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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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indicators have been updated both in terms of turnout, this has not happened for more than 30 years, and in terms of support for the winner. anna voronina joins us live and will tell you the details. anna, hello, what records are we talking about? truly historical, colleagues. now i’ll tell you everything. voting in the russian presidential elections in 2024 has already secured its status as historic. if only because the turnout was a record in the history of russia, new russia. according to the central election commission, as of monday morning, over 87 million voters had voted, amounting to 77.44%. the previous record for turnout in presidential elections was recorded in 1991, when the president of the rsfsr was still being elected. then the figures exceeded 76.6%. in the presidential elections in 2018, the turnout was 67.5%. second record.
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the result of the current president vladimir putin noted in these elections. according to preliminary data announced by the central election commission, almost 76 million voters voted for him, which is more than 87%. in the 2018 elections , these figures were 10% lower. the second place was taken by the candidate from the communist parties. nikolai kharitonov received more than 4% of the votes, the highest figures for the representative of the communist party of the russian federation in the oryol region. there. 9.14% of voters voted for him. the party noted that the elections were held in extremely difficult conditions, but nevertheless showed the unity of the people. we must all congratulate putin, who received massive support in these elections, which is of fundamental importance for the supreme commander of the vlan, because it is to lead the battle between soldiers and officers, to set tasks for the country, to carry out his message. society,
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mobilized all resources, mastering the latest technologies, knowing full well that without this victory the country, each of us, will have no future, about a dozen of our territories are being shelled, our people living and working in russia are dying, this is no longer easy, so today the population consolidated around the supreme commander-in-chief. who answers, yesterday's elections at 90% are not a laurel wreath of the population of the matter, a big mess with heavy responsibilities, and vladimir vladimirovich understands this. election results today , candidate from the ldpr party leonid slutsky commented at a press conference. he received just over 3% of the vote in the election. he received the greatest support in the tyumen region, where over 6% voted for him. a historic campaign for the election
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of the president of the russian federation, historical because it confirmed the stable authority of the leader of the nation vladimir vladimirovich putin, the country consolidated around its leader and the entire russian world. russian civilization , regardless of the party card in your pocket, from place of residence, age , religion, shoulder to shoulder, this is exactly the call i made last year to the citizens of russia, who care about our future, but also the debutants in the presidential elections, the party of new people, according to analysts, showed a very successful result . vladislav davankov managed to attract almost 4% to his side. voters,
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ahead of leonid slutsky. he received the greatest support in karelia, where more than 8% of voters voted for him. contact your supporters, vladislav davankov promises on tuesday. anna, thank you, anna voronina spoke about the records of the current elections. the situation in ukraine, sanctions against moscow and presidential elections in russia are discussed today in brussels by the eu foreign minister. before the meeting begins. the head of european diplomacy, jose borel , expressed the hope that the participants will be able to make a decision on the income from frozen russian assets. we will find out more details from our european correspondent regina sebastianova, she is in direct contact. regina, hello, what other statements have been made? ahead of negotiations? hello, the european union hopes at today's meeting of the eu foreign ministers here in brussels to make a decision on expanding the european peace fund by 5 billion euros. for the transfer of weapons for
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ukraine, and also, as the head of foreign diplomacy of the european union said, he expects that political will will finally be expressed on the possibility of confiscating proceeds from frozen assets.
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european production, but they could not, and we welcome the initiative of the czech republic to purchase them outside the european union. according to information official riga, prague has already completed consultations with those manufacturers outside the european union who could supply the required number of shells, according to the head of the foreign ministry of this country, any progress in this matter?
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indeed cannot have any legal force at all, russia's political leadership and those involved in their organization will face the consequences of these illegal actions. among other things , it is expected that today at their council the heads of the eu mid-countries will adopt new sanctions, as against russia, and against hamas and against extremists from among israeli settlers, the agenda says today, the european commission will also invite ministers to consider the possibility of partial or complete.
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regina, thank you, our european correspondent, regina sebastianova, is following the meeting of eu foreign ministers in brussels. europe is switching to payments in rubles; half of trade transactions for payment of russian exports in the 23rd year were carried out in russian currency. the statistics were published by
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the central bank. let's talk about these numbers with anna lazareva. anna, hello, is europe abandoning the euro and dollars? hello, alexander, well, you can say this, the share of payments for exports from. russia in euros and dollars has shrunk by half in 5 years. russian and friendly currencies are actively replacing the dollar and euro in payments. this applies to europe, america, and asia. the most revealing situation is in europe. if in 2019 rubles accounted for 12% of export payments, by 2024 it will be 50%. and on the contrary, the value of the currencies of unfriendly countries, which are mainly the dollar and euro, systematically. is declining, their share collapsed from 88 in 2019 to 43% in 2023. here is asia: there are similar dynamics: the dollar and ruble are growing, the euro and the dollar are declining, they paid at least half as much, while payments are made in
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friendly currencies, yuan, dirhams , rupees, grew significantly for exports by 11 times, for imports by five times. there is already talk about creating a currency for the brics countries. the brix countries want to create some kind of single currency or switch to mutual settlements in national currencies, in which case a situation may arise that the countries are members... a picture of what happened with the payments for but here are the figures that show us the total russian exports over the last 5 years, the share of the ruble has more than doubled, the euro and dollar have decreased just as much, and at the same time the volume of transactions in friendly currencies has increased tenfold countries
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states. bloomberg writes that america's privileged position at the center of the global financial system is increasingly being questioned by both friends and enemies. according to the international monetary fund since 2001, when the us government began to increasingly use the policy of economic sanctions. the share of the dollar in the world currencies of the reserve central banks in the world currency reserves of the central banks fell from 73% to 59. there are two possible developments here, or
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there will be a change of leader, yes, that is , the emergence of some new hegemon, well, most experts are now betting on china in this scenario, since it is gradually catching up with the volume of the us economy, is increasing its ties with other countries, but if the second scenario, which assumes that simply gradually the share of the dollar will be eroded. if the second option is implemented, the world monetary system will continue its fragmentation, several equivalent currency centers will emerge, the role of other countries will increase, and the united states will lose its hegemonic status. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy. against different types of pain. benthal, let's do without the pain. do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not
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it doesn’t matter that he passed the avdiivka, the main thing was that they gave an oscar for mariupol, so now they are trolling zelensky, who sold the american film academy a film all the way through, assembled from old lies, although there are plenty of new ones, what does it cost to build supposedly safe fortifications of the armed forces of ukraine in the chernobyl exclusion zone, read more we’ll talk about this and more right now in the stop fake program in russia 20. so, ukrainian invaders will set up defensive lines on the border with belarus in radiation reserves near chernobyl, information that it is important is official with the initiative to dig trenches and... it was there that the ministry of internal affairs spoke out, and the state border service warmly supported, along with however, please note that the media of the kiev regime seem to have decided to avoid this topic, of the more or less large ones , only the information dump focus posted a corresponding note, but the rest are silent, i wonder why? and they are trying now somehow develop a plan on how to close kiev from
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the north, and in order to close kiev from the north, it is necessary to send a large number of military personnel to... including to the chernobyl zone, when people will simply be sent to dig trenches, then not every soldier will agree to work in a radioactive zone, so this is a very sensitive, dangerous topic for zelensky, and he is simply trying to drown it out in every way, hammer it down and not bring it to the surface, because any discussion is not beneficial for zelensky. certainly, it must be recalled that a couple of years ago ukrsmi wrote about the reserve as an unambiguously dangerous location, where it is better to be of sound mind. climb they filmed a video to disturbing music in the style of some thriller, you watch it and you feel uneasy, but these days they are clearly changing the record, just in february the cabinet of ministers of the square hinted at the creation of a scientific hub near chernobyl, and at the same time a tourist center, so they go even further,
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saying that if you dig tens of kilometers of fortifications in this soil, nothing terrible will happen to anyone, that so it turns out that the danger that has been talked about for years has suddenly disappeared somewhere? now a logical question arises: where did all this radiation go, where did all these geiger counters disappear, which were going off scale, supposedly exploding in their hands, they are doing what their leadership, their army needs, there may be contaminated zones there, but will anyone measure this and worry about the ukrainian soldier, no? of course, no one there will worry about what radioactive zone he is in. anyway we can say with confidence that nothing good awaits those who sit down with weapons in the chernobyl forests. there are more than forty curies of the dangerous isotope cesium-137 per square kilometer of this land. thus, in a month of being in the most contaminated areas, but like the red forest, its environs near the pripyat river, a person will receive a radiation dose
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of about 130 millisieverts, and in 7 months approximately 1.00 millisieverts, which according to... according to some estimates is equivalent to acute radiation illness, although for irreparable it is not necessary for students to breathe radioactive dust for six months to undermine their health. in addition to cesium, the exclusion zone is very rich in toxic strontium90. this isotope tends to accumulate quite quickly in human bones, causing malignant bone tumors and increasing the risk of leukemia. at this stage, this is a completely acceptable damage for the ukrainian side.
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decisions in the armed forces are made on a purely voluntary basis, and moreover, military service itself is a personal matter for everyone, a striking example, an article in a british newspaper the times, with reference to the sbu, branded the news about the tetskashnikov lawlessness as russian disinformation; it turns out that some kremlin trolls are inflating isolated episodes in order to turn ukrainian wives, sisters and mothers against the banking, that is , general and frankly cannibalistic mobilization, supposedly there is no, but for comparison there are real facts just... for a week in mash's digest. in one of the regions, a guy was raked right next to the grave of his father, who died at the front. then they packed up 30 boys at once while trying to escape to romania, and personnel from the chernovidsky region, where the military registration and enlistment office employees had to be pressed by the cornfield to escort them to somewhere far away, everyone probably already saw it. in general, they work strictly according to the precepts of the yellow-bladed leadership. we are a democratic power, and we
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are obliged to develop, and we are being stolen, and we cannot show it. however, as russia is trying to force anyone into war with sticks, we are not that kind of power, for the west it is extremely important to show that they supply weapons that are used successfully, and supposedly used, and if there is simply no one to fight with these weapons, then in fact these supplies are meaningless , in the times is working on this agenda that this is all kremlin propaganda, that these are all attempts to disrupt mobilizations, that this is all the work of russian agitators, in reality we see the picture that is happening. that is, people see, more precisely, who live there, who film from windows, from their apartments, and how they catch, how they capture people, then to a curious stuffing. unian agency, whose author again highlighted the acute shortage of equipment among our troops. such a resounding conclusion was drawn from the fact that russians were spotted in the zaporozhye region mobile detachments in the quote kalymagakh,
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which, according to the enemy, are going for meat assaults. we will leave the latter without comment, since the real experts in meat assaults are on the other side of the contact line, the so-called kalymags deserve a few words. we are talking about atvs and the bug, which are indeed actively used on the front lines, including confirmed ones. in the morning we are already starting personnel there, directly to work, they allow us to speed up the movement of the front-line zone, it is much more difficult there hit a fast-moving target, even if there is some kind of ambush, than those who move on foot, well... correspondingly more secretive in comparison with conventional wheeled vehicles are used to drop in scouts or to
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move in close proximity to the front line and there in the nearest tolu, and the benefits of such transport in certain areas are extremely great, and for the transfer of reconnaissance officers and rapid response groups, it is in principle irreplaceable, for example, popular motorbikes... an all-terrain vehicle with an 87 horsepower engine, a speed of about 80 km/h and a payload capacity of up to half a ton, is capable of transporting a couple of soldiers with a carnet anti-tank missile system or an ags-17 automatic grenade launcher. in addition, if necessary, the vehicle will pull another 300 kilos in a trailer, therefore, it is also good for transporting ammunition; on the buggy, a well-known racing model with a 160-horsepower engine, you can simultaneously install a heavy machine gun , the same automatic grenade launcher, taking into account the salt..
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.seriously, in short, new fantasies with the slaves are traditionally not of interest, and sometimes second-hand ones also work well for the target audience , the film 20 days in mariupol, filmed as a documentary
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, was awarded a little bit of an oscar, even a cursory glance at its trailer is enough to understand that it doesn’t smell close to objectivity, there is obvious manipulation of the suffering of civilians, without a single mention of who used them as a living count. zelensky is incredibly happy because he believes that this oscar has been awarded. another important question here is that it is not widely available at the box office, he’s not in some tops, ratings , it’s just such a little thing between each other, it’s a mandatory topic that needs to be worked out, it’s the same as, well, every film should have a transgender person, but every film should have an african american, perhaps not it makes no sense to disassemble this craft. it’s too poorly constructed, but we’ll still dwell on its central episode, they talk in detail about the explosion in the mariupol maternity hospital, in the spirit that it was attacked by russian aircraft, here the director had the
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audacity to use the same footage marianna vyshemirskaya, who has since managed to repeatedly expose the monstrous provocation of the ukrainian armed forces. whether there was an airstrike or not, they asked, i say there wasn’t, no one heard it at all, not even those who were on the street. it would seem that the interview was published in the public domain a long time ago. translated into foreign languages, which means that nothing prevents you from seeing what the price of the ukrainian picture of events is, but europeans and americans seem to find it much easier to believe that mariana was recruited by moscow, or that, judging by the headlines of individual publications, she was almost bought not vladimir putin personally, no matter how absurd this may sound. in the west there was not a single person who wanted to interview marian directly, yes, that is, no one wanted to personally communicate and ask her point of view, everything that comes from ... somewhere radio television, well,
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including and internet trolls. the ukrainian internet army, which periodically logs into maryan’s account, but they don’t write hatred, they hate it, this was done specifically to show those people who will also come and read that this person causes only hatred, and sometimes manic russophobia affects not only the recent, but also the distant past, another lesson in rewriting history was taught by the estonian mit, they say, in the spring of forty-four, soviet planes. bombed hundreds of civilian infrastructure facilities in tallinn. let 's start with the fact that the photograph in this publication is actually dated in 1941, when the estonian capital was brutally shelled by advancing german troops, but this could probably be attributed with a stretch to inattention, or an editor's mistake. however, the lie about the airstrikes is clearly purposeful, and as maria zakharova rightly noted, it explains a lot in the behavior of the current estonian authorities. naturally,
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they were subjected to air or artillery strikes there. objects that were military, where troops were stationed, fortunately, in comparison with that, it means, the first example up to the level of the third reich there, estonia seems to be a completely insignificant state in all respects, but nevertheless , it looks exactly like that that's how it would be they joined europe, yes, in 1941, and then they were disconnected just like that, destroying cultural values. well, a little more about historical speculation, the sect of militant ukrainians has been terribly worried in recent weeks by the uniform riot on the territory of one of the main attractions of kiev, they suddenly discovered the image of two-headed eagles in the st. sophia cathedral, more precisely on the walls of its bell tower. zelensky’s fanatics, of course, are shocked, they say why exactly in the center of the ukrainian capital is showing off in front of everyone’s eyes? a symbol of the aggressor state, especially sofia , the matter is far from limited, the eagles proudly
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spread their wings and... poltava, some kind of occupation, no less. ukraine itself appeared together with the bolsheviks. and the current government is the creation of the bolsheviks. they took from the bolsheviks everything that was terrible and everything that was worst. they will demolish monuments to peter i. and catherine the great, they will destroy novorossiya, they will find imperial eagles and hit them with hammers... they will fight with a hammer against the grave of stalypin, because this it’s alien to them. true, orlov already seemed to have managed to justify the special explanatory team, they say, according to the research of independent scientists, heraldry is not russian at all, byzantine, and there is absolutely nothing to worry about . but let's see, the double-headed eagle was indeed the coat of arms of orthodox byzantium, but was depicted either without attributes, or with one crown or at most two. in turn, the distinctive feature of the russian sovereign eagle, as
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is known, is. scepter, orb of three crowns. this variation becomes a symbol russian state at the end of the 15th century, and the coat of arms in the second half of the sixteenth, when ivan the terrible reigned. meanwhile, the sofia bell tower was built in the period from 1699 to 1706 with the money of hetman mazepa, who then had not yet managed to betray russia , obviously should have insisted on the use of russian symbols. well, however, there are versions that he added the bas-reliefs with eagles later in time. century, but at that time kiev had already become the center of the kiev province of the russian empire, that is, in this in this case, the eagles are especially not byzantine, but russian, they dream of pulverizing the kiev-pechersk lavra, they dream of selling the relics of saints who were buried there not even under the russian empire, when it was still just russian land, and now they are trying to understand , and where, what came from there, what is
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it? but it’s like trying to go there and do a dna test, no, this is not my father, i don’t believe in it, let’s go do a dna test. in general, here is simple advice for those deceived by propaganda: read normal historical literature instead of fiction about the ancient diggers of the black sea, although at this rate the censorship of the regime will prohibit reading itself, so that the ukrainians do not learn anything unnecessary, and there will remain a continuous telethon with thousands of ridiculous fakes, which we will certainly continue to expose in the stop fake program on the russia 20 tv channel .


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