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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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the second day of voting in the presidential election has ended, turnout already exceeds 58% of voters, the most active regions, more than 75%, kusbass, dpr, chukotka, tva, jewish autonomous region, north ossetia, chechnya, kabardino-bulkaria, and the yamalo-ninets autonomous okrug . remote electronic voting is also in great demand, already 90% of registered voters, that’s more than 4 million. reported that the service is operating normally, despite the fact that this about 160,000 cyber attacks were carried out on the site. well, here are all the details of the voting of the next attempts to get into the ssu in the belgorod region immediately after the continuation of andrei medvedev’s documentary, crimea 10 years. look, gardens and vineyards are being built here, it’s beautiful, especially in the summer when it’s. everything
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is green, these were all wastelands, there are peaches in the gardens, there is a garden there, along the road they are very tasty, yes, natural, all over the crimea, fruits and vegetables are just incredibly tasty, i have gained a little weight, but i just can’t eat this yummy impossible, here, in ukrainian times , a rather ugly system of extortion from business was built, that is, it is possible...
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sunny valley, for the ukrainian authorities, the wine industry in crimea did not develop. all production was concentrated, as a rule, on the basis of large state-owned enterprises, many of which date back to the times of the russian empire. new world, for example. entrance to the plant
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is a monument to the founder of the national wine industry, prince galitzim. in 1900, his champagne from crimean kakur received the grand prix of the paris exhibition, but russia missed the historical opportunity to become a winemaking powerhouse in the 20th century. and only after 2014 the situation changed dramatically. serious investors came to crimea and began to invest billions in breeding work, in the restoration of autochthonous varieties. thanks to state subsidies, the area of ​​new vineyards increases every year, and the law on viticulture and winemaking adopted by the state duma contributes to a multiple increase in the volume of production of high-quality russian wine and the emergence of private wineries. crimea is becoming the main wine-producing region. the
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vodopadok river overflowed its banks. everyone felt some kind of confidence in the future, some kind of calm, before this new modern complex was built, there was a sports complex dynamo ukraine, which had an outdoor
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swimming pool, fifty meters, there was a weightlifting hall, a judo and sambo wrestling hall , that’s all, let’s say soviet. ukrainian period, when i had already finished playing sports, i did not live in simferopol, but when i arrived i saw this complex, i i was amazed, because instead of a swimming pool, there was an empty bowl, dilapidated, what was around the large swimming pool, it was a shopping and household complex, workshops, sewing, shoemaking, printing, and so on, the idea of ​​​​reconstructing this complex, it appeared in 2015. there are two sports schools here, about 400 children - this is the sports school of the olympic reserve for rhythmic gymnastics, and the same number - these are our athletes, in the future
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we will open another sambo section in the near future, let's go and fix it. we didn't have one before ice palaces in general, but it didn’t exist at all, but now we do, we have a new young sport - this is water polo, my dad told me the idea, and i wanted, i wanted to try something new, i need to train, i really want to go to the olympics. we have a water sports complex with an area of ​​1900 m2, when we came here, it was a delight, of course, we couldn’t believe our luck, we used to work out in
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small pools, these were the pools of spa centers, bathhouses, sports clubs, and what do you have there? two counts later. i'm from the city of debalsovo, where i started my career, i am a finalist of the russian championship of friendship games. i moved to crimea six months ago. crimea for me is like a second home. these are guys who have the second, third, adult categories, but i want them to achieve the title of master of sports and it will be very good if there are medalists and champions of russia. thank you so much for helping us reconstruct malakhov kurgan, you see, everyone sees how beautiful it has become, the historical boulevard is being reconstructed,
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please, only with your help we can we will be able to reconstruct sapungora, and this is the memory of the great fatherland, good, good, definitely, definitely, i’m not even laughing, this is not an ordinary painting, this is a semicircular, high 8 m high painting, there are no dummies on the subject plan, all the objects here are original. this large hall is like an integral composition, the main composition is this canvas, which must be preserved. since 1959, the building has not been thoroughly restored. in the nineteenth year it was decided to carry out restoration; first the the building itself and the engineering systems, when the builders left here, they had already begun to restore the canvas. the equipment that stood on the slope next to the diorama was also
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restored. tanks that take part in the may 9 parade in sevastopol, asphalt and curbs were dismantled, new granite paving slabs were laid, lighting was done, utility networks were replaced, one of the alleys, which is now located in the center of the complex, was created from scratch, after reunification of crimea with russia, cultural and historical heritage here, architectural monuments
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, i am sure that there were a lot of finds , the only thing is that in the sense, that is, they did not take the finds here to the center at that time, that is, to kiev, and kiev will never provide them to us now, so why really it’s not a fact whether they gave these away, that is, we don’t know at all what they dug up, what artifacts , it’s absolutely true what those researchers discovered, but we can’t really say 100%, because we don’t see the reports. and
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the fact that the french, germans, and british dug here and took it all somewhere, that’s how you’re all about this, but what should i say, that’s good, okay, helicopters, no need, well , it’s clear, yes, that’s it. crimea is a place of russian power, and sevastopol is a city of russian military glory, there are wonderful people here, many sailors, retired sailors, military men who supported the russian spirit in the city, if not for them, maybe we wouldn’t be here, we propose to create a presidential cadet school in crimea, in particular in sevastopol. "we ask you to support this decision, there was
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only land, everything else appeared as in fairy tale, when i saw these dimensions, the parade ground, the educational building, you know, this is a special feeling, because this is what every teacher dreams of, i remember the moment we were sitting at home. grandfather came up to me and asked, roma, do you want to become a sailor? it didn't take long to persuade. i was raised in a family of naval officers. my grandfather was a reserve rear admiral, and from childhood he instilled a love for the sea, the navy, and service. there is steering wheel right 5, steering wheel right 5. they have expectations. and i think that our task is to create this surprise, a dream.
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in the first year in the parade in moscow on may 9th we marched on red square in two companies. the parade squad of the sevastopol akhimov naval school. these are unforgettable sensations, they are the best and will be even better. the surface target is on the right, the distance is 10 cables, comrade commander, to diverge from the target i suggest a personal course of 110°. to begin with, i would like to be the commander of a combat unit, serve in all fleets, see the world and achieve great success in my
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service. we understand, this is the result. i understand that today, now, this is our hope to rely on, so this is wonderful working with such children, i consider it happiness, happiness, i am confident in the future. when you have a place to live with whom the main thing is to live, whom to love, as we say crimeans, as if there is more than crimea, no further than crimea, there is no homeland, what is homeland, well, for me, family, my native city
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, sevastopol, everything is here. they became a kind of symbol of those desperate, heroic and alarming days, but what does this mean crimea is ours in an applied sense, it is ours, these two words have ceased to be just a slogan, why? because russia is investing a lot of money in the development of crimea, building, creating, or crimea is ours, because the residents of crimea
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once voted in a referendum for reunification with russia, yes, perhaps not everyone voted. there may still be those who believe that reunification was in vain, but this is what democracy looks like: the expressed will of the majority. or our crimea, because russia has a historical right to this land, starting from the time of prince vladimir. probably the most accurate answer in this situation is: crimea is ours, because our people live here. they have always been ours, during the years of the ussr, in years of ukrainian power, they were ours, russians. they expected that one day crimea would return home, they dreamed about it, only people, their faith, their beliefs, their dreams , their will, their look into the future, make this land russian, make this land ours, only for the sake of the people, in 2014, russia took a very important step and
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declared openly to the whole world that crimea is ours. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth. alfabank, the best bank
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that they would never cave in and would definitely will vote in the election of the head of state. about the courage of perseverance of evgeny petrukhin. with a record preliminary turnout of almost 87% at the end of the second day, donetsk is voting for its future at the polls. peace in donetsk, we really want there to be a peaceful sky, so that our children don’t die, two of mine died, yes, we hear sounds and pops, everything,
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but you know, if they are not afraid, then i am not afraid, under fire , despite the message of a missile threat, belgorod is voting today, people go to the polling stations, they say that the more the west puts pressure on russia, the more united it is, i believe that these shellings in the pre-election days are intended to intimidate and disrupt these elections, the people of belgorod cannot be broken, we will still vote, it’s a civic duty, i am a citizen of russia, nikita mikhalkov voted in simfepol today, was concentrated and seemed to be in no hurry, crossed the ballot, lowering it into the cayp. thank you, you voted, i understand that my one vote will not... decide a little, but i know for sure that it will join a million, and this has nothing to do with anything other than national...
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interests of the country, and the time has come when we must set aside all other interests except national ones. crimea is welcoming its new spring, at the castle the swallows unfurled a multi-meter tricolor onto their nest, seeing one of the symbols of the special operation, the letter v. on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the crimean spring , a branded train was greeted in simferopol, with crimea in the colors of the tricolor. the kherson region, genichesk, is voting in high spirits today. there are even small queues here. formed, those for whom it is too early to tick the ballot themselves proudly omit a copy filled out by my grandmother in the ballot box, our city, that this is russia, i am very happy, very glad and very sorry that my husband did not live to see this happy matter, i really want everything to be good, i see that it is already good, i came voluntarily, because as they say, they force us there,
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no one there... at the other end of our country in irkutsk, sergei bezrukov voted today, he received his ballot at the very school where pianist denis matsuev studied, and why did he vote? in irkutsk? my wife, anya, she’s from irkutsk, an academic town, that’s how my children are, they’re siberians, half of them, it turns out, important, of course, especially now, they’re always important, but even more so now.
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the online intensity of this voting was at its peak around noon. international observers are greeted with russian pancakes at davankov’s headquarters. navor alberta rojas manchera, senator from mexico in moscow for the first time. i have indeed been an observer of elections around the world for many years. and it is of great interest to me that elections are being held in russia within 3 days. and we already we walked past polling stations and even saw queues of voters, everything was very organized and calm. i really like moscow. and this is footage
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of vladislav davankov’s meeting. with international observers from the csto. they discuss, of course, how the elections are going, whether there are any complaints from voters, and then take a photo together and informal communication. how could it be otherwise when friends of russia are visiting? at the headquarters of ldpr candidate leonid slutsky, today , as in a call center, operators wearing headphones remotely communicate with observers, in case of violations, fill out an application, and then appeal to the cec. viktor bud communicates with international observers in person. i hope that during the svo, our people. will make the necessary choice, shelling of donbass, belgorod, western pressure on russia, all this only more firmly unites the citizens of our country, which is now making its independent choice. evgenia petrukhina, alexander dvornikov, sergei zaborov, news. ukrainian militants will not stop talking about new attempts at terrorist attacks in the kherson and zaporozhye regions. evgeny nipot. ukrainian militants
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dropped phosphorus munitions on the territory. we cannot be intimidated, we have worked and will continue to work, despite the shelling, we are intimidated because in the russian federation there are presidential elections of the russian federation, in ukraine they will not take place because zelensky seized power, and now the kiev regime is trying to intimidate citizens russia, formation. residents, a man and a woman, two civilians were injured in a timely manner as a result of the arrival , appropriate medical care was provided, no matter what, we continue to work, we are not afraid of anyone, we are not to intimidate, the precinct election... switched
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to another form of voting, to home voting. we continue to work, we go to the end, victory will be ours.


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