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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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the gang of ninja turtles committed several more robberies. for example, a raid on a bank on moskovsky prospekt, four people jumped out of the basement, their faces covered with masks, their hands in gloves, without rude shouts they handcuffed the office employees, more than a few minutes in the bags of the criminals. 7 million rub.
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they entered the basement, where they entered, a plumber just passed by, they went there for the plumbing they entered because there was a door, they saw , well, they tracked when he was getting in there, they picked up the keys there and so on, they made all these devices, master keys, and only then , when preparing the crime, they simply got in there when they needed everything, and there they found it in the basement accordingly. no one was injured in the robbery of the cash register on the commercial moskovsky prospekt, but the bank on malookhtinsky prospekt was much
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less fortunate; some of the armed members of yakov saturday’s group tracked down the manager, svetlana. egorov broke into her apartment. they took her entire family hostage and forced her to give up the keys to the bank doors and give the access codes to the vault. i actually walked in, i felt a huge push, just a blow, and i flew into the corridor, and my head was immediately hit sharply against the wall, i just fell, i can’t understand what was going on at all when i opened my eyes. i saw my son yelling into the kitchen, apparently by pushing him, they beat my husband very badly, knocked him down, one held his legs, arms, one sat on his back, and the fourth held him in his throat, he was covered in blood, just from his mouth, from his nose and in general his eyebrow
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, everything was broken, it’s terribly terrible , a short man came up to me, he started interrogating me, it’s you, it’s you, i’m saying who i am, you’re the manager, you’re the manager, i i say, i ’m the manager, we didn’t understand what was happening at all, all night yakov saturday’s henchmen mocked svetlana egorova and her relatives, i remember, my husband lay all beaten up, i felt very sick, terribly, at that moment i was in a position... in a very short time, i threw it away,
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at the same time, they broke into a private house another bank manager, andrei solopov, to find out the second part of the code to penetrate the vault. many years after the incident, the banker remembers everything with a smile. i think, well, well, if these are dacha robbers, well, khan. now they will ask for money, of course there is no money, they will say that i am lying, everything will be very tough here. then they say, well, they came to borrow the bank. i think, okay, thank god, we take the bank, that means we’ll definitely stay alive. fearing for the life of his wife and little daughter, solova at that hour named a combination of letters and numbers, and also gave me the keys. having obtained the necessary information, several members of the gang
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went to rob the bank, while others, including saturday, remained to guard the prisoners and sat down at the festive table. the day before, solopov's wife from...
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2012, during a robbery of a branch of the russian capital bank, they burst into the premises and grabbed two employees. handcuffed them. the robbers were not aware that the video signal from the branch was received by the central office of the bank. now we are showing those same footage. the security service immediately called the police. the raiders had to flee in a hurry, leaving behind their bags with money, gloves and masks, but they were unable to escape.
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surname baiduk andrey sergeevich year of birth august seventy-nine, melnik ruslan sergeevich, date of birth 214. finding himself once again in the isolation ward, yakov saturday realized that he definitely did not want to go to prison, and a new cunning plan was born in his head.
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to direct the case of the pipe workers i saw that there was still a mental patient there on saturday, i had to look, check how he was living there, and it turned out that something was wrong... he immediately admits that he is a player, and a passionate one at that,
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all his crimes were due to debts, at that time i was already a very gambler , there is probably no place where i would not have already registered at that time, and in general i made large bets, that means the reasons... oh the thefts that caused so much noise in the highest offices, defendant yakov saturday recalls budnichno, the security organization that was in the glinka museum at that time was completely inconsistent, at least with the values ​​for their preservation. in order to commit this crime, i needed a homophone, which i
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i safely left these violins in place; well, as it turned out later, no one appreciated my humor. the story of the theft of books from the state historical library, from the lips of saturday, looks very comical. the story with books is such a story, it means, of a time when, in essence, they dragged everything that could be stolen from museums, and not even what was possible, what was in bad condition and what was not in bad condition, i would put it that way. ritsa admits that he didn’t know exactly why he was going. confiscated. as much volume as possible ultimately
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, the publications of interest are removed from this volume, i want to say that the apostle ivan fedorov was of no interest to anyone, well, including, perhaps, interest was aroused by the imkunabyls that were there and cost much longer, more expensive than the apostle, in fact.. ... were of much greater value, well, i mean financially in dollar terms, other books that... ultimately surfaced in israel in ninety, at the end of ninety-six. the story of how i got caught for the first time, saturday does not hide and bows to the talent of the then head of the ninth department of the moscow criminal investigation department, viktor gosudarev. he laughs, he stole it in a brilliant way, but got caught stupidly. i
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needed to submit, as they say, here. my little one, my little one, at that time, a counterfeiter, who, therefore, remained at large, who had at his disposal these violins, and there were also some other books left there, this little thing is intercepted by the operational department, the pre-trial detention center. in this, in this little thing, that means i didn’t write in clear text, but it was simply indicated there like a paper key was drawn, and well, as i understand it, for anyone, and especially for viktor sovereign, this is a rebus, it was generally not difficult to solve, the theft of rare
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violins and antique books did not help the gambler yakov on saturday. to pay off his debts, according to him, that’s the only reason he started doing the old thing again, the player remembered the one on the thieves’ list that the card creditors gave him, as i remember now , the name is teacher, well, a famous person, this is the mariinsky theater, a woman named kulik, director moscow station, director of the russian museum, these are the people who were indicated on the list that i was supposed to try to rob, philip bidrosovich, the incomparable, saturday remembers well all his charges,
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all the turtles, and of course, their crimes. the gang included me, melnik, ruslan, baidyuk, dmitry, melnik, artyom , trubnikov, alexey, bozhenov, alexey, kuligin, somehow igor naumetov was drawn to the active members of this gang and... if you come close, who was , whose acquaintance from this side, then kuligin sat with him together, they were kept in the same cell, the rest of the gang members, the gang members, everyone except bozheny, were acquaintances, friends,
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except for kaparov, maxim kaparov was a friend. let’s say for my grandmother’s episode there are 6,500 items, 6,500 multiplied by three , we get how much we get, 21 kg of gold, that’s significant, as if you can already calculate it, yes.
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there could be, do i understand correctly that at the moment there is still a tunnel under this cash settlement center, which has been dug out. not asleep, you understand correctly, only he was more than 10 years old and he fell asleep, as it seemed to us, yakov on saturday understands how much grief he brought to various people, not
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only to victims in criminal cases, but also to his loved ones, for example, his mother. in order, yes, to cover part of the debt, my mother was forced to sell the apartment on kutuzovsky prospekt, which she, well, which belonged to her, you know? my relatives , including my brother, suffered as a result of my, in quotes, exploits, he worked in the ministry of economics, economic development, and he could have had a career, but he was forced to leave, so well, here i have it, my yashka, why is this casino, all these, why were they needed? why, when i’m rushing in the middle of the night, he calls me, mom, otherwise they won’t let me out now, and i’m in a taxi, the taxi drivers knew, because i’ve been there for a long time, no, i’m already finished, i say, well, i need to go to the casino, i i need to help my son, and
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i brought him 50,000 rubles, that’s how we lived happily all our lives, i love him madly, he couldn’t do it any other way, i couldn’t do anything , well, i screamed for the way, why, why, well, it’s not saved, no matter. let's hope that the upcoming prison sentence will be the last for yakov saturday, because now he no longer owes anyone anything. do you currently have any debt? now, now there are no people to whom i owed money, this is the most important thing. debt, i couldn’t pay off the debt, in general, i couldn’t. to realize those plans, far-reaching plans that i had, let's call them napoleonic , you know, there is no other way to call them, but they were not destined
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to come true, which means that this is probably fortunate, because who knows what criminal goals could more put yourself in front of a repeat offender? as part of a criminal investigation, svobota was charged with committing three assaults in banditry, for this crime he could face... at least that's what he tells us, he changed his appearance and asked not to show his new face. the first question is for the former raider, about the leader of the group. well, he is such a person,
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very, very devoted, very reliable, dedicated, and if he chooses a path, he follows it to the end. i took many examples from him in order to strengthen my morals. he was an ideologist, he was the brains of our team. no, i’ll even start with the fact that he was good at stimulating, he knew how to stimulate, he was far-sighted and saw our path far away, from kuligin’s story it is obvious that it was saturday that was the brain center of the criminal group, it pulled us there, and we understood that somehow the end of the screen is not visible and we are again. give me an idea, well, or he already had it ready, he’ll say, well, that ’s it, how he likes to rub his hands, he says, everyone’s money has run out, let’s get to work, that’s what
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we’re like, we obey, we obey, where, what, come on, come here, looking at vitaly kuligin, you’ll never say that in the recent past he was a ruthless robber, in a word, he’s off his head, now he’s a man. an exemplary semyonin and a successful businessman, i have a family, children , i learned to earn honestly on ozone, on the marketplace, i dug into it, studied it, completed training, especially since this is such a family business, my wife helps me with this very well, leads technical issues, if i have some kind of organizational issues, financial ones, then she has all the technical issues...
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now violins by antonio stradivari and jakob steiner, which often ended up in criminal stories, are permanently kept in a special storage facility at the russian national museum of music, where they allow outsiders, no drafts, temperature changes or bright light. musical instruments appear only in time.
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holding exhibitions, and only specially trained museum employees can touch them, and even then wearing gloves. this is the story of the recidivist thief yakov saturday. this there was our investigation from moscow, st. petersburg and the leningrad region. on december 20, 2023, the st. petersburg city court put an end to the case of yakov saturday. the repeat offender was sentenced to 12 years in prison.
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it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, making it easy to make a deepfake.
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in russia. the final day of voting in the presidential elections, in the first 2 days they almost made their choice.


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