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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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and speaks in russian, i want to drink to the russian people, to the ukrainian, prompts the wonderful ukrainian actor bogdan stupka, we are now in ukraine, she looked at him and said, without a smile, i drink to the russian people, like a secular person, i didn’t insist, yesterday continued. but i asked magdalena, a smart girl studying journalism at the university of warsaw, who speaks three languages, tell magda, why? then magda smiled sweetly and said: yes, i read a lot of things, well, i understood what she was talking about, i i also read about the ukrainian uprisings against the poles.
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like napoleon in toulouse, with grapeshot from cannons. the end of the 15th century, a significant part of the territory of little russia, that is, modern ukraine, was part of the grand duchy of lithuania, with which russia was at war. lithuania suffered military failures and turned to poland for help. but nothing comes for free. and in return , poland wants to receive rights to part of little russia. he uses modern technology.
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elections cannot hold a judicial position, ukrainians turned into a kmet, powerless a peasant or serf, a serf, this is the source of the uprising in this territory, now poland. in addition, after the union of brest in 1596, the russian church was subordinated to the pope, the uniad church arose, and the orthodox were outlawed. in response, in 1591. the uprising of krzysztaf kasinski, a colonel of the zaporozhye army, arose, and after his death the uprising was led by severin alewajka, whose campaign through ukraine and belarus the poles still remember with admiration. he defeated the poles in mogilev, where almost all the poles were slaughtered. after his capture in 1596, nalivaika was executed in warsaw, which was reflected in nikolai gogal’s story taras buiba. however,
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the revision of the lands continued, and now this is the transfer of ownership and further distribution of the so-called wastelands to the polish gentry. for example, the klinsky family of poles received the entire uman region along with the city of uman and several hundred trees; it turned out that these were wastelands and no one lived there. the pototskys, the end of the polish and other nobles became rich. in response: the riots of ostryanitsa and taras tryascheev. polish estates were burned, and the inhabitants of the estate were not pleased either. no one was left alive. the rebellion is scattered and drowned in blood. when the rebels were defeated, tsar alexei mikhailovich allowed the remnants of the rebels to retreat to russian territory and settled them in the kharkov district. this is how the cities were poured, familiar from modern military reports. raisins, sums. akhtyrka,
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or northern malarusia, they were accepted in the status of russian cossacks, that is , border guards, free military men.
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they didn’t kill him, but they beat him with whips. khmelnitsky filed a complaint with the court. so what, khmelnitsky was sent to prison? a ukrainian cannot complain about natural nobility. prison, time to think carefully. khmelnitsky fled to the present and began convincingly calling on the cossacks to go to poland. the agitation was so convincing that the cossacks elected him hetman. way.
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next, they besieged the city of korsun, massacred everyone, the news of vastag spread throughout malarus, and local uprisings broke out everywhere. the poles were not shown mercy. the polish hetman, the polish end at the yellow waters, fought with khmelnytsky. as a result, his army fled. konets polsky himself and hetman pototsky were captured. khmelinsky sent the prisoners to kiev and moved on. the uprising swept both banks of the dnieper. and took the bloodiest forms, as a rule, the leader of the uprising practically did not control the detachments of the khmelnitsy who joined him, and the detachments of the rebel people were much more radical than the views of khmelnitsky, they killed everyone, the cities were set on fire,
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the poles, capturing only their wives and children, fled to poland. khmyanitsky was not so decisive; he sat down in the white church and did not pursue enemy. he wanted negotiations, but he had to go out to meet the new polish army coming towards him. on september 9, 1648 , the battle of piliavtsy took place. the armies were separated by a forest, a river and a swamp. two roads led towards each other: one straight, through the area above the river, the second - around the forest. deciding to deceive the poles, khmelnitsky ambassador.
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they don’t attack and accompany them, for which ukraine will pay them maintenance, and since
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there is no money, not a penny, then look around, and i’ll close my eyes. the tatars began to make jokes and found out 20 thousand polonians in ukraine. but they went together to hike. the cossacks won the battle at the gathering, but the khan demanded that khmelnitsky make peace with the king, because at night several barrels of polish gold were brought to khan. khmelnitsky.
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“we are truly consoled by your victories and the beginning of the rescue, accept the letters
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of his tsar’s majesty, in it, our sovereign, joyfully answers you to your letter, and he is pleased to wait for your ambassadors in moscow . on january 8, khmelinsky made a speech to the people. “we ourselves are not we can, but many want to conquer our lands, khan of crimea, sultan of turkey, king of poland, what should we do, but there is a great one and one of the same faith, the white russian tsar, do you want to be united with moscow, the people answered yes, and for 350 years, 350 years, you were together in one state." glory to the russian people, our brother
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who gave us his hand in a terrible struggle, soon the day will come, brother will unite with brother, and there will be no force to break us. there will be no force to catch us.
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empresses who are ordered to be beaten he announced that he has a decree russian all poles and jews, and then liberated edge from it, annex it to russia. his detachment quickly increased, so that he could withstand several skirmishes with polish troops.
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several gaidomas detachments entered the territory of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. during the appearance of the haidomaks on the territory of the ukrainian voivodeships, local serfs began to go over to their side in large numbers. the gaidamad detachments, which penetrated into the territory of the kiev voivodeship, gathered in large numbers of horse and foot, attacked the town of moshny. the rebels took the place and they killed the poles and jews in it. the rebels are for...
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that is, russia. together, russian and polish troops suppressed the gaidomand uprising. in 1768, the last major outbreak of the gaidomas movement took place. at this time, on the territory of poland there was a struggle between the gentry confederation and the russian empire. the presence of russian
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troops raised hopes for their help. and he took advantage of this mood. russian atoman maxim zheleznyak, spreading a rumor that he also has a decree from the russian empress catherine the second, a golden letter ordering to rebel against the confederates for oppressing orthodoxy and to beat them, he gathered a large detachment around him, took the town of zhabatin, then the town of lesyanka , killed the noble jews who were fleeing here , headed to the pototsk castle, having sent out a detachment of court cossacks against him,
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nida, no problem, further, a disgusting chronicle. the event from which
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the countdown of the volyn massacre begins was the massacre in the village of poroslya on february 9, 1943. it was a small village with 26 houses, oun militants they asked her to stay, after which, after eating well and heavily, the ukrainian nationalists. moreover, in the region already in 1941-42 , villages were burned down along with their inhabitants, massacres, confiscation
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of valuables, everything that accompanied the nazi occupation and extermination policy. a typical example of how this happened is given by the transcript of the interrogation of platoon commander stepan radeshi. we surrounded five pula villages in one night, burned them, and the entire population, from infants to old men, was slaughtered. a total of 200 people were killed, my platoon took part in the burning of a large polish village, we slaughtered about a thousand poles. on july 11, 1943 , 150 polish villages and khutar villages were simultaneously destroyed. the ideas of the oun, an organization of ukrainian pre-cialists, are now the guide to action of modern ukrainian nationalists with whom our army is fighting in the donbass. according to numerous reports confirming each other, ukrainian nationalists and their allies burned houses, shot, drove
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inside those who tried to escape, and those who managed to be caught on the street, killed with sickles and pitchforks, churches filled with parishioners were burned to the ground in order to intimidate the surviving poles and force them to flee, the bandits displayed beheadings...
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in one of the houses on the table among scraps and unfinished bottles of moonshine lay a dead man a one-year-old child, whose naked body was nailed to the boards with a bayonet,
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the monsters stuffed a half-eaten pickled cucumber into his mouth, i can’t even list all this, the numbers of those killed as a result of the genocide of the polish population vary greatly, ukrainian historians tortured... the red army came to ukraine, now i think the refusal of my artist from poland to drink
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to the health of the ukrainian people is understandable.
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30-40 years, there will be something to do, again, thank god, as long as they don’t interfere with us, for now, thank god, that’s it, goodbye. your brother, there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, he’s alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you , get ready for moscow, listed as missing, no, that won’t do, i’m for he came, i have to find him.
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the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. hello, i'm boris akilov, and i'm oleg stepanov. and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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anniversary date: 10 years have passed since the return of crimea to russia. residents of the peninsula made their choice in a referendum on march 16, 2014. how has the region changed over the years? olga’s special report on this kurlaeva after advertising. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest and get super cashback in rubles.


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