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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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the only thing is that these so-called videos are made by craftsmen who distribute it all on the internet, targeting people living far from the crimean peninsula, far from sevastopol, simply because i turned it on right now, i have a telethon going on, thank you for crimea, yesterday there were programs, including my program for the political department, that is , no one hacked into our country, no one has such an opportunity, we are protected, an extremely low level from...
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in khabarovsk, i think it was before their work is of the same quality, why did we use it earlier? this was not noticed, because before they actually produced much more fakes, there were many more false messages in this stream; it was simply not possible to catch all the unsuccessful ones, so the quality did not fall, the quantity fell, the volume of fakes produced fell, this is due to the fact that funding is really being reduced , because there is one source for both military supplies and, accordingly, information warfare, there is only one and it is in the west today. like a common piggy bank,
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it is shrinking, however, tsypso’s frankly shoddy work in the field of information stuffing of the current company is clearly connected not only with a lack of funding, but with russia’s readiness to quickly respond to them. for example, as soon as a number of telegram channels distributed this video, supposedly from belgorod, where an explosion allegedly occurred during voting, the chairmen of the precinct commissions featured in the video addressed voters calmly, intelligibly, and informatively. hello. dear voters, dear belgorod residents, i am the chairman of the 134th commission of the city of belgorod, the chairman of the 133rd commission of the city of belgorod. we would like to inform you that the information that was circulated on social networks is not true. the commissions are working as usual, we are waiting for everyone, we invite everyone to the elections. belgorod votes in defiance of the terror unleashed by ukraine against civilians in the russian border regions. there is no panic, although kyiv.
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i would really like to provoke her and take advantage of her. information is sent to local telegram channels in private messages, apparently in the hope that administrators, disoriented by the flow of news, will not figure it out and... something like this, for example, as if from donetsk, they say the site was unexpectedly moved to the basement, probably for a reason, maybe they know about the danger and are afraid, but the answer from the dpr was not long in coming. another fake from ukraine, which i would like to share with you. information is being spread that allegedly in one of the cities of the donetsk people's republic the evil election commission took and placed a voting room in the basement of a residential building. the author of this. fake, apparently, somewhere subjectively, somewhere for himself , allows such an attitude towards his voters, that is, he would drive his voters somewhere in the basement, in some cesspool, but we in the donetsk people's republic, as in russia as a whole, treat our voters with respect and love. the voter,
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regardless of the region, has clearly become much more discerning in matters of information hygiene. he doesn’t thoughtlessly spread rumors and doesn’t give in to panic. trusts information and senses falsehood. for many, what happened on february 24, twenty-two , in fact, it became such a milestone, yes, when before that they lived in one information space, and after that they suddenly began to live in another, when a huge amount of information began to collapse and it was almost impossible to figure out where the truth was and where the lies were, little by little this work of ours through the media, through the telegram channels of all sorts of volunteers who expose fakes, but it proved that what an idiot says in information flows is not always true, far from it...
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an invincible machine. let's go, go into space and send mom a star from the sky. to be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, to turn a department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream, tradition into innovation, only here, in a country that you never go over. 40 million clients in the largest country in the world, what is a dream car, the answer is very simple, it should have everything, style, dynamics and first class comfort, on any road and for
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and receive a superkick every month. not just profitable, alpha profitable. moscow productions are looking for new personnel, or rather , they are training them. capitals are changing their approach to training future specialists. why do enterprises, companies and even departments look for their potential employees in schools and technical schools now we'll tell you. varvara senotova is a second-year college student who is pursuing a profession.
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mastering technology, developing approaches, principles and philosophy of large production, where the quality of the entire product depends on one detail, teachers with extensive work experience are dedicated to the intricacies of the profession. how similar is this equipment to what is used in real production plants? but it looks exactly the same, that is , in production such machines are quite often found, our metals are steel, aluminum, that is, here is a drawing of the parts, now... a finished part, that is, according to this drawing , the student does everything completely independently, writes a program and processes
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the parts, this part is considered complex from the point of view of engineering, or this is the first year, the first week , no, this is already such a confident user, and i can say that in factories, as a rule, the parts are simpler, because here we are trying to make the parts more complex, so that the student, when he gets to production, is already ready for more complex parts. each of these students knows almost certainly, where he will work, at what enterprise, on what equipment, what will he need to do, why? we have a fairly good material and technical base , for example, now behind me you can see a coordinate measuring machine, our pride, this machine is a fairly high-precision measuring instrument, its error is only one and a half microns, that is, this error is used mainly in aerospace enterprises industry. the task of today's secondary professional education - to go synchronously with the trends
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of new industrialization, so that enterprises do not waste time on adaptation or training of young specialists. life itself shows us that the time has come for real professions, we need young, highly qualified guys who will come to production today and perform the most modern tasks, using unique modern equipment using the most modern ones.
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we are implementing the "professionalism" project. it made it possible to update educational programs for aircraft and shipbuilding, pharmaceuticals, electronics, defense and other industries. the training of such professionals is a matter of strategic importance , a lot depends on it, the development of a variety of spheres, so as to no longer turn to borrowed ideas and foreign specialists, and of course, this is the strengthening of your economy, but how do you understand, when you are 16 years old, what you want to do? career, for example, with manufacturing, an additional
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career guidance program for ninth-graders has been running in moscow since 2023, the result of the work of the first... police college, cadets take a course fire training, according to legend, you need to quickly seize a building and save hostages, helmets, bulletproof vests, pistols and automatic weapons in hand, use special equipment, imitation of flash-noise grenades, these defenders of order teach a lot,
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once you aim, take two, swing, move the whole body on the back leg, do three, bend the knee.
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improve physical fitness, my best result is shooting, for example, ispam is 30 out of 30. about 350 cadets join the police college every year, there are about 40 training grounds and laboratories equipped there, to stage a variety of situations. for example, here students need to figure out what they are doing at a crime scene. at the moment , an inspection of the scene of the incident is being carried out according to... a legend and the discovery of a corpse after drinking together, an investigative task force of three people, the investigator fills out a blank protocol for examining the scene of the incident, a physical method of processing with fingerprint powder is used, they are dark, light, red , the powder is fine, it sticks to the fatty substance, thereby coloring the trail simply put, they teach
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forensic science, a science that has proven over the centuries that there are no traceless cases. some prohibited items, improvised explosive devices, and so on, before going to a specialist, you can accordingly determine the damaging effect, or what kind of object it is using a drone, because it is still a piece of hardware, which is cheaper than human life. the most serious challenges
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for both security and industry are different, but they need to be developed simultaneously. arranging training programs to meet the demands of the time, it is the system of secondary vocational education that can adequately respond to this challenge, as we have short training programs, you can come to us and get a profession after the eleventh grade, for example, after 10 months, after the ninth, after 2 years, and these professions are constantly updated and changed every year, and non -existing ones change... about 90 new workshops and laboratories have been created, all in order to conduct classes in conditions as close as possible to reality. we are close to
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workshop for okrawski cars, now the moscow masters championship is taking place there , in this workshop we are also implementing one of our projects from the moskvich plant, already 25 of our graduates work at this plant, but they also implement individual projects, and as an example from this from this this project was restored by our students. the moskvich car was produced in 1960, it was completely restored in the college workshops. in this workshop, which is the embodiment of every auto mechanic's dream, it seems unlimited possibilities for creating, repairing, and reconstructing cars,” says local team driver matvey sonkin. understanding this from the inside at competitions is very important, that is, there are different engines, settings, and so on, that is, it is much easier to communicate as a team with an engineer, with...
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the system of vocational, secondary vocational education. in the end, for the leaders of secondary specialized education themselves, an important indicator is
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how many students came to them and how many of them not only received a diploma, but reached specific work in the specialty. today this is a kind of kpi indicator, besides, employers themselves today are in dialogue with colleges, often they themselves formulate a request for who exactly is needed in their ranks in production. big. looking for a future specialist somewhere out there is not always right. these guys understand perfectly well that only by immersing themselves in what they love can they achieve great success.
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and there are opportunities for this. today there are 53 colleges in moscow, where over 100,000 students study. they get more 170 specialties in the most popular areas. alpha investments mean money. we give promotions every day. open an investment account; for the purchase of any share, you get another one as a gift. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. i help with liver problems. i am essential forte nн. tested and ready for use in 24 hours. available on yandex market. contribution.
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tigo 8. promax. dream bigger. cherry. home is where the family is. and in the bank at home ref - 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months. the most important contribution to the family. what are men silent about? painful urination, problems with erection? these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. lanagitase against prostatitis.
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the second one ended in russia.


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