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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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no one knew anything, there was no news about this, since there was complete darkness in the operating room, since our operating rooms, you see that there are no other sources of lighting like artificial ones, there are no windows, there is nothing. there was no panic, anton vladimirovich recalls, it was necessary to finish the operation, get out of the wound and apply stitches, all this under the light of flashlights and phones. this was our longest day, because our administration and doctors needed to think about where to find at least some source.
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and even came to the new building of the republican clinical hospital named after semashka. anton vladimirovich now works here as the head of the operating unit. old our territory, which was located in the center of the city, these are quite old buildings that were built back in 1911, at the time of our transition they were already more than 100 years old. these are two-story buildings, scattered, each had its own separate operating room, each department lived like. in a small separate house, but quite dilapidated, which was just about ready to crumble, and the equipment that we had, that’s what we got, we got it, a new twelve-story medical center opened 4 years ago, there are more than twenty specialized departments, including
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radiation diagnostics, resuscitation, intensive care, neurology, cardiology, there is even a helipad, there are 16 operating rooms, we have a very large number.
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as soon as you come here, you immediately find yourself in a pleasant environment, the attitude is pleasantly amazing, you know, in this state, you understand that only glory is gratitude, get married, it’s interesting that there is no residency in cardiovascular surgery in crimea yet, operations are performed by doctors from various cities in russia, and here...
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under our clear leadership, we have a well -developed mentoring system in the department, that is, we have a senior comrade assigned to each young surgeon, whom he himself leads. ukrainian healthcare. the reform excluded medical examinations from the list of medical services; diagnostics became paid and inaccessible to middle-class pensioners. medical examination is now being carried out, not only is it compulsory, but it is also done in such a way that it is not only
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impossible to refuse it, it is very active imposed, but this allows us to make sure that many pathologies are detected in the early stages. ministry budget. one of the leading healthcare providers in the republic is organizing outpatient services, opening clinics, purchasing new equipment, now only domestic or from friendly countries. the medical blockade even continues a little, which is why, firstly, all supplies of medical equipment have been cut off, not only the equipment itself, but also consumables, that is, even if we owned and received certain medical equipment that we could use during operations. interventions, and highly specialized medical care forces us, even obliges us to use various consumables for heavy equipment, then at some period of time we received a blockade due to the fact that it was simply not supplied to the republic of crimea.
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crimean waterfall, handsome uchansu, himself. highest in europe, it is above 100 m. in december 2019, in the fifth year of the water blockade of crimea, it completely dried up and disappeared along with it. the salgir river absorbs the simferopol reservoir. this happened due to the fact that the water balance of the entire peninsula changed. ecocycle has arrived. now the simferopol reservoir is overflowing with excess water. we have to dump them into the already full-flowing salgir. 3 years ago, the mountain river practically disappeared, and the reservoir became shallow to its dead volume. it was impossible for residents of the crimean capital to take water from it. and the dnieper was no longer in the north crimean canal. in april 2014, the same organizers
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civil blockade paid for the construction of a dam in the kherson region and blocked the north crimean canal. in kiev, the genocide of crimeans and the ecocide of the peninsula were explained by the wishes of kherson farmers. this was manipulation, of course, a 100% lie, because farmers absolutely do not need this. not only did they turn off the water, the water still flowed, they took it and built a dam. in a canal in an artificial structure near the column, the water still flowed, then they took it and built a monumental dam, almost the same as platinum, began to be discharged until 2014 , up to 85% of crimea’s needs for press water were supplied to the peninsula through the north crimean canal. well , unfortunately, rice left the krasnopereksky district, completely different crops that require large water consumption, but nevertheless, the support of the ministry was a plus. agriculture of the russian federation, all villagers received compensation, including those who suffered direct losses from the drought. one way
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or another, for several years this program allowed agricultural producers survive. the canal provided water to the eastern part of the peninsula. the most difficult situation arose there. residents of feodosia-kerch could be left without water supply. in 2014 , hydraulic structures were built that made it possible to fill the north crimean canal with water from the belogorsk and taigan reservoirs along the growth of the biyok karasu river. thanks to.
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the drought reached its peak, the water level in the chernorechesky reservoir, the main sevastopol reservoir, was determined by the townspeople by concrete rings, which were exposed like the skeleton of a leviophane. yes, none there were no external opportunities to get water , it is clear that there were calculations for a well for underground sources, which was actually later implemented, but the problem had to be solved quickly and, therefore, very efficiently, so at that moment he turned to president vladimir vladimirovich. i immediately held a meeting literally there for a week with members of the government on how
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to prevent a critical situation in sevastopol, in particular, because if we say so, on the territory of the peninsula after all, the system of underground water intakes was very developed, then we had a very limited situation with underground water intakes, the russian government considered the possibility of desalination of sea water, but the project for the construction of a water intake on the belbeg river turned out to be more reliable, build the military, yes, mobilizing a large number of builders , and military builders, in fact, in working order, developing the project, began implementing a water intake on the belbeg river, already in the spring of twenty-one, that is, from the moment of launch to turnkey implementation, there a little over five months passed, and the water intake was ready just in time for the flood of the twenty-first year, and in the spring of the twenty-first year... we began to save water. the construction and launch of the complex hydraulic structure took only 115
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days. according to the project, water was supposed to be collected in a bucket and further distributed along the old system of the northern crimean canal. were you in a hurry to get to the flood waters? it’s always nice to look at water, especially when you realize that it’s not just water, it’s your resource for providing the city and absolutely controlled, because here we always have 50,000 m2 now and can supply it to the network if necessary, so, of course, this is such an excellent, correct object that for many years allows us to make the city’s water supply system more manageable. the dry spell is over, however.
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the possibility of reserving the required volume , that is, it would provide additional water for yalta-olusta. otherwise , there is no threat, after the victory of the special military operation, the achievement of goals, i am sure that the supply of water to the north crimean canal will be restored. we have all the technical capabilities for this. the total damage from the water blockade
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amounted to about 6 trillion rubles. but sevastopol winemakers saw certain provinces in the drought.
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it was probably a good start, because somehow they heard us, that is, well, crimea, sevastopol was on everyone’s lips, and there seemed to be a very loyal attitude towards us, and largely thanks to this we managed to get through, the winemakers received support from state, and subsidies and grants from the ministry of agriculture
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were given to small farms, which only started their activities, the first 4 years, when the vine is formed and there is no commercial harvest... the state compensated 80% of the costs, well, the important first component is compensation for the costs of planting vineyards, it exists, and then there are a lot of different programs, there are grants aimed at there is the same agrotourism, well, for the development of tourism in agriculture, there is preferential lending, as if, in fact , today you can not be afraid, go and do it and not worry. for what you don't have there enough money or something else. rym managed to realize his dream, to build his own winery with a hotel and restaurant. already this year, the first agritourists will be able to try the original wine. of course, you can get drunk and forget yourself just with vodka, but here you want to talk and sort of feel and understand where this wine is, how this wine was grown, how
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it was made. in general, this is a whole science. crimean wine is experiencing a real renaissance , demand for...
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the fact is that this is the first wine that has passed its way from the kchurin vineyard to bottles produced in-house. there is no name yet, but it will definitely be associated with the first anniversary of the crimean spring. by the tenth anniversary, yes, but for us it will be a classic sparkling wine aged for a year on precipitation, that is, it will not be enough. the milking is classic sparkling, but it will go on sale in the anniversary year, but while the original wine is waiting in the wings in the cellars,
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here in the refrigerators upstairs this author’s crimean cheese is already ripening, it can give odds to any parmesan and the famous french brie, made from cow’s milk or sheep with nuts, olives, wine truffles , classic hard or very fresh, soft, with you according to standard technology or according to the author's recipe, but their names have a mandatory reference to the place of origin, that is, this is the ancient name of belogorsk, mavron-kastron , translated from greek, black fortress, that is, we named it in honor of the area where we make it, this is the most popular cheese, that is, it is made from one hundred percent veche milk, hard cheese, that is, it is made using exactly this technology hard cheese, but what if she... produces spanish italian cheeses like manchego here somewhere, well, we called it, of course not manchego, we called it mavroncastron. in denis vanzhi’s cheese factory, it is forbidden to
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swear or use foul language; it is also not recommended to approach containers of milk in a bad mood, otherwise bacteria will spoil the cheese and it will acquire a bad taste. they start making cheese at 5:00 in the morning after the morning milking of french dairy sheep, which were brought in a roundabout way through austria, keeping a cache... their final destination, sanctions apply even to such purebred and sweet cattle. a breed that was just brought from austria and was bred in france, that is, this kind of milk makes it possible to make such cheese, that is, we would not be able to make cheese from the milk that, let’s say, local sheep could give when giving, that is, this is still a special technology that starts from... the base, that is, from the animal, and then further complexes of feed are developed. alpine sheep have taken root on crimean hills and produce not only milk, but offspring
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with european ancestry. and crimean cheeses and yoghurts go in limited quantities to simferopol restaurants and moscow living rooms. denis vandzha himself moved from yekaterinburg to the peninsula with his wife and four children. the fifth was born in the russian crimea, despite the packages with sanctions and numerous ukrainian notices. the region is developing faster than other countries, making up for lost time, i certainly dream of the day when all the ribbons are cut, all this will be already work in the form in which it is intended, well, i’m sure that the majority of residents of our country will want to come to sevastopol at least once to look at it, because this is of course a grandiose project,
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literally across the bay this project of a historian is an archaeological park, which is now being implemented, in principle it will all be one , a single cultural landscape. and the abandoned military unit will be replaced by the largest choreography academy in europe, which will open this year. as polunin says, our famous dancer, dance.
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suburban highways, residents of new russian regions are now traveling along them to see how crimea has been transformed in just 10 years, roads both in cities and international
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highways, and the tavrida highway itself or... the polish airport, what a cost, therefore , of course, well, it was such, you know , envy, which at the time when we had already begun to communicate and come to crimea freely, showed the prospect that after 10 years the residents of the peninsula see the results of returning home and know the exact answer to the question whose crimea are those who create and not destroy? here the vast majority of projects were implemented only thanks to the direct participation of the president and the quick, effective management decisions he made. the key to successful development of any territory today is a short connection, so to speak, between the performer and the boss. vladivich himself kept most of the projects implemented in crimea under his personal control, and the fact that i can reach the leader at any time, thank him very much for giving me such an opportunity, is precisely the key to successful and rapid development, overcoming all difficult
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situations. 10 years ago, in the center of simferopol , a monument to a polite person appeared, a little girl hands flowers to a warrior, there are always bouquets of live roses, carnations, tulips, there are especially many of them in the days of the russian spring, because it began from here in the crimea.
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