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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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russian industry to replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure? we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable. it's not so scary if you have instructions. the country chooses in any weather, in which regions the path to polling stations has turned into a real quest, and is it true? that march on the russian plain will soon cease to be considered a winter month? we'll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, and here are some other topics we'll touch on. detected. means destroyed. the russian
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army is burning scarce western equipment. petriots, khaimarses, abramses, what new strategy did our troops begin to use? europeans will tear each other apart over water, and the european commission itself speaks about this. when can the mediterranean be taken over by the desert? and a brilliant solution to a pressing problem. what technology can it be made in china with?
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paramushir, the northernmost of the islands , vivid footage of the violence of the elements from the island of the great kuril ridge. on the first day of voting in the russian presidential elections, the wind speed here reached 27 m/second. a blizzard arose on the island, visibility was almost zero, but the blizzard did not prevent residents of the north of kurilsk from going to the polling stations through snowdrifts and icy winds. observers noted a high turnout, despite the fact that some kurel residents came to vote. dig out exits from entrances in extreme weather people in the far east are used to these phenomena and treat them with humor; this funny video was posted on the official telegram channel of the city administration. another remarkable episode from smoking: newlyweds maxim and marina shlykov from the north of kurilsk began their life together by demonstrating an active civic position, and immediately went from aksa to the polling station. the weather in russia during the voting was very contrasting; in the primorye region , a struggle between spring and winter unfolded, in the northern part. there were heavy snowfalls in the region, at the same time
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it was dry and windy in the south, with gusts raising dust in some areas and fanning wildfires in others. the most favorable weather conditions during the elections were found in the south of the country. in sevastopol, on malakhov kurgan, the famous hundred-year-old almond tree, a natural monument of sevastopol, bloomed. this is one of the few trees that survived the great patriotic war. and in simferopol, residents and guests of the city took photographs of the blooming magnolias in bloom and the black sea coast of the caucasus in sochi in bloom. sakura is getting closer to the swimming season. water in the black sea it has already warmed up to 12°. last year, such temperatures were recorded only in april. in the coming days, the weather in russia will be quite contrasting ; several centers of cyclonic activity will be observed across the country. so, on the russian plain, a solar center of high pressure attacks two cloud vortices at once. so here the highest chance of precipitation is in the north and south. latitudes, siberia, with
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the exception of the extreme south, will be in the region of a stormy cyclone, carrying with it air masses warmed by the gulf stream, in the far in the east, the waves of the frontal ... sections , stretching from the shores of kamchatka to the spurs of the sikhote alin, will restrain the advance of the crest of the asian anticyclone to the pacific ocean, for example, in vladivostok the weekend will be cloudy with clearings, + 3-5 in the daytime, on sunday - short-term snow with rain, at the beginning of the new week the probability of precipitation is expected to be small, but it will become cooler, in the afternoon +2-3, clouds and precipitation will come to southern siberia... now in novosibirsk, starting on sunday, the daytime temperature will increase from saturday -3 to 0 +2 on monday-tuesday the weather in the megalopolis will improve for a short time, and residents of central russia will generally experience truly april weather. in slightly cloudy conditions
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, the air in moscow will warm up to +7-8 only on tuesday-wednesday scattered rain showers may appear over the capital. and the influx of solar heat to the earth's surface will decrease slightly. it must be said that such powerful warming will finally bury winter, at least in the west of the russian plain. look, last friday, meteorological spring was able to capture only the south is the extreme north-west of russia, and by the middle of next week the borders of this zone will advance 450 km to the east up to the volgograd line. tver, someone will say too early, but no, this is only in the last century, the change of seasons, for example, in moscow usually occurred in the middle of the third decade of march, but now, thanks to climate change, winter leaves the capital almost a decade earlier, so it’s not far the day when march in the center
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of the country will cease to be a winter month. to other topics, russian army. what is the reason for this dynamics of ukrainian armed forces losses? let’s ask evgeniy tishkovets. evgeniy, are ukrainian militants burning their reserves? vadim, absolutely right, after the surrender of avdeevka. the militants are trying to hold back the advance of our fighters, so they are forced to transfer expensive western equipment closer to the line of combat contact. in a report dated march 13 , the russian ministry of defense announced the destruction of another patriot anti-aircraft missile system. the installation was
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disabled at a firing position in the kharkov region. a few days earlier, the military the department published footage of the destruction of a column of military equipment by the iskander complex in a populated area. pokrovsk point. according to media reports , two patriot vehicles and one s-300 air defense system were destroyed by a missile strike. prior to this , at the end of february, russian missile forces hit several elements of another patriot with a high-precision strike. according to the ministry of defense , the launcher, the tractor, the ammunition load, and the air defense missile transport vehicle were destroyed. the liquidation of the patriots caused a strong reaction in the western media. forbes published an article in which claimed. that near pokrovsk an american air defense system was detected by a russian drone, which transmitted the coordinates to iskander. the journalist was indignant that the installation was very close to the line of combat contact and was not covered by other air defense systems. german
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journalist julian röbke painted a similar picture on social network x. he also reports that the vso neglected security measures. the systems were poorly camouflaged and crowded. after foreign publications of losses during... and the kiev regime, the enemy confirmed the death nine trained operators of the american complex to destroy two nuclear launchers. the enemy realized that he was crumbling, they began to panic, they suffered huge losses, our military equipment and aircraft deal daily powerful blows to the personnel of the ukrainian army, hit their equipment and their losses are catastrophic. as a result , in order not to completely collapse, they began to '.
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ukrainian armed forces helicopters that were preparing for takeoff. first they are covered with cluster munitions, and then a rocket flies into each helicopter and finally, the destruction of the hymers rsso, which unsuccessfully... tried to hide in the forest belt. in terms of the use of precision weapons, a colossal step forward has been made over the past year. first of all, the time between detecting and fixing a target and striking it has been reduced. now all this is done much faster. accordingly, we see a qualitative increase in the destruction of expensive enemy equipment, including deep behind enemy lines. between berdychi and orlovka alone , four have already been burned. eat. information that five american tanks according to statistics, since the appearance of these armored vehicles on
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the front line, ukrainian militants have lost one abrams every 4 days. and this, if you don’t count the destruction of other equipment, the same bradley and stryker. all this is now burning along the zapadne avdeevka line. the effective demilitarization of the kiev regime is the result of the painstaking work of our military. all the forces of the reconnaissance and strike weapon were turned on at full power. russian army, the mechanism functions like a clock, detection followed by destruction. meanwhile brussels scares europe with a new conflict. the european commission fears that a war over water resources may break out between eu countries in the coming years. the mediterranean region has been suffering from record droughts for several years in a row. surface. underground water reserves are depleted; at what rate is the south of the european continent turning into
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a desert? let's ask tatyana belova. tanya, what conflicts does the european commission have in mind? vadim, european officials are talking primarily about economic wars, although already within some eu states there are financial contradictions develop into direct clashes. in france last year , farmers and environmentalists protested against government plans to create a reservoir system. according to them. hydraulic structures could destroy agriculture in the region. the rally soon turned into riots. the authorities sent more than 3,000 gendarmes to disperse the action. the crowd greeted them with molotov cocktails. law enforcement officers responded by firing rubber bullets and trace gas grenades. another internal conflict has broken out in spain, catalonia, which is suffering from droughts, cannot agree with the country's authorities and neighboring oragon on the use of water resources. ebra river, tensions are also growing between neighboring states, for example, berlin and warsaw
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are arguing over plans to expand the odra river, which divides the two countries. such disagreements are only the beginning of larger conflicts, experts say. in those regions where there is not enough water, various efforts will be made to obtain it, that is, these could be dams, these could be some kind of water reservoirs, as a consequence of this in other regions. there will be less and less of this resource, well, it ’s inevitable, this will of course lead to conflict. in fact, the european commission came to the same conclusion. in the near future , the executive body of the european union intends to publish a communiqué pointing out the risks associated with the growing scarcity of water resources, in particular potential conflicts within and between eu member states over transboundary water resources. one of the main causes of european water. record drought crisis. deficit in 2022 remnants became the strongest in the last 500
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years. canadian geologists, having studied satellite data, have come to the conclusion that groundwater reserves in europe are rapidly depleting. against the backdrop of droughts , the volume of groundwater pumping increases, but almost no moisture returns. most of it evaporates and falls as precipitation over the ocean. desertification of the mediterranean is also contributing to global change. climate on the planet. according to a new study conducted by a team of scientists from the university of wyoming, warming in the arctic is reducing the temperature difference between the tropics and the poles, that is, it reduces the latitudinal temperature gradient. as a result , atmospheric circulation weakens, which in turn leads to a decrease in the flow of moist air from the arctic to the middle latitude and the intensity of cyclones, which results in a serious precipitation deficit. estimated.
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dense regions, which means that the factories will apparently still have to fight. and now to technology news, high in every sense of the word. in china, the first gravity storage device was connected to the power grid. the project is very curious, because scientists from the middle kingdom have found a way to store excess generated energy
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without causing any harm to the environment. innovative energy. the storage facility was built in rudong county, jiangsu province, the storage facility has already been put into operation and connected to the power grid of the local hydroelectric power station. looking at this energy storage facility, one would like to say that everything is ingenious, simple: a simple cubic structure, which consists of cranes that lift and lower concrete blocks, is installed next to the hydroelectric power station. storage capacity - 25 mw, productivity 100 mw. the essence of the technology is to use gravity, in order to store the energy generated at the gas station, it is spent on lifting heavy blocks, but if the energy needs to be extracted, then the blocks are simply lowered from a height, falling, they start the generator motor, the potential energy
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is converted into electricity. according to the developers of the system, its effectiveness. 75%, that is, the drive returns a quarter less than the amount of energy expended on lifting the blocks, but for a battery of such the result is excellent, this technology has many advantages, it is simple, reliable and most importantly, without any special restrictions it can work in any climatic conditions, even in the sahara, even in the arctic. today , gravitational storage devices are gaining popularity, yes. for example, a project that generally involves a minimum of construction of an energy storage facility on the basis of old coal mines; all that is needed is a lift system of cargo in the form of trolleys. one more point is important here - this is the efficiency, the amount of energy actually expended for lifting this conventional trolley up
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the mountain, it will be used up during its descent, if it ’s 75-90%, that’s in general. great, this is a very important, very good experiment that gives you some groundwork, some understanding, and an industrial experiment that allows us to say that if this technology really works, it works in one place, then it can be scaled up quite easily by improving it, if it reveals any shortcomings during operation, then scale it up to any country in the world. let's look at one more thing project, although it is not gravitational, it is also very interesting. and already functioning. the first sand battery started operating in finland. a huge steel cylinder contains 100 tons of low-grade construction sand. using electricity obtained from solar panels and windmills. the sand heats up to 500-600°. in winter, the battery releases heat,
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heating water for the heating system. such drives should solve the problem in the future. green energy storage. it's no secret that alternative energy sources they work unstably and are highly dependent on the weather. if there is no wind or sun, the generation may stop or, on the contrary, under certain conditions it may go off scale. initially, lithium batteries were considered as a storage device for excess energy, but they are expensive and quite dirty, both in terms of production and disposal. in addition, the reserves of lithium on earth are not endless, so the chinese experience is now being carefully studied in many countries; it is possible that in the near future high-rise buildings in megacities will be built not only for housing, but also for energy storage.
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a weather station with the most modern equipment was opened in lugansk. the old weather observation post was destroyed. now the station has not only been restored, but also equipped with the latest technology. at the luhansk weather site, instruments with temperature sensors are installed, including soil temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, and precipitation sensors. new computers with updated software appeared in the forecasters' offices . it is also worth noting that... the weather station in lugansk is one of the oldest in russia, its history begins in 1837. re-equipment of the meteorological complex will increase the speed and accuracy of forecasts in which. many departments are interested, primarily the ministry of emergency situations, as well as the agricultural sector of the region. the fact is that data from the lpr is extremely important;
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the routes of southern cyclones run through the territory of the republic; these eddies are saturated with sea moisture; therefore, as a rule, they bring with them a large amount of precipitation, falling either in the form of heavy rains or heavy snowfalls. according to statistics, approximately every fifth cyclone. spoiling the weather on the russian plain, comes to us from the south, in recent years there have been more and more such whirlwinds. at the end of november last year, a cyclone from the balkans caused a black blizzard in moscow. the event is extraordinary. almost half of the monthly norm of snow fell in the capital in one day, and the snowdrifts grew to january levels. the lugansk weather station will become part of russia's global observation network. now our country is actively updating and creating new mecemonitoring points, including automatically. the logic here is simple: the
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more weather stations, the better the forecasts. a special role is given to the development of the satellite constellation. for example, at the end of february, a new hydrometeorological apparatus meteor m number 2.4 was launched into orbit. according to roshydromet, by the end of this year. our country will completely abandon data received from western weather satellites. and finally, the united states is facing a season of destructive thunderstorms and tornadoes. american meteorologists make such forecasts. number of dangerous weather events may exceed historical levels. disasters are already plaguing some states. the strongest tornado. hit agaya, indiana and kentucky. the width of the crater was 800 m. deaths, dozens of injuries, destroyed houses and accidents on
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power lines were reported. the disaster destroyed a trailer park, restaurants and important infrastructure. long-term forecasters believe that the increase in the number of disasters in 2024 will be associated with several. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it may be, goodbye, alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback, i’ll buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, where is it cheaper?
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business account on i’ll compare where it’s cheaper to buy osaga on the website or in the app. here insurance companies offer the best prices. compare in your country. we are proud of your courage, courage, you have carried your love for the fatherland through the years and through generations. why is chersonesus important to us? this is the birthplace of russia. every square meter of sevastopol, 2 tons of metal fell. feats were performed here every second. everyone here worked, as they say, you can’t make money. russia came, civilization came, construction came. i just burst into tears because i didn’t expect an object of such magnitude or such
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luxurious decoration. in 2014, russia declared openly to the whole world: crimea is ours!
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. special gifts. who do you look at all the time? well, look, the girl is worth making money. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the murder is? yes, look, but without amateur performances. don't move. for some reason i believe you. anna is a medium. let's look before everyone else. in the application or on the website, the third and final day of voting in the presidential elections has begun in russia; based on the results of
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the past two days, the turnout is about... 59%


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