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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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i am the chairman of the 134th commission of the city of belgorod, the chairman of the 133rd commission of the city of belgorod, we want to inform you that the information that was circulated on social networks is not true. the commissions work in a stately manner, we are waiting for everyone, we invite everyone to the elections. belgorod votes in defiance of the terror unleashed by ukraine against civilians in the russian border regions. there is no panic, although kiev would really like to provoke it and...
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its voters, that is, it would drive its voters somewhere into a basement, into some cesspool, but we are in donetsk somewhere for himself he allows such an attitude towards the people's republic, as in russia as a whole, we treat our voters with respect and love. voter, and outside. depending on the regions, in matters of information hygiene, it has clearly become much more discerning. he doesn’t thoughtlessly spread false rumors, doesn’t give in to panic, checks the information and senses the falseness. for many, what happened on february 24 , 2022, in fact, it became such a milestone, yes, when before that they lived in the same information space, and after that they suddenly began to live in a different way, when a huge amount of information began to collapse , it was almost impossible to figure out where the truth was, where the lies were, little by little this is our work with... through
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the media, through telegram channels of all sorts of volunteers who expose fakes, but it proved that the fact that an idiot in information flows is not always true, is far from always true, people themselves are beginning to raise their place in this information war, but after a typhoon of lies from independent media, the russian audience, apparently, has lost sensitivity to him and even developed immunity, the west is completely focused on itself, there are more and more internal problems, replicating the lies of their maidan...
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connections with the curator, special equipment and money, a criminal case has been opened, i have him a day later he asked, so who are you? sbu, gur or sbu, he said, first, am i going to go? to russia, he said, yes, he said, we need to go to kiev for instructions on this thing, an anti-war march was held in the center of paris, several thousand citizens demanded that the government stop military assistance to ukraine. not a single tank in ukraine.
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the demonstrators also chanted calls to immediately stop the conflict and start peace negotiations, shouting macron, we don’t need your war. let me remind you that the head of the fifth republic promised to do everything to prevent russia’s victory, including sending foreign troops to ukraine. demonstrators carried posters, macron resign, long live the world for france's withdrawal from nato. at the head of the column is a leader french party patriots flory.
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the tanks and armored vehicles already supplied by the west are either outdated or not suitable for the conditions in the region. the us and european countries took advantage of the conflict to get rid of unnecessary weapons. western leaders and the media also managed to create a myth out of this about invaluable assistance to an ally. ukraine pays for such support with the lives of its soldiers. the national interest notes that defeat is inevitable. but western politicians are persistently discussing sending troops to help kiev. why - maria skorodilka found out. planes are flying, tanks are drowning in the snow. norway sees this scale of nato military exercises as if it were a hollywood film with special effects, expensive, pompous, all for russia. russia has ambitions to restructure the world and subjugate europe. but all this is just a picture, given the low political rating of european
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leaders, their statements about war and sending troops to ukraine are just vomit, experts believe. macron is very weak, weak, that’s why he runs from macron and him. it’s stupid to walk as fast as you can, this is their last attempt to stay in power, but how to stay in power, when you lose, pretend that somewhere out there there is a great enemy who threatens everyone, try to convince everyone that you are their savior. the battles around the ukrainian trenches literally laid bare the real state of the european military-industrial complex, german experts write, it is deplorable; before the ukrainian conflict, britain had only 850 stormshadow missiles, but most of them were destroyed by the ukrainian armed forces. production of new missiles, problems, british missile assemblers are paid less than salespeople in a supermarket, british journalists write, citing sources, workers are on strike. that is why london is desperately asking berlin to give taurus, they say, for ukraine in fact, to replenish its reserves as well. but
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germany does not want to create a global missile circulation in europe. the real reason scholz refuses to supply taurus is an elementary issue of national security, said bundeswehr inspector general karstin. broer, to control missiles, special systems are needed that can be counted on one hand, and by giving them to ukraine, germany will remain nothing. direct conflict with russia in germany they are afraid, yet the german media say that it is possible to shell russian territories with german weapons. now we are talking about taurus missiles in a military sense, the purpose of this system is to attack targets on russian territory. these targets can only be hit with long-range missiles, which is why ukraine wants to get it.
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will not bring where the western money disappears, even the pentagon does not know, while the likelihood that the equipment sent to ukraine has long been resold on the black market is extremely high - they write in the new york post. yes, according to according to sources, over $42 billion in aid to ukraine has already sunk into oblivion. non -conservatives act as if american aid is limitless, billionaire david sachs wrote on social networks, many influential people agree with this. at the same time , it is obvious that war in ukraine is destiny. poor, everyone else lives a full life, stealing money from western taxpayers. ukrainian media are writing about another scandal. a candidate for the position of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine was detained in kiev. he could not explain where he got the $250,000, and in cash. next to him in the video is american
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lawyer oak conor. it is she who, according to reporters, ensures that the independent ukrainian people choose the right judges for themselves in difficult wartimes. maria the scarecrow. matvey popov, news. at turkey's kocaeli international port, a container ship demolished three cranes. there were no casualties. but, according to the country's maritime administration, the vessel vitnas set off for taran. perhaps the pilot is to blame, under whose control this colossus, almost 400 m long, unfolded. well, now we have the opportunity to contact with our correspondent. 15 rockets were destroyed, but the debris fell on the territory of one of the enterprises, a person was injured, despite the danger, local residents are actively participating in the presidential elections in russia, the turnout on the second day of voting was more than
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73%. so, our correspondent, igor pikhanov, works in belgorod. igor, greetings, what is the situation in the city at these moments? hello anton, the siren sounded at about 5:00 pm, now by 6:00 the missile warning signal was canceled, today. skiviks fired at belgorod twice. first the blow was struck at 8:00 am, the last at 5:00 pm. in both cases , a multiple launch rocket system was used. vampire made in czech republic. the residential sector came under attack, residential buildings and social facilities were damaged, cars were destroyed, there were local residents who were killed and wounded, and all the necessary assistance was provided to all the victims. reconstruction has also begun in the city. working to protect peaceful cities and towns , units of the ministry of defense
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of the border service of the fsb of russia are approaching the city are destroyed, shells are shot down, kamikaze drones are shot down. local residents say that ukrainian militants are trying to intimidate people in this way to disrupt the election process, but people with their high turnout say that they will not succeed. let's give the locals a say. i believe that these shellings in the pre-election days are intended to intimidate and disrupt these elections, the people of belgorod cannot be broken, we will still vote, it’s a civic duty, i am a citizen of russia, well, that is, it doesn’t scare you, but the fact that here happens, you go anyway, but why be afraid, i’m philosophical about this. according to the regional center of the election commission, according to the results of the second day of voting
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, 77% of the total number of voters voted - that’s 943.00 people. let's listen to the cec's commentary. we all hear the missile danger alert. and here it is necessary to note the work of precinct commissions. everyone acts clearly, harmoniously, according to all instructions. not allowed in the areas. thank you, dear members of precinct election commissions for composure and responsibility. almost 3,500 observers work at polling stations, including from other countries. they highly appreciated the organization of work at the polling stations, they note that thanks to the professionalism of election commission employees, including in border areas, the electoral process, the voting process. vote. igor pikhanov is monitoring the situation as usual. anton, yes, igor, thank you, you can’t intimidate people, they are also coming
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to the belgorod region. well, now just a message from the central election commission. in-person attendance at russian presidential elections exceeded 55%. this is data for 2019 moscow time. and i’ll add that the second day of voting is ending, in a few minutes polling stations in kaliningrad and the region will close. a deposit with the best interest rate in sberbank with clear conditions is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings with a rate of up to 16% per annum, quick registration in the sberbank application online, a deposit with the best interest rate, with prime it is more profitable. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will.
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to sberbank online. now, in addition to the situation in the special operation zone on all fronts , more than 800 ukrainian troops have been destroyed over the past 24 hours militants. half of them are in the avdievsky direction, six artillery pieces were also destroyed there, including the american m-777. in the artyomovsk direction, a significant section of the front is held by volunteers. lynx detachment with an advanced report from our military correspondent mikhail andronnik: that’s it, let’s hold on, there’s a small area here, it will be necessary to get through. volunteers of the lynx detachment go on rotation to the fields behind solidar. the driver of bukhanka maneuvers at maximum speed among the burnt-out cars, those who did not make it. that's it guys, let's go happily. quiet, you'll get wet. the soldiers of the volunteer corps hold
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a significant section of the front in the artyomovsk direction. in some places, the position of the kiev regime is no more than 100 meters away. our instructors are professionals who have already gone through 10 years of war, guys, therefore, whoever wants to join our detachment, you are welcome, we will train, we will teach, they are preparing to storm enemy positions in the volunteer corps a human-only, wheeled combat platform is undergoing its final tests at a training ground in the area of ​​a special military operation. in this experienced the model uses the same driving pattern as in modern electric cars, four electric motors, one for each wheel, allow this platform to overcome quite serious obstacles and even drive out of small craters, engineers give all their inventions female names, this is tanya the machine gunner, accompaniment is required, because i see one thing, and he will have another from the copter. tatyana's crew consists of two unmanned vehicles. the quadcopter adjusts the operation of the ground platform and searches for
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suitable targets. she is capable of performing tasks are better than humans. because while shooting she takes aim, she doesn’t bend down, she doesn’t fall, she stands and just does the job, and at the same time the robot is designed to save the lives of the personnel, it’s better for the unit to lose a piece of hardware than a trained soldier, everything is very simple here, it’s included here radio, turned on the remote control, turned on the monitor, everything is connected, everything works, initially people prepare for the operator, so that he doesn’t have moments where it all works, his task is to work. the mold was almost completely developed and manufactured here in the svo zone; even the wheels with built-in engines are cast by volunteers themselves. i raise the drone, fly over the horn, take pictures of what it costs, hand over the coordinates, and leave amid the screams of obscenities. the fighters still have time for other types of creativity. a shooter with the call sign boxer in the war since 2014. during this time, he served in the militia, went on
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business trips to syria and participated in the liberation of cities in donbass. some time ago i founded my own musical. wrote poems, but never wrote one for myself, wrote guys there for girls or something like that, and then somehow i listened to rap, and then at one fine moment i realized that i had already listened to everything, there was nothing to listen to, i decided to make it myself. volunteers here try to approach everything creatively, be it preparing dinner, equipping their positions, or storming the enemy’s craprines. victory will be ours. mikhail andronik, anton musyakyan, donetsk people's republic. the exhibition at the russia forum at vdnkh celebrates maslenitsa this weekend. days of the yamalo-ninets autonomous districts. a festive week was dedicated to them at the rosneft pavilion. there you can. get acquainted with the culture and traditions of the region, as well as test your strength in unusual sports disciplines with the north, for example, tug of war or throwing tyn-zyang, this is
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a special rope with which deer are caught in the north, and of course, all guests of the exhibition in the pavilion rosneft is treated to pancakes. in krmo, a large tour of the theater and cinema center under the direction of nikita mikhalkov, he brought the play “12”. this is history. thoughts of the jury, from which the fate of the young man depends, the plot is familiar , the presentation is completely new, it gives the audience the effect of complete immersion , our correspondent lyudmila andreeva was convinced of this, play, don’t you hear, or something, well, don’t play, please, 12 jurors decide the fate of a nineteen-year-old guy, whom accused of murdering his stepfather. everyone already understands that the young man is to blame. the jury is determined to vote quickly, but a single
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dissenting vote changes the course of events. the chechen is not to blame.
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this is how the audience learns the story of the main character, every choice, whether the boy is guilty or not, filled with special drama. seven for innocent, what is freedom and what is compassion? the performance makes you think about these main issues 12. the stage version provides very, very great opportunities for live communication; if you sit
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in the hall during the performance, you will see how quiet there is in the hall, and it is not silence, indifference, it is a very tense silence, in the performance, as in in the film there are 12 jurors, and if in the film everyone has their own close-up, then here... the immersion is simply total, that you completely forget about everything, so you get used to it, and of course, but i couldn’t resist, i started crying very hard. the performance is very
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impressive and the combination of the actor’s live performance and the video playback of the film is something new and unusual for especially the crimean people. made an indelible impression, the special effects, the scenery, the actors play simply amazing, in one breath.
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elections are coming soon, where to vote? let's look at the website of the central election commission of russia, they have convenient services, you can find out the address of your polling station, find out about the candidates, this information is also available in your personal office on the state services portal. your brother is there in the donbass , in the aurora battalion, so he is alive, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i
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have neither rations nor weapons for you , let's get ready to go to moscow. “ my brother is listed as missing, no , that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov , right there went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, that means hope.”
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russia of the future in the next 40 years, see you in the future.
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on march 16, 2014, the crimeans and sevastopol residents decided who they were? kiev really wanted show the rebellious peninsula whose crimea is. they everywhere sought to put up barriers for us, everywhere they sought to block crimea from all sides, without exception. handsome uchansos in the fifth year of the water blockade of crimea, it completely dried up, the water balance of the entire peninsula changed.
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the second day of voting ended in russia in the presidential elections, turnout already exceeds 58%. the most active regions - more than 75% - kusbass, chukotka, tva, jewish.


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