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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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at these moments in russia they are counting votes for the president.
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my colleague yuri bogdanov is monitoring the summing up of the preliminary results at the central election commission. he is in direct contact with us. yuri, greetings, the floor is yours. yes, faith, once again, hello, we really work in the center savings committee, here they are now waiting for a briefing from the chairman of the central election commission ella pomfilova in the near future , in addition, political representatives should come here to the savings committee center. political parties, some candidates like it is expected that they should also give press conferences on the results of the voting, so journalists are now gathering, taking seats in the press conference hall, in anticipation of new information that should come from both representatives of the central election commission and from the participants in these elections, well, it is necessary in in general, i can say that journalists have no shortages of information here, because everything is organized very conveniently, all the latest data can be seen on the general online. a board where information is accumulated
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based on the results of processing ballots from all over countries, in the press conference room there is a separate wall with monitors that display data for each of the regions, where there is data for each of the regions, and you can see where the counting of ballots has already been completed, and where it is still ongoing and what numbers are there at the moment, so journalists undoubtedly have all the operational information on the vote count, as for the overall results, let me tell you the latest numbers,
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1,866 votes, considering that there are just a few registered voters in the country more than 112 million, this is the number of our fellow citizens who voted for vladimir putin, if vladimir putin’s leadership was obvious to everyone from the very beginning, including even his competitors, then for the second, third, fourth places a rather interesting struggle unfolded, which has attracted the attention of many political scientists and experts, because depending on how much... other candidates gain, not only their personal political points, but the political points of the forces they represent depend. so, at this moment representative of the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov 4.3%. the representative of the new people, vladislav davankov, has 3.8%, and leonid slutsky, who represents the ldpr, gains 3.2%. we see that no one was able to overcome even 5%.
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barrier, but again, in absolute numbers, if we take , say, nikolai kharitonov, i’m looking at the scoreboard now, 3,735,475 votes, we see what a colossal lead vladimir putin has from his closest competitor, i must say that vladimir putin scored more than 80 % of votes in almost all regions except arkhangelsk region of kareli, vologda region of the nenets autonomous okrug, there are more than 79 percent. significant figures are shown in the new regions of the dpr - more than 95%, lpr - more than 94, zaporozhye - more than 92% of the votes, in kherson - more than 88%. naturally, now attention is focused on the regions bordering ukraine, i also looked at the figures for the special belgorod region, more than 90%, bryansk 89, kursk 88. well, i’ll stop separately in moscow, the results are also quite interesting.
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first, votes are counted in precinct election commissions, then these data the protocols are transferred to the territorial election commissions, where they must
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be verified, entered into the gas elections system, this data is already sent to the regional election commission, the electoral commission of the subject to the central election commission, as i already said, here this data is accumulated. and we can, in fact , see them on the scoreboard, which is presented here in the cic and can be viewed on the cic website on the internet. as for voting abroad, usually this data arrives later to the central election commission, because many polling stations are they continue to work abroad after they have already been closed in russia, for example, in the united states and latin america; i looked at some areas in latin america that were closed at 5 am. in total , 295 polling stations were opened abroad in 144 countries, i think that this information is also already coming to the central election commission, since the figure of 99.7% of counted ballots suggests that the main flow of information has already arrived here,
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we already talked a lot about turnout the day before , but i note once again that it is very high throughout country, record turnout, and this indicates, of course, significant interest in this electoral process. now the central election commission has 10 days to sum up the results, publish copies of the protocols, they must be published by both precinct election commissions and territorial ones, and sign the final protocol, but exactly how much time this will take is not yet very clear, so for now we we are talking about preliminary results, but within 10 days the center must complete this work to finish, well, in the near future, as i already said, we are waiting for representatives of the central election commission in order... to hear all the latest information about how the votes are being counted, and representatives of political parties, the candidates themselves, who will talk about their impressions of the elections about how they evaluate their own results, well, one more small detail, i told you in the last inclusion, i will also mention it now,
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here behind me there is a screen on which the video of the precinct election commissions is displayed directly, from the polling stations where and where people came to vote, i must say that on most of these... screens, on almost all of them, you can already see how workers are dismantling structures somewhere, voting booths, most polling stations in schools, in those regions where there are no school holidays now, students have already returned to classes , somewhere we saw rulers, somewhere classes have started, someone is doing physical education, in general, precinct election commissions are returning to their usual life and those people who worked there, i think that now the main wave of work already finished, main the counting is taking place in territorial... missions where it has not yet been completed, and apparently, at the level of subjects, well, we are closely monitoring what is happening here in the central election commission, we will return with the latest information. faith. yuri, thank you, my colleague yuri bogdanov was live with the latest figures on the results of the elections for the russian president. all plans for
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the development of russia will be resolved and goals achieved. vladimir putin, the leader in the presidential elections, announced this at his campaign headquarters. among the main tasks of the new term, he called the solution to the svo problem. the head of state also thanked everyone who came to the elections and emphasized that the russian people are the source of power in our country. anastasia efemova with details. one country, one team, everyone who came to the polling station and cast their vote in the current presidential elections, most definitely, plays on this very team for their country. in fact, this is exactly what vladimir putin came to talk about today. to his election headquarters, he talked with the employees of this very headquarters, the same people who spent the last three months talking, answering questions, taking numerous calls, and of course, essentially accumulating all the energy that
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citizens transferred to their president. vladimir putin today thanked for this work and, of course, separately thanked everyone who... supported him in these elections, i want first of all to thank the citizens of russia, we are all one team, all citizens. i want to say again that this is an extremely important thing, it is not of a formal legal nature, the source of power in the country is the russian people. and from the voice
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of every citizen of russia, the unified will of the peoples of the russian federation is compiled from the voices of every citizen of russia, this is the most important pillar of the existence of the country, its confident development in the field of defense capability, in the field of science, education, by all... no one ever like me i’ve already said that nothing like this has worked in history, it hasn’t
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worked out now and it won’t work out in the future, never, but we, on the contrary, feel like one, united family, you know, i’m just with the patriarch talked, he said very good words, he said that in a mono-state, in a mono-ethnic state, these results are ours together with you... work, they are very good, but in a multi-ethnic state, in a multi-religious state, they are generally unique, this means that all people, regardless of religious affiliation and ethnicity, all feel, at least today, like a single russian family, this is extremely important, these are the most important conditions for our progressive movement forward, in this regard, i can fully i can say with confidence: all the rather large, if not, in some areas, grandiose plans that have been conceived,
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which i recently spoke about in my message to the federal assembly, will certainly all be resolved. this is already a kind of tradition: after the end of voting, vladimir putin comes to his election headquarters and not only communicates with his employees, but also answers questions from journalists, this is exactly what happened in 2018. so it happened today, the reporters had a lot of questions, of course, congratulations vladimir putin with an obviously won victory, but they also asked about current events, including about the absolutely brutal shelling of the belgorod region about those people who call themselves the russian volunteer corps or rdk, passing off as some patriots who are supposedly trying to liberate their native russian land , not patriotism at all, but the real thing.
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with weapons, all law enforcement agencies will be given instructions to identify everyone by name, and take into account people who are fighting against russia with weapons, the appropriate actions, and we will not give them peace, they should know about it, the effectiveness is minimal, even on the battlefield, commanders tell me that right away...
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the federation is historical, because it confirmed the stable authority of the leader of the nation , vladimir vladimirovich putin, the country. the entire russian world, the entire russian civilization, was consolidated around its leader, regardless of the party card in your pocket, place of residence, age, religion, shoulder to shoulder, this is exactly the call i made last year to citizens of russia who care
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about our future, and we again heard shoulder to shoulder at the very beginning... the special military operation of the northern military district, of course, it will end with the imminent victory of russian weapons, this will be the last, most likely, fight with nazism in world history, especially by doing so, we will also remove the serious threat to our national security
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that the collective west today is concentrating on security as a threat to our security. on the territory of ukraine, and, of course, returning to the elections, it is no longer a secret, since yesterday evening, the president, speaking at his headquarters, he gave away a secret that we, frankly speaking, were not going to reveal so soon, yes, indeed, we gave a significant part of the votes to the leader of the nation, we gave... more ldr, accordingly, we have a little less left, but this percentage, the difference between the three candidates, khritonov, davankov and me , within the percentage, does not matter in the slightest, what matters is that we participated, i will confirm once again, in the historic campaign for
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the election of the president of russia, which once again confirmed the authority leader of the nation.
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the leader of our country, the leader of the nation, is a person whose approach is against a unipolar world for a multipolar world architecture, where each country, its traditions, culture, history, national language, are a separate pole of influence in the future world architecture, stable, safe and balanced around. it is his ideas of approaches that today a new global majority is being formed, so what we, and i, in particular, gained, half a percent there, half a percent back, does not matter in the slightest, here, more than ever, the main thing is not victory, but participation, and i want to congratulate all citizens
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of russia, everyone who speaks in the world... the great and mighty russian language on this incredible convincing victory of vladimir putin in the elections. as for us as a party, we seriously, just like the country, united and grew in these elections. we have become much closer to people, this is the main task facing the ldpr, and this is the task set by our founder.
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payments to teachers and doctors, eliminating the shortage of doctors in the country, issues of supporting small entrepreneurship, and these are all really
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pressing issues and now we need to immediately begin to resolve them, much more, and the fact that young people remain in the village after finishing school, and i think that we will solve all this, these... from the interests of the people, at the end of his address to the federal assembly, the president said what i have said more than once, and we naturally did not agree on this, it simply
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cannot be any other way, we are not interested in rubles, tons, kilometers, we are interested in people, political parties, they exist for the sake of people, and this is especially important today, today is the time of the ldpr, which is the most reliable party in the country, and which turns systemic issues into acceptable ones... then quickly drafts of federal laws, the most difficult private issues, also decides, does not give any replies, this is the work with people, their support inspires 2.5 million, a little more voted for us, this is a very important figure for us, today we are moving towards the goals that we set. in party building, further unity, the rise of regional branches, the ldpr, like russia with a pronounced regional infrastructure, a political party, and of course, i must
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say, despite the fact that they gave their votes to the leader of nations, so many people still voted for us that we came second in lugansk, the chechen republic, the primorsky territory, stavropol, zaporozhye. tsyumyansky region, yamalaneti autonomous okrug, chakotka, in many regions even more, became third, i am pleased with the result of these elections, i admit honestly, i foresaw them this way, i consider them a victory, so everything i said is on one side of the scale, on the other imagine fractions, on the other imagine fractions of a percent. what do we choose? we choose victory for the leader of nations, we choose to solve, shoulder to shoulder, the most important and
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pressing issues for the population of the country and for the russian world. we choose to move towards a world architecture where russia is the center of gravity, and this will be implemented this year... already this year, many tasks during russia’s chairmanship of brix in the cis and in other important international macro-projects, if you allow me to put it this way, returning to issues of domestic policy, in conclusion i will say that, of course, without any cheerfulness, we will approach the solution of those tasks that we now consider to be the most important , which the people themselves have set for us, many of them are very, very difficult, something then it’s simpler, we can solve the problem of the shortage of doctors
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in the country over time, with high coordination and understanding, i hope, of the leader of the nation, but at the same time, as a constructive opposition, we believe that some issues need to be resolved more forcefully, we have our own vision on almost all the issues that i voiced and many others, we are a constructive opposition, and that is why
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we will ask for many tasks. fit into 1%, and it doesn’t matter at all which of us, so to speak, is a fraction of a percent ahead or further, the fact is that we took part in these historic elections, we congratulate vladimir vladimirovich putin on a unique, convincing, resounding victory, but how the political party will continue to solve, as i said, the tasks of party building,
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who stand before us. consolidate, we have the next elections almost upon us, until september 10, there is not much of a single voting day left, 13 legislative assemblies, city dumas, administrative municipalities, i apologize, so there is something to work on, and we do not stop working, thank you, thank you thank you very much, eduardovich, from time to time, it was a broadcast of the briefing.
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this is a demonstration of the values ​​of the russian people, the demands from new russia, great russia, a multipolar balanced world. our older brother vladimir putin won. these are good omens for the whole world for this year. congratulations, they are winning on all fronts, putin and russia. president of nicaragul. tega called the decision of the russians a contribution to the irreplaceable stability of humanity and noted that the elections were held in an exemplary manner. midcube called vladimir putin’s victory a recognition from the country’s citizens and assured that it will continue to strengthen ties between states. the president of honduras, sinomara castra, also congratulated vladimir putin on his re-election. she wrote words of support on social media.
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