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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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they believe that shakro is young, even if he is no longer young, but the department will still not leave, although on the other hand, a person with such a position in the criminal world will certainly be under careful surveillance by the special services , especially since kalashov is unlikely to trump his status, after all, while he was in prison, the criminal code was supplemented with a new article about occupying a higher position in the criminal hierarchy and for this a punishment of up to 15 years of imprisonment is provided, which is what he will do, but i don’t think that he will stand at the bench, you see, of course, he will do what he has been doing all his life. in what form this will be expressed, well, we’ll see here, but here, of course, there will naturally be operational accounting for him, if the decision of the budoo court is not appealed by the prosecutor’s office, then next week zakhary kalashov could be released, and then this will be a gift for another day birth, shakro the young celebrates it on march 20. fyodor eliseev, andrey ivlev, dmitry smirnov, lead, duty unit. got a sequel on thursday resonant story from dmitrov near moscow.
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he was very drunk, his daughter was driving him home, it seemed to the businessman that they did not give way to their respectable suv, although according to the rules it was they who had to give way, the troublemaker was detained on the spot, and now he faces up to 7 years in prison. about other legal events of the week, high-profile trials and incidents in the review of denis novozhilov. on monday , a possible drug dealer was arrested in the chelyabinsk region, who gave a ride on the hood of a porsche to a traffic police officer, and then injured his partner. vasily dimbitsky
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was on the federal wanted list for 7 years and really did not want to be exposed. he was driving around with a fake driver's license and as soon as the inspectors stopped him, he pressed the gas pedal and tried to escape. at some point, dimbicki abandoned the car and ran through the snowdrifts, firing back at the police, but was detained. on tuesday , a masked investigator was taken into custody in moscow. the impostor drove a car that looked like a company vehicle. but identification marks and the registration numbers turned out to be fake, like a major's id, and the flashing lights were installed illegally. a pistol and a package containing white powder were confiscated from the fake investigator and sent for examination. on wednesday, the moscow city court sentenced a killer who had been on the run for 17 years, had plastic surgery and received a ukrainian passport. as investigators found out, igor kuzmenko was part of dmitry lesnikov’s gang.
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the group members are responsible for dozens of crimes, including murders. by court decision, killer kuzmenko received a life sentence, and several of his accomplices received from 10 to 20 years in prison. on thursday, a verdict was handed down in the case of a terrible fire that claimed the lives of 13 people in kostroma. the court sent stanislav ionkin to a maximum security colony for 20 years. it was he who, in november 2022, during an argument in the polygon nightclub. visitors hurried to the exit, but there was a strong crush at the turnstile, and not everyone was able to get out. on friday , a jealous man was arrested in moscow for pushing his ex-lover under an on-going train. metro. during the conflict at voikovskaya station, anton matorin knocked the girl down and pushed her off the platform. she was saved only by a lightning-fast reaction. he managed to slow down.
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it is known that twenty-nine-year-old anna broke off relations with anton matorin a year ago, but he harbored a grudge and pursued the girl. the unemployed motorin admitted his guilt and repented, but this did not affect the court's decision. denis novozhilov, lead. duty department. black market for gray phones. resellers have begun to use russian tourists to deliver smartphones from dubai. they seem to be taking it for themselves, but in fact for sale. buyers - it ’s like buying a pig in a poke, you can run into a fake, often even outdated models are passed off as new, i have just one in my hands, well, in general, the delivery and sale of modern phones is such a whole industry, well, that’s how maxim shevchenko understood how it works and how dangerous equipment was brought into the country illegally. in memory of his trip to dubai, kiril sebastianov had not only impressions, but also such documents, boarding passes, explanations and... here
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the luggage tag is just from dubai, there is information and a receipt about it. kirill flew to the emirates to make money on the popular excitement. in the first days after the release of a new iphone model, sell gas. it was possible at a price significantly higher than the market price, the apple representative office in our country was closed, and there were many who wanted to shell out a large sum for the long-awaited device; for such buyers, kirill brought 14 smartphones to russia with a total cost of 1.5 million rubles. the entrepreneur hoped for an easy profit, but was left with nothing when i took my luggage to vnukov's. i suddenly realize that the backpack does not weigh as much as it weighed, and i had nothing in my backpack except a laptop and a couple of things and phones. i open this backpack accordingly. and you just realize that there’s nothing there, they didn’t take the laptop, they didn’t take anything valuable of mine at all, only new phones, packed. from that moment on, all kirill does is disconnect the airline’s phones and write letters there. he is sure that someone knew about the presence of phones in the luggage and tipped off the thief, who quietly stole device, but in response to the request
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, the air carrier reported that it was not financially responsible for the contents of the bag and advised to contact the arab side. we wrote a statement to the dubai police, there is still no answer, i have a friend. who live in dubai, that is, they called, they were told, well, we will definitely figure it out someday, that is , someday will definitely never come, which they did not say. recently, there has been more and more news about phones disappearing from luggage on the way from dubai to moscow, on this week it became known about a new scheme, allegedly resellers ask airline passengers to transport several iphones to russia for a fee of 30-40 dollars, but upon arrival in the capital it turns out: the luggage has been opened, the devices have disappeared, and the recipients are saddled with debts for the goods. dozens of international flights arrive at moscow vnukovo airport every day, including from those cities that are popular among transit passengers among shuttle traders, such as dubai and istanbul. customs officers pay special attention to such flights; they scan passengers’ luggage in search of
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premium mobile phones from the middle east. without a declaration, you can bring goods into our country in an amount not exceeding 10,000 euros, which is equivalent to about eight phones of the latest model purchased abroad, but... fcs employees notice that details are often given out to those who want to avoid filling out documents using an invoice check, which was provided to us, the goods did not exceed 10.00 euros, but during customs control it turned out that these passengers were moving the goods to third parties, or they were asked to simply transfer them for a monetary reward, but how this fact is established during an oral interview with the provision of documents to us, but it’s one thing -
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it was, let’s say, uh, our sellers, reassembled into an actual case, also titanium, that is, if you show the phones to a person, probably under some specific corner, then he can quite easily get confused and not understand, such a device costs 15,000 rubles, but what’s so great about it is that it’s an iphone, it’s not a fake, inside it’s still an iphone, it runs on the current version of ios, then there is this phone, which you can use right now, this is the frankenstein that came to valentine. from a foreign marketplace, the non-metropolitan phone market is fraught with many secrets, at bargain prices, you can get any smartphone there, even with a decent discount, however, only for cash, which indicates possible tax evasion, an attempt to hide the deal, and also the gadget may turn out to be a surprise, there are also retries, it
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turns out that everything is not original, you will only understand it when you hide it, i am also here as witnesses, who were the boys who sold it too, like and the telephone, as... the place to buy an expensive telephone should be chosen especially carefully, this also applies to those who decide to make money on resale by delivering equipment from abroad. kirill sebastyanov, whose iphones worth one and a half million rubles were stolen on the way from dubai to moscow, suddenly turned into a debtor; he had to make excuses to his customers. maxim shevchenko, ksenia klimina, daniil sukhoruchko, oleg ivanov and andrey netreba, lead. duty department. the mysterious death of a russian tourist on the island of phuket.
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presumably the victim of a crime just hours before his death. 12 hours later, police on the island of phuket will find a forty-one-year-old man in a pool of blood with multiple stab wounds. according to. media killed ukrainian businessman artur mkhitoryan, who has russian citizenship. in kiev, he founded a large company that is engaged in the construction of luxury housing. skyscrapers, sports clubs, boutiques. the entrepreneur quickly gained fame and taught from the stage how to run a business and earn millions. stop hanging in the clouds, come down on the ground, be grounded, you won’t jump higher than your head. this is an unattainable height for you, you won’t succeed. the crime scene is a mansion in chalong. the police were called. the man's girlfriend, they broke up a few days before the murder, he himself arrived in thailand
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on january 28 with a three-month tourist visa. it is obvious that mekhitaryan was going to hide his place of residence. the girl figured out his route by contacting a car rental, where he rented a white sedan. using gps, we were able to determine exactly where he parked the car. last time. all the doors in the house were locked, so she called the police. yesterday they searched the place where he was found. the building was used as a drug farm. they
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came to fight at about one in the morning, i was not very surprised, this happens there too often, both men and women fight. do they grow marijuana there? yes, he has a private marijuana business. in itself, the cultivation and sale of marijuana in thailand is no longer considered a crime for more than a year and a half after as the previous government almost completely decriminalized. this type of drug, if previously in the thai kingdom they were imprisoned for 15 years, now it is an officially approved sedative with minor restrictions, for example, it cannot be used in public places. about 3.00 people serving time on drug charges were released from prison. this was explained primarily by economic considerations, in particular, to give new opportunities to farmers after the unprofitable years of the coronavirus epidemic. only in the first year, the marijuana market grew enormously. meanwhile, the police note that
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at the same time, the statistics of criminal offenses in the country are growing. in the case of the murder of a ukrainian businessman , the main suspect was identified without delay. thai police believe the killer, a tajik citizen who flew from istanbul in early january, left the country on the day of the murder. the police do not rule out that the crime is related to the activities of... strange drug dealers involved in the illegal sale of marijuana for border, but no data on this matter has yet been made public. it is difficult to talk about the prospects of solving this crime, much less bringing it to trial, given that the only suspect left the country, and besides, he, like his victim, is a citizen of another state. meanwhile, at the end of last year, power in the country passed to more conservative forces, which are already preparing a revision of the law on the legalization of cannabis, however, experts admit that it will completely... return to the previous order, when marijuana was under unconditional a ban in the near future is extremely
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unlikely. sergey mengazhev, alexey pechko, east asian news bureau, conduct the duty department specifically for the program. "life after pre-trial detention." a scientific hydrologist from the yaroslavl region, alexander tsvetkov, who was acquitted of charges of murder twenty years ago, is preparing for an operation and is going to demand compensation for his arrest. he could have ended up in the colony due to an error by artificial intelligence, which unexpectedly found similarities with an identikit drawn up back in the early 2000s. the neural network failed, but what other evidence pointed to alexander’s possible involvement. to crimes and whether he could still leave the expedition unnoticed, well, outwit everyone. galina
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hungureeva continues to follow this resonant story. the tsvetkov couple from the village of barok, yaroslavl region, are now trying to avoid communicating with journalists. this is explained by the state of health of the head of the family , alexander. the story of a scientific hydrologist who was accused of several murders thundered throughout the country. after 10 months , alexander tsvetkov’s pre-trial detention worsened chronic diseases. any mention of being in the moscow detention center number four causes severe stress, words alone cannot describe this process, let’s say it’s emotional, but oh well, he’s already worried. the next day, the tsvetkovs finally agreed to talk with our film crew. marina tsvetkova remembers, every day the absence of her husband, there were 379 days in total, she recorded it and compiled a three-volume book. the meeting after release was the most emotional. catastrophically, of course, he lost weight, that is, he lost 15 kilograms and for the first 24 hours, he simply couldn’t believe that
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this whole nightmare was over. when we arrived home, he just looked at... the decor, the walls, the furniture, and it was like he was getting used to it again. in 2023, the scientific community shuddered; the quiet intellectual alexander tsvitkov was detained on suspicion of four murders twenty years ago. one of them was committed with particular cruelty. a series of crimes occurred in august 2002, began here, in the village of a settlement in the moscow region, presumably in this area, a hydrologist, employee of the russian academy of sciences, allegedly sang as an accomplice while visiting friends. the owner was then killed and the house burned down. the next murder occurred that same night on andropovo avenue in the capital, and a few days later the bodies of a woman and her mother were found in an apartment on yaroslavskoe highway. the two allegedly became interested in the apartment they were renting out. for the sake of money, or rather gold earrings and 5.00 rubles. let's go for the kill. more than 20 years later
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, alexander tsvetkov was detained on suspicion of committing crimes right in airport when a group of scientists was returning from an expedition. every time you go to court. you think, well, that’s it, now the judge will sort it out, they’ll let me go home there, complete hopelessness, the court immediately placed the suspect under arrest, now the investigative committee does not comment on their position on this case, here’s what is known from the indictment: bring alexander igorovich tsvetkov to as a defendant in this criminal case, charging him with committing crimes under paragraphs a, d, g, 3, article 105 of the criminal code of the russian federation. what to tell him about , the preliminary investigation authorities acted absolutely correctly by checking him for involvement in the commission of a crime. the facial recognition system and some other indirect evidence indicated that it was possible, perhaps, that the citizen of tsvetkov was involved in the commission of this crime. new technologies helped us find the yaroslavl scientist. at domodedovo airport, a neural network
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selected the image of a scientist from among thousands of passengers’ faces. in the features of a scientist there was a resemblance to the identikit of the criminal. artificial intelligence has given its digital verdict: 55% similarity. so is the scientist alexander tsvetkov guilty or not guilty? i don’t know, to do something like that, you have to be a little abnormal or a lot abnormal, because a normal person wouldn’t do something like that, and if you did something like that once, you’ll do it in your next life, you’ve turned against tsvetkov. only artificial intelligence, recidivist andrei aleshin testified, he called the scientist his accomplice, moreover, at first a certain sasha chuvash, a guy with tattoos on his fingers in the form of a celtic pattern, appeared in the case, but at the first confrontation with tsvetkovy , aleshin exclaimed in a non-brazed manner, saying that now they will be jointly responsible for what they had done, alexander then understood that the release was postponed
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indefinitely, the man is trying soften his punishment and he didn’t care who he pointed at, so i was taller, muscular, well , maybe over the years i had shrunk, of course, but skarih’s eyes turned green and the tattoos were washed off. colleagues speak out against artificial intelligence yaroslavl hydrologist. they found documents in the archive. just in those days when the murders were committed, the scientist was on expeditions in the dense forests of the yaroslavl and kostroma regions. investigators, in turn, insisted that the man could have left his colleagues and gone to moscow. for what reasons can it? a person may be absent altogether, but maybe due to illness, of course, the person got sick or broke a leg there, of course, but this is all reflected in the documents, that he did not leave, there is a head of the expedition who is responsible for us, this security, first of all, scientists provided photos from the expedition , field diaries, the investigation, in turn, checked the materials for authenticity,
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it is impossible to falsify this, you know, you ask me such questions, well, i, you know, i don’t know such examples and such cases, not like at my institute, i don’t know them at all, the investigation of crimes of past years is one of the priorities in the work of the investigative committee, folders with criminal cases from the dusty shelves of the archives end up on the investigators’ desk and are studied again, new technologies make it possible to more thoroughly study the evidence found on the spot, sometimes it is possible to establish the identity of a person based on the biological traces found, artificial intelligence, experts say, is only a tool in the hands... artificial intelligence as a tool, it is needed, but i believe this is my deep
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conviction, that, of course, you cannot trust him 100%, journalist and human rights activist eva merkacheva learned about the criminal case of the yaroslavl scientist. alexandra tsvetkova told the ambiguous story in december 2023 vladimir putin at a meeting of the presidential council for the development of civil society and human rights. it seemed wild to me that no one wanted to roll back, after they had taken the testimony of the scientists, when they had received the documentation, no one was in a hurry to examine these documents for authenticity, no one was in a hurry to do anything at all, so it was enough for the investigation to close everything down. soon the court changed the measure of restraint to house arrest, and in february all charges against the scientist were dropped. when he came to us home, he just. the moment that he
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is a loved one, you can hug him, you can kiss him, the scientists plan to go to court to demand compensation for illegal criminal prosecution, now the most important thing is to restore health , an operation has already been scheduled, the upcoming season of the expedition will have to be missed, but the most important thing for tsvetkova is a return home to your family. galina hungureeva, igor stepanov. dmitry sorokin and daniil sukuruchko, lead the duty unit. that's all for us, stay tuned for legal news even on weekends telegram channels to conduct duty and an honest detective, bright fragments of our broadcasts and the best investigations on the platform watch. stay on the russia 24 tv channel. alyon, shopping and gifting on marketplaces again. vtb debit card 25% cashback, i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, for headaches there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. crimea and sevastopol return to their native harbor. on march 16, 2014, the crimeans - sevastopol residents decided who they were with. kyiv i really wanted to show this crimea to the rebellious peninsula. they tried to put up
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barriers for us everywhere, they tried to block us everywhere. from all sides, without exception, the handsome uchansos , on the fifth year of the blockade of crimea, it completely dried up, the water balance of the entire peninsula changed. it’s always nice to look at water, especially when it’s not just water, it’s your resource, the city’s supply and absolutely controlled. now it exists, the land corridor with the cream, they are trying to cut it, but no one will succeed. novorossiya highway, which is going through new territories and taurida must meet.


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