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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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we respect how you carried the love of the fatherland through the years and through the generation, everyone wanted to see vladimir vladimirov, they simply adore him in our city, someone tried to raise children, a friend at that moment was in this crowd, she she said, please, so everyone can see it, dear friends, we have done a lot, but there is still work to be done. even more during non -holiday, everyday events, this is not an easy task, but i am sure that we will do it all, because together we hug you, my dears, happy holiday, like this. now
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looks like the north crimean irrigation canal , even the bottom is cracked, only sand and shells, at this time of year it is usually filled with water, the north crimean canal is completely blocked by ukraine, a month after the referendum, it looks like revenge, especially now, if the heat is 40°, the water runs out here there are mostly wells, you see, and all this influence comes from the canal, because the groundwater is all connected to this with this system. if you want to be in russia, you will have problems with drinking water. did not work out. russian engineering troops laid pipeline from krasnodar through the kerch strait. dozens of new wells have been drilled throughout crimea. construction of a tract for the transfer of pressed water from the north to the east of the peninsula is underway.
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this device is called a hydrotunnel. under the mountain, the depth of which is more than a kilometer in this place, there is such a structure built in the sixties, but unfortunately, it has long fallen into disrepair, that at any moment it could collapse, then yalt will be left without water, we are trying to work ahead, as you can launch faster. breed, although it is expensive, but
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the technology is quite fast, thanks to this tunnel, yaalti will completely close water consumption for many years to come. all my life i dreamed of living in crimea, but of course i didn’t dream that russia would move with me to crimea, but i was very lucky, left, right, right, left, a very complex combination, russia came, civilization came, construction came.
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built in just 2 years, designed for ten million passengers. in 2020 , it was recognized as the most beautiful airport in russia. voting at home. eh, no
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time, i'm sick, i'll have to miss the elections. why? will you vote at home? how is it? if the reason is valid, you can invite members of the commission home. to do this, you need to submit an application to the precinct commission, in writing or orally, in person, through friends or relatives, or by phone. on the kosuslugi portal. when should i submit my application? from march 7 to 14:00 march 17. and on the state services portal from march 5 to 11. and everything will be like at the polling station. yes, members of the election commission will come and observe. will they bring it too? well, of course, a ballot will be issued for those at home, and sealed portable boxes will be used for voting. that's good, and i'll vote.
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artek was renovated; during ukraine , pieces of land were first cut off from it, and in 2009 they simply closed it. in general, russia is a class. happy birthday. large-scale restoration and repair of the only example of crimean tatar architecture in the world. khan's palace, city baths, sary gyuzel, tombs, a total of 16 historical objects
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that have been restored to their original appearance, you know, that lately crimea has been blooming, being built, crimea is blooming, but i think. that one of the brightest flowers of our crimea is the cathedral mosque, we are all looking forward to the day when we can pray there to thank the lord for all his gifts. in december 2023, the first service was held in the largest cathedral mosque in eastern europe. a madrasah and a library will open here soon.
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the opening of this complex will begin with a choreographic academy, there will be 15 entire ballet halls created in the building, a secondary school, a boarding school, there will already be 250 children will arrive, as well as teaching staff, they will live and study here, and the windows of the boarding school overlook this buffet, the children will rejoice when you get up every morning, in the window there is the sea, sun, beauty. we are building a museum complex and an opera-ballet theater, this is the largest cultural building in the south of russia, in principle, there is any floor, any design solution, it can almost be said to be unique, this is the complexity and interest,
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the depth of the pit was 25 m, almost a nine-story building , this is a unique floating console, its length is 35 m, it consists of...
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we have everything built, roads have been built, the lights are on, water supply, round the clock, life has clearly become better. two of the four lines on the peninsula were turned off by activists of the so-called blockade of crimea on friday afternoon, after which they did not allow the repair crews to do their work, when the national guard arrived to sort out the situation, not only the entire peninsula, but also 70 thousand residents of the kherson region were left without tension. a neighboring state arranged a gift.
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plunged into darkness, then we felt again the same care and support from russia, it ’s not in words, when you see these repair crews that came from the mainland, from all over russia, the guys who helped to survive, when electricity was provided there even hourly, the blockout showed what russia is , how she treats our people here, so they will wait, we will survive all this.
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no money was allocated, yes, well, we made these sidewalks, yes, wooden, disabled people
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are brought in in wheelchairs, and how they thank you, he says, we lived all our lives in sevastopol, but we’ve never been here, never had the opportunity, well, there was no opportunity like them , now you can drive up, i love simferopol very much, the city center has been transformed, i have...
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my mother told me, my mother said, it’s coming now selection for the art school, here there is choreography, theater, drawing and sculpting, there were no children’s art schools in the region at all, the school took 363 days to build, this was my first shock, i chose to study myself.
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everything would have collapsed, it was in complete disrepair, so what they did builders are a real feat of labor, in terms of quality, in terms of deadlines, in delicacy, the history of russian sevastopol, crimea, begins, even in many ways, from this very place. the konstantinovskaya battery was inherited during
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the crimean war, mikhail petrovich lazarev, who was the commander of the black sea fleet, who was... at the same time the governor of sevastopol, built a real masterpiece in his favorite neoclassical style: the city center, a lot of buildings, a wonderful maritime library to educate officers, the city was very beautiful, made of white inkermand stone, all this splendor was mercilessly razed to the ground by the allies, sevastopol simply lay in ruins, the famous american writer mark came here... he then wrote that pompeii was better preserved than the russian city of sevastopol. the great patriotic war. every square meter of sevastopol, 2 tons of metal fell on it.
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only we had this kind of opposition to artillery here, in balkadny leningrad, and heroic deeds were performed here. every second, that's probably why this is the spirit we have in this city, the complex was practically completely destroyed, it remained in this state until 2014, only after the transition to russia, in a little less than a year, here the konstantinovsky battery was completely restored from ruins. crimea, russia lost several times over the years. great patriotic war, the red army left the crimea with heavy battles, and returned the polostrov with no less heavy bloody battles. after the crimean war in the 19th century in 1856, the paris peace treaty prohibited russia from keeping a fleet in the black sea, that is, crimea legally remained
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russian, but the significance of sevastopol as a military base and crimea as... a russian outpost on the black sea in the eastern mediterranean, of course, was lost, only 20 years later russia unilaterally withdraws from the peace treaty and begins again with the construction of the black sea fleet, it is then that fyodor tyuchev will write his famous lines , the native russian land will come into its own again, the sea bequeathed to us will again be a free wave, and having forgotten the shame of the past, russia is not like in 1954, when the secretary general lost crimea so mediocrely, ridiculously and absurdly, nikita sergeevich kharushchev with one stroke of the pen in one day took and transferred the populated russian to the ukrainian ussr region, and the limit
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was in 1954, did anyone ask us where?
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and so the crimeans in the ninety-first year voted for the creation of the crimean republic not as part of ukraine, but as part of the soviet union. and this is the key.
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once pushkin traveled through crimea, he was fascinated by its unique beauty. the memory of him is also kept by the raevskys’ house
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in gurzuf, sitting under this cypress tree, pushkin loved to listen to the incessant voice of the sea, and often dawn found him here. we lived in gurzuf, in gurzuf everyone rented apartments for rubles, and we came from the baltic states to ryanmar, kamchatka, georgia, and armenia, we had to take a place on the beach, at 6:00 in the morning, first dads ran with towels, then moms came with children, it was such a company, it really was the soviet union, no one ever divided anyone.
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then smaller businesses, very small ones, also mastered this craft, they put up a fence here and there, they declared the beach private for access to it, for access to water, to the sea, to the sun, to fresh air, any person had to pay, but only when crimea became russian did all this immoral and completely illegal ordeal end. during the time of ukraine , there were stalls for rent here, and part of the building was rented out, and so on, but the building
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was destroyed. poros is the pearl of the southern coast of crimea, it also arose after the war as a sanatorium of the central committee, where only a select few had access, yuri gagarin, titov came here after their flights, and they say that every resident has faros. there must be photos from yuri gagarin. during the reconstruction, we preserved the architecture of that period as much as possible. the sanatorium still has chandeliers from that period, but they are not crystal, of course, but they are not glass, that style of the fifties and sixties. the entire building has been updated in terms of façade work; they say, of course, that the park has been greatly transformed. foros park is currently an open attraction, the territory is very large and the park is state-owned, it is not privately
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owned. approach to russia, then the ability to love russia, which was exactly what the representatives of his generation had. with the transition to the russian federation , life took the right direction. we saw what a country can do for the republic, what a country can do for people.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the sums are serious, there is a clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized. evolution occurs in any structure.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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look, gardens and vineyards are being built here, it’s beautiful, especially in the summer, when it’s all green, these were all wastelands, there are peaches in the orchards, there’s a garden there,
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just down the road, it’s very tasty. natural all over crimea, fruits and vegetables are simply incredibly tasty, i gained a little weight, but it’s simply impossible not to eat this deliciousness, here in ukrainian times a rather ugly system of extortion from business was built, that is , it was possible to agree, taxes were not really pay, but for this you had to bring cash in an envelope to a certain office, but also the rules of operation. there was no business either, when crimea merged with russia, everything changed radically, and russian digital tax services came here, a clear system of work for tax services in their relationship with business came here, and for many it was so unexpected that business audits were also carried out .


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