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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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in russia, the final day of voting in the presidential elections, voter turnout in the country as a whole is already higher. 50% is the given cycle at 10 am moscow time; in a number of russian regions the turnout has already exceeded 90%. my colleague roman plyusov works at the sberkomi center, where all voting data is received, and he is joining the broadcast again. roman, how the country votes and what statements ella pomfilova has already made today. daria, good morning, the country is actively voting, an unprecedented level of turnout, as they say in the public chamber, for 10 years of public observations note that they have not seen such voter activity there.
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there is an online scoreboard here in the central election commission about the progress of the voting, and so at this moment 62%, 62.16% have already voted in the presidential elections in russia, today is really the main final day of voting , the head of the tsikal pomfilova spoke about its importance again at the morning briefing. today is a very important, final voting day. i want to wish all our colleagues, who are now all commissions are open, that everything goes at the highest level, everything we taught, everything we talked about, elections should be held as cleanly, honestly, correctly as possible, so that no one would have the slightest doubt about the correctness of how these elections are going, well, a thousand. 115 international
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observers are helping to monitor the cleanliness and transparency of the elections, they came from more than 129 countries, a large delegation is now working in moscow and the moscow region, many have dispersed to the regions, these are also important numbers, ella pomfilova also spoke about powerful hacker attacks, imagine 280,000 dedos attacks , in the last 24 hours alone there were 12,600 of them, then there are about 500-odd of them there, and so every hour you have to reflect the center of the election commission, well, well, here’s the latest one... just a minute ago , polling stations in kamchatka and chukotka closed, the elections ended there, there already 20:00 pm, we continue to monitor incoming information, so we will immediately tell everything live. yes, roman, thank you, my colleague, roman plyusov, was in direct contact with the central berkom, well , we will contact our correspondent in kamchatka a little later after the advertisement. we're on vacation
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all this come from? are you retired? and in vtb pensions - the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum. vtb together everything will work out. in st. petersburg , almost 2.0 polling stations operate during presidential elections, of which there are about fifty of them temporary in hospitals at train stations at pulkovo airport. the voting process is monitored by 6,500 observers. and now in direct communication with the northern capital, our correspondent, dmitry akimov. dmitry, hello, how is your voting going? yes, colleagues, hello. 1,947 permanent polling stations opened today in the northern capital, and the third day of voting in st. petersburg is proceeding actively, despite the classic st. petersburg weather, it is raining, people continue to come to the polling stations. during the first 2 days of voting in the northern
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capital, almost 55% of voters have already cast their votes, which is more than 2 million people. in the leningrad region, voting is a little more active. the regional average turnout was 60%. well, it’s worth saying that in general the elections are taking place calmly, no serious violations or incidents have been recorded, and in order for the situation to remain the same, election officials are working at the polling stations , 6.00 observers actually take part, they are present both at the polling stations themselves and in specially organized center public observations , which operates around the clock and can accommodate up to 50 people at a time , it works around the clock, international observers who are now in
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the city continue their work in the same center, a total of 24 people, these are representatives from african countries, asia, europe and latin america, and we managed to communicate with them, in general everyone says that... that the elections are going well at a very decent high level, in general, international observers are very highly assessed the level of organization of elections in our country, now they continue their work in the moscow district of the city, as well as in the center of public observation, but we continue to monitor how elections are held in the northern capital, colleagues, we pass the floor, thank you, i told you about , how st. petersburg votes in elections... a few minutes ago , polling stations in kamchatka closed, as in the last presidential elections, the region was among the leaders in voter turnout, the turnout there exceeded 68%, and the rate of remote voting was 93%. and now
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my colleague alisa ritsa is coming directly from petropavlovsko-kamchatsky to the studio. alisa, hello, your voting has already ended, how was the last day and how did the russian presidential elections in kamchatka go in general? hello, daria, the third main day of elections in kamchatka has already ended, some came to vote in the last minutes before the polls closed, many noted. organization of the elections, as of 18:00 on sunday, the turnout was 71% 46, this is a good indicator. our polling station is already closed, voting is over, but people went to vote until the last moment, casting their votes for the russian presidential candidate. federation, the elections themselves took place quietly, calmly, our
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citizens also showed an active electoral position, after the closure of all 195 polling stations, the most crucial moment began, counting votes and canceling unused ballots. let me remind you that more than 600 public observers monitored the conduct of the elections and ensured legitimacy due to recent events. all services were ready for possible it was an emergency, but kamchatka residents approached the presidential elections very responsibly, and many came with their whole families, thereby setting an example for their children, besides, no one tried to set fire to ballot boxes or spill green stuff on the ballot, and right now the chairman of the twenty-first will tell us about the voting process district police officer
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there were no comments recorded at our polling station, everything went as usual, now members of the precinct election commission are finishing their work with voter books, after which we let's move on to canceling the ballot and opening the ballot boxes to count the votes. thank you for your informative answer, and i’ll remind you that kamchatka holds first place in the use of remote voting, more than 80% of... voters expressed the right to vote on the first day, by this time already 95%, that
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is, out of 42, out of 44,000 voters 42,000 voted for the future of our country, and well , as they say, during the cyclone that hit the peninsula, of course, it was much more convenient to vote from home, and the remote method gives you this opportunity just by clicking: a few buttons, and the voice will be realized, but because of the cyclone, the foreign delegation could not arrive for a long time, 30 experts arrived from different countries of the world, from argentina, indonesia and others, only on the second day they were able to start their work, and they met with work at polling stations, watched the voting procedure, and of course it was pleasant... for them , pancakes and touches of russian traditional culture became, since the last
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day of elections is the last day of maslenitsa, in addition, caring residents peninsula were able to vote for improvement, at this moment the chairman of the regional election commission , inga vitalievna irinina, is reporting to the central election commission, and the results of the preliminary voting will be known this morning. i’m done, colleagues, i give you the floor. yes, alisa, thank you, my colleague, alisa rits, is working in kamchatka, where vote counting has already begun. now there is a short advertisement, then the broadcast will continue with the final release of the news on duty. all methods are good when you want first try the new bixspecial barbecue. with a big beefsteak, raw instant, bacon and pumpkin and barbecue sauces, what are
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calm, just calm. valentina, valemidinina, drops for calm. this is for money, we give shares every day, open an account for investment, for the purchase of any share you get another one as a gift, not just profitable, alpha profitable, alen, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback, i’ll buy. hello, the most discussed legal topics of the past week and the big investigations of our correspondents, in the final episode of the program the duty part will be conducted, i’m andrey ivlev with you, watch now. the forest is being cut down, money is flying, before
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the start of the spring thaw... artificial intelligence turned out to be wrong a scientist from the yaroslavl region was acquitted of murder charges twenty years ago. galina khungureeva figured out who would be responsible for error. business smartphones, how resellers use russian tourists for delivery. gadgets from dubai why do new models disappear from luggage? they didn’t take my laptop, they didn’t take anything valuable of mine at all, only my phones. maxim shevchenko found out how the industry for selling modern phones works. the mystery of the death of a russian tourist in thailand, what could marijuana have to do with it? selling marijuana use in thailand is no longer considered a crime. sergei mengazhev about
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the investigation of a high-profile crime. in moscow they arrested a daring robber who tried to steal 46 million rubles. the driver was carrying a large sum to the bank and stopped for a snack. at that moment , a stranger ran up to the empty foreign car, he broke the window, dived inside, and grabbed a thick bag containing stacks of banknotes. the attacker was obviously tracking the car and clearly did not expect that brave passers-by would attack him and take the loot. running. in a row , together with employees of the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs, we decided to find out how the fight against black loggers is going and what new are
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state duma deputies preparing to strike at the thieves of natural resources? report by andrey romanov. in the deep forests of the ivanovo region, the singing of birds is inaudible, and the birds are frightened by the roar of chainsaws. it comes from several directions at once. the harvesting and export of round timber is in full swing on the land. we are following in the footsteps of the timber truck. we reached the edge of delyana, here quite recently, a few days ago , coniferous timber was being harvested, now everything has been cut down to the roots, and the wood miners are working a little further. lumberjacks warm themselves by the fire, burning treetops swaddled trees, ax and chainsaw masters assure that they are working legally. you steal two trees, but pay 1,150, it’s like it’s already greedy or they’ll let you sit for a year or two. but for black lumberjacks it makes sense. in huge earnings, in one outing they can pocket up to 200,000 rubles. poachers are not afraid of huge fines and the prospect of being behind bars; they have learned to hide from the security forces in
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the thicket of the forest, quietly saw down and export the wood. black loggers usually choose the most remote and hard-to-reach areas of the forest. now we are heading to dillyana, where some time ago poachers were operating with might and main. the road is long, you can drive it. only on a snowmobile, first across a field, and then through the forest. half an hour later, our film crew found themselves in dilyana, which some time ago had been mercilessly exploited by poachers. these are the consequences of the work of black lumberjacks, the entire forest is bald, only these thin young trees remain. all the trunks that reached a diameter of 80 cm were mercilessly bulged here, taken out and then sold on black market. it took employees of the department of economic security and anti-corruption of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the ivanovo region several months to develop this gang. they had a very firmly organized structured group,
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everyone in this group had a specific role, someone carried out the separation of the trunk from the stump, someone carried out skidding, someone carried out measurements, someone carried out observational approaches from the fields and other forest areas so that it would be possible to give a signal. for any inspection or detention is possible. the finale was a joint special operation by police officers, the fsb and the russian national guard. in operational footage , armed soldiers silently sneak through the forest, approach black lumberjacks and closely detain illegal immigrants at the moment when they are cutting down another tree. and here is a warehouse of equipment that was seized from another gang of alleged natural resource thieves in the snowdrifts. tractors, snowmobiles and timber trucks are drowned. it was perhaps one of the largest groups in the region. the police together with fsb officers took almost 30 people at once. now they are in the dock;
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a separate room was needed to house the materials of this criminal case. court workers stitched the volumes together using special tools and wood products that were clearly obtained legally. after such large-scale imprisonments, the dock. loggers in the ivanovo region break the law much less often, together with the police we went to check the tenants of the site where wood is extracted, more than a dozen timber trucks leave from here per day, documents in ok, so what volume will you take out? the round timber here is not harvested by hand; powerful equipment, harvesters, work on the plot; on average, a machine there can harvest 150 cubic meters; a tree is taken, sawed, dragged , and everything is calculated by cubic capacity. representatives of the forestry department are closely monitoring to ensure that they do not cut down too much. they assure that this year
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there have been no cases of timber theft on their territory. in 2023 , 13 cases of illegal logging were recorded. they leave so that it is unnoticeable, early in the morning and cut somewhere around 15-18 cubic meters already during working hours during daylight hours they are already. leaving the felling site. on the highway , carriers of stolen wood try to get lost among dozens of legal timber trucks; during a raid with our film crew, traffic police officers did not identify illegally obtained timber in the stream of trucks with round timber. in 2023 , about seven dozen persons violating forest legislation were brought to justice and administrative liability, and as a result of the measures taken, the number of illegal logging in ivanovo region in 2023. black lumberjacks have significantly curbed their appetites in many regions of the country, including thanks to the work of our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program, they have devoted
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several to this problem. the films told about the smuggling of timber from the leningrad region and karelia to finland, the rampant timber poachers in the far east in the krasnoyarsk territory, the irkutsk and omsk regions, and illegal logging in the regions of the central federal district. according to the documents there are 16 cubic meters, in fact you can see by eye that there are more. over a decade of work, we managed to achieve a significant tightening of legislation in the forestry sector. now the moment has come when the state house started talking about total digitalization of the industry. introduce electronic accompanying documents for each batch of goods, and also establish a ban on being in forests with machines and equipment for cutting down and transporting timber. the new bill will allow the confiscation of equipment from those who are caught in the fields on logging trucks with chainsaws, even without production. the document has already been adopted in the first reading, as the authors of the initiative assure that the law will deprive black lumberjacks of even the mythical chances of
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making illegal money. andrey romanov, viktor barmin, vadim kalivanov, gennady mikheychev, lead the duty unit. the first footage has emerged from the scene of a double murder in dagestan, where the son of a former prosecutor and his lawyer were shot dead. this happened in the parking lot near the nagai district court. it is clear that the fence is riddled with bullets. let me remind you that the day before the court handed down an unexpectedly lenient sentence to the son of the former kizlyar prosecutor vladimir grigoryants for for killing a fourteen-year-old schoolboy on a moped, the young man received only one and a half years. the father of the deceased child was greatly angered by this and after the meeting he shot the culprit of the accident and his lawyer sergei osipov with a pistol. he also wounded several other people. employees of the investigative committee opened a criminal case. one of the most discussed news of the week came from the krasnodar territory, where the court allowed the release of criminal authority zakhary kalashov. the so-called thief in law was known under the nickname shakro the young and had power over many bandits. in 2018, he
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received a sentence for extortion and an attempt to bribe high-ranking generals, but could be released from custody as early as this month. the reason is a sharp deterioration in health. shakro, the young will come out old. on march 20 he will turn 71. fyodor eliseev, together with experts, tried to figure out whether he would take up his old ways. rochdelskaya street. the elements restaurant was once located here. in december 2015 there was a loud shootout, after which high-ranking employees of the investigative committee and the king of the criminal world zakhary kalashov, better known as shakro molodoy, were behind bars, here is a new, high-profile event, a once influential criminal authority is released from prison. the decision on conditional early release was made by the ustlabinsky district court of the krasnodar territory, to which the correctional
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institution where is located. zakhary kalashov served his sentence in recent years. he got there for trying to bribe high-ranking generals. for a million dollars, kalashov asked for the release of his chief assistant, andrei kochuykov, known in the criminal world as an italian. it was he, along with his accomplices, who came to the capital’s elite restaurant on rodchdelskaya and demanded 8 million rubles from the owner. she turned to former kgb officer, lawyer eduard budantsev, for help. as a result of the armed conflict, two people were killed and nine more were injured. shakro molodoy himself was not there; he was detained later, when intelligence services tracked the entire chain of bribe transfer. at that time, several influential security officials became defendants in criminal cases: the former head of the internal security department of the investigative committee of russia, mikhail maksimenko, and his deputy , alexander lomonov, as well as the head of the capital’s main headquarters of the investigative committee, alexander drymanov, and his deputy, denis nikandrov. all of them were fired and punished. zakhary kalashov personally.
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began his path to the criminal olympus back in the early seventies in georgia, in the nineties, already in moscow, he survived more than a dozen assassination attempts, here he became one of the most authoritative leaders of criminals, and in 2003 he moved to sunny spain. in those years, this european country sheltered many representatives of the russian criminal world, and shakro began to actively launder illegal proceeds there, but despite the replenishment of the local treasury, the spanish government announced a hunt for russian members. shakro the young also did not escape this fate, he received 9 years in prison, having served his term, shakro the young was deported to russia, after the murder of the crime boss aslan usayan, it was he who became the leader of the underworld, soon kalashov was detained in the case of extortion after a shootout on rochdel street, he was in a country mansion with a picturesque garden, in the house of the king of thieves there was a royal interior, furniture in
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vinzel gilding. grand piano for one


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