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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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then again they emphasize the legitimacy of the elections. svetlana ramashina, olympic champion in synchronized swimming, shared with reporters today her feelings and impressions of what it means to be a trusted representative of such a candidate, she says that this is, of course, a great honor, she says that trusted representatives have carried out and continue to work very closely with voters , and she also emphasized the importance of being able to vote remotely electronically , these are her words. the work of the trustees
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was at the highest level, we really we tried to participate, to be involved, as it seems to me, this is the most important thing and to show people that it is really important to come to the elections, vote and choose their candidate for their leader. i also made my choice, voted online, was at work on friday, so of course it was incredibly convenient and practical. the atmosphere of positive expectation here at the election headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin is intensifying, and trustees have just spoken with journalists, karen shakhnazarov, director of mosfilm and rector rankix alexey komissarov, so they said very interesting things, we will definitely share them with you in the next issues, georgy, natalya, yes, we will wait, of course, in the following, our correspondent anton podkovenko told us about the work of vladimir putin’s election headquarters. i remind
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you that on the russia tv channel there is a special information evening dedicated to the presidential elections of the russian federation, we are summing up the results, sharing operational data on turnout, by region, by federal district, today we will visit the headquarters of each of the candidates, we will try to communicate with the candidates and listen to their statements, which will certainly be made this evening based on the data that will be published by the central election commission. we turn to the operational statements that appear on the news agency’s feeds, so recently one of them was published by the ministry of the russian federation about how many russians voted abroad in the presidential elections, taking into account the three-day early voting, and this is 249,806 citizens, despite all the intrigues, obstacles, provocations , sabotage, attempts at them to intimidate, they came to the polling stations, made their choice for this or that, yes, this is a message with reference to representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs.
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as of 6:00 pm moscow time, taking into account three-day early voting, these are cyprus, thailand, south ossetia, the total number of voters has already amounted to almost 250 thousand. i would also like to add that there is a reaction from our foreign ministry to all kinds of opposition, opportunities to vote , they say, for example, that the actions of the authorities of the baltic republics in the disruption of the presidential elections in russia cannot be forgiven, and moscow will appeal to international authorities, but... while we see that all this has no effect, now we can turn to the general, to the general course of voting. at the moment , voter turnout exceeds 73%3, which is an absolutely historical record in the entire history of modern russia. so, now is the last final day of voting in the presidential election, let us remind you of this, and the turnout already exceeds even the previous record year of 2018, which was then.
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“russians have paid the price, the more they put pressure on us, the more we fight back,” said the chairman of the central election commission. by the way, the previous time the highest turnout was recorded in 1996, then it was almost 70%, which turns out to be the record of 1996, we also already broke it, we also broke it. now let's talk about analytics in individual regions, how, where did they vote, where was there more activity, where was there less? so, in most regions, as you know, it’s already 8 pm. took place and
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the polling stations there have already closed, if they completed their work in siberia earlier, where, according to the central election commission, the highest turnout was shown in tyva in kuzbass, in both regions with... the choice was made even the figure is actually so huge , more than 94% of tva voters traditionally vote actively, for example, let us again turn to the experience of six years ago; in 1818 the turnout there was also above 90%. yes, now we’ll tell you about other federal districts, but for now here’s an urgent message, i’ll give you, about 3.7 million people have already taken part in the remote electronic voting in the presidential elections of the russian federation, they reported... they also tell us that there is also data on the in- person turnout in the presidential elections at 200 in moscow,
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already 20:00, even more, so, the in-person turnout was 73.33, this follows from the data on the cyc information board, the data... do not take into account the turnout within the framework of remote electronic voting, polling stations in moscow completed work in all regions of the country by 20:00, except for the kaliningrad region, we are waiting for kaliningrad to vote. well, now let's go to the far east, where the calculation of results in the easternmost regions of our country is in full swing. the polling stations there had also been closed for a long time, and it was still 11:00 in the morning in moscow, when voting there had already ended. the eastern federal district also traditionally showed a high turnout, well, for example, take chukotka, where the turnout exceeded 87%. only in five settlements in the region was a 100% turnout recorded, that is, everyone who was there, everyone who could vote, everyone who had to vote had such an opportunity, put their check mark next to
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one or another candidate, again in 2018, when the presidential elections were held on one day, not three, as now, the chukovo autonomous okrug was also the leader in turnout, then it exceeded. 82%, it turns out that the region exceeded the indicators of the last presidential elections, another record was set, here we are natasha, today in the middle of the broadcast these records are being collected, yes, it’s very cool that they exist, residents of the jewish autonomous region voted very actively, the turnout there is higher than 88%, again, when compared with 2018 6 years ago, then the turnout in the jewish autonomous okrug was slightly above sixty, but the lowest turnout was in the far east... well, now let’s talk about the urals, how they voted there, for example, the imaloninets autonomous okrug is the leader in turnout, and there the turnout was again, the figure was almost one hundred percent, 93%, in the khantomonsi
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autonomous okrug 85% of voters voted, but in the sverdlovsk region the turnout was 66%, but it would seem perhaps lower than... in their neighboring regions, but in remote electronic took part in the voting more than 94% of all who showed up to vote on electronic platforms. well, data is appearing for other federal districts, here in the north caucasus, which traditionally shows a very high turnout; the leaders in turnout are the chechen republic, more than 95%, this is higher than the final voting figures six years ago, when people went to the polling stations. ossetia, 91%. in the russian presidential elections in 2018, the final turnout in north ossetia was also high, almost 90%, but is still higher now. in
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the stavropol territory, 75% made their choice residents. but now let’s move to the central federal district, and there, despite all the machinations of the kiev regime, it is more active. in total, the belgorod region voted, the turnout was over 80%, and despite all the provocations, the shelling of belgorod , in addition to supporting the undermining of russians’ support for putin, has the opposite effect, the washington post writes about this, that is, even in the west they realized that the current elections have become an indicator incredible unity of the russian people, if you allow me, i ’ll read a quote from what washington gives post, what they are saying is that there are no signs that the efforts have been successful. successful for many residents, such attacks only strengthen their support for putin and prove the kremlin's false belief that russians are victims of war, not its perpetrators. and rather than weakening russian morale, these attacks are making many in belgorod think that they themselves are victims, and that russian troops
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should hit the ukrainian enemy even harder. let me remind you that this is written by representatives of the western media, the washington post. well, now let's see how they voted in the south of our country. the tallest. turnout expected in crimea is 81%. kuban has hit a historic high in terms of election turnout. overall voter turnout in the krasnodar territory exceeded 80%. at the elections. president in 2018, the turnout in the krasnodar region was 77%. data is also known for the northwestern federal district; in the republic of karelia, 51% of voters made their choice. in the leningrad region , 69% of residents voted in the presidential elections, well in st. petersburg the turnout was 65%. well, if we talk about the volga federal district, but it is also extremely high there. figures, for example, in mordovia 83%. residents of bashkyrtastan also actively voted, 82 there, in udmurtia less than 60%,
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but again we are now talking without taking into account remote electronic voting, perhaps the numbers there will correct this overall picture in a completely different direction. well, now let’s move to the northern capital, where literally 10 minutes ago, as in the entire moscow time zone , polling stations completed their work, st. petersburg also saw a high turnout. it exceeded 70%. how did they vote in the city on the neva? let's ask dmitry akimov. he goes into direct communication with our broadcast. dmitry, greetings. let's say hello, please tell us how many residents of st. petersburg cast their votes during these 3 days, what kind of atmosphere reigned at the polling stations, and how has it already begun, has it already begun, has the honoring of votes begun? yes, colleagues, good evening. indeed, there are 1,947 permanent polling stations in the city. literally 11 minutes ago we completed our work, now i am at one of these polling stations, this is
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polling station number 936, now it has already closed its doors and the counting of votes is starting right now, this is happening, this will happen quite quickly, because kaibs are installed here, so we can at least judge the turnout of citizens for this separate small area, that means 1,789 voters are registered here. 1142 of them have already arrived at the polling stations, this was recorded by the kaibs. in addition, right now, portable boxes for home voting are being opened, and there, as members of the election commission say, well , no less than a hundred more ballots. in general , we now have figures for turnout at 18:00; it was the exact figure of 69, 69.87%. but naturally, this is not the final figure, this is the figure as of 18:00, and as i
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personally saw at this particular polling station, people came to vote, well, literally until the very last minute, so we can definitely say that this is an absolutely record turnout for the northern capital will exceed 70%. in general, elections in the northern capital took place without any violations and serious incidents that could affect... the electoral process, so that voting would take place fairly and openly, 6.00 observers worked at the polling stations, including observers and experts from other countries, representatives of 24 different countries came to the northern capital, they worked all 3 days at various sites in the center of public observation, now at the same site there are also representatives of kazakhstan, for example, who are monitoring how the votes are counted, we we're watching. we talked to some of them during the work of international observers, let's listen to what they say. i am very
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satisfied with the electoral process, especially with regard to transparency, openness to the use of new technologies, even in the video surveillance system. i believe that this experience should be shared with all countries. russian experience is invaluable. i saw how much russia has taken a step towards democracy, and most importantly, how actively people take part in such a political event as elections. because in brazil we are obliged to vote, but you have free will. accordingly, i saw how active people’s life position is now, i see that at each polling station there are many employees working, everything is as transparent and well organized as possible. well, now we can see how portable voting boxes are being opened, there are three of them in total, all the ballots that are inside will now be loaded into kaibo in order to... count the total number of voters specifically at this polling station, similar
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processes are now taking place at all almost 2 thousand polling stations in the northern capital, well, in conclusion, i’ll add about the turnout in our neighboring friendly region of the leningrad region , as of 18:00 the turnout there was 74.47%. and this is also a really very high indicator for the northern capital and the leningrad region, indeed all these three... days they actively walked and voted, and now the most interesting thing remains, we are waiting for the count and we are waiting for the first results that will come, including from this site, colleagues, dim, thank you. yes, about how it went voting in st. petersburg, where polling stations closed just a few 15 minutes ago, our own correspondent dmitry akimov said. yes, well, now there are several messages, in particular, the agencies give a message with reference to the russian ambassador to the uk, he said that several hundred people are trying
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to block voting in the presidential elections of the russian federation at the embassy in london, but the process and... and also he reports on the atmosphere that reigned, the atmosphere on the eve of the elections, that russians received threats before the voting procedure itself, we will now return after advertising, do not go anywhere, stay with us, i help with liver problems, i am essential tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on the yandex market up to 200% more energy with new gtak technology. try the new gp ultra plus batteries, gp batteries: see it, buy it! what is your dream car? the answer is very simple: it should have everything: style, dynamics and
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of the process was ensured, the elections were held honestly and openly, this is a statement with reference to aksionov. and there is also a statement by the russian ambassador to armenia sergei kopyrkin, who says that russians from georgia are actively voting in armenia in the presidential elections, explains that the specificity is that enough many people came to yerevan and gyumri in order to make their choice, and over 1,300 people already voted there. the preliminary turnout for the presidential elections in the russian federation in moscow was 66%. the chairman of the moscow city berkom told reporters about this. she emphasized that voting in the russian capital took place without serious violations. and there is also a message from kazakhstan. the russian ambassador in ostan , alexey borodavkin, also comments there, he reports that voting in the presidential elections has taken place calm and no incidents recorded. for the first time in the history
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of presidential elections , remote electronic voting was used in a number of regions. you could make your choice online for 3 days, march 15, 16 and 17, using a computer, smartphone or tablet. according to the central election commission, as of march 14, applications for... so, remote electronic voting is carried out using special software, without a ballot, in the usual sense, made of paper, the possibility of using this form the will of expression was enshrined in russian legislation on may 23, 2020. the decision to hold the dec is made by the central election commission. in this presidential election, this method of voting was available to residents.
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country, this is in cities in moscow, sevastopol, also in kursk, murmansk, the state duma in seven regions, not yet in the entire nizhny novgorod, rostov and yaroslavl regions. in these presidential elections , russian citizens could take part in remote electronic voting. online directly to the polls areas specially equipped for this purpose. the results of remote electronic voting are summed up by the territorial election commission, and in the capital the brain committee. we are going on vacation, and we
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in combo for 469 rubles. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account? then open a business account on this is the russia 24 tv channel. we continue to summarize the voting results on presidential elections in russia until its completion in kaliningrad. there is a little more than half an hour left, now let's talk about security separately, a message has appeared with reference to the ministry of foreign affairs that all provocations during voting at polling stations abroad have been stopped, this was reported by the deputy minister of foreign affairs of russia evgeny ivanov, there were threats with mining, but thanks skillful actions of the security services of our foreign institutions, including with the involvement of law enforcement services, all these incidents were possible
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stop in a timely manner and prevent... disruption of the electoral process. and if we are talking about the foreign agenda, now more and more messages are coming in with references to ambassadors who are reacting in their countries, where they are present, to all sorts of manifestations of the assessment of the elections. for example, ambassador antonov is the russian ambassador to the united states, he evaluates america’s actions, america’s assessment of the russian elections will not affect their legitimacy. we are waiting for more new statements from the ambassador; they will probably arrive in next few minutes. so, naturally, if we talk about all, without exception , polling stations in the country , enhanced security measures were taken, especially for regions that are located near the ukrainian border, where security measures can be called not just enhanced, but unprecedented, the procedure for moving members of electoral commissions, as well as the security of polling stations were provided by members of the national guard; some of them had sandbags on the windows for voting. so, and as stated in the central election commission,
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citizens still actively went to the polls because... were confident in safety.


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