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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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bought thousands of votes, came in a bunch , threw them in until 12:00 at night, that’s it, here’s voting, here’s democracy, which means we don’t have anything like that, but of course, we are improving our system of democratic procedures during election campaigns, and of course , we will be happy and ready to share with everyone who wants it and is friendly to what we do. yes, now, now there, here for you, and here a couple more, let’s finish, okay, okay, please, i ask you, vladimir vladimirovich, i join in the congratulations of the citizens of rush today, your result, which, the percentage that you gain in the elections, is , of course, a very serious slap in the face to all external forces that tried to undermine our internal political system, here, who met in the european parliament, who, in principle , made very serious efforts for this efforts.
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do you think they will learn some lesson from this situation, that they tried to shake everything, the people, on the contrary, just rallied around you, thank you, i think so, after all, there are not completely stupid people sitting in all the institutions that are working against our countries for a decade , their problem, you know what it is, in my opinion, it is that after the collapse of the soviet union, a very large number of specialists on the soviet union remained, who were nothing more. they didn’t know how to do anything else, how to fight the soviet union, and then with the russian territory that arose on part of the territory , so they began to convince their political leadership, the public of their countries, that they needed to continue to finish off russia, and in such a way that they themselves not to be left without work, but still new generations of specialists are coming, they really assess the events taking place, i think that they will act more sophisticatedly. yes
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, but they won’t change their goals in relation to russia , please, yes, give it to the girl, yes marina kim, nightingale, and we also congratulate you very much, and we really believe in you, thank you very much, our question is: did you just brilliantly extended their mandate, but zelensky did not, with whom will we negotiate peace? this is a question waiting to be painstakingly answered researcher, we'll think about it. yes , please, i ask you, good afternoon, konstantin panyushkin , channel one, allow me, in development of the formation of your team, the mechanism for forming a new russian elite has already started working, and your project was voiced in the message of the time of heroes, in what positions do you want to see such people directly now, who do you need on your team now? this year, please allow me one more clarification in the development of the issue of the belgorod region , absolutely barbaric attacks. golotkov, when
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he was asked, in fact, how to solve this problem, he said that in order to ensure the security of the belgorod region, it is necessary to annex the kharkov region, what do you think about this now, i am not ready to talk now about what and how we should annex when, but i do not rule out that having in mind tragic events taking place today, we will be forced, as... territories subordinate to the kiev regime, which means to create a security zone, to overcome, which will be quite difficult, using the means of destruction that the enemy uses, first of all, of course, foreign production, what?
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once again, what depth such a zone could have is a separate question, but regarding the formation, that means, of the future management complex, the building, you know, because when i said about this project the time of heroes, i repeat once again, this is for me, i don’t i’m exaggerating, i can’t come up with anything, it came to my mind right when i met with the guys, participants in a special military operation in st. petersburg, they are all people... with higher education from among university students or graduates, and it came to me, of course, a simple thought in my head , which i then tried to formulate and am now trying to organize, so that from these number of these guys, who do not spare themselves in the interests of their homeland, they fight, they suffer losses, they are injured in the literal sense of the word, and then this service is difficult , you understand, come on, now there is slush, dirt, snow, and they are sitting there in the trenches, well, do we understand what this is?
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it’s hard for a person who hasn’t been there to even imagine it, but they are there, well, of course, these are people who will do anything for the sake of their homeland, but of course, future managers need to be formed from them, among other things. corps, but they need to be prepared , certain work needs to be done with them, and where and how to use them, depending on where people themselves would like to use their strength, because someone wants to work in medicine, someone in the security sector, someone - in the field of defense, someone wants to work in public administration, this will depend on the choice of the person himself, and not least on what...
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what would you like to talk to him about when you want to meet the other two opponents? so tomorrow, in my opinion, such a meeting is planned with everyone, with all the presidential candidates. by the way, if we look at the results, then i would like to say this about the communist party of the russian federation, about the ldpr,
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well, about new parties, new people, as for the party, new people, i don’t know what the final result will be, but indeed, always for... in his speeches, mr. davankov, but all his colleagues, they, i don’t know what, how, how, what and how they formulated, but in general and the idea of ​​their meaning of their activity, first of all , is to create conditions for
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- better, better conditions for entrepreneurial activity, this is good, because development ultimately depends on the work of this class, the business class. the economy, as you know , the entire basis for achieving national goals is built on it, this is a noble, very correct task, and as for the communist party of the russian federation or the liberal democratic party, we all understand that their electorate is, well, this is, first of all, a patriotic electorate as we do it we call it, in today’s conditions, a significant part of their traditional electorate, i think, still gave preference. the current head of state , bearing in mind the difficult situation in which we all find ourselves, the final results, of course, also influenced, and i am perfectly aware of this, i am aware of this , but this does not mean that their electoral
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base is really somehow has seriously decreased, i think not, i think that in general everything in our ordinary... ordinary political life is something like this will remain as it was. well, let's finish this already, please, i beg you.evich, viktor sinek, mits izvestia, you talked about the unprecedentedly large turnout in new regions, what is the reason for this, but you didn’t say, were you surprised? there is a very large percentage of those who voted for you, there the numbers are approaching one hundred percent, close to 100% , and are approaching, were you surprised by this result, did you expect it to be exactly like this, precisely in the new regions, because there, well, people have just recently become our citizens, this is the first and second, are now being distributed to
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statements in the west that our elections are illegitimate, not free, and generally bad, you are still basically worried about what the western elites, western leaders are saying? about our elections, well, as for the results in - in donbass, in novorussia, and in crimea , by the way, uh, in principle i thought that they would be...
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and not democracy, that’s what it is, so it’s important for me, the choice of the russian people is important, i rely on the russian people and work in the interests of this people and our state, and i am very grateful to the citizens russia for its support, thank you, yes, if we still have foreign journalists, we are ready to show our, our democratic spirit, well, you are alone. you bravely came here, thank you for being here, despite your critical attitude,
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you still listen to my answer, probably not very pleasant, but you also tried to ask me some tricky questions, but nevertheless you you are here, and this suggests that all is not lost for the united states, yes, please, rator agency, may be a stupid question, but nevertheless macron continues to talk about the possible dispatch of european troops to ukraine, after all, and this is a question that worries the people, do you think a full-scale conflict between russia and nato is possible, how likely , thank you, well, i think that everything is possible in the modern world, but i have already said, and it is clear to everyone, that it will be... one step away from a full-scale third world war, i think that
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hardly anyone is involved in this interested, and as for the position of the president of france, there is already some amendments in the sense that this contingent will perform secondary functions, will have to train military personnel in ukraine, and explain how to use it. western technology, and some other functions of this kind, well, today it is not much different from what mercenaries do, and then armed forces, which means that military personnel from a nato country are present there, we know, we hear french speech, and english there too speech, there's nothing good about it before everything for them, because they die in large numbers, but, but in the end... it’s not our choice, if someone wants to slightly cover up internal political
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problems with their aggressive external rhetoric, well, what is this known all over the world and a frequently used technique, but i would really like for france to not play such a role that leads to aggravation of the conflict, to its aggravation, would not provoke this situation, on the contrary, that’s how it was here with... it was said, i this i haven't heard, but nevertheless, we are talking about possible, possible ways of a peaceful settlement, in this sense it seems to me that france could play its role. not all is lost, but i would still like to finish with words of gratitude to the russian people, russian voters, i want to emphasize once again that we will do everything that depends on us to achieve the goals of national development in all areas, thank you, all the best, goodbye, well,
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on to other topics, the russian military stopped new attempts. militants infiltrate the border area in belgorod direction. our units shot down a ukrainian armed forces helicopter carrying troops; they wanted to land it in the village of kazinka. our war correspondent, evgeniy poddobny, will tell you the details. soldiers of the russian army managed to destroy the mi-8 military transport helicopter of the ukrainian armed forces on board; there could have been up to twenty paratroopers who planned to land in a russian kazinka, this is a populated area. march is trying to break through the defenses of our troops directly in kazinka in order to organize a military information provocation, so this is the calculation the portable anti-aircraft missile system verba
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managed to destroy the helicopter, it fell, we have footage of the burning wreckage of the car. now it is not possible to inspect this place, the formation of the kiev regime is conducting barrage fire, trying to organize an evacuation, but our units are preventing these enemy actions. in general, it is worth saying that since march 10 , the formation of the kiev regime has been trying to break through our line of defense, which runs along the state border in kursk and belgorod regions, and at the same time in order to to organize an information provocation during the election process. the russian enemy has formed a large group in slobozhanshchina in the sumy region, including personnel of a special forces unit, armored units, and artillery. army aviation is also operating in these areas, despite huge losses, and the enemy’s losses are really significant. on march 10, the formation of the kiev regime lost up to one and a half thousand people
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killed and wounded, as well as more than 20 tanks, and dozens were destroyed. the enemy concentrated the main efforts precisely in this direction, i remind you that , which is actually located on the border, even before march 10, russian intelligence officers discovered the plan to form the kiev regime, the first units that were preparing for an attack at the stage of combat deployment were destroyed, in fact, the enemy was then unable to launch an attack on time, after
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which active hostilities began, and on the first day of hostilities they lost five tanks.
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wounded, it is worth noting that the group neighborhoods, today there have already been three shellings of belgorod, as a result there are deaths and the cover of the state border is actually conducting a round-the-clock hunt for personnel and vehicles that are involved in terrorist acts, that is, our soldiers, officers, commanders are actually destroying and searching around the clock... they find crews of multiple launch rocket systems that participate in terrorist attacks; in the last 24 hours alone, two rszzo vampire vehicles, czech-made rszzo vehicles, were destroyed. means of the russian army, in addition, the personnel who served these vehicles were also destroyed, the hunt, well, it’s actually
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a hunt, continues, while the enemy is transferring reserves to the kharkov sumy region without taking into account huge losses, and acts in this sense constantly, losing personnel during the clash, let me remind you , that the enemy’s plan was to at any cost, although... after that , try to destabilize the situation in the border regions to disrupt the holding of elections, at least in belgorod and kursk regions, but the enemy’s plan of the russian army, together with the russian border guards and other security forces operating near the state border, was thwarted. the enemy has not achieved any of its goals, and hostilities are still ongoing. evgeny poddubny, alexander pushin, news from the belgorod region. black sea fleet ships will receive additional
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weapons to combat drones. this instruction was given by the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu during a trip to the troops of the southern military districts. the minister also checked how the construction of a military hospital in sevastopol is progressing. denis alekseev will tell you more about this, as well as about the course of military operations in the donetsk and avdeevsky directions. sevastopol is a construction site where a military hospital is being built, more than 20 buildings will be built from scratch, a medical and diagnostic building, for which the most modern equipment is already being prepared, as well as an infectious diseases department, a blood transfusion station, they promise to commission the facility by the end of this year, they have reached pits construction of foundations in order to complete these works before settlement. trips to the troops of the southern military district. the command was also given goals that were directly related to the implementation of the special operation's tasks, constant training to repel terrorist
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attacks, and increasing the survivability of ships and vessels - something that should be regularly studied. the minister instructed to increase security. objects in the fleet's area of ​​responsibility, install additional rifle systems on the ship to destroy unmanned boats enemy. true, maritime drones get it even at the stage of their production. over the course of 24 hours, missilemen and attack aircraft pilots destroyed several assembly sites for unmanned boats in the ukrainian rear; at the forefront, our military of all troop groups continue to occupy more advantageous positions and cause serious damage to vzz formations. in the donetsk direction... divisions of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions, and also inflicted defeats on the formations of the twenty-eighth and forty-second and the ninety-third mechanized,
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seventeenth tank, fifth ninety-second assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and the 104th defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of bogdanovka, krasnaya, kurdyumovka, parshetravnya, kleshcheevka and andreevka of the donetsk people's republic. the ssu lost up to 200 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, and five vehicles. ovdeevskoe direction. combat crews of the uragan multiple launch rocket systems carried out targeted work on the positions of the militants. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces are under 400 people. on the kupinsky sector of the front, our the military repelled three counterattacks. the militants launch drones for reconnaissance from the air, they use more serious drones, attack drones, which is exactly what the fire support group of the mi-8 helicopter worked on. the drone could become a threat. for the crew, but the fighters worked cleanly. the vostok group in the southern donetsk direction reported on the liberation of the village of mirnoye, the defense there was held by
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nationalist battalions, azovites banned in russia and others, sensing that it was impossible to hold the line , they tried to throw the armed forces there reserves, but it didn’t help. the ukrainian formations were eventually driven out of the village. denis alekseev, sergey kovalev, lead. it ended in the russian capital. moscow grand prix in rhythmic gymnastics. the tournament was remembered primarily for the bright novelty of this elegant sport. the participants went out onto the carpet without any object in their hands. daniela makhalin saw how it happened. the main novelty of the tournament within the framework of the international start is an exercise without an apparatus. there are no hoops, no ball, no clubs, no ribbon in your hands. less stiffness and freedom of movement. russian rhythmic gymnastics is again dictating new rules and things to the world.
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this is also important, the list for the now traditional twenty-seventh start of this grand prix is ​​quite impressive, there are armenia, italy, france, syria, switzerland, croatia and even djibouti, but the main competition for many years has been among the russians. having won the russian championship this season with five gold medals, lala kromarenko became the first at the grand prix in the all-around, thereby winning the kabaeva champion cup; she had no equal in two separate disciplines, the final. with hoop and sword, arina tkachuk became the best with ribbons, and maria borisova - with clubs. this season, the gymnasts have another start of no less status ahead, the first stage of the strongest cup, which will be held in may. daniil makhalin, ivan murashov, alexander shestopalov, karen melikyan, news.
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investment rating, economics, through a specific story, we can reach people; we often talk about money, amounts. there is a clear and clear signal in russia; is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? everything needs to be mobilized resources, a recipe in general, how to achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure?
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. let's translate it from clerical to understandable, it's not
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so scary. if there is, instructions, your brother, there, in the donbass, in short, you need to go there, call sign passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him. at these moments in russia, votes are being counted in the presidential election. almost processed 99% of ballots. vladimir putin leads by a record margin. the central election commission reports:
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the russian leader was supported by 80.


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