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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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more than 65% of russians have already taken part in the presidential elections. in the easternmost regions of kamchatka and chikotka, where voting has already ended, turnout was more than 70 and about 90%, respectively. and now my colleague roman plyusov joins the broadcast from the center of the election committee. roman, tell us more about how voting is taking place in different regions and what figures there are for this. daria, good afternoon,
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yes, thank you, indeed the turnout has already exceeded 65% by this minute, and it must be noted that this is an in-person event, total in-person turnout, it does not take into account data on remote voting, electronic voting, so, well, we can say that the threshold of the elections of the last presidential elections in 2018 will be overcome, in the very near future we will see these numbers, an unprecedented level of turnout, as... .they say in the public chamber that voters have not seen such activity throughout the entire 10 years of public observation, by the way, this is noticeable in the numbers, there are some regions where, compared to the last presidential elections, activity voters there have grown by almost a third, many come to the polling stations and combine their civic position, the expression of their civic position with the holidays, in our seventeen constituent entities of the russian federation people... our young citizens
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decided to hold their own weddings, not just weddings , but it is also necessary to strengthen it so that for the rest of their lives this will be a historical event in their lives by the fact that they literally came from the wedding ceremony to vote at the polling station. voting is going on as usual, we we work in the very heart of the central election commission, all information, no information will pass us by, we will inform our viewers reliably, quickly, today during the day, at night, at 3 am i will come to the television studio, i will already inform our viewers there, but here in the meantime, here we managed to get a bell that notifies the start of elections, dear friends, we have a unique situation, i managed to get closer to show you the bell of the head of the center of the election committee, he only rings this bell... twice a year
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it opens the elections, ella pomfilova rings it, closes the elections, that is, we will hear this ringing for the second time tonight, now we can’t ring it, he’s so beautiful, about 10 kilograms, listen, he’s heavy, well, what a successful platform we have at our tv channel, nothing passes us by, we can tell and show everything, and today, throughout the day and at night , we will sum up the voting results with you. new regions are actively voting, the dpr is almost 90%, these are simply amazing numbers. zaporozhye region almost 76%. and now with we are in touch with the zaporozhye region, my colleague, our military correspondent anton stepanenko, and with him a member of the central electoral commission of russia, konstantin sergeevich mozurevsky. anton, konstantin sergeevich, good afternoon, and my first question is, how is the voting going?
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they vote for 3 days, they didn’t have early voting, so people, of course, uh, try to exercise their voting rights and do it with pleasure, but it ’s directly visible, that is, just walking into the polling station there’s an immediate atmosphere of pride, not even even going under the film is already starting to be felt, well, it’s clear in the city, yes, that elections are going on, you know, well, a festive mood, well , the virtual bell that my colleague was talking about, such a zaporozhye ring will sound first at 14:00, right? for rural areas and
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in our country, we do have specifics, it is connected precisely with the ismin hour, with the fact that there is martial law, our rural areas vote until 14:00, in short, eh? cities vote until 16:00, this was announced in advance, but nevertheless here is the commission structured the work in such a way that anyone could vote, the emphasis was on voting at home early voting, this is related to security, yes, but nevertheless, everyone who wanted could go to the polling stations all these 3 days, but according to tradition, of course more such people came today, sunday, as is considered the main day, traditional, traditional, konstantin, there is... a group of international observers, what they recorded, there may be some roughness, or everything is perfect, we met with them, these are trained observers who not only come to us, who travel all over the world,
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highly, extremely highly appreciated the preparation of the elections in the zaporozhye region, well, this is actually visible with an unguarded glance , just go to any polling station, it may even be the same somewhere it’s better to bring equipment, yes, than than... in russia, are they recording any provocations of the kiev regime, yes, it’s no secret, they tried to disrupt and spoil the very atmosphere of the elections, they tried, we have - unfortunately attacks - drones on a number of precinct election commissions, but the commission was very well prepared, we understand who we are dealing with, that these are terrorists who are trying to carry out their attacks against the civilian population, the choice is a reason for them, so each local commission has regulations, there is a reserve room, and if such incidents occur, the commission knows what to do, all the commission is instructed, so the voting is not interrupted, thank god there are no casualties, yes, if it happens, as we have in kamenko dneprovka, yes attacks drones, respectively, people simply take the documentation, go to the premises and voters already come to
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where the commission has moved, and to be honest, i even had yes, they tried to contact the commission, they said, no, we will continue to work, people unite even more, novel, that's the atmosphere. here in zaporozhye, yes, anton, thank you, well, the numbers show how the work of the election commission in the zaporozhye region is organized, this is worthy of admiration, and separately, of course, the civic position and activity of the courage of the residents themselves is worthy of admiration new regions, let me remind you once again that our military commander anton stepanenko and member of the central executive committee of russia konstantin mazurevsky were in touch with us from the zaporozhye region, giving such data to this minute, i give the floor to you. roman, thank you, we will be waiting for your new broadcasts in the next chat. now in moscow, where , according to the local election commission , more than 4.5 million people had already voted as of 12:00 p.m., the majority prefer to do it online on the remote electronic voting portal, our correspondent egor grigoriev will tell you how to vote in person,
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he works at one of the sites. egor, greetings, what is your situation and how are the elections in moscow going in general? daria, hello, we are at the polling station. in the south-west of moscow, those who choose not remote electronic voting for themselves, but come to the polling station today, it turns out that the majority choose ballot papers, ask for exactly this form from representatives of the precinct election commission, so the terminals for electronic voting are somewhat sad voting here at the polling station, and it is worth noting that by noon the number of people increased, that is, the number of people willing to cast their vote increases, and one of... such, however, this was done early in the morning, nikolai kharitonov came today, the presidential candidate chose as a method of voting, popular, like him i said, the traditional method, also with the help of a ballot,
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is the final day of the election campaign, so i urge everyone to come and vote, the election campaign is taking place in difficult conditions, but in all difficult times in our national russia, the people, more than ever, it was this time that it was consolidated, and i see, starting from kamchatka, from chukotka, almost these days, people are actively walking at the polling station, and i think that at the end of this working day, the maximum number of our voters will definitely vote, i met with. .. cis, uec, there are practically no comments. they said that in donbass, in lugansk, right up to kamchatka, novosibirsk, my home region, international
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observers practically had no comments on the conduct of the election campaign. another candidate for presidents, vladislav davankov traveled as much as 400 km in order to score his goal.
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observers are working, including international ones all over russia, in our area here in the south-west of moscow there are observers from candidates, from the public chamber they are vigilant, they did not notice any violations during all these 2 and a half days of voting, well, let me remind you that at 20 :00 today the polling stations will close, the first results are promised by...
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chukhotka on sakhalin, in the magadan region, in primorye, the polling stations have already closed, the counting of votes has begun. voter turnout in in the whole country it is already more than 65%, this is data from the cec online portal. in a number of regions , the figure exceeded 80%, including tva, dpr, chukotka, north ossetia, kemerovo region, jewish autonomous region, as well as the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug. and in the chechen republic , more than 90% of voters have already made their choice. he also actively votes. you can take part in the presidential elections in person at the polling station or electronically
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. more than 90% of registered voters have already voted on the remote electronic voting portal. behind the voting process is monitored by more than a thousand international observers and experts from 129 countries. and now our channel’s broadcast will continue with the parliamentary hour program. hello, the parliamentary hour program is on air, we will tell you about the main events of the state duma this week.
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today is the finale of the three-day voting. russians determine who will lead the country for the next 6 years. the russian presidential elections have attracted the attention of people all over the world and there are enough people who want to influence them. for results by all means. we even woke up like this so-called sleeping anti-russian communities in messengers and social networks. this is recorded by the state duma commission to investigate facts of foreign interference in the internal affairs of russia. for the first time , remote electronic voting is being used in presidential elections. in such conditions, it is especially important to ensure maximum transparency of the process and prevent attempts at falsification. what
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has been done for this and how russians vote in the mariburg report. polling station number 75 in the presnensky district of moscow. on the morning of the first day of voting, here is your choice made by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. he noted how important it is to vote for the future of our country, for a strong and independent russia.
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today we all came to the polling stations and voted, today i voted in the presidential elections in russia, in these 3 days our country chooses the path of development, this is our common cause, together we choose the future of russia, i came to the polling station, where i always vote, i was glad to see there are a lot of ballots in the ballot box, and i spoke with the sweepers.
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hence the great desire to intervene in elections in our country. this year, one of the main features of the election campaign is the west’s attempts to influence the course of the presidential election through the russians who left the country. what distinguishes this campaign is the frequency and boldness of its interference in
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electoral processes. now our colleagues have also joined in anti-russian activities. from the european parliament, the bundestag, from the congress, the usa, they gather around them, not only foreigners there, but also the most notorious scoundrels and traitors who moved abroad, with in order to use them precisely in anti-russian activities. vasily piskarev also noted that penetration attempts by sabotage and reconnaissance groups and drone attacks will not be able to disrupt the elections or sow panic in our citizens or foreign members.
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everything is in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation, in accordance with election legislation and in accordance with international standards. it is concluded that in the russian federation today. all regulatory documents, the entire organizational structure, all the government is structured in such a way that legislation ensures the full expression of the will of the people,
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everything is fine with you, people can vote and work, without looking at anyone else. this is the first presidential election in which you can vote online in 228 regions of the country. before this, for 5 years citizens had the opportunity to cast their vote remotely. during other election campaigns, the system has shown its effectiveness, almost 5 million voters through government services, you have expressed a desire to vote remotely accessed electronically, for comparison, in the elections we had in 22nd year , the total number of voters through dekh was a little more than 110,000, the growth, as you can see, is colossal, we believe that this is connected both on the one hand with the simplicity and convenience of this option, and with the other side is its high reliability and security. there are no online elections in the new territories yet, but you could also cast your vote without leaving your home. for residents of these regions, such a measure
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is primarily about safety and has an additional plus - convenience. early voting there started on february 25. people are happy that we come, because there are old people, there are disabled people who cannot even get out of bed. it's very convenient for them that we came straight to their home. and ... they didn’t vote, of course, it’s convenient, i’m at home, so you came, i voted , i went about my business, it’s good that we came, you can vote at home, not everyone can go, go, in general, go, go, vote, in donetsk they voted right at work, this is how the railway employees elected the president, the railway workers, the people friendly, for us work is probably a second home, so... it’s easier for us to get everyone together at work than at home. new territories are being voted on in local areas.
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the fate of our homeland depends on each of us, so each of us must fulfill our civic duty. according to current legislation, the country's president is elected for a six-year term. the central election commission must announce the final results of the elections no later than march 28. maria burkova, nikita kharaskin, sergey gordeev, anna melikyan, elena. duma tv. parliamentary hour. state duma deputies adopted an appeal to the bundestag of germany after the german military command discussed attacks on the territory of our country. let me remind you that information was previously released about negotiations between high-ranking bundeswehr officers with plans for possible attacks on the crimean bridge. such discussions can be regarded as a threat to our country, stressed state duma chairman vyacheslav. we appeal to the german parliament so that they conduct their own independent investigations and engage in a substantive
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discussion of the topic related to the involvement germany, its senior officers, issues of striking our country. we perceive this as aggression, as a threat to our security. one of the german generals. instructed senior officers on how to plan for the delivery of long-range missiles to kiev, provide accelerated training for ukrainian personnel, and conduct reconnaissance to destroy critical targets of our civilian infrastructure. this is stated in the state duma's address to the bundestag deputies. at the same time, the german military leaders were only worried about suspicions did not fall on chancellor scholz. the head of the defense committee, andrei kortopolov , noted that germany had previously transferred it to kiev.
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its escalation and direct participation in hostilities by those serving the bundeswehr. unfortunately, there are people in power in germany who have completely forgotten how expensive aggressive wars are for germany. to the people. meanwhile, the german authorities have not yet responded to the situation, said vasily piskarev, chairman of the security committee. an attempt to condemn the plans of the german military and an open investigation has not yet been carried out. we insist on holding it and ask our colleagues from the bundestag to get involved in this in the hope that they, representing the interests of their voters, understand what a disaster this could turn out to be. for them, themselves, preparations for war with russia, those who make such plans obviously do not realize the consequences, said the chairman of the state duma. russia today has weapons
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that are capable of hitting... targets on any territory, our country has something to answer, we have the most modern, high-tech weapons, which have no equal, but we are a peaceful country, we are doing everything to reach a solution within the framework of dialogue, but there are those who do not listen. more than a billion passengers a year are transported by russian railways. and this figure will grow, said the head of russian railways, oleg belozerov, during a government hour in the state duma. this year, for example, families with children will receive a discount for train travel. the company presented a program for the construction of high-speed highways. about how deputies can legislatively support the development of railways and what problems need to be solved, in the report by elena zhelnina. russian railways have achieved world leadership in the accuracy and safety
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of train traffic. daily, over the past year , for example, the highest figure for long-distance routes was recorded, and this is not the only record set by representatives of the core and one of the fastest growing sectors of the russian economy. all transportation within the country has reached its maximum in recent decades, but this... forecast estimates of the annual growth of passenger traffic show that in 6 years it will increase by 100 million people. in the target state, the passenger complex should provide service and transportation of at least 1,300 million passengers per year by 2030. this is the prospect of joint cooperation. at the government hour with head oleg belozerov, state duma speaker
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vyacheslav volodin notes. we must emphasize that if leaders of this level pay great attention to citizens’ appeals, and we address you only if letters come to us or at meetings... people ask questions on their behalf or problems are voiced, this already says a lot, it indicates that the company is focused on the person, on his appeal, and through deputies such communication is very effective, the successes of russian work are spoken about from the rostrum of the state duma, they are paid attention even in western countries unfriendly to russia, financial times reports
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that... naturally, the demand for cargo transportation on russian railways has increased from foreign consumers, and the german logistics company dhl estimates this growth at 40%, starting from december last year. together with the achievements of the policy, they also indicate the frontier of work. communicating with the leadership of russian railways, we proceeded from the principles that there are problems with russian railways today that require our legislative intervention. numerous traffic jams continue to grow near railway crossings, in which, in addition to personal cars, there are buses, taxis, cars, and soon fire brigade, a problem that needs to be solved. i believe that a special federal program is needed to resolve the issue of railway crossings at the federal level, and to provide for these
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funds in the federal budget in 2025-30, when a new strategy for the development of transport in russia is being formed. previously, the trans-siberian railway was quite calm and not overloaded, but recently, due to the turn of our cargo directly to the far east, what is happening there is that some settlements are being cut along the railway track and people are waiting to move from one part to another, sometimes for 3-4 hours, this is unacceptable. representatives of 76 regions of the country, those who are not indifferent to the development of the industry, are online right now. they, just like the deputies in the hall, are interested in the personnel issue: what is being done in terms of increasing real wages, equalizing, in this case, or an adequate ratio of wages of management personnel and workers. we index our wages, always indexed to inflation or higher, since our labor productivity is growing. how does russian railways ensures the issue of scientific technological sovereignty of the company in the field of personnel training in the segment.


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