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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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in kamchatka, chukotka, sakhalin, the magadan region, primorye and the trans-baikal territory , polling stations for the russian presidential elections have already closed and vote counting has begun. voter turnout in the country as a whole is more than 66%. this is data from the cec online portal. in a number of regions , the figure exceeded 80%, including tva, dpr, chukotka, north ossetia, kemerovo region, jewish autonomous region, as well as the small nenets autonomous okrug. but in the chechen republic they have already made their choice.
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more than 90% of voters also actively vote in the belgorod region, a new regional region of russia, you can take part in the presidential elections in person at the polling station or in electronic format. more than 90% of registered voters have already voted on the remote electronic voting portal. the election process is being monitored by more than a thousand international observers and experts from 129 countries ; the turnout in zaporozhye is approaching 81%.
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there were already queues of commissions, that is, this is evidence that people wanted to cast their votes and take part in the first russian presidential elections in zaporozhye, but in fact , the chairman of the central election commission of the zaporozhye region, galina kotyuchenko, galina anatolyevna, has more detailed information, what are the data for this hour on the elections, our data is wonderful, we have wonderful sunny weather today in the zaporozhye region, it corresponds to the mood of our voters. despite the provocations that we observed today in the zaporozhye region, all polling stations were open, that is, as planned, all members precinct election commissions began work, we actually, as you note, observed queues at polling stations, because many people waited for the seventeenth in order to come to the polling stations themselves, you know, following tradition, as it was before, in the same way now. with families, with children
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, come and choose your president. well, this is the first presidential election in russia, until now residents of the zaporozhye region participated in the presidential elections in ukraine, so you have something to compare them with in terms of organization, in in terms of voter sentiment. yes, indeed, for the first time we are electing the president of russia as part of the zaporozhye region, when it is already part of russia. you know , to be honest, this is very exciting , very touching, especially let’s say, for me , just as a resident of the zaporozhye region, elections are different, and you know, the most interesting thing is when we had visiting groups of the precinct election commission, they worked, went around from home, people said, we will come to the polling stations, and today, today is the way you know, some kind of, it seems to me, self-expression of people, because people were waiting for this, firstly, we have a different, somehow more festive, electoral system.
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president of russia in the zaporozhye region will already become a historical fact, we only have to wait 2 hours, then, yes, thank you, anton stepanenko talked about how in the presidential elections in russia. votes in zaporozhye region. russians continue to vote abroad. 230 polling stations operate in 111 foreign countries. crowded queues of people wishing to cast their votes lined up in berlin early this morning. a similar situation is observed in paris. in the morning, people are walking towards the russian embassy in a good mood with passports in their hands. russians living abroad elect a president on the territory of our country’s consulates around the world. so. in this video israel, people lined up long before the polling station opened to vote, a lot of people voting in brussels. in addition, fifty-one countries had the opportunity to participate in early voting. voting is underway at polling stations at
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russian representative offices in turkey. in addition to the embassy site in ankara, they have also opened in istanbul, trabzon and antalya. our own correspondent leila is following the voting process. isteklal is one of the most popular streets in istanbul, usually it comes to life around noon, but today , despite the day off, from the very early morning you can see a queue of people standing at the entrance to the russian consulate general, where one of the four polling stations is organized turkey for those wishing to vote on russian presidential elections. according to diplomats, at least 1,500 people have registered at this site, but the fate of the activity. there will be many more voters who voted. the right to vote can be exercised not only by russians who permanently reside in turkey, but also by those who come, for example, on vacation. we came to visit the city of istanbul, guests of the city and it so happened that we found ourselves during the presidential election period, so we decided to vote our civic duty,
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to give. that's why we're standing here now, our embassy, ​​votes today at the russian embassy in ankara. according to ambassador alexey yarkhov, the electoral process is organized according to the letter. the constitutional right to participate in elections is exercised by the president of the russian federation, the transparency of voting, and the full compliance of the organized electoral process with the existing legislative framework is verified quite simply. here she is. there are journalists at polling stations who can record all this and light it up. execute russians living in antalya, where a polling station is also organized, can also perform their civic duty. i would like to note the high voter turnout in antalya; people understand the importance of this event for the country. special thanks to the russian
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community of antalya, parishioners of the russian orthodox church, who organized cultural events near the polling station, and, of course, to the turkish authorities for their assistance in conducting the voting and taking appropriate security measures. another site was opened today at the diplomatic mission in trapzon. previously early voting took place in bursa, izmir, bodrum, as well as alanya, kimera and marmaris. in three cities of antalya province , according to preliminary estimates , more than 500 people cast votes. employees of the state corporation rosatom, which is building the first nuclear power plant in turkey, were among the first to vote in the russian presidential elections. for nuclear workers from russia from 10 to 12.
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allowed to vote, long-term relationships between the leaders of our countries are a key foundation for the progressive development of economic ties. general political stability will allow moscow and ankara to adhere to the course of strengthening comprehensive cooperation. this is especially important in the modern geopolitical picture of the world. the elections that take place in
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our countries, yes, they naturally influence the nature of relations between our states. these relations are on the rise. especially in this difficult period, when pressure is being put on russia from different sides, our turkish partners are showing it in this sense. full understanding of their national interests that development cooperation with our country is in the interests of the turkish republic and its people. voting in turkish cities is taking place as usual and will last until 8:00 pm. lenal nazarova, anna tarasenko, host türkiye. now there is a short advertisement, then our broadcast will continue with andrei medvedev’s documentary, crimea 10 years. it is dedicated to the reunification of the peninsula with russia, as well as to the people. thanks to whom this became possible,
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a year and a half ago there was nothing here yet, there was a project conceived by our creative group on july 28, the day of remembrance of st. equal-to-the-apostles prince vladimir, this entire huge object should be commissioned, this is of course a feat of our... builders for the year and a half preceding construction we found here 3 million artifacts, of which 800,000 are in museum storage, a huge museum will be... designed specifically for them, it will be here the byzantine quarter is located, that is, the reconstruction of the city from the time of prince vladimir, that is, this is the 10th century ad. the next one is the museum of crimea and novorossiya, an amphitheater for 1200 people, and a museum of christianity, and finally,
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what was planned here by emperor nicholas ii, and what the first world war did not allow to be done. its size was tens of times smaller than what it is now, the dome you see here, its diameter is 31 m, the same as that of st. sophia in constantinople, we finally found an ancient river at a very great depth, which flowed through khersonese, now we are bringing it out, and people will be able to immerse themselves in a font here...
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russia khersonese is being reconstructed, we are transporting building materials there, we are transporting insulation, dry mixtures, well, this is the most interesting weather, the most when there is light rain not strong, so drizzly, it’s for me, i remember it like that, i start thinking about the years i’ve lived, that’s how it is. everything was as the western or ukrainian press usually
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calls the reunification of crimea with russia; as a rule, there are three terms to choose from: annexation, capture or occupation? here is the tavrida highway, the most important infrastructure project of the russian crimea, here is tavrida, it’s wide , it’s become convenient, in general, for me it’s such a ride, it’s very pleasant, you relax, you don’t get tired, you can’t imagine, i went and studied at a university before... vrida - it took 3 hours to get to simferopol, now it’s 40 minutes, now from kerch to sevastopol along taurida is four times faster, every time i go, i say: “vovochka, thank you, i don’t
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know if this is possible, everyone worked here , as they say, not for earnings." tell conscience so you can say, income goes without saying, but conscience comes first, and what a gorgeous bridge it is, a very beautiful sight, especially when you drive along the road and look at the railway, yes, these are actually these pillars, this is a very powerful structure, the crimean bridge - this is our happiness, because it is a physical feeling of connection with the homeland. during the opening of the crimean bridge, people simply wanted to drive across it and return back, again to look at the crimean bridge. but in general , infrastructure projects in crimea over 10 years dozens have been implemented. if all this is called occupation in the western press, then how can we call what happened here under
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ukraine, when during all the post-soviet years not a single infrastructure project was implemented in crimea? in 2012, my mother had a heart attack, she was admitted to the hospital , of course, let's start with the fact that the hospital itself was completely destroyed, well, just no repairs, everything was shabby, terrible, there was no food, i went twice a day, fed her , the doctors called, they told me to do a stent, it costs $4,000, there are three serious doctors sitting there, they say, well , we either save, or well... we collected this money, i remember that i go to the bank and transfer these 400 dollars to some aunt, that is , in general, well, it’s not clear who had the operation all. ok, she recovered, i think it’s been 4 years, it’s 2016, that is , we’re already in russia, she calls me and says: maryanochka, i’m in a pre-infarction state,
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i need to have stents put in, you know, i have it, and as soon as i remember this is hell, and i’m already feeling bad, she’s like that, i don’t need anything, they will do everything here, they even feed me, they even give me chicken, i mean, well, that is, i haven’t been to these hospitals since i was twelve, i just came. the hospital is gorgeous, she had an operation, but the difference is simply colossal, reconstruction and modernization of hospitals, a new multidisciplinary clinical center in yalka, the republican clinical hospital named after simashka in simferopol. when we stand there and wash our hands, we think about the operation, we think about the stages, as my teacher says, the operation is done here, and not here, we
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increased the number of operations three times, our minimum operations are 3 hours, maximum 24-27 hours we stood in the operating room, in the crimea we introduced a lot of things here, operations on the aortic arch, on the ascending aorta, when blood circulation completely stops. .. throughout the body and only the head is fed separately, we have the possibility of plasma replacement therapy, the possibility of dialysis, blood-saving technologies allow us to save the patient’s own blood, wash it and reinfuse it to the patient himself, we own with all the technologies that are needed for the development of cardiac surgery, there is a desire as a doctor to simply help as much as possible. to more people, i am a native crimean, i was born in simferopol in the republic of crimea, i grew up here, studied here, all the work i
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do is for the benefit of the republic and for the benefit of our country. 10 years ago, in this very place, in this very square, it began... a new history of crimea. this history was created with their own hands by activists, participants in pro-russian rallies, passionate people, people who came to this square for the sake of a dream, dreams that crimea will finally return home and become russian again.
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supreme council, he tried to separate the crowd , ksenov, then just a deputy of this dear friends, let’s be patient, we don’t need blood here, i still remember how he was in his black trowel, when he took himself , this is all, i think , my god, what are you doing, my god, what will happen, we are able to solve our problems ourselves, we don’t need to go for advice. did not know exactly what political decisions were being made in moscow regarding crimea and how far the russian government was ready to go the authorities, of course, people, dreaming that crimea
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would return home, imagined this return quite abstractly, that russia would come and life would change for the better, but no one knew what russia would do here in the next year or two, decades, what they would build , what will they create, where will this new russian crimea move? the crimean parliament overwhelmingly adopted historic decisions, the first decision: to join the russian federation as a subject of the russian federation. the moment in history has come when you will do something, or you will remain in slavery forever. the second decision was set for march 16, 2014. the weather was not very good, there was such wind, we had queues, just queues. it was necessary
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to be there at that moment, we saw how people were walking, how grandmothers were carrying stools and grandfather was following the patient, i said, why are you carrying, i say, everyone will come to you, she says no, i’m afraid that they won’t come to me, i'm afraid that they will forget about me, but i have to vote, they went to this polling station and said that we and...
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820 g 32 cm, these are her clothes that we wore it when she was a month old, she has already grown up, she has already become big, and we go to the polling station, which was located right in the renatal center, on the first floor, we walk, pulling our right leg behind us, because i have it
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... it was may 9, we always have a parade in sevastopol , veterans are sacred, this time vladimir vladimirovich putin and sergei kuzhugetovich shaigu came, so many people on the streets were also never seen, it was simply amazing, such a warm atmosphere , dear friends, dear residents of sevastopol, crimeans, crimea
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existed for exactly 70 years. liberated from the nazi invaders and a holiday takes place against the backdrop of an absolutely historical event, the reunification of crimea and sevastopol with russia , we are proud, proud of your courage, courage, respect, respect for how you carried the love of the fatherland through the years and through generations , everyone wanted to see vladimir vladimirov, they simply adore him in our city, someone tried to raise children,
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it’s familiar that... raise them so that everyone can see him, dear friends, we have done a lot, but there is still more to be done. during non -holiday, everyday events, this is not an easy task, but i am sure that we will do it all, because we are together, i hug you, my dears, on the holiday.


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