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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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yans are 87.3%. the previous record of 76.69% was in 2018. then 56.4 million citizens voted for putin. by the way, among voters in latvia and estonia, 98.5% are for vladimir putin. in general, these elections demonstrated the highest level of electoral support in the entire modern history of the country. the most important confirmation of popular support for the course.
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the source of power in the country is the russian people, and from the voice of every citizen of russia, the unified will of the peoples of the russian federation is compiled, from the votes of every citizen of russia. and observers and employees. the elections themselves, the entire election campaign took place, as they say , without dirt, without black technologies, the candidates did not engage in information attacks, presented their vision of the future of the country, and in many ways this helped ensure a high turnout. moreover, the 2024 elections were distinguished by a record low number of violations compared to all previous election campaigns; this was facilitated by the development of the institution of observers, the very evolution of the russian electoral system, and the creation of greater openness. and transparency on
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elections. observers, almost 334,000 people , worked in all regions, ensured the rapid processing of reports of offenses, which, by the way, were not very many, the transparency and legitimacy of the russian elections were confirmed by international observers, more than a thousand of them came, they represented 129 countries the electronic voting system is truly an innovation.
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votes. chairman of the people's republic of china cityzin pinz said that the voting results fully reflect the people's support for vladimir putin russia. the chinese leader noted that beijing attaches great importance to the development of relations with our country and is ready to maintain close cooperation with moscow. and president of belarus alexander lukashenko called the victory of the russian head of state in the elections stunning. he also noted the low turnout at the polls. vladimir congratulated vladimir putin and the head of iran ibrahim. he expressed
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satisfaction with the growing trend in relations between the two countries and noted the further development of cooperation. in its turn, president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev wished vladimir putin success in his further work in the name of development and prosperity of our country. he expressed confidence that further strengthening of ties, alliances and strategic partnerships will develop. the leader of kazakhstan, kasym zhamar takayev, noted the popular support for the strategic course of the russian president. in a telephone conversation, the head of state agreed to continue close cooperation. imam ali rahmon, president of tajikistan called the voting results a clear confirmation political authority of vladimir putin. in turn, the former, former head of turkmenistan, gerbongolyn berdomukhamedov, in a congratulatory telegram, wished the russian leader good health, success, and the residents of our country prosperity and progress. nicolas maduro, president of venezuela, believes that the election results in russia demonstrate vladimir's victory.
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congratulations, they are winning on all fronts, putin and russia. now footage from the government house. dear colleagues, first of all i want to say about the elections that took place, i confidently won them the current president vladimirovich putin
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, the overwhelming majority of our citizens, supported his candidacy, and people trust our president, since he does everything to improve the lives of citizens, for... the development of our country, the social sphere, and the results are visible, these are new roads , and schools, hospitals, opportunities for quality education, self-realization, everyone sees how our regions are changing today, how the infrastructure there is being updated step by step, such a voting result is a logical, obvious result of the systemic work in which the government took an active part, as the president's team. colleagues, his victory is not a reason for us to slow down; on the contrary, it places even greater responsibility on us to carry out the instructions of the head of state. it is necessary to implement the tasks set by vladimirovich putin as accurately and efficiently as possible. each of you has your own
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range of responsibilities, and priority, of course, must first be given to those initiatives that the president voiced in his address to the federal government. meeting, this national family project, increasing the healthy and active life expectancy of our older generations, launching a comprehensive program for maternity care to preserve the health of children and adolescents, construction of new sports facilities, renovation of the construction of kindergartens, schools, of course, implementation of other proposals of the president, such as training to the launch of national projects : youth of russia, personnel, data economics, creation and testing of a new model of remuneration for public sector employees, solutions that will help to strengthen technological sovereignty, environmental protection and renovation of transport infrastructure, and a whole series of those measures and initiatives that
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the president has repeatedly spoken about, all these steps must be tied into a single system with existing national projects and government programs, i would like to draw your attention to: all instructions the president must be completed in full on time. now to another question: the head of state set the task of ensuring the phased implementation of measures to combat hepatitis c and minimizing the risks of it distribution. the government will allocate 4.5 billion rubles to russian entities for the purchase of medicines that are needed for such a serious disease, the same amount planned for the next 2 years, taking into account their own investments. the total amount of funds for such purposes over 3 years will be about 18 billion rubles, this will provide therapy for about 76 thousand people. previously, we also provided over 1 billion rubles annually for the centralized purchase
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of such drugs for patients with hiv infection in combination with hepatitis. funded also the development of bone marrow donation, for which it will allocate 400 million rubles. tatyanaevna. please tell us how this work is organized? dear mikhail vladimirovich, dear colleagues, the action to combat hepatitis c is being implemented within the framework of the action plan approved by you in november 2022. provisions on the procedure for organizing medical care for such patients have been included in the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens since 2023. separate tariffs were formed. to pay for medical assistance within the framework of compulsory health insurance, both in a 24-hour and day hospital setting, and this made it possible to cover 39,000 patients with therapy in 2023. last
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year, the russian ministry of health approved the criteria for hospitalization of patients with hepatitis c in day hospitals and the corresponding standards of medical care. last december, mikhail vladimirovich, you approved. rules for introducing a federal register of patients with hepatitis, which will begin work on september 1, 2024, two main categories of patients are identified , in combination with hepatitis c, whose treatment is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, and patients with hepatitis c, not associated with other infectious diseases, receiving treatment within the framework of compulsory health insurance at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the russian federation, for patients infected -
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and this will also make it possible to additionally treat about 25 thousand patients annually, in total, at the expense of all sources of funding, we assume that treatment will receive an additional 1000 patients , i also want to draw attention to the register, it is the ministry of health that will maintain this register in order to ensure close control over the provision of medical care...
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more than 100,000 people who wish to become donors have submitted their application to the federal
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medical and biological agency, this solution that you mentioned will allow us to ensure and carry out typing of these donors in order to include them in the register and bring closer assistance to patients who need transplantation. in in conclusion, i just wanted to thank all those concerned citizens who submitted these applications, and their decision will bring the provision closer. helping patients in need , thank you, thank you, tatyanavna, well, you always do this, but, of course, you need to keep the issues of providing medications under personal control, so the timeliness and effectiveness of medical care depends on this. another topic is the formation of a comfortable urban environment; the president especially emphasized that in order to create favorable conditions for the life of small, large settlements, you just need to take into account the opinions of the residents themselves. we pay close attention to this; for the fourth year now, an all-russian vote
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has been held for improvement projects, and for this purpose a special electronic platform was launched, where our citizens decide what streets and squares should look like, and cities and towns determine which parks and courtyards need to be restored in order first. during this time , almost 35 million participants have already given their proposals, which has made it possible to transform the order. and visiting different regions of the country, i am convinced of this personally. now the next voting has started, until april 30, residents of one and a half thousand municipalities will be able to choose the projects they like, including new children's and sports grounds, skating rinks, embankments, and pedestrian zones. please tell us in more detail about the operation of this mechanism. well, and a little more about the territories that have already been landscaped with his help, please, you have the floor.
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dear mikhail vladimirovich, the president of russia has set national goals that must be achieved no later than the thirtieth year, including improving the quality of the urban environment by one and a half times, this is a big indicator. in addition, it is necessary to increase the share of citizens taking part in solving issues of urban development to 30% of the total population of the country. to achieve these goals, an all-russian one has been launched.
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thanks to voting, they are important for residents of specific municipalities and i want to note, by the way, that this movement is increasingly towards the competition and the money that we allocate more and more sponsors, enterprises, people are gaining strength, for example , in mariupol, when we were doing landscaping, one of the courtyards was completely landscaped by the city residents themselves, specific series of houses that
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are around there, the voting process itself is as simple as possible,
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gives impetus for the development of small medium-sized businesses, domestic tourism and the creation of new jobs, which has a positive effect on the further socio-economic development of settlements. that's what you personally pay attention, that means you visited competitions and exhibitions twice , pay attention to this every time you travel, there is a lot of interest and
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a whole industry of development has already formed for residents today , improvement, these are architects, and that means designers and... this is a whole such an improvement industry appeared thanks to these systemic decisions that were adopted at the government level. in total, under the project to create a comfortable urban environment since 1919, 65,200 areas have been improved, about 27,700 public spaces and 37,500 yards. the positive effect of the implementation of the improvement project was also noted by the president of the country. they decided to extend the implementation of the federal formation project.
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of course, as many participants as possible, create comfortable conditions for living in populated areas, taking into account the wishes of people’s needs, so that our cities and towns become modern, comfortable, and beautiful. all this is happening today, we see these results. this was footage of mikhail mishustin’s meeting with deputy prime ministers. well, now the clients of the information agency, where they continue to receive
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congratulations from world leaders on vladimir putin’s victory in the presidential elections. so basharat, the leader of syria wished success in fulfilling the duties of the tasks. yes, this message is with reference to the president's office. let us remind you that there is a lot now. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me,
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, since the year 14, we realized that fate depends on our vote, and we ourselves choose our future, as opposed to how it was just before the year 14, when trust in elections was generally lost; since the year 14, we have been recording traditionally high turnout for obvious reasons, because we trust, well, second, or maybe... maybe this is the main thing, this is, of course, the personal attitude of the residents of donbass towards to our president, to vladimir putin. based on the results of processing 100% of the protocols of the lugansk people's republic and according to the central election commission, vladimir putin gained 94% in the lpr, and even more, almost one and a half million residents of the lugansk people's republic voted for him. in second place is the candidate from the ldpr, leonid slutsky, with 2% of the votes, with
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nikolai. nikolai kharitonov gains slightly more than 2%, and vladislav dvankov slightly less than 2%. turnout in the region was 80%. in the kherson region , vladimir putin’s result is 88% and 12, followed by he is followed by nikolai kharitonov, he received almost 5% of the votes, leonid slutsky took third place, he was supported by 4.5% of russians, vladislav davankov received 2% of the votes, voter turnout was also above 80% (83%). in the kherson region, the enemy deliberately shot. from
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long-range artillery, rocket shells, members of the precinct commission in the golopristansky district and in gornostaevka, when they went to organize home-based voting, this feat should be awarded, just as other gaps should be adjusted, we saw that now, when people tried to start arson and even threw molotov cocktails , the so-called at polling stations, they face punishment... under the article for obstructing the exercise of the voting rights of citizens under 5 years of age, and the head of the tsikal pomfilova thanked the west for the high turnout . according to pomfilova, voter activity is related to the pressure that brought russians together. the more they put pressure on us, the more we fight back, said the chairman of the central election commission. her words are confirmed by the example of the belgorod region. in in the central federal district, this region voted most actively. the turnout was 87. and this
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despite provocations and shelling from ukraine. by participating in the elections, people gave an unequivocal answer to any threats and attempts at terror. even the west is forced to admit the failure of another attempt to put pressure on russia. the washington post recognizes both the goals of the provocation and the unity of the russians in response. the shelling of belgrade, instead of undermining russian support for putin, has the opposite effect, wrote the washington post. there are no signs that the efforts have succeeded success. and for many residents, such attacks only strengthen their support for putin and prove the kremlin's view that russians are victims of the war, not its perpetrators. instead of weakening the morale of the two russians, these strikes make many in belgorod think that they themselves are victims, and that russian troops should hit the ukrainian enemy even harder.
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