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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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there is by this moment, well, just about pressure there is a message with reference to the deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs, despite the large number of dedos attacks , the election commissions coped with the task. we have already noted earlier that according to rostelecom, russia, in the process of holding these presidential elections, is actually faced with a cyber war, as the head of rostelecom said, he said just an hour ago that there are incredible attacks on all resources. on the resources of the election committee centers, on the resources of the government, on the resources of specific precinct election commissions, so we really are conducting cyber war openly, safely, however, so far we have not had any serious incident that would affect the quality of the elections, thank god there is none, so we are holding elections and have these results this hour, there is another opinion from the head of the public headquarters for monitoring elections , vadim kovalev, so he... says that
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the capital’s remote electronic voting system successfully repelled all attacks on presidential elections, for this, again, there was unprecedented activity of muscovites over 5 years, again, remote electronic voting has been working for many years, it has proven its effectiveness, every year it has been improved, and today we are in a position where we are ready to hold elections under such pressure , all of them attacks were successfully repelled, also despite the fact that some were working to... carry out cyber attacks, others were exerting pressure from outside, for example, recently the russian ambassador to the uk said that they literally intimidated the russians, and there were even reports about the embassy being mined, but nevertheless some artificial queues were created, but nevertheless the embassy is operating as normal and the voting process is about this and not only we will come back and tell you after the advertisement. you can
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appreciate, truly, bsb, a bank for the real. hello, dear friends, we are summing up the results of the first preliminary election results, of course, they were held in very interesting conditions, historical, of course because the pressure that my colleagues are talking a lot about now, and the pressure that was put on our country, on the elections themselves, were unprecedented, and despite this, there is now one of the record turnouts and those first results. which we can already discuss, although we understand perfectly well that official data will be available much later, but nevertheless, these preliminary data, they indicate that we can already talk about the balance of power, we now have connections vladislav davankov, vladislav andreevich, i
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i welcome you, well, first of all, i can congratulate you on the end of the election - an epic, that’s probably what we can call this event, of course. this requires a lot of effort, energy, various expenses, how do you evaluate the results in advance, what can you say so hot on the heels? alexander, well, i absolutely agree with you, this is truly an unprecedented turnout, i saw it myself, and the people i met, i traveled through 29 regions. more than 200 meetings lost 12 kg and in all regions they talked about what they want and come vote for the future of russia, of course, i have no doubt who won, vladimir putin won, despite even preliminary data, but it was important for me and for the party to convey our ideas
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about what russia should be, in my opinion, modern people, young people responded to this call and millions of people came and voted. in my opinion , i definitely have no doubts about the result, the important thing is that tens of thousands of people are also...
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what is important to me is how we ran the company, in my opinion, we ran the company very honestly, openly, throughout the country, across throughout the country we had observers, we observed the elections, so i assess these elections very, very positively, so let’s wait for the result, but every vote is important, i have never received so many words of support, so no, i definitely don’t have any sadness, i i think we're all fine, big one.
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were there any special cases that you can name, or is it more or less standard, in your observation, yes, there were certain points that were mentioned, this is the paint of the ballots and so on, so that did you note what excesses there were, so to speak? well, i can only judge what our observers saw, behind me you see the headquarters as... which is our central headquarters in moscow, here volunteers watched the elections online and received
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calls from our observers, in all regions, in in all regions we had observers, there are observers, these are several tens of thousands of people, we trained them and we didn’t find any serious violations about them, well, we don’t have this kind of information, even on previous elections, there often in regional elections.
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for the elections, well, in my opinion, this speaks of the consolidation of society that now exists, and despite any attempts to interfere with these elections, they rather mobilized people to come and cast their vote, we know that in there ukraine , for example, did not dare to hold elections , our country, despite everything...
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what you would say now, taking advantage of such a historical moment, you can say to your voters who have already voted for you, and to those who could for you vote, perhaps you would correct something if in your election program, well , you’re probably already working on some mistakes in your head, well, in my opinion.
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during this campaign, when we had a very voluminous program, these were 170 points about what changes our country needs in order for it to be an independent, rich, peaceful country, and received support, and to those people who voted, i would like them sincerely thank you, because these are not only entrepreneurs, these are not only young people, these are very different people, it is important that these are modern people who are focused on the future and... it is important to say that the election process is constant, these are not the last elections, there will soon be parliamentary elections, so every vote is important for us, and what is also important is that the ideas that we are talking about, some of them have already been included, we saw in the president’s message, and
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we have included some of those issues and proposals in our program and will not leave any of them unattended and will deal with this regardless ... on the election results, because these are tens of thousands of proposals, requests, appeals, with which my team will continue to work, we just talked about this with party leader alexei nichaev, with ardana aksentyeva, deputy head of the faction, we will continue this work, we should never despair, and we need to look into the future with optimism. yes, vladislav andreevich, regarding the continuation of work, of course, what i’m getting at is that... the elections are ending, well, they’re over, one might say, the results are being summed up, and how will you rebuild or complete your work in the state duma, literally a few words, in what direction the emphasis will shift, i understand that now you have a lot of emotions, you probably don’t really want to talk about these strategic things, but we still need to understand, yes, what are the prospects for your
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party and what will you do to achieve this? so that the business climate in our country is better? well, i’ll repeat it again, because the election program is the best time to truly hear people what they want, and not only do they want, but these are also often very everyday questions and problems that need to be solved , we helped some people right during their trips, there to get a certificate for a mother of many children and... or connect to a gas pipeline, but there are a lot of such requests, the team that was working with me now, i also, of course, want thank her, but we don’t stop there, many initiatives will become legislative, many initiatives were supported, which we now have, so we will continue our legislative activities as a deputy, me and my
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team, we will continue to work and never don’t stop, after all, i would like to clarify your point of view on what is the brake, this is probably the most important thing about the rapid development of our economy, although in general it is a miracle that it is developing in such conditions, the most powerful sanctions in the entire history of mankind, probably , well, the story that is written on paper, we probably don’t know of other sanctions that are stronger, and yet we are developing, we would all like to do it faster, of course, but the appetite always comes with eating, and first. i would like to avoid the recession now i would already like faster growth, here are literally two or three areas that in your opinion are the most important, and we will move faster. well, out of 200 meetings, about 40 meetings - these were just with entrepreneurs, in my
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opinion, entrepreneurs, it was on their shoulders that our country resisted those economic sanctions that... and many said that the economy of our country would collapse , no, it didn’t collapse, i talked to many people, they talk about how they overcame them, they are optimistic about the future, we talked about taxation, we talked about moratoriums on inspections, well, here’s a simple example, after the president’s message, i went to rostov right on the same day, met with entrepreneurs there, they spoke, really applauded when... they heard for themselves that there would be an amnesty for the fact that if they split up the business before, now, for example, one of these questions, and the rest of the questions can be viewed in my program. i wouldn’t like to retell them now, because that’s it, now we need to exhale a little and engage in quiet legislative activity as
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deputies and implement them slowly. vladislav andrevich, i thank you, congratulations once again on the completion of the pre-election and election marathons, good luck to you in your work , i think that we will discuss these topics in our broadcasts, but for now thank you very much, i think that you will have more to come interesting. you will be watching the final, preliminary results, because they will be officially announced a little later. thank you very much, colleagues, i give you the floor. yes, alexander, thank you, but we continue to monitor the feeds news agents and also behind telegram channels, here is dmitry medvedev: congratulations to vladimir putin on his brilliant victory in the presidential elections in russia, this is the message in his telegram channel. and also rionovosti reports that the world media, so i have a tablet connected, no, so, the world media are actively
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watching live how the results of the russian presidential elections are being summed up in russia, look, yes, here they are our percentages, percentages vladimir putin is shown live on various tv channels and talked about the election results.
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attempts at provocations, which certainly happened, she talked live about these provocations at different levels with mosquito bites, does it turn out that we are so indifferent to them? yes, colleagues, good evening , well, indeed, now we can already say that all these attacks from the west, attacks from our neighbors from the territory of ukraine were completely meaningless, because to say now that their encroachment in our direction regarding the encroachment in side of legitimacy. this electoral process had any impact on the results of this election campaign, but of course there is no need to talk here at all. as for the processing of votes,
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the central election commission continues to receive all information from the entire territory of our country and accumulate it so that we can quickly share it with you, including the decryption of digital keys.
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with dignity, as a single, united people who understand what these elections mean for us and for our future, everyone is very worthy, despite all attempts to prevent this happened on the part of our enemies, we coped, and russia made its choice.
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and another record - this is accordingly , i’ll come back a little, this record was set higher in turnout than in the 2018 presidential elections, another record in turnout concerns remote electronic voting, but here it exceeded the number of votes. in the parliamentary elections that took place several years ago, and here there are arguments why it was not possible to exceed the figures of 2018, because this year the polling stations abroad we, of course , are under the unprecedented influence of sanctions, and not all of them this year were able to work unhindered during the peak of cyber attacks,
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people also talked about this today. she also said at the final briefing after the closure of all polling stations. preliminary results: dovankov, vladislav andreevich, votes cast, i repeat once again, after processing 24 whole 4. 667.448.
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gore, but we continue to monitor the information that arrives in real time on news agency feeds, here is a message from with reference to the press secretary of the russian president, dmitry peskov, he said that vladimir putin was informed of the first election results. and if you look at other news that is now simply pouring into the news agent’s feed, there is an interesting statement from the russian ministry of internal affairs that more than 60 criminal cases have been initiated. about the presidential elections in russia, and it is also known that if, well, criminal cases were initiated, then at the same time the ministry of internal affairs did not reveal any violation of electoral legislation during the presidential elections, these are all statements with reference to deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, alexander gorovova , yes, here is another message that attracted my attention, with reference to the human rights council, the russians consolidated in the elections in the face of internal external
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challenges, this is just a statement. hrc temporary working group


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