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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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does she really read minds or not? premiere? anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who do you look at all the time? well, there's a girl. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. look, just no amateur performances. stay still, don't move. for some reason i believe you. anna copper. look first in the application or on the website. the third final day of voting in the presidential election has begun in russia.
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belgorod region, dpr, kherson region, kuzbass, north ossetia, chechnya and chukotka. remote electronic voting is also very popular, already 90% of registered voters. the cic reported that the service is operating as normal, despite the fact that about 160 people visited this site. ukrainian militants continue to shell russian border regions in order to disrupt the voting. aircraft weapons destroyed three ukrainian aircraft-type drones in the kaluga region, governor vladislav shabsha reported. an s-200 missile was shot down in the bryansk region. this is the data of governor alexander bahamaz. there were no casualties. zelensky’s formations also shelled donbass and the belgorod region.
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based on the results of the second day, 77% of donetsk votes for its future, many came to the polling stations with their children, ballot after ballot, residents of donbass carefully put them into the ballot box, they say they are tired of flinching from shelling, that’s why they are here, we have absolutely nothing to worry about, for 10 years already they have tried to intimidate us, tried to instill something in us, we are not afraid, we wish our entire republic, our entire country happiness, so of course. today we
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all have to be here, we want there to be peace in donetsk, we really want there to be a peaceful sky, so that our children don’t die, two of mine died, yes, we hear sounds and claps, everything, well, you know , if they are not afraid, then i am not afraid, under fire, despite the message of a missile threat, belgorod is voting today, people are going to... polling stations they say that the more the west puts pressure on russia, the more united it is. i believe that these attacks on pre-election days are intended to in order to intimidate and disrupt these elections. we can’t break the belgorod people, we’ll still vote. civic duty. i am a citizen of russia. nikita mikhalkov voted in simferopol today, he was focused and seemed to be in no hurry. crossed. shadow, lowering
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him into the caip. thank you, you voted. i understand that my one vote will make a little difference, but i know for sure that it will join millions. and this is not connected with anything other than the national interests of the country. and the time has come when we must put aside all others interests other than national ones. crimea welcomes its new spring. at the castle, the swallows unfurled a multi-meter tricolor on their nest in the form of one of the symbols of the special operation, the letter v. on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the crimean spring , a branded train was greeted in simferopol, with crimea in the colors of the tricolor. the kherson region is voting in high spirits today. this is genichesk. even small queues formed here. those who are too early to put a tick on the ballot themselves proudly place the copy filled out by their grandmother in the ballot box. our city, what? russia is very
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i’m happy, very glad and very sorry that my husband did not live to see this happy matter, i really want everything to be good, i see that it’s already good, he left.
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it didn’t work out, then they threatened us with sanctions, it didn’t work out, i want people to understand that the future is ours, people must understand that they choose their own future. at vladislav davankov’s headquarters they set up a real election observation center, on this screen you can see any voting station, and here is the number of ballots issued per...
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everything is very organized, calm, i really like moscow. and this is footage of vladislav davankov’s meeting with international observers from the csto. they discuss, of course, how the elections are going, whether there are any complaints from voters, and then take a photo together and informal communication. how could it be otherwise when friends of russia are visiting. the headquarters of ldpr candidate leonid slutsky today is like a call center. operators wearing headphones communicate remotely with observers. in case of violations, an application is submitted and then an appeal is made to the cec. face-to-face with international communicates with observers. victor bud. i hope that during the svo, our people will make the necessary choice. the shelling of donbass, belgorod, western pressure on russia, all this only more firmly unites the citizens of our country, which is now making its independent choice. evgenia petrukhina,
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alexander dvornikov, sergei zaborov, news. ukrainian militants will not stop. about new attempts at terrorist attacks in the kherson and zaporozhye regions. nipot. ukrainian militants dropped phosphorus ammunition on the territory of the precinct election commission of the village of blagoveshchenko, nargodar district, zaporozhye region. literally 5 miles from wick a phosphorus bomb was dropped, it exploded and didn’t hurt anyone. we won't be intimidated. we have worked and will continue to work, despite the shelling. we are intimidated because in the russian federation there are elections of the president of the russian federation, in ukraine they will not take place because... zelensky seized power. and now the kiev regime is trying to intimidate russian citizens. those armed with zelensky's formation attacked a polling station in kokhovki , kherson region, using exclusively terrorist methods, attacked ibrilyovka. the rocket has landed. there was an arrival. as a result of the flight, two civilians,
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a man and a woman, were injured. they received appropriate medical care in a timely manner. despite everything, we continue to work. we are not afraid of anyone, we cannot be intimidated. the precinct election commission switched to another form of voting, home voting. we continue to work, we go to the end, victory will be ours. in skadovsk, kherson region, saboteurs mined an urn near one of the sites. we're just everything we went to the election tent there, we retreat, and we just hear a detonation, we see a column of smoke, an ballot box was torn apart, fragments flew around the house of culture, there, in my opinion, the door was damaged.
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a year and a half ago there was nothing here yet, there was a project conceived by our creative group on july 28, on the day of remembrance of the holy equal-to-the-apostles prince vladimir, this whole huge object must be commissioned, this is of course a feat of ours...
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russia, the russian empire survived all those cataclysms xx centuries that were and exist now, and this is the birthplace of russia, sersanez is being reconstructed, we transport building materials there, we transport insulation, dry mixtures, well, this is the weather with... the most interesting, the most when there is light rain, not heavy, but drizzling, this is for
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me, i remember it like that, i start to think about in the past years, this is how it all was. as is usually called in the western or ukrainian press, the reunification of crimea with russia. typically, there are three terms to choose from: annexation, capture or occupation? here is the tavrida highway - the most important infrastructure project in russian crimea. here is taurida, wide, it became generally comfortable, for me this is the kind of riding. very pleasant, you relax, don’t get tired
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, you can’t imagine, i went, studied at a university to tavrida, it took 3 hours to get to simferopol, now it’s 40 minutes, now from kerch to sevastopol along tavrida is four times faster. every time i go, i say: “vovochka, thank you, i don’t know if this is possible, everyone here worked, as they say, not for money.” to say conscience, that’s how you can say it, income goes without saying, but conscience comes first, and what a gorgeous bridge, very it’s a beautiful sight, especially when you’re driving along the road and looking at the railway, and these are actually these pillars, it’s a very powerful structure, the crimean bridge is our happiness,
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because it’s a physical feeling of connection with the homeland. during the opening of the crimean bridge , people simply wanted to drive across it and return back, again to look at the crimean bridge. but in general , dozens of infrastructure projects have been implemented in crimea over 10 years. if all this is called occupation in the western press, then what can we call what here happened under ukraine, when during all the post-soviet years not a single infrastructure project was implemented in crimea. in 2012, my mother had a heart attack, she was admitted to the hospital, of course, let's start with the fact that the hospital itself was completely destroyed, well, just no repairs, everything was shabby, terrible, there was no food, i went twice a day, fed her , the doctors called, they said to do stenting
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, it costs 4,000 dollars, three serious doctors are sitting there, they say, well, either we save, or well... we collected this money, i remember that i go to the bank and transfer these 4,000 dollars to some aunt, that is, in general , it’s not clear to whom, they didn’t have an operation, everything is fine, she lined up, it’s been 4 years, in my opinion, this is 2016, that is, we are already in russia, she she calls me and says: maryanochka, i’m in a pre-infarction state, i need to set up stands, at my place, you know, at my place, as soon as i remember this hell, everything, and i’m already feeling bad, she’s like: nothing is needed, they’ll do everything here, even here they feed me, they even give me a chicken, i’m like, well, i mean, i haven’t been to these hospitals since i was twelve, i the most luxurious woman arrived at the hospital, she had an operation, but the difference is simply colossal,
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the reconstruction and modernization of hospitals, a new multidisciplinary clinical center in yalka, a republican clinical hospital and... when we stand there and wash our hands, we think about the operation, we think about it stages, as my teacher says, the operation is done here, and not here, we have increased the number of operations three times, our operations are minimal - it’s 3 hours, on the ascending aorta, when blood circulation in the entire body completely stops and nutrition only separately the head, we have the possibility of plasma replacement therapy, the possibility of dialysis, blood-saving
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technologies allow us to save the patient’s own blood, wash it and reinfuse it to the patient himself. we... own all the technologies needed for the development of cardiac surgery. there is a desire, as a doctor, to simply help as many people as possible. i am a native crimean, i was born in simferopol in the republic of crimea. i grew up here and studied here. all the work i do is for the benefit of the republic and for the benefit of our country. 10 years ago, in this very place, in this very square, a new history of crimea began. this history was created with their own hands by activists, participants in pro-russian rallies,
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pas sianaria, people who came to this square for the sake of a dream, a dream that... that crimea would finally return home, become russian again, but in crimea there were quite a lot representatives of the right sector were ultras, and with weapons, there were several thousand defenders of the supreme council, the majlis tried to squeeze out these defenders, also several thousands of people, come here, people, nothing is happening,
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i didn’t know exactly what political decisions were being made in moscow regarding crimea and how far the russian government was ready to go, of course, people, dreaming that crimea would return home, imagined this return quite abstractly, russia will come and life will change for the better, but no one knew what russia would do here in the next year or two, decades, what they would build, what they would create, where this new russian crimea would move? the crimean parliament is overwhelming by a majority vote made a historic decision: the first decision - to join
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the russian federation as a subject of the russian federation. the moment in history has come when you either do something, or you will remain in slavery forever. the second decision is to be set for march 16, 2014. that they won’t come to me, i’m afraid that they will forget about me, but i have to vote, they went to this polling station and said that
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we are going home, this was the mood of the absolute majority, and this very inspiring, we have the twenty-ninth, yes, for that you will vote for joining russia, why, because we want to live better, everything will change in our lives, we hope for russia, russia first, and why? well , because i want it to be yes, because we are russian, i want us to be with russia. i gave birth 2.5 months early, i was urgently treated, i gave birth to a child, as we said, an inch , 820 g, 32 cm, these are her clothes that we wore when she was a month old, she’s already grown up, she’s already has become... big, and we are going to the polling station, which was located right in the perinatal center , on the first floor, we walk, pulling our right
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leg behind us, because it was taken away from me after the operation, we already understood what was being decided, the fate for many years, the future of existing children, newly born ones depended on it ourselves, i went to a maternity hospital in ukraine, came out in russia, russia, russia. russia, it was such an upsurge, such a spirit, it was such a victory day in miniature. the air force of the russian federation congratulates veterans of the great patriotic war. it was a big holiday on may 9, we
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there is always a parade in sevastopol, veterans, this is sacred. and this time vladimir vladimirovich putin and sergei kuzhugetovich shaigu came. never before have we seen so many people on the streets. it was simply amazing, such a warm atmosphere, dear friends, dear residents of sevastopol, crimeans, exactly 70 years ago crimea was liberated from the nazi invaders, and the holiday is taking place against the backdrop of an absolutely historical event, the reunification of crimea and sevastopol with russia. we are proud, proud of your courage, courage, respect, thank you,
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thank you, thank you, thank you, we respect how you carried the love for the fatherland through the years and through generations, everyone wanted to see vladimir vladimirovich, in our city they simply adore him, someone tried to raise children, friend... raise so that everyone can see it, dear friends, we have done a lot, but there is even more to be done, during non -celebratory, everyday events, this is not an easy task, but i am sure that we will do it all, because we are together, i hug you,
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dear my, happy holiday. that's how it is now looks like the north crimean irrigation canal, even the bottom is cracked, only sand and shells, at this time of year it is usually filled with water, the north crimean canal is completely blocked by ukraine, a month after the referendum, looks like revenge. especially now, if the heat is 40°, the water runs out here, the wells mostly, you know, and all this influence comes from the canal, because the groundwater is all connected with this, with this system, if you want to be in russia, you will have problems with it drinking water, it didn’t work out, russian engineering troops laid
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pipeline from... this device is called a hydraulic tunnel. it falls on the other side of aipetri, it is more than 7 km under the mountain, the depth of which is more than a kilometer in this place.
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in the sixties, but unfortunately, it has long fallen into disrepair, that at any moment it could collapse, then yalt will be left without water, we are trying to work ahead of the curve, launch the tunnel as quickly as possible, this is a passerby complex that chews up the rock, this is even expensive, but quite fast technology,
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aivazovsky international airport built in just 2 years, designed for ten million passengers. year he was
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