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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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it’s clear that it took place in the conditions we’re talking about, unprecedented and so on, but nevertheless, it’s a new technology, as some say: why did you do it for 3 days, it’s like you specifically want to cheat something there , but it seems to me that this is very convenient, for example, i voted on saturday, someone my dad voted for 87 years, he went to the polling station and voted, and accordingly it’s easier for him this way, i also went and put it in a piece of paper, it’s more convenient for me analogue , and the president. ours showed new ways voted electronically and so on, that’s how much this new technology really simplifies the voting process itself, well, of course they simplify, well, it sounds kind of banal, but as an expert in this, it really helps to reach the audience more clearly, or it’s just not convenient that's it, an increase in turnout is an increase in the legitimacy of elections, an increase in legitimacy is... simply trust in
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the country's electoral political system, the more people come to the polling stations, the more people who cast their votes for one or the other another candidate, it becomes, shares with the country the course on which it is taking, and support the government if they vote for the government, or support this or that direction of policy implementation if they support the opposition candidate, but legitimacy is legality in the eyes of voters, and the more people came to vote. the state duma in the twenty-first year already had these innovations, we saw that the people really want, really want, here in moscow, but i, as a member of the public chamber of moscow, but here in moscow voted electronically, and we immediately read it. 70% of those immediately calculated, yes, that’s 88%
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, by the way, for putin, according to the degu, yes, i don’t know how it’s going to continue now, i haven’t seen the calculation yet, but it’s still a very good result, and it’s fast, it’s convenient, this is good, making elections comfortable for voters, this is very important, that’s why it’s a three-day period, choose any day, that’s why a mobile voter, in moscow in general you can just come with your passport to any polling station, there they’ll scan it for you and you you will vote. all over the world, in fact, we are seeing a trend towards the fact that there is a decrease in turnout of some kind, and such electoral procedures are a little stressful for people, but they don’t want to go to the polls, they are too lazy, maybe they want to go there.
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voting by mail or punchers who stood in the united states, yes, i ’m saying it straight out, yes, voting by mail in germany in the united states of america, well, in general , democracy there, you know, doesn’t smell much when...
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about our observers, but international yes, 1,100 observers arrived, more precisely 1,115, i was corrected today when i said 1,100, i have 1,115 observers from 129 countries of the world, this is a huge number of observers, yes, i also rounded, i must say that we are the only one who was not invited, we did not invite the biased organization bse, which is not engaged monitoring elections, but by discrediting the electoral systems of those countries that do not suit the united states.
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exactly pavel, thank you very much, very interesting, pavel danilin, we discussed political science, we discussed the results of the preliminary election results, and for now i’ll give the floor to studio, yes. yes, thank you, alexander, thanks to your expert, we continue our special information evening dedicated to the results of the presidential elections in our country. the honor of votes continues, with vladimir putin leading by a large margin. according to the central election commission, he now has more than 87% of the votes. the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov had 4.16, 4% voted for vladislav davankov from the new people party. for the leader of the ldpr leonid slutsky, he was supported by 3.12% of voters, at this moment more than 55% of the protocols have been processed, according to according to the electoral commission, the turnout exceeded 74%. yes, well, there is also data, specifically on
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remote electronic voting, in particular, a record was set, money, this remote electronic voting was used. well, my information is approximately similar to yours, since i, like all my colleagues who are now here at the headquarters, well, in general , froze in such a certain expectation, since we all remember very well what, let’s say, within the framework of the previous campaign in 2018 , vladimir putin came to his headquarters as
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once on election night, then he talked to the press, made a number of important statements, answered questions from journalists, will the same visit to the headquarters take place today? we don’t know yet, however, of course , no one is leaving here from headquarters yet, they expect that the main news of this evening may still be ahead, although of course this day was extremely eventful with news, main figures, basic data are now coming from centralcom, from election commissions of various regions, we really see very impressive numbers, and this, of course, has special significance today, and not only for the country that has already been chosen.
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and by the way, apparently, this feeling is shared by russians not only living in the country, but also those russians who live abroad, my colleagues and i, just before the broadcast, we watched on social networks footage of the queues that are lining up
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near russian embassies, near consulates general in various countries of the world, we saw citizens going to vote on this day, and in almost all of our diplomatic missions talk about what this... policy within which we do not abandon our people, our people, these are the words of vladimir putin, which he repeated many times in the framework of his various speeches, and of course, these same people of ours in our new regions in these presidential elections also voted and also elected the head of one large, unified
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state, people say, well, it’s clear there, we need gasoline, we need generators, these... other various things that naturally were not there all this time, and he says: please, vote, and it’s just as if the ballot box must arrive, it seems to me that what is happening throughout the country in the front-line, especially... in our regions, where today the enemy is trying with all his might, means putting pressure on us, as if causing only a reverse reaction, our heroic people united and go to the polls will show everyone that in these elections, for sure, the turnout will be the highest, of course, the center of the electoral commission will still announce the final figures about the first results of the vote count to vladimir.
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putin wins with a record result, putin wins a record victory in the elections in russia, this is the western media, but look , here you go, we have bloomberg with the same headline, practically other western media, in general, financial times. in general, many, many foreign media note the record support for vladimir putin in these elections, this is footage from sky news, where the presenter also reports that yes, yes, we will show this picture a little later, there is a small technical glitch, we are going to the headquarters of the candidate from communist party of the russian federation, boris ivanin is now in contact with us, bori, we welcome you again, please tell us, earlier kharitonov said that they will keep an eye on it. how will the votes change, but more than 55% of the protocols have already been counted, and
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what kind of atmosphere is in your headquarters, what are they talking about, what is the main topic at this moment? and colleagues, greetings again, gosh, natasha, but the atmosphere here at the central headquarters of the communist party of the russian federation, where observers of the communist party continue to work in this room, is still quite tense, because everyone is monitoring the dynamics of the results, the votes are being counted: almost in real time, just recently the central election commission said that 50% of the protocols had been counted based on the results of processing these 50%, nikolai kharitonov had 4.11% of the votes, well , now over 55 have already been processed, and even here are the latest data on the website the central election commission has processed 59% of the protocols, and nikolai kharitonov again improves his result, now he already has 4.18%, yes, this could be cells.
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in fact, tens of thousands of people voted, according to the latest data, 1,900 thousand people throughout russia in different regions of the country voted, cast your vote for the representative of the communist party of the russian federation, for the candidate from the communist party nikolai kharitonov. the party itself emphasized in these presidential elections, and this is also very important, observers here are also closely monitoring this, confirmed it. the result that has always been shown in presidential elections in the history of modern russia, since 1996, the communist party of the russian federation, its candidates always took second place, now nikolai kharitonov, who, by the way, already ran for the post of head of state 20 years ago, then took second place now also goes confidently second place, maintaining this positive trend as protocols are processed, and of course, as some experts believe, they are also monitoring the reaction to the results, so far preliminary, of these elections, so... some experts believe that part of these votes, of course, nikolai khritonov received thanks to his patriotic rhetoric,
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since for the first time presidential elections in our country are taking place against the backdrop of a special military operation to protect donbass, and here nikolai kharitonov, as a representative of the communist party, was incomparably, during his election campaign he advocated the complete defeat of ukraine for negotiations exclusively on moscow’s terms, and of course, as he himself said recently on our tv channel, there were statements. throughout the country has shown the consolidation of our society, patriotic consolidation and, of course, consolidation around the figure of the current president vladimir putin, who is now winning these elections by a large margin and
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therefore, i can only wish one thing: the newly elected president has high confidence in his justify voters. the communist party of the russian federation and i will not stand aside in resolving these issues. we will always support the good and the good. let me remind you that nikolai kharitonov’s election program was based on an extensive social agenda; he proposed increasing scholarships, raising pensions, and increasing the minimum wage, along with this. stop or at least reduce the rise in prices for socially significant goods and, of course, nationalize the mineral resource base in order to achieve new industrialization, his company was held under the slogan: we won, we defeated capitalism and that’s enough, this is such an agenda of social justice, this program was formed on the basis of trips to
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different regions, about a dozen subjects of the federation were visited by nikolai khritonov during his election campaign, he was in the far east, because in in the state duma, he heads the committee for the development of the regions of the far east and the arctic, and of course his election program, what people across the country voted for, will be discussed within the lower house parliament, within its walls, this was also stated by the leader of the communist party of the russian federation gennady zyuganov, who emphasized once again that the presidential elections in russia are being held for the first time in the conditions of an unprecedented struggle, including an ideological struggle with nato countries. now there are two paths, either fair socialism, friendship , modern production, science and education, or fascism and war. in this case, we sowed very good seeds during the election campaign. we now have the opportunity to form a government that will implement a joint program, a program
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bringing the country out of the crisis. otherwise , there will be no triple advantage at the front. well, i will add that here, where all the information from the localities from various regions flows, to the central headquarters of the communist party, here the intensive, hard work of observers continues, who ensure, among other things, that the elections take place. transparent, the counting of votes was carried out objectively and honestly, but according to observers from the communist party of the russian federation, there are no serious violations so far that could somehow influence or change the progress of the voting here has not been revealed, according to the information that comes from the regions, there are about a hundred comments, but they are more of a technical nature and do not affect the overall result, but of course, the work
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of observers here will continue, as in the localities, until will not count 100% of the protocol. colleagues, yes, bol, thank you, i am sure that nikolai kharitonov will continue to implement his programs and his best election initiatives at the parliamentary level. boris ivanin was with us, he works in the headquarters of the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov. yes, well, in the meantime , information is coming that more than 60% of the protocols have already been processed, according to the center-electoral commission, only more than two hours, it must be said, they are being processed, gaining. the russian president, according to the processing of 60% of the protocols according to the information of the electoral commission center, well, i want to draw your attention to something else, the information that just caught my eye, vladimir putin is leading in new regions, not just leading, let's see, with what results does he lead in new regions, this is also an answer to everyone
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provocateurs, all the bullies who endlessly pester our country. in the lugansk people's republic 94%, more than 94%, in zaporozhye 93 percent, almost 88% in the kherson region. what questions might there be? these figures reflect the course taken by people who are relatively new to the russian federation. conspiracy support, and the fact that we are going, they are going with russia in the same direction. there are another important statements that are worth talking about, this is, of course, a statement by the speaker of the lower house of parliament vyacheslav. volodin, he notes that putin’s victory in the elections is a victory for all citizens of our country. we now see his telegram channels, where vyacheslav volodin says that
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the elections showed the consolidation of society, as well as the highest level of trust. our opponents understand that putin has russia's advantage, so the main attacks were aimed at him. and now we are going to headquarters. yes, let's now go to the headquarters of the port, the party, yes, we are already talking, parties, new people. where evgenia petrukhina, our colleague, works and continues to work, evgeniya, what’s going on with you, vladislav donkov also said that it doesn’t matter what place he takes, the main thing is those people who supported him, among them there are young people, indeed, probably the electorate of vladislav dovankov, he is presumably like that, what initiatives he will implement further in his future work at the parliamentary level. yes, natalya, yes, hello, again, and indeed, there are a lot of
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young people here at the public support headquarters of vyadislav dovonkov, and nevertheless already, since it’s late in the evening, the smell of coffee is already here, i see that many with cups of coffee continue to monitor the vote count. vladislav davankov himself actually told journalists today that every vote is important to him, it is important that these elections took place without serious violations.
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everything happened and the party is new people and the candidate from the party new people vladislav davankov, we have shown, proven our subjectivity,
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let us remind you that the party is only 4 years old and for us this is the first presidential campaign, so of course we have enormous experience, and most importantly, a huge amount of material that we collected for our further work at numerous meetings with people in the regions. activists of the vladislav dvankov support headquarters also told us that in addition to the countless questions from people about the elections, about how you can vote electronically, how to find your in-person polling station, there were a lot of messages specifically in support of vladislav dvankov, and there were many requests about in order, for example, to help solve some kind of communal problem, so today vladislav davankov to journalists he said that all the work that had been started in the regions would be continued, and of course, we are here, working at this headquarters.
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he talks about how ukraine twice hit a polling station in brilyovka, kherson region, with a hymers missile launcher, the goal was obvious, to disrupt the presidential elections in russia, so we are now moving to the headquarters, another headquarters of the leader of the ldpr leonid slutsky, our colleague works there , varvara nevskaya, var, we welcome you again, here’s a question: slutsky has already said that this is a historical moment, such vladimir putin's victory is so convincing. how do the liberal democrats now assess what is happening with the vote count? gosha, natasha, i greet you again, good evening, well, it should be noted that now at the headquarters of leonid slutsky, presidential candidate from the liberal democratic party, the work is really in full swing, the headquarters says that they are recording absolutely all the numbers,
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keeping it in real time communication with... with regional branches of parties, as well as with observers from the liberal democratic party. let me remind you, within 3 days, 55,000 people from this party were engaged in observation during the current presidential elections. they also monitor how correctly data from territorial election precinct election commissions is transmitted. the candidate himself , leonid slutsky, was here at around 7:00 pm, he... then contacted the regional branches of the party, and also talked with journalists. he noted the unprecedentedly high turnout, which, according to the candidate , indicated a special consolidation of society. the ldpr held a bright and confident effective campaign, more than a million people are on vkontakte with us based on the results of an all-russian
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population survey. tell slutsky the truth, there are more than 55,000 of our voters at the polling stations, we continue zhirinovsky’s line to reach every person, every family, every person and every family, indeed this is the leitmotif of leonid slutsky’s entire election campaign and even deviate from this. the ldpr does not intend to do so after the presidential elections, leonid slutsky highly praised the work of his own electoral headquarters, which all this time , almost around the clock, recorded the appeals of the country's citizens, tried to help them solve the most pressing, most sensitive problems, but the candidate himself, let me remind you, led an active election tour, visiting various regions, including new territories
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of the russian federation, also... slutsky spoke about the interim results of the work of the ldpr situation center kolchuga, which , during a single voting day, starting on march 15, processed requests from residents from all over the country regarding those violations which could be recorded during voting. here, at the ldpr election headquarters , the kolchuga election monitoring center continues to operate, a call center that receives calls.
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colleagues write about vladimir putin’s confident colleague and various other media, very, very many reactions, including our colleague olga skabeeva who posted a fragment of the sky news tv channel, where the presenter also says that vladimir putin, well here for now exit poll data is also provided, although i must tell my colleagues that, in fact, it is no longer there are exit polls, but the data is normal, and he is leading very confidently in the presidential elections
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of the russian federation.


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