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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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absolutely, because these elections are being held under unprecedented pressure, and this issue was really discussed, these are cyber attacks, and some kind of manipulation in russia abroad, when people were persuaded to take some kind of provocative actions, and yet, the russian population showed well the highest consolidation, we can already judge this from the turnout data that is already available to us, which is why it remains five to four. 3 2 1 21 hours in moscow, which means that sites in kaliningrad, our westernmost region, are closed, and we have opportunity now to publish exit poll data. so, according to the public opinion foundation, exit polls are exit polls from polling stations. vladimir putin gets 87.8% of the votes. nikolai kharitonov
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4.7 votes, for vladislav dvankov 3.6 votes, and for leonid slutskov 2.5, it should be noted that there remains about one and a half percent of invalid ballots, it should be noted, of course, that these are preliminary data, that these are exit poll data polling stations, and candidates who are in the third, fourth, second, third, fourth place, they are very close, that is, of course, their places.
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the votes cast, i repeat once again, after processing 24, 4.667.448, is 3.73%. putin, vladimir vladimirovich, 15 votes cast , 755,224 votes. slutsky leonid eduardovich 52960 votes were cast, that is, so far 2.96%. kharitonov nikolai mikhailovich. votes cast
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681 1,309, total 3.8%. but colleagues, these are preliminary results, the counting continues, i ask all observers, all media who work, to be as attentive as possible, just like our colleagues, so that we go through very this period is worthy, well, now nikolai ivanovich is telling me, they respected the turnout, this is the turnout.
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it’s working, here all the regions are represented , counting, yes, now there’s a pause, another 8 seconds, six already, everyone’s ready, let’s launch, give it a go, now we’ll turn it off, that’s all. please, you can turn away from me , turn to the wall, now all the main things are happening there, well, in principle, yes, here on all ours, and on the panels and side panels , everything, so we are surrounded by complete information from all sides, colleagues, i
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congratulate you on this, i want to say a huge thank you to all our media who spent the day here and spent the night with us, well, i believe that today... a sleepless night awaits us, where can we go? we will, yes, you never know, we will control every step. well, what if we, we have the opportunity to talk with the moscow city election commission, we hope they deciphered, well, the center of the electoral commission, it was a live broadcast from there, announced the first results of the three-day voting of russians in the elections. votes in the russian presidential elections, yes, with
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this we know that vladislav davankov is gaining 3.73% of the votes in the presidential elections, again, we are talking about the processing of 24. votes in the russian presidential elections after the same processing of votes. so, what else does he want to say that kharitonov is gaining almost 4% of the votes in the presidential elections, these are the results we see at this moment. well, we are now waiting for our correspondents from the state to join.
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yes, anton, 87.97, of course, an incredible result, according to the data from the cycle, which is now being announced. i salute you, yes of course, the figures are extremely impressive, these are record numbers, and this is certainly being discussed here today at the election headquarters of presidential candidate vladimir putin in gostiny dvor, this is what vladimir putin’s confidant karan shakhnazarov said, this is an election of a planetary scale, these are his words, now from the decision russians, the fate of billions of people around the world depends on this vote, without any exaggeration, let’s listen.
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mikhail kuznetsov told reporters today at the election headquarters of the candidate for president vladimir putin's story from
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avdeevka, which explains a lot about the turnout. let's listen. people say, well, of course, it’s there, we need gasoline, we need generators, and other various things that, naturally, haven’t been there all this time, and they say: please vote, and it’s just like the ballot box must definitely come, it seems to me , what is happening throughout the country at the front lines.
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russia is uniting, russia is becoming even more and more united, and the huge, very high turnout in the current elections is the most the direct and best proof of this, in general, according to observers, observers , including those sent from the election headquarters, is presidential candidate vladimir putin at the precinct election commission, and these experts, these observers note that the elections... have passed and are taking place, transparent, extremely clearly organized, competitive, and of course, completely legitimate, this is what they are talking about today here at gostiny dvor and this is the special significance of today ’s voting day of the current elections ranhiks rector alexey komissarov also emphasized, he also approached journalists today, let’s listen, there was a lot during the election campaign.
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for the next 6 years, on friday morning i went to vote in the traditional way at the polling station, and was surprised that at 9 am there was already a line, i even had to stand and wait until the hall was free. what the next 6 years will be like, what fate awaits our country, is being decided right now by the election headquarters, presidential candidate vladimir putin, here in the living room the yard continues its work. now it’s time to sum up the first voting results, well, let’s follow together, georgy,
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natalya, of course we’re following, anton, thank you, our colleague anton podkovenko was in direct communication from vladimir putin’s headquarters, let me remind you that at the moment the current president is gaining 87.97% of votes after processing more than 24% of protocols. well, let's now move to the headquarters of nikolai kharitonov, a candidate from the communist party. let me remind you that after processing 24.4% of the cec protocols, kharitonov gains 3.8% of the votes in the elections president, this is according to the central election commission. if we use exit polls, which we also have, then according to fciom data kharitonov has 4.6%, and according to foma - 4.7%, it is clear that we are only talking about the fact that the process of processing protocols begins, the numbers are still
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may vary, let's move directly to the headquarters of the communist party of the russian federation, where our colleague, boris ivanin, works. boris ivanin, hello, tell us what is happening now at the headquarters of the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, what is the reaction to these first exit poll data and the first data of the central election commission? natalya, good evening, we are now at the central headquarters of the communist party of the russian federation, the communist party, here in the very heart of the capital, if you see behind me the screen with the broadcast of our tv channel russia-24 and here at the central headquarters of the communist party of the russian federation, of course, everything is attentive . we were now following the broadcast from the central electoral commission, which announced the very first, so far , preliminary results of these presidential elections, and of course, everyone was happy to see that the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai khritonov is in second place, because this there was great intrigue as to which candidate would come in second place, of course, experts made a variety of forecasts, there were a variety of exit polls, here are the official
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data from the central election commission, which were released after the very last polling stations in kaliningrad closed. region, that means almost 24 percent of the protocols have already been processed, as ella pomfilova said, and nikolai khritonov, according to these results , is gaining 3.8%, so far 608 thousand votes have been cast for him, 609,000, these data are constantly being clarified, recalculated, updated, this what they are doing right now at the central election commission and here at the central headquarters of the cpr, of course, they are closely monitoring all this... data, just as they previously followed the exit poll data that came from polling stations throughout this entire day. here observers, who began their work on march 14 before the voting started, monitored the progress of this voting around the clock for all 3 days, until, according to the data that we now learned right before the broadcast, there were no serious
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violations that could -to influence on the progress of the voting , they were not found here at the central headquarters of the communist party of the russian federation, and here... there is data from all polling stations throughout russia, and of course, reporters here in the next room gathered for a briefing by nikolai khritonov and the leader of the communist party of the russian federation gennady zyuganov, everyone is waiting for politicians will go to the press and comment on these results, which have now been published by the central election commission. i will note, in turn, that candidates from the communist party have always shown success in presidential elections since 1996. second result across the country, these were different percentages, and nikolai khritonov is, of course, one of the oldest politicians in the party, an experienced politician, a deputy of the state duma for almost 30 years, and he already ran for the highest post in the country, for the post of head of state, this was in 2004 , then also took second place, although the result was a slightly different 13%, but 20 years have passed since 2004, of course
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the political landscape in the country has changed and a new generation of voters has grown up, and of course the numbers that are now... called by the central election commission are still not final, they will be clarified, adjusted , and of course, great attention has been focused on these figures here, and of course, it must be said that an extensive social agenda became the basis of nikolai khritonov’s entire election campaign, he proposed increasing pensions and scholarships and raising the minimum wage, along with to stop or at least reduce the rise in prices for socially significant goods, and also to announce: the nationalization of the mineral resource base in order to carry out, in his words, a new industrialization, industrialization according to socialist canons, and one of the slogans of his entire election campaign, let me remind you, was the slogan play capitalism and that’s enough, and of course, a separate influence on all the pre-election rhetoric, all candidates without exception had a special military operation to protect the donbass, and as the leader of the communist party of the russian federation said , gennady zyuganov, who today
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also voted at one of the polling stations in moscow, this is the general will of the people throughout russia that should... become and has essentially become, if we look at the turnout figures at these elections, patriotic consolidation of the russian people. but of course, i suggest listening to what politicians have to say now. nikolai khritonov, let me remind you, voted today at one of the polling stations in moscow, then he said that he hoped for a good and decent result, we are waiting for comments on how much this result met the expectations of the communist party of its candidate nikolai khritonov. colleagues, yes, boris, thank you very much. for these operational data, well, we continue to work with our colleagues at the headquarters and are now moving to the next headquarters, this is the headquarters of the new people party. no, 3.73, or you already have new updated data, it’s already being updated, the data is already being updated, and
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according to the central election commission, more than 27% of the protocols have already been read, and this data will be constantly updated throughout this evening, night until tomorrow, when they will announce preliminary results. if we talk about the work of the headquarters of the presidential candidate from the new people party, vladislav dovonkov, i would like to turn to our colleague evgenia petrukhina, who. is there now, besides that zhen, i would like to ask you two questions, firstly, what is the atmosphere like there, of course, how did they perceive the first information, what kind, yes, how do they react to these numbers, we know that there is also exit poll data, yes , where vladislav davankov’s data varies from 3.6 to 4.2, 4.2, that is, of course, we are waiting for the final count, one more question right away, new people carefully monitored how the voting went, according to the latest according to the latest data, which... is online in 3 days, an electronic voting system in moscow repelled more than 4-6 million cyber attacks, but you people were watching this, how they commented on it, yes
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natalya, yes, georgy, hello, indeed, in the headquarters of vladislav dovankov today there is such a working mood, everyone is closely watching the counting of votes, of course, the headquarters activists told us that they had to work especially hard these days because they received quite a lot of requests. i just returned from smolensk and there are queues at the polling stations, but this also indicates that there is great interest, a great demand for
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what russia will be like in the next 6 years, and what is important for us is how many people came to the polling stations and cast their votes for us, we see this great support, this is very important for us, it’s an exciting day, and most importantly, a huge amount of material, which we collected for our further work at numerous meetings with people in the regions.
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in these days, a real election observation center was set up at the nadverskaya headquarters; the central election commission provided a picture from any polling station, that is, activists from the public support for vladislav davankov could be quickly viewed online in real time. what happens at any polling station in our country? we can probably say that 24x7 and the doors of the headquarters were open, anyone could come, get acquainted with the program, with our headquarters, and if you look, there are absolutely no doors in our headquarters, that’s because we, so to speak, are open to people and show it even in our space at headquarters. and yes, indeed, the current voting days can be called unifying, here at the headquarters of vladislav davankov, party members clearly say that there are no
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doors in this headquarters, it is open to everyone, we observed this situation today, colleagues, yes, thank you very much, thank you, evgenia petrukhina, who works at the headquarters of new , was in direct contact people, and vladislav davankov, the candidate from this party is currently gaining 3.82% of the votes, currently counted. what's going on there right now? yes, colleagues, i greet you, that’s right, we are currently in an electoral period
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candidate's headquarters. president leonid slutsky, a candidate from the liberal democratic party of russia, and the situation here is concentrated, here they are closely monitoring the first results that are now appearing. we must pay tribute to the fact that presidential candidate leonid slutsky came here a few hours ago; he spoke with representatives of regional party branches via video conference and answered in detail all the journalists’ questions. let me remind you that there are more than 55,000 observers.
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appreciated the work of his election headquarters, who all this time worked almost around the clock with appeals from citizens throughout the country in every region, including in new territories. the presidential candidate also spoke about the interim results of the work of the ldpr situation center kolchuga, which throughout the entire single voting day processed requests from residents from all over the country regarding possible violations during voting at polling stations. here... at
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the ldpr election headquarters the kolchuga election monitoring center continues to operate, a call center that receives calls from all over the country, so far what we receive is some rough edges, very minor, we can’t even talk about it as a violation. observers, for the most part, so far give absolutely positive assessments. in conclusion. colleagues, yes, varvara, thank you, colleagues, thank you all, all of you who tuned in to us live from the headquarters of the candidates to be appointed president of the russian federation. what happens there, what kind of reaction
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is there to how the data that is updated now online they accumulate in the center of the election commission and we transmit them live, well, now let’s turn to the clients of the news agency, natasha noticed that now there are a lot of messages coming from each individual region where fraudulent vote counts are taking place, for example, in yakutia according to the calculations of 100% of the votes, vladimir putin is also in the lead with an indicator above 82%, that is, they have already counted 100%, in yakutia it is already 100%, in a number of other regions it is less, but in yakutia it was. a little bit of time reserve, you must admit, they have had it for a long time, but i say, well let's see in general that now we have vladimir putin leading in the presidential elections, in general after processing about 30% of the ballots, but they get 31%, the central electoral vote is already counting very quickly, it would very well gain more than 87% of the votes, well,
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according to even individual regions. more, in particular, there is a message that it is clear that the processing of protocols has just begun, well, in the presidential elections in crimea, vladimir putin had 93.27, can you imagine, that is , colossal support for the current head of state in kuzbass, vladimir putin 95.72 72% of the votes, and also practically processed its protocols, that is, such an incredible consolidation in the regions around.


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