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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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and if we are talking about the foreign agenda, now more and more messages are coming in with links to ambassadors who are reacting in their countries, where they are present, to all sorts of manifestations of the assessment of the elections, for example, ambassador antonov, this is the russian ambassador to the united states, he evaluates america's actions, america's assessment, and the russian elections will not affect their legitimacy, we are waiting for more new statements from the ambassador, they will probably arrive in the coming minutes. so, naturally speaking. and about everyone without exclusion of polling stations in the country , enhanced security measures were taken, especially for regions that are located near the ukrainian border, where security measures can be called not just enhanced, but unprecedented, the procedure for moving members of the election commission, as well as the security of the polling stations, was ensured by soldiers of the national guard, at some of them had sandbags on their windows to vote. so, as the central election commission states, citizens still actively went to the polls because they were confident of safety.
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where the highest turnout was noted in the central federal district, i repeat, this is above 80%, despite threats, provocations , shelling from ukrainian militants, this turnout was noticed, by the way, by the western media, and also outlined a clear civic position, residents of the region and even to review, well, this was indicated by observers of one of the mouthpieces of western pro-ukrainian propaganda, it was a newspaper known to us all , the washington post, here is a fragment of this: articles say that the effect of kievsky’s provocation the regime is exactly the opposite. let's see a quote from this article. there are no signs that the efforts have been successful, and for many residents such attacks only strengthen their support for putin and prove the kremlin's view that russians are victims of the war, not its perpetrators. instead of weakening the morale of the two russians, these strikes make many in belgarad think that they themselves are victims and that russian troops must still... strike at the ukrainian enemy.
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well, here's what the residents of belgorodskaya themselves say region, those who came to the polling stations and voted. i am a man of the soviet era and i don’t need anything else. aren't you scared? no. they're going to shoot, they'll shoot, and this morning again, i think we must not be late. but you still didn’t, weren’t scared and came, it’s important to you. well, they didn’t scare me, it’s a civic duty.
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who is not afraid of anything, goes to the polls and votes, after all, these attempts to intimidate have become a special factor in the unity of our people, who, despite everything, go and choose the future of russia, now let’s pause for a while, stay with us, we have a special information evening about the presidential elections in the russian federation. home is where the family is, in the bank at home in the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family, and we with gifts, where does it all come from, you’re retired, vtb is retired, the rate for pensioners on the vtb savings account the account will work out as much as 18% per annum, this night our friend has already been forced
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to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of prostate sides, afalase, afalase. a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma, now it will appear, well , there is a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. where else can you turn dance into a world heritage, an invincible sport machine. let's go, go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn the department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into
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live communication, work into a dream, into innovation, only here in the country, over which never the sun doesn't set. 40 million customers in the largest country in the world. well, just over 20 minutes remain before the polling stations in the westernmost one close. region of the country, kaliningrad region and, accordingly, the completion of the third election day. the most current information from russian regions and foreign polling stations flows into the electoral commission center, where the first voting results will begin to be published there at exactly 21:00 moscow time.
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our colleague dmitry gorn works at the central election commission. dim, welcome again, and so am i i understand that despite the fact that there is very little time left before the end of voting throughout the country, we have the opportunity in a little bit. before we receive any possible exclusive details from the head of the central election commission, yes , dear colleagues, good evening, we will of course receive the most exclusive details, however, as noted in advance, the numbers will still be saved until their official publication, they will not be saved, they just no, it will open right when it opens at 9:00, so yes ela alexandrovna, let me greet you again, this is a difficult time, just these 3 days, although i know, and we talk about it all the time.
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emotional upsurge, when you clearly understand why you are investing this strength and soul, if you achieve results, then you know that the strength will come, so it wasn’t easy for me, but i think it’s very interesting, very cool, and for that, so that these days can work effectively, can so quickly and dynamically repel all attacks of various kinds for...
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and you mentioned today at one of the briefings that the work of the central election commission never ends, the next day after the campaign you begin again to work out how you can modernize and improve your work. we clarified many data, clarified registration , last name, who lives where, many, many, a lot
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of information that cannot be found out by any sociological surveys or any population census, this is a huge layer of information that we will have to process for a long time in order to reveal the diversity of the country , through these conversations, through these conversations, through this, more precisely...
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we would walk through off-road roads, small villages, get there, and it all paid off with the gratitude, the warmth that our colleagues received from our voters, especially many elderly people, and mothers who are with a child, it turned out that it is very important for people now to have a great desire to communicate, and we found out a lot of things, people themselves told us, invited us to drink tea, that is, this is this project... it was even more of a statistical clarifying nature.
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informational and explanatory, of course, this was the main task, but also a very big , perhaps most important thing is the human content, the human factor, that is, we know, and we now think, the turnout is high, of course, there is a contribution to this, this , because yes, because when we carried out a pilot project in september... it was already clear that where it took place, the turnout increased by about 15-19%, people were grateful for the fact that they they brought it with great respect and attention, people accepted our materials, which we handed over, where it was written from me, dear compatriots, personal composition, yes, yes, and so much soul was invested there, you know, dearly.
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news, yes, these are attacks, these are attacks of a more physically terrorist nature by the kiev regime, this company is very different from all previous ones, in many ways.
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ukraine itself doesn’t have this, which means you understand what this means, this is with the help of the west, not only supplied with weapons, that is , trying to create panic, sow panic within our people so that they don’t go to the polls, remember, when they dissolved the embassy during the march 8 holiday, they sowed panic by all means, then they planned, this is telephone terrorism, many...
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the company passed in a very friendly, calm atmosphere, very without any fuss, against all sorts of provocations, like a bite mosquitoes, like a big bear, you know, people reacted very smartly in a smart way, very dignified, very calmly, this shocks me, i just, well, i have no words, well, did you contact, for example, voters?
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we are not afraid because your time is gone, russia's time has come, and this is the results of the turnout, alexandra, thank you very much and good luck now , the most important part of the work remains when we listen to the already announced results, tomorrow, well , the preliminary results tomorrow, yes, thank you very much, you, colleagues, have the floor, yes
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one, thank you, when will you find out which 3 days were the happiest for ela pomfilova, thank you, dimit egor voiced. the latest data from the central election commission and talked with the impressive cec ella pomfilova. all-russian online marathon election night 2024 russia has no borders. today i started working in moscow, it will last until zero o'clock on monday. the broadcast will be available in all countries of the world; this is the main expert political platform of our country. according to the organizers, a record number of foreign observers and international media journalists will take part on election night. politicians, political scientists, and experts will gather on one platform. there are three presidential candidates on election night. well, how is election night going on tsvetnoy boulevard, our colleague evgeniy nipot is working, he’s coming to us joins. yes, evgeniy, welcome. good evening, the organizers have already announced
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that a huge number of representatives, including foreign media, will take part in election night this year. which?
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meeting of the central election commission, well, earlier , the central election commission gave a message about the following, that from january 1 before the start of voting , almost 8 million potentially dangerous impacts on the central election commission were recorded, and in the three, and in the 3 days that we have now passed the voting itself, there was potentially 19.00 hazardous impacts on the site of the central election commission, well, now literally just a few minutes remain until the closing of the last polling stations in russia in the westernmost region of our country, the leningrad region. the local tsik published the latest data at 18:00. the turnout for 3 days of voting was more than 66%. now
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our correspondent alexey ankuddinov is in direct contact with our broadcast. alexey, greetings. do you have data on turnout, what is the latest data you have on this, on this basis? and in general, how did the voting go, considering that until the end there are less than 5 minutes left of voting in kaliningrad, which means. good evening, colleagues, we will now announce the latest data, we are in the gurev gymnasium on the site named after our fellow countryman, hero of russia alexei katerinnichev, who died in kherson after shelling by the armed forces of ukraine. the polling station is completing its work, like all polling stations in the kaliningrad region, a total of 569 polling stations were working here, and next to me is the chairman of the election commission of the kaliningrad region, inesa vinyarskaya inesa petrovna, well, we are waiting for the latest data on turnout. v region, good evening, well, indeed, we are already approaching the end, all our polling stations will soon close, we currently have information about the turnout at 18:00, it was.
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are they experiencing pressure from western countries on the electoral process, could they come and vote, were there people who actually traveled such a distance to cast their vote , our citizens who now live in european countries? well, indeed, for the first time we took advantage of such an opportunity to organize additional places for voting, they were in close proximity to border crossings, five such places, five such points, all 3 days from 9 to...
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latvia, estonia, there were voters from germany and as soon as this information began to appear, we talked about it in order , so that, of course , it would be available, so that everyone would know about such opportunities, we received requests electronically, people asked us questions about whether this would be true, we want to come, we want to vote, we are glad that this opportunity will exist, they came, voted, that is, everyone who wanted to took advantage of this opportunity and right, today we are in polish...
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there were no violations, any complaints that would not allow us to begin counting votes at 20:00, there were no establishment of results, those arose, it was kaliningrad and alexey ankuddinov, who works in kaliningrad, our correspondent, well, we continue our special broadcast dedicated to the presidential elections. in our country there is literally one minute left until the closure of the site in kaliningrad and after that we will be ready to find out the exit poll data, for example, and according to the public opinion fund, fom conducted a survey during the polling stations, each participant was asked a question for which candidate in the presidential elections of the russian federation you will be , let's comply with all the formalities and wait until 21 exactly yes for exit poll publications.
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absolutely, because these elections are taking place under unprecedented pressure, and this issue, this was said, these are cyber attacks, and some kind of manipulation in russia abroad, when people inclined towards some provocative actions, and nevertheless, the russian population showed, well, the highest consolidation, we can already judge this from the turnout data that is already available to us, which is why there are 5, 4, 3, 2, 21 hours left in moscow, which means that polling stations in kaliningrad, our westernmost region, are closed, and we are now able to publish exit poll data. so, according to the public opinion foundation, according to exit polls, these are exit polls from polling stations. vladimir putin gets 87.8% of the votes.


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