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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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polling stations were closed in the irkutsk region and buryatia, the turnout was almost 60 and 71%, respectively, and let me remind you that you can take part in the presidential elections on the dec portal, more than 90% of registered voters have already voted there. in moscow, according to the brain razberkom , more than 5 million people have already voted; turnout in the capital exceeded 62%. most muscovites prefer to do this online on... the remote electronic voting portal. our correspondent egor grigoriev will tell you exactly how they vote. he works for one of the sites again came into direct contact. egor again, hello. tell me, what is your situation at this time? yuri, hello, despite the fact that today the final voting day is slowly coming to its logical conclusion, and before that there were two busy days, of course, difficult days for the representatives of the precinct election commission.
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good music is playing now at the site with patriotic songs, by the way, many of our russian artists have already managed to cast their votes, such as igor butman, who is also a confidant of presidential candidate vladimir putin and artistic director of the moscow jazz orchestra. everyone here is polite, beautiful, comfortable, everything, everything is top notch, i mean that. you can feel the 21st century, if you want to vote this way, if you want to vote this way, everything is there in order to express your opinion, express your will of expression and choose the one who you, so to speak, consider correct, whole families come to the elections, show their children a good example citizenship and patriotism, by the way, deputy prime minister alexander novak also visited the site today.
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deputy prime minister marad khusnulin chose the format of remote voting for himself, did it electronically using a tablet and noted the convenience, very convenient, three operations and that’s it, we’ve already voted, it’s possible. in
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the workplace, even at home, i once again appeal to the citizens of our country, show your civic consciousness, be sure to vote. minister of energy of russia nikolai shulginov cast his vote and drew clear parallels between voting and the future of our country. voting is a civic responsibility for me and every russian citizen.
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in other moscow polling stations, the high turnout that was demonstrated in these 3 days suggests that we cannot be broken, we cannot be intimidated by either the residents of our border regions, or the residents of our new territories that have been separated, today we all vote for how our country will develop over the next 6 years, for those guys who now on the front line, at the front, they are defending our country, bringing our victory closer. the military also vote, if possible, in polling stations where they could be created, and of course today we all saw what happened in novorosiya, what happened in the donbass, these shots, despite the fact that they tried to intimidate people, the fact that strikes were carried out , actively walked and voted, the polling stations there are already closed, as you already noted, yuri, well, this one...
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the spirit that reigns in novorosiya in the donbass, noted a confidant of presidential candidate vladimir putin, public activist and businessman konstantin malofeev. by the end of the final voting day , the number of people at the polling stations is increasing, i will ask the operator to show that there are all possibilities for various forms of voting, there are electronic terminals, there are also standard ballot boxes, here is a paper ballot, those who come to vote in person usually
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choose , people are very pleased to check the box directly, apparently vote themselves in the booth, cast their ballot, yuri, and yegor. thank you, my colleague egor grigoriev was in direct contact with the studio. in the famous hockey player and state duma deputy vyacheslav fetisov voted in the russian presidential elections in the moscow region. he also visited the public election observation center in the moscow region. in odentsova , honored artist denis maidanov voted at one of the polling stations. he came with his son. and then the artist inspected the new building of gymnasium number 14. the world boxing champion came to the mytishchik polling station today to cast his vote in the russian presidential elections. he emphasized that participation in elections is the act of a real citizen. and also today in the moscow region, honored coach of russia alexander koshkin voted. he came to the polling station in the village of voskhod. a few minutes ago
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, polling stations in the omsk region completed their work. following the results of three days of voting, turnout in the region exceeded 65.5%. let's find out how the balls were voted on from our correspondent irina lots. she gets in direct contact with the studio. in general, we were satisfied, in general, in the omsk region the elections were held without violations, we can already officially declare this, no there were no serious complaints, indeed , the polling stations closed a few minutes ago, exactly 8 o’clock omsk time, it can be seen behind my back, now they are counting the unused ballots, these are the ones that remained, people did not come
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to vote, but they are being told, as we were told now the chairman of the election commission, very, very few, indeed the turnout in the umsk region is high, at 4:00 in the afternoon it is... 460 in the city, the rest in the districts of the omsk region, the largest polling station was in the central district, the smallest in the kalachensky district, there are only 29 people in the village, registered, but officially living at all.
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so that we have a worthy president, so that we live in peace, after the registration in the legislative office , go to vote, fulfill our duty, yes, i believe that it is the duty of every citizen of the russian federation, to make the right choice, well, in general, this is how it went
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elections, we are now counting votes, preliminary data will be known soon, well, that’s all for now, thank you for how voting took place in the omsk region, said irina lots. then, more than a thousand foreign observers and experts are watching how voting takes place in the elections; they represent more than 120. my colleague anna voronina asked about first impressions and assessments. all voters come to the desks of the election commission, check their location on the lists, and receive a ballot paper or a direction to the electronic voting terminal. if you have any questions, i am ready to answer them. it's okay, we've come a long way plots. six polling stations on the first day of voting, seven on the second and no less today. group of foreign observers. tanzania and ethiopia already clearly know what to pay attention to, where the
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voting booths are, where the electronic terminals are, where the portable devices are, but they never cease to be surprised. this is joseph's fifth time as an election observer, but his first as a foreign expert. everything is open and free, we could ask about everything that interested us, all our questions were answered, and there are so many technologies here, there are three or four options for how you can vote. with us you can. do this only in the polling station where you are registered, and if a person is on a trip and has a 7-hour flight, he will not have time, but you have 3 days of elections, you can do everything in time, and even vote at any point and electronically. but what surprises foreign observers more is the level of openness in the elections? josh johnson said that the day before, in the situation center of the public chamber, they were shown how volunteers process information from tens of thousands of cctv cameras installed on polling stations. such a scale, the guest noted, is difficult. bet, but even if we don’t talk about technical equipment and return to the traditional method of voting, then everything here is extremely
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transparent. in our country, this white one, where they throw leaves, in our country we close this, everywhere is open, we asked the bosses in general, they explained to us that this is on purpose when you throw paper, that it is clear that this is one piece of paper, not two, not three, not four. over 333,000 people went to observe the voting process and the voting process is being monitored from above
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1,100 international observers and experts from 129 countries. anna voronina, olga belotserkovskaya, news! order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, you get a superkick in rubles every month, and more. withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. btb, we are going on vacation, and we are going. third year, open a vtb savings account, rate 16%. save up faster. lift-52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lift 52, expert in liver cleansing and restoration. found out credit rating. the right loan, check your credit rating on the compare website or in the app, it’s free, and we will select
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an mi-8 helicopter near a populated area. seam sumy region, the ministry of defense reported this and published this footage. according to the military department , there were ukrainian militants in the helicopter; they were flying in the direction of the village of kazinki, belgorod region. french president emmael macron said that the country should be prepared for all possible scenarios in ukraine. in an interview with prizen , macron repeated that it is possible that the fifth republic will require ground operations to confront russian forces on ukrainian territory. added that he didn’t do that himself wishes, at the same time it is reported that the level of support for macron in france is declining, precisely because the population is outraged by the attempts of the elysee palace to drag the state into the conflict. with details, maria skorodilka. the role of france is to be the nerve of this war, as churchill said. he is waiting for a call and asks to call him, but he himself threatens
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war. emmanuel macron, not napoleon, definitely not churchel. but the time is such a rating. the french are falling in rage, which means pr is needed like air, while europe is miles away for the eu lacks 65 billion euros in achieving nato defense spending targets, and this is only per year, sources say to the financial times. at the same time , ardent russophobes, belgium, spain, italy have the highest level of debt and budget deficit throughout the eurozone. but the anti-rating is, of course, led by germany. in these states there is only one real way to improve the situation: simply cut costs in others. i am not prescribed what to eat, how to pay , want to live in a state in which i have my own housing, how to drive a car, and the only freedom they leave me is that every year i can change my gender, and if this is germany, then i need to run away from here, they say the situation is not easy, especially given
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the massive farmer protests and the growing spending of the alliance to help ukraine, kiev will rob europe and save the situation. only savings , assistance to the armed forces of ukraine should be frozen, analysts say, and if we give ukraine at least something, then only on credit, without pumping it with billions of dollars, for free,” donald trump said, speaking at a rally. according to the republicans, kiev authorities, quote: greatest salesmen in history. zelensky is the greatest bargainer in history, every time he comes to the country, he takes with him 50 or 60 billion dollars, i could never do that, he is much better. knows more about trading than i do. ukraine's air defense stockpile is dwindling so quickly that it will soon have to miss four out of five missiles, which will have a significant impact on ukraine's urban centers, the washington post writes, citing the words of two ukrainian officials who spoke about this to us representatives at the munich security conference. it won't bring ukraine will do no good without supplies for a long time and could lead to
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potential collapse, but here's the point: even if ukraine holds out, it will cost us countless... lives, a senior us official said. an unnamed senior zelensky aide agreed that in the absence of new american assistance, there is a high likelihood of significant territorial losses by the summer. the ukrainian armed forces are unable to repel russian attacks, the german tv channel zdf was told - ukrainian militants complain that there is so little ammunition that it is becoming impossible to repel russian attacks. the morale in the ssu is very low, ukrainian troops have to retreat, while suffering heavy losses. in some. the day is constantly flanked by employees of the tsk, who are trying to mobilize at least someone, while the armed forces of ukraine suffer from personnel shortages, despite the fact that european experts have long declared that
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the united states must stop in its desire to incite conflicts in the world. biden leads a hypocritical foreign policy that ignores international law. at university responsible government officials accused biden of lying, the author of the publication believes that the american president constantly talks about the need to help ukraine, but demonstrates. in the last minutes until april 15, changes will appear in the legislation that will affect the exemption of svo soldiers and members of their families from paying property taxes. this is one of vladimir putin’s instructions following a meeting with students, participants of the svo on january 26. the head of state also instructed to submit a proposal regarding ensuring means of rehabilitation of special operation participants. the cabinet of ministers, together with the onf and rosavtodor, according to the document, must improve the mechanism for the delivery of humanitarian goods to the northern military district zone. vladimir putin also instructed the investigative committee
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to publish the results of the investigation into the causes of the crash of the il-76 plane in the belgorod region by july 1. well, now look at the report on the government’s work over the past week. since march, the government, on behalf of the president, has increased special social payments for medical workers, which since last year are provided in addition to the salary. more than 200,000 hospital and clinic employees will receive increased payments in april. in cities and villages with a population of less than 50,000 people, the maximum payment amount will be 50,000 rubles. for doctors and 30,000 rubles. for nursing staff. in settlements with a population of 50 to 100 thousand , support will amount to 29.00 rubles for doctors and 13,000 rubles for nursing staff. also, from april 1
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, at least 50% of the wage funds of medical organizations will be allocated to the salaries of medical workers. our doctors nurses and other specialists help citizens maintain their health; their work deserves the most attentive, sincere respect. they received all the required funds on time, and, of course, in full. the government will allocate more than 4,200 million rubles to the regions. for the implementation of a long-term care system. this is additional funds to 12 billion rubles. already provided for in the federal budget for these purposes. the solution will provide comprehensive social and medical services at home to more than 2,500 people. and all of it will be able to receive approx. 173,000 russians. the government will allocate 1 billion rubles. for the purchase of domestic transport for the donetsk people's republic. thanks to these funds
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, republican primary health care institutions will receive about 500 more ambulances this year. also, for the needs of the region, 200 passenger cars with a cargo body will be purchased, which will be used to transport humanitarian aid and medicine. the government will additionally allocate 1 billion rubles for the social gasification program. facilities 57 regions with low budgetary provision will receive. now networks will be laid to the borders of plots with a house in gardening partnerships inside gasified settlements. i ask the heads of regions to keep special control over the implementation of social gasification. everything should be organized as conveniently and understandably for people as possible. we need to help them. with the completion of all formal procedures, promptly responding to their requests.
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from st. petersburg. while filming the film taras bulba in western ukraine, i once had dinner with my actors after filming, i won’t hide it, we drank wine, so i, as a host, raise something for the polish people, who are doing the best they can imagines a beautiful actress and a fantastically beautiful girl sitting at the table, for which the beauty was invited to play the role. ladies, magdalena meltsash, who practically drinks nothing, magdalena gets up, tops up her glass of wine and speaks russian, i want to drink to the russian people, to the ukrainian people, prompts the wonderful ukrainian actor bogdan stupka, we are now in ukraine, magdalena looked at she
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said without smiling. "i drink to the russian people." the swedish man did not insist, they would sharpen the point, the evening continued. but i asked magdalena, a smart girl studying at the university of warsaw, at the faculty of journalism, speaking three languages, tell magda, why? then magda smiled sweetly and said: yes, i read a lot of things.


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