that the fence is riddled with bullets. let me remind you that the day before the court handed down an unexpectedly lenient sentence to the son of the former prosecutor of kizlyar, vladimir grigoryants, for killing a fourteen-year-old schoolboy on a moped; the young man received only a year and a half of restriction. freedom of the father of the deceased child, this greatly angered and after the meeting, he shot the culprit of the accident and his lawyer sergei osipov with a pistol. he also wounded several other people. employees of the investigative committee opened a criminal case. on sunday, the court must choose a preventive measure for the shooter. a lifeless desert in the place of hectares of coniferous forest in many regions of russia, before the spring thaw, merchants rush to remove the wood. and it's not always legal. in the ivanovo region. timber trucks are traveling in lines together with employees of the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs, we decided to find out how it’s going the fight against black loggers, and what new blow
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the state duma deputies are preparing to strike against the plunderers of natural resources, report by andrey romanov. in the deep forests of the ivanovo region, the singing of birds is inaudible, the birds are frightened by the roar of chainsaws, it comes from several directions at once, the harvesting and removal of round timber is in full swing in the fields, we are heading in the footsteps of a timber truck, we have reached the edge of the plot, here quite recently, a few days ago , coniferous timber was harvested, now everything has been cut down to the roots, and the wood miners work a little further. lumberjacks warm themselves by the fire, burn the tops of ripened trees, ax and chainsaw masters assure that they work legally, you’ll steal two trees, but pay 1,150, it’s like it’s already gluttony, or they’ll let you sit for two years, that’s what? they are not afraid of huge fines and the prospect of being behind bars; they have learned
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to hide from the security forces in the thicket of the forest, discreetly sawing and exporting wood. black loggers usually choose the most remote and inaccessible areas of the forest for their activities. now we are heading to the clearing, where for some time back poachers were in full swing. the road is long. you can only drive through a snowmobile, first through a field, and then through the forest. half an hour later, our film crew found themselves in a plot of land that had been mercilessly exploited by poachers some time ago. here are the consequences of the work of black lumberjacks, the entire forest was left in bald patches, only these thin young trees remained, all the trunks that reached a diameter of 80 cm were mercilessly bulged, here, taken out and after...
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it was possible to signal about some kind of inspection or detention of the possible. the final was a joint special operation by police officers, the fsb and the russian national guard. in operational footage, armed soldiers silently sneak through the forest, approach black lumberjacks and closely detain illegal immigrants at the moment when they are cutting down another tree. and here is a warehouse of equipment that was seized from another gang of alleged natural resource thieves. tractors, snowmobiles and timber trucks are buried in the snowdrifts. it was perhaps one of the largest groups in the region. the police, together with fsb officers , took almost 30 people at once. now they are on
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dock, a separate room was needed to house the materials of this criminal case. court workers stitched the volumes together using special tools and wood products that were clearly obtained legally. after such large-scale plantings. in the dock, loggers in the ivanovo region break the law much less often, together with the police we went to check the tenants of the site where wood is extracted, more than a dozen timber trucks leave from here a day, the documents are in order, so the volume you will see is within forty cubic meters, the round timber here is not harvested by hand; powerful machinery, harvesters, are used on the plot ; on average, a machine there can harvest 150 cubic meters; the tree is taken and cut down.
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cases of illegal logging, they leave so that it is unnoticed early in the morning and cut out about 15-18 cubic meters already during working hours during daylight hours; they already leave the logging site. on the highway, carriers of stolen timber try to get lost among dozens of legal timber trucks, during a raid with our film crew. not identified in a stream of trucks carrying round timber obtained illegally. in 2023 , about seven dozen persons violating forest legislation were brought to justice and administrative liability, and as a result of the measures taken, the number of illegal logging in the ivanovo region in 2023 decreased by 20%. black loggers have significantly curbed their appetites in many regions of the country, including thanks to the work of our colleagues from
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the investigation program of eduard petrov, they... irkutsk and omsk regions, in illegal logging in the regions of the central federal district. according to the document there are 16 cubic meters, but in reality you can see by eye that there are more. over a decade of work, we managed to achieve a significant tightening of legislation in the forestry sector. now the moment has come when the state house started talking about total digitalization. industry. it is proposed to introduce electronic accompanying documents for each batch of goods, as well as to establish a ban on being in forests with machines and equipment for cutting down and transporting timber. the new bill will allow the confiscation of equipment from those who are caught in illegal areas. timber trucks with chainsaws, even without mining. the document has already been adopted in the first reading, as the authors of the initiative assure, the law will deprive black lumberjacks of even the mythical chances
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of... illegal earnings. andrey romanov, victor barmin, vadim kolevanov, gennady mikheychev. news: duty department. one of the most discussed news of the week came from the krasnodar territory, where the court allowed the release of criminal authority zakhary kalashov. the so-called thief in law was known under the nickname shakro the young and had power over many bandits. in 2018 he received a sentence for extortion and an attempt to bribe high-ranking generals. however, he may be released from... custody this month, the reason is a sharp deterioration in his health. shakro the young will come out old. he will turn 71 on march 20. will he return to his old ways? together with the experts, fyodor eliseev tried to figure it out. rodchdelskaya street. the elements restaurant was once located here. there was a loud shootout near it in december 2015, after which.
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high-ranking employees found themselves behind bars investigative committee and the king of the criminal world zakhary kalashov, better known as shakro the young, here is a new, high-profile event, a once influential crime boss is being released from prison. the decision on parole was made by the ustlabinsky district court of the krasnodar territory, to which the correctional institution where zakhary kalashov served his sentence in recent years belongs. he got there for trying to bribe high-ranking generals for... dollars kalashov asked to release his chief assistant, andrei kochuykov, known in the criminal world as an italian. it was he, along with his accomplices, who came to the capital’s elite restaurant on rozhdelskaya and demanded 8 million rubles from the owner. she turned to former kgb officer, lawyer eduard budantsev, for help. as a result of the armed conflict, two people were killed and nine more were injured. young shakro himself was not there; he was detained later, when
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the special services monitored the entire chain of transmissions. bribes. several influential security officials then became involved in criminal cases. former the head of the internal security department of the investigative committee of russia, mikhail maksimenko, his deputy alexander lomonov, and also the head of the capital's main headquarters of the investigative committee, alexander drymanov, and his deputy denis nekandrov. all of them were fired and punished. zakhary kalashov is an odious personality; he began his path to criminal olympus back in the early seventies in georgia. in the nineties, already in moscow, i experienced more. dozens of assassination attempts, here he became one of the most authoritative criminal leaders, in 2003 he moved to sunny spain. in those years, this european country sheltered many representatives of the russian criminal world, and shakro began to actively launder illegal income there, but despite the replenishment of the local treasury, the spanish government announced a hunt for members of russian gangs. shakro the young also did not escape this fate; he received 9 years in prison.
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after serving time, shakro the young was deported to russia, after the murder of crime boss aslan usayan, it was he who became the leader of the criminals.


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