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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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does she really read minds or not? premiere? anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? well , girls. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stay in place, don't move. here's why. ann medium, watch
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it first in the app or on the website. let's get back to the news. fake news about the presidential election was actively spread on the internet. the head of the centersberkom, ella pomfilova, spoke about this. she emphasized that they were created back in the day because there were very few violations during the voting. it is necessary to report to western curators in order to work off the millions of dollars that were spent on opposing the elections in russia, about staged photographs and other provocations of anastasia ivanova. the electoral process through the prism of primitive fakes, everything that the so-called liberals could do, just to act as always to harm russia. for example, the terrorist and extremist volkov , along with other disinformers , blatantly told how many people allegedly came to protest action in rostov-nadon. and it’s okay
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that the video turned out to be six years ago. then the president of south ossetia was elected. nothing bothered agent nevzorov when he tried to pass off a line at a police station in vitebsk in 2018 as the alleged current protests in vladivostok. infovruns are not even interested in choosing a video to upload. it turns out that they are acting for the same purposes, in the same interests, against russia and working off western money. but here , no one will believe these reports; they are unlikely to be published, not here. it's on western, so to speak, designed for the western leadership, to create a picture for some repulsed people who spent time there, so they live there, in addition to food in georgian garbage dumps, they eat this kind of food for the mind, like - volkov’s video reports and other national traitors. the high turnout and the desire of russians to make their choice only angered the provocateurs; anticipating the result of the voting, they began to spoil the ballots at the polling stations. there is no...
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nechaev, during the voting at the embassy , ​​accompanied a curni woman allegedly in yellow and blue scarf. in fact, this is the ambassador’s wife and , if you look from a different angle, there are much more flowers on the scarf. the fake launchers were unable to replace the voting boxes either. they show this kind of ballot box and say: you know, at the beginning of the polling station, where to say, there were already ballots there. let's show a video from the polling station where this discovery was allegedly located. stationary boxes of the kaiiii voronezh region have a grayer , smoky color, and all kaip boxes have a coat of arms. it's very simple, simple there are completely different boxes, in real
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areas there are completely different boxes, all this is obvious. it is also obvious that despite pathetic attempts to misinform, people came to make their choice. the level of fakes has deteriorated quite a long time ago, they are in some kind of situation. the temperature will drop significantly when it gets warmer again, we’ll tell you right after the advertisement. all ways are good when you wanted to be the first to try the new big special bbq bacon with
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large besstaks, raw amenthal, bacon and smoky and barbecue sauces. what are you ready for, radi big special. home is where the family is bank at home in the russian federation 16.2% per annum on a deposit for 3 months, the most important contribution to the family. if you get up more than twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase is a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. what are you waiting for, you? metaphor, i am an example, i adapt, i change , i develop, and so it has been for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for, change and change, period, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, this is the same hairdryer, the top hairdryer, and even on our
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birthday, discounts up to 50%, kandi refrigerator snowfrost for only 29.99, hawks, are you ready, ready to fly up? ready to repeat the impossible, ready to make noise with the team, playoffs of the khl championship, only the best are left in the game, and you are sure that you chose me yourself, or listened to a fashion blogger, at bigfest you definitely choose, chicken burger for 39 rubles and other offers for very favorable price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alphabank. what is a dream car, the answer is very simple, it should have everything, style, dynamics and first class comfort, for any on the road and for my whole family, cherry tigo 8 pro max, dream bigger. the world of
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bcs investments is limitless, there are those who boldly open it, relying on support. strive further to get more, we have something to offer them. bcs - the world of investments. panic, let's do without panic. you have connections in a variety of situations, again i’m sparing everyone, with such and such an internet connection on your side, a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will get back 2% of the rate with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry up to get a loan from cashback in saving with prime is more profitable, everyone is delighted with coffee at a delicious point, favorite cappuccino. as well as raft, flatwight, hot chocolate and desserts in the cafe. winter is not going to give up
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without a fight. there are snowstorms again in the european part of russia. which regions have already been affected by the cold snap and when will it reach moscow? how long will the arctic invasion last? time for weather news on channel russia 24. i am evgeniy teshkovets, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello! from a climatic point of view, march on the russian plain is still winter month. and over the next few days he will try to remind you of this. after the past week, residents of the region might well have gotten the impression that spring had come into its own a long time ago. it was not even march warmth that reigned here, but april warmth. saturday in both capitals, for example, became the warmest day since the beginning of the year. in moscow, thermometers showed exactly +8. in st. petersburg it was + 8.4°, but already on sunday the situation began
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to change, it became sharply cold on the banks of the neva, and in the late afternoon the temperature in st. petersburg itself fell below zero, heavy snowfalls occurred in the cities of the leningrad region. it’s certainly beautiful, i like it, but where is summer, where is it warm, what kind of damn snow do you mean? even earlier , the russian north felt the influence of the cold front, here are these images. for example, from the murmon region. in murmansk itself, snowstorms periodically rose on fridays; at some point, due to zero visibility, more than 100 km of the kola highway had to be closed; by sunday evening, snow was already falling everywhere, from varkuta to petrozavodsk and kaliningrad. and this despite the fact that a few hours earlier in the westernmost region of the country the first march thunderstorms thundered and there was even hail. the phenomenon is typical for the summer, not the winter. surprisingly, cooling is a logical continuation
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of warming. warm air brought another atlantic cyclone to our country. it shifted mostly in northern latitudes, so it was there that the temperature anomaly reached its highest values. but now everything has changed. the whirlwind went to the ob bay area and the european part of the country found itself in its cold rear, that is, the air flows over the region turned to the north. under the influence of the front , precipitation will be observed on almost the entire russian plain today, the heaviest in the black earth region, in the caucasus, as well as in a narrow strip from yaroslavl to ugra. northern lines smolensk, kazan, nizhny tagil, during the day the rain will change to snow. and, of course, it will continue to get colder. already at night , the entire northern half of european russia will be in the frost zone, conditions will arise for the formation of black ice in the vologda, arkhangelsk, and leningrad regions regions and kareli. on a lady may exceed 5 mm. and tomorrow afternoon the arctic invasion will reach its peak. the thaw will leave the russian north
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in the pre-urals on the middle volga, even at the peak of solar heating, thermometer readings will not exceed zero. a weak plus is expected in the center of russia. however, this weather won't last long. the charge of arctic cold will only last for a couple of days. st. petersburg, the frontal section has already passed, so there will be no precipitation on the banks of the neva until the middle of the week. no higher than +3°, and already on tuesday, wednesday up to +6 -7. from thursday, the weather will again be affected by atlantic cyclones, so the warming will increase, but there will be rain. in moscow today tomorrow it will not be higher than +3-4. light mixed precipitation is possible in places. and from wednesday the sky will clear of clouds, the sun will quickly return thermometer readings to the already familiar abnormally high +5 - +7°. light frosts will persist at night. that 's all for me, goodbye. and now economic news,
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president konstantin said that russia will strengthen interaction with china. yes, roman, the head of state noted that our countries have many common economic interests. so, in vladimir putin’s statements during a press conference at the election headquarters , there was a place for the economy. in particular, answering a question from a journalist from china. the russian leader expressed confidence that interaction between moscow and beijing will continue. including in the economic sphere. in general, vladimir putin noted, russia and china have a lot in common here. china is developing by leaps and bounds, at a rapid pace. very confident and what is very important, the structure of china's economy is changing towards innovation towards giving the economy a more innovative character, and we are trying to do the same within the country,
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we are faced with exactly the same task in russia, foreign experts who think in realities, the reason for the level of support for the candidacy of the current russian is obvious leader and such a high turnout in the elections. this is the result of vladimir putin uniting the country, said respected american economist paul roberts. he noted that the current the russian president actually cares about families and the military. while in the united states, the current business authorities are only thinking about how to attract more workers to the country, whose labor and loyalty will be cheaper. in the western world, the economist added, the government represents interests. only the ruling elites, not their own citizens. meanwhile, in europe, new farmer protests, hundreds of tractors gathered in the center of madrid, the march began at the ministry of environment and ended at the headquarters of the ministry of agriculture. similar protests have been going on for several weeks. farmers complain about the environmental policy of the european union, which makes their products more expensive than imports from third
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countries, for example, from ukraine. the concessions from brussels announced on friday are european. and the european union is also trying to buy off illegal migrants to retain at least a share of influence in africa. the eu announced financial assistance to egypt amounting to almost 7.5 billion euros. well, help is a big word. the lion's share of 5 billion is allocated in the form
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repayable loans, albeit on preferential terms. grants amount to only 600 million. everything else. this is an investment, the total amount is calculated for 3 years. brussels, relying on the money that has yet to be allocated, immediately announced an increase in the level of relations with cairo to a strategic partnership. at the same time, experts note their positions on the arab-israeli conflict, the eu has reduced egypt’s income from the fussy channel by half, and now, as if nothing had happened, it is pretending to be benefactors. well, at the end of the issue about western currencies, the dollar today costs 91 rubles 87 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 9. and that ’s all i have for now. roman, konstantin, thank you, we continue our selection of the most important and interesting events of this day, in different years and eras , immediately after the advertisement. deposit - the best interest, up to 16% per annum in sberbank online. one of my
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operator. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. it was proclaimed on march 18, 1871. the paris commune was the name of the revolutionary government of paris. it was created by non-jacobins, socialist anarchists who united in a coalition. the paris commune is considered the first example of dictatorship in history proletariat. this became possible because the people had weapons. the franco-prussian war was then going on. everyone who wanted joined the national guard and was armed. it turned out that very different people became part of the paris commune, and things began to break out between them immediately. disagreements. the power of the commune lasted a little more than two months, and then it was overthrown by pro-government forces under the leadership of the famous french politician adolphe thier. in the soviet union and
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the countries of the socialist camp, the paris commune was used in propaganda as an important symbol of the workers' struggle against the rule of the bourgeoisie. two villages were named after the paris commune. in the nizhny novgorod and voronezh regions. published on march 18, 1949. the draft north atlantic treaty or nato, which 2 weeks later in washington was signed by 12 countries, 10 european, as well as the usa and canada. the goal of this military-political bloc was to counter and contain the ussr. 70 years ago, in 1954, moscow submitted an application to join nato, which, of course, was rejected, despite the fact that the alliance declares freedom for countries to join it. during the period of soviet perestroika and weakening. international tension, nato leaders assured soviet leaders that the bloc would not expand, but these promises, not enshrined in writing, were broken; now there are already 31 countries in the alliance, including almost
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all the states of central and eastern europe. nato directly threatens the national security of russia and russian statehood; formally its members have equal rights, but ultimately the strategic course of the alliance is determined by the united states , which finances more than 23. all expenses . on march 18, 1965, a person walked into outer space for the first time and it was the soviet cosmonaut alexei leonov. to accomplish this , specialists from okb-1, today the energia rocket and space corporation, converted a three-seater ship sunrise in a double room. it was necessary to make room for putting on the spacesuit for entering the airlock chamber. that very first spacesuit weighed 100 kg. having entered airless space, leonov moved away from him five times. ship at a distance of more than 5 m. the suit swelled and the astronaut had to, risking his life
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, release the pressure in it to critical. such a sharp drop in pressure could cause me to increase the release of nitrogen and cause my blood to boil. but i had no choice. and he did all this with one hand, because he was holding it in the other. the movie camera with which he was filming, two more television cameras installed on the outer sides of the ship transmitted the image to the ground. as a result, leonov spent 23.5 minutes in space, of which 12 minutes outside the ship in free flight. the international aeronautical federation approved the world record for the duration of a person's stay in outer space outside of a ship, and awarded alexei leonov the highest award for the first spacewalk in the history of mankind. on march 18, 2014 , an agreement was signed on the admission of the republic of crimea and the city of sevastopol to russia. in 2
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days the contract. was ratified by the state duma, a day later by the federation council and approved by the president. according to the agreement, an independent and sovereign state, the republic of crimea, in in which the city of sevastopol has a special status and, based on the results of the crimean referendum, is part of the russian federation. new entities are being formed in the country: the republic of crimea and the federal city of sevastopol. a referendum on independence was held in crimea after the coup d'etat in ukraine, when power passed to the opposition. pro-russian. determined residents of the peninsula, who did not want to recognize the new ukrainian government, began protests and a referendum was announced, as a result of which they were in favor of reunification with russia more than 95% of crimean citizens voted. citizens of ukraine and stateless persons permanently residing in crimea were recognized as citizens of russia, with the exception of those who decided to retain ukrainian citizenship. russian, ukrainian and crimean tatar languages ​​became the state languages ​​of crimea. 18th
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of march. the day of reunification of crimea with russia is celebrated. this is what this day in history was like. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. he wins by a large margin, vladimir putin is leading in the presidential elections, almost all the ballots have already been counted. the election result demonstrates putin's victory over the collective west. congratulations to the president come from all over the world. late in the evening, the head of state
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arrived at the election headquarters first of all thanked the russians for voting. sending nato soldiers to ukraine will lead to world war iii. the slovak leader calls on hotheads to come to their senses. grace and freedom of movement. the rhythmic gymnastics grand prix ended in moscow, making it memorable. in russia, the counting of votes in the presidential election is ending, more than 99% of the ballots have already been processed, vladimir putin is in the lead with a record margin, he has 87.32% of the votes. after the announcement of the first results, the head of state came to his election headquarters and talked with his staff. look straight ahead now.
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thanks a lot!


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