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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin wins the election of the head of state of russia with a record result in the history of presidential campaigns, he has more than 80%. 7% of votes, such data
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was reported today in the cycle. my colleague yuri bogdanov is monitoring the latest information in the center for electoral commission. the numbers have changed very little lately, but there are still some changes. so, at the moment, 99, almost 9% of the ballots have been processed. vladimir putin takes first place, with 87.3% of the votes . in absolute numbers, this is 76 million 102.286 votes, namely so many of our fellow citizens voted for vladimir putin. in second place is nikolai kharitonov from the communist party of the russian federation, with 4.3%. third place is occupied by vladislav davankov from the new people party (3.8%). and in fourth place is leonid slutsky’s ldpr party - 3.2%. we have completed a big press conference with ella pamfilova. a lot of important things were also said...
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and the chairman of the people's republic of china. according to the chinese news agency, during a telephone conversation, sidzenpi noted that the re-election of vladimir putin to the post of president in fully reflects the support of the people of the country. sidzenping also said that beijing attaches great importance to the development of relations with moscow
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and is ready to maintain close cooperation with our country. earlier , the president of iran sent congratulations to the russian leader; it was published by the country's embassy in moscow. ibrahim raisi called putin's victory convincing, expressed satisfaction with the development of bilateral relations and emphasized the need for their further expansion. sent congratulations on their re-election as president to vladimir putin and kim jin-neung. about this was reported by the north korean news agency tsak. the head of venezuela noted that the voting result in russia demonstrates putin’s victory over the collective west. nicolas maduro expressed gratitude to the russian people for their deep commitment to democracy. vladimir putin has won a victory over the imperialism of the collective west, this is a demonstration of the values ​​of the russian people, the demands of a new russia, a great russia, a multipolar balanced world, our elder brother, vladimir putin has won, these are good omens for
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the whole world for this year, congratulations, they are winning on all fronts, putin and russia, let's take a break for a short advertisement, then we will continue. pensions, and the pension was issued at vtb, and there is a rate and keep this for you, where does all this come from, you get up to 18% per annum for pensioners on a vtb savings account, how skinny are you?
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another one as a gift. not just profitable, alpha profitable. you can check the car before buying using scanning vision. and who doesn’t have it, through the auto library according to 25 criteria. it’s safer to buy from the auto library on avito auto. they say that life is like a journey. embark on it with the jettour suv, your new companion. on the path to discoveries and bright impressions, bold design, functional interior and comfort technologies, choose your jettour, special conditions for purchase in march, deposit the best interest in sberbank - this is an easy way to profitably invest money online, just one button contribution to the future of your child already done one button savings grow with...
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this is even more opportunities, because every month you will get back 2% of the rate with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry up to get a loan with cashback, it’s more profitable in sberbank with prime. all plans for the development of russia will be resolved and goals achieved. vladimir putin, the leader in the presidential elections, announced this at his campaign headquarters. among the main issues and the new deadline, he named the solution to the svo problem. the head of state also thanked everyone who came to the elections and explained why this voting result can be considered truly unique. no matter who wants it or how. to intimidate us, no matter who and no matter how much they want to suppress our will, consciousness
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, no one has ever, as i already said, anything like this in history, it has not worked now and will not work in the future, never, but we, on the contrary, feeling ourselves as one, united family, you know, i just talked to the patriarch, he... said very good words, he said that in a monostate, in a mononational state, these are the results of our joint work with you, they are very good, but in a multi-ethnic state, in a multi-religious state, they are generally unique, this means that all people, regardless of religious affiliation and ethnicity, all feel, in any case today, like a single russian family, this is...
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an unprecedentedly high , she also noted that in russia, unlike many western countries, elections are direct, where everyone’s vote is important. matvienko congratulated vladimir putin on his victory, which she called powerful:
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we know what electoral processes are taking place in other states, in this sense, our elections are definitely very democratic, the elections were observed by more than a thousand international observers, a huge number of our observers from various parties, who confirmed that there were no serious violations that could affect...
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as well as other gaps must be adjusted, we saw that now, when people tried to start arson and even threw molotov cocktails, the so-called at polling stations, they face punishment under the article for obstruction implementation of citizens' voting rights for up to 5 years, and at the same time, in essence, this is terrorism, this is a threat to a large number of people in a public place. in a socially dangerous way, and this should be classified as terrorism with appropriate punishment and confiscation of property. the results of the elections in russia are being discussed by the world's leading media; observers note a record level of support for vladimir putin, writing that the attempts of some western countries to weaken moscow, on the contrary, have rallied the russians. artyom krosulin will tell you more. the expected triumph
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which was achieved despite the desire of some countries to weaken russia, such an assessment. vladimir putin's victories in the elections are shared by french journalists. mont observers note that the president more than convincingly won in new regions, and lada pesh recalls that support for the head of state became stronger every year, despite economic and geopolitical challenges. this topic is continued by al-jazeera analysts, they emphasize that we are talking about a record high number of elections in the entire post-soviet history of russia, and insinuations from western politicians have no effect on reality. level of support from voters. paradoxically, in russia there is much more freedom to openly discuss political problems than in liberal, freedom-loving europe. washington post authors explain the motives of those who voted to their audience. they point out that difficulties have always united russians; a reporter for the publication interviewed residents of belgorod and found out that even those who
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previously eschewed politics went to vote out of principle. strikes on civilians neighborhoods did not weaken their morale. the townspeople remembered their exploits. it’s a fact that tough economic sanctions against moscow did not bring the desired result. the russian army is scoring victories in ukraine, and the economy has recovered thanks to increased spending and a refocusing of cooperation. to other countries. the turkish media, in turn, associate vladimir putin’s record ratings with the ukrainian conflict. analysts from the aiden newspaper emphasize that the special military
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operation is supported by the overwhelming majority russians. the publication also drew attention to the president’s speech, in which he promised to achieve the goals of national destruction in all directions, and called the reaction of western countries to the voting results expected in light of their desire to restrain the development of russia. artyom krosulin, anton dadykin and ekaterina. the kremlin explained the idea of ​​​​creating a sanitary zone between russia and ukraine, the president’s words were explained by the press secretary of the head of
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state, dmitry peskov. against the background of attacks, such as drones, against the background of artillery shelling, our territory, settlements on our territory of social facilities, residential buildings, measures will be taken to secure these territories; they can only be secured by creating a certain corridor, truly a buffer zone, so that any means that the enemy may use to inflict blows were out of range. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will be returned 2% of the rate with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry to get it. these are the ivanovs, the average russian family throws away 664 plastic bottles per year, and if
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? come on, girls. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the murder is? yes. look, just no amateur performances. stand still, don't move, for some reason i believe in you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website. the current elections have set several records at once, will certainly go down in the history of modern russia,
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the indicators have been updated, both... the turnout has not been like this for more than 30 years, and in terms of support for the winner. anna voronina joins us live and will tell you the details. she, hello, what records are we talking about? truly, about the historical ones, colleagues, now i’ll tell you about everything. voting in the russian presidential elections in 2024 has already secured historical status, if only because the turnout was a record in the history of russia, new russia. according to tsikna, on monday morning more people voted. 87 million voters, amounting to 77.44%. the previous record for participation in presidential elections was recorded in 1991, when the president of the rsfsr was still being elected. then the figures exceeded 76.6%. in the presidential elections in 2018, the turnout was 67.5%. second record from


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