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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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farmers in germany after authorities decided to cut diesel subsidies for agriculture. the current head of state, vladimir putin, gains 87.28% of the votes in the russian presidential elections. this is the data after processing all 100% of the protocols, the central election commission reported. despite the fact that the official results will be announced on thursday, the results are already obvious. then, my colleague, yuri bogdanov, watched as the vote counting progressed. all information from all over the country, from foreign polling stations, flows into the center of the savings committee. vladimir putin gains 87.3%. in absolute numbers, more than 76,160,000 people voted for vladimir putin. this is the result of... the leader, in
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second place is nikolai kharitonov 4.3%, we see that the gap is colossal, vladislav dovankov 3.8%, and leonid slutsky 3.2%. the turnout set a record in the entire history of elections in russia, this is in absolute numbers more than 87 million voters; in total, let me remind you, there were a little more than 112 million people registered as voters in the country, this turnout is a percentage of 70%. 7.4%, this is the first time this has happened. during ella's briefing pomfilova spoke about what, in her opinion , led to such voter activity. well, firstly, she said that this is undoubtedly a political component and the pressure that is being put on our country. she believes that against this background , a consolidation of society took place and people decided to show civic consciousness and fulfill their electoral duty with greater activity than ever before. in addition, of course, there is a three-day voting period.
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electoral process, attempts to suppress turnout in these elections from outside, including some representatives who are in unfriendly countries, she mentioned, of course, sabotage, direct terrorist acts and acts of intimidation, which we observed in the regions bordering ukraine and continue to observe, and as another manifestation of such an attempt to influence the election results, she named, of course cyber attacks, more than 12 million cyber attacks during... since the beginning of the presidential election campaign, can you imagine, 12 million additional documents, that is, this is 150 times more than usual in elections, 150 times. regarding violations, those violations that were recorded , according to the members of the central election commission, they did not have a significant impact on the voting results; as was said, cases of invalidation of voting results, no, not at one
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precinct election commission, it must be said that observers also confirm high standards voting, those who answered our questions all spoke about high standards, many liked the format of remote electronic voting and the three-day voting format, the system electronic voting is really an innovation, an innovation that many of the world can really do, all countries of the world can learn from russia, how it was done. conditions were created for everyone, and the process of issuing ballots, and the process , and the voting process, and this means that conditions were created for senior citizens, because volunteers worked, and conditions were also created for people with disabilities, and for observers, they there was a good review to monitor all electoral process, the central election commission promised to sum up the final results of the presidential election this
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thursday, march 21, this is due to the fact that it is necessary to complete some technical procedures, obtain the necessary documentation, on thursday, according to ella pomfilova, it will be possible to talk about the results. the turnout in the presidential elections was 77.44%. according to the head of the central election commission, ella panfilova, such a high figure has never been seen in the history of new russia. the record turnout, as panfilova noted, was ensured by the three-day voting and system mobile voter. another factor, according to the chairman of the central election commission, was externality.
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the previous record for turnout in presidential elections was recorded in 1991, when the president of the rsfsr was still being elected. then the figures exceeded 76.6%. in the presidential elections in 2018, the turnout was 67.5%. the second record recorded in these elections is the result of the current president vladimir putin. according to preliminary data announced by the central election commission, almost everyone voted for him... that's more than 87%. in the 2018 elections these the figures were 10% lower. the candidate from the communist party took second place. nikolai kharitonov received more than 4% of the votes, the highest figures for the representative of the communist party of the russian federation
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in the oryol region. there, 9.14% of voters voted for him. the party noted that the elections were held in extremely difficult conditions, but... nevertheless, they showed the unity of the people. we must all congratulate putin, who received massive support in these elections, which is of fundamental importance for the supreme military commander, because fighting soldiers officers, set tasks for the country, carry out their message, you can only pay as much as possible, unite society, mobilized all resources, mastered the latest technologies, knowing full well... that without this victory the country will have no future, each of us, about a dozen of our territories are being shelled, our people are dying, living and working on the territory of russia, this is no longer easy, so today the population has consolidated around the supreme
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commander-in-chief, who is responsible, yesterday’s elections at 90% are not laurel the wreath of the population is a matter, a big mess with heavy responsibilities. the election results today were commented on by candidate from the ldpr party leonid slutsky at a press conference; he received just over 3% of the votes in the elections. he received the greatest support in the tyumen region, where over 6% of voters voted for him. the ldpr candidate said he was pleased with the election results. the historic campaign for the election of the president of the russian federation has ended, historic because it... confirmed the stable authority of the leader of the nation vladimir vladimirovich putin, the country consolidated around its leader and the entire russian world, the entire russian civilization, regardless of the party card in your pocket,
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place of residence, age, religion, shoulder to shoulder, this is exactly the call i made to citizens last year.
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further success in government activities. the conversations also touched on current issues in the development of bilateral relations and some international topics. the president of the people's republic of china congratulated the russian leader on his victory in the elections, as reported chinese news agencies, during a telephone conversation, tidzenping noted that putin’s re-election as president fully reflects the support of the country’s people. sidzenping also said that beijing attaches great importance to the development of relations with moscow and is ready to maintain close cooperation with our country. earlier , the president of iran sent congratulations to the russian leader; it
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was published by the country's embassy in moscow. ibrahim raisi called putin’s victory convincing, expressed satisfaction with the development of bilateral relations and emphasized the need for their further expansion, sent congratulations on his re-election as president to vladimir putin and kimchen-in. this was reported by the north korean news agency tsak. the head of venezuela noted that the voting result in russia demonstrates putin’s victory over the collective west. nicholas madura expressed gratitude to the russian people for their deep commitment to democracy. indian prime minister narendra modi also congratulated vladimir putin. he called the strategic partnership between moscow and delhi special and allied and noted that he is ready to work together on its further strengthening.
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the general secretary of the central committee of the communist party, vietnam chong, also sent a message to vladimir putin in connection with his re-election to the post of president of russia. syrian leader bashar al-assad congratulated vladimir putin and wished him success in fulfilling the responsibilities of the tasks facing the head of state. the prime minister of pakistan sent congratulations on his re-election to vladimir putin. shahbas sharif, he said that he hopes the cooperation of the two countries now a short advertisement, we will continue later, stay with us. a deposit is the best interest rate in a savings account with clear conditions; it is a reliable and profitable way to increase your savings at a rate of up to 16% per annum. quick registration in the sberbank online application. deposit is the best percentage. it's more profitable with prime. hello everyone, dear subscribers. sometimes,
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it is necessary to cross at the root, and under no circumstances should this continue to be allowed stubbornness on the part of western institutions. voting and the election process as a whole in the new regions took place in accordance with the legislation of the russian federation. proper conditions for the expression of the will of citizens in combination with
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security requirements were ensured, even under martial law. international observers came to the conclusion that the presidential elections in the russian federation. were held in accordance with international electoral standards and russian legislation, while observing the principles of universal, equal direct suffrage, these were open, transparent and free elections. the results of the elections in russia are being discussed by the world's leading media; observers note a record level of support for vladimir putin; they write that the attempts of some western countries to weaken moscow , on the contrary, have paid off the russians. artyom krosulin will tell you more. an expected triumph that was achieved despite the desire of some countries to weaken russia. french journalists share this assessment of vladimir putin’s victory in the elections. mont observers note that the president is more than he convincingly won in new regions, and ladep recalls that support for the head of state became stronger every year, despite economic and
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geopolitical challenges. this topic is continued by al-jazeera analysts, they emphasize that we are talking about a record high figure in... in elections in the entire post-soviet history of russia, and insinuations from western politicians do not in any way affect the real level of support from voters. paradoxically, in russia there is much more freedom to openly discuss political problems than in a liberal, freedom-loving europe. washington post authors explain the motives of those who voted to their audience. they point out that difficulties have always united russians; a reporter for the publication interviewed residents of belgorod and found out that even those who had gone before voted out of principle.
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russians, write financial times analysts. journalists are forced to state a fact that is unpleasant for washington and its allies. tough economic sanctions against moscow did not bring the desired result. the russian army wins victories in ukraine, and the economy recovered thanks to increased spending and a reorientation of cooperation to other countries. the turkish media, in turn , associate vladimir putin’s record ratings with the ukrainian conflict. analysts of the aidenleak newspaper emphasize that the special military operation to... is supported by the overwhelming majority of russians, the publication also drew attention to the president’s speech, in which he promised to achieve the goals of national destruction in all directions, and the reaction of western countries to the voting results... called expected in in light of their desire to restrain the development of russia. artyom krosulin, anton dadykin and ekaterina shamaeva. news. vladimir putin's victory in
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the presidential elections is not a reason for the government to slow down its work. this was stated today by the head of the cabinet of ministers, mikhail mishustin, at an operational meeting with deputy prime ministers. he emphasized that now priority should be given to those initiatives that the head of state voiced in his message to the federal assembly. and this, in particular, is the national project “family”. in addition, special attention, according to him, requires preparation for the launch of national projects, the youth of russia, personnel , the data economy, the creation of a new model of remuneration for public sector employees, environmental protection and renovation of transport infrastructure, the president especially emphasized, first of all , i want to say about the elections that took place, the current president vladimirovich putin confidently won them . the overwhelming majority of our citizens supported his candidacy, and people trust our president, since he is doing everything to improve the lives
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of citizens, for the development of our country, social sphere, and the results are visible, these are new roads, and schools, hospitals, opportunities for quality education, self-realization, everyone sees how our regions are changing today, how they are updating step by step... colleagues, his victory is not a reason for we should slow down; on the contrary, this places even greater responsibility on us to carry out the instructions of the head of state. it is necessary to implement the tasks set by vladimirovich as accurately and efficiently as possible. now a short advertisement, we will continue later, stay with us,
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of the year, exports along... the highway have increased by 20 million cubic meters per day. today it became known that china intends to increase purchases of russian oil to a record level. according to bloomberg, the country plans to take over the volumes that india had previously refused. lukoil's net profit for the year decreased by 17%. the company earned 655 billion rubles. this is data from a reference according to russian standards. revenue decreased by less than significantly by 4%, totaling 2,750. rub. shares react to the report with a decrease of up to half a percent. lukoil is one of the largest oil companies in russia and accounts for about 2% of world oil production and about 1% of proven hydrocarbon reserves. the cabinet of ministers of ukraine has adopted a reform plan to receive 50 billion euros in assistance from the eu. prime minister of the country denis shmygal announced this. the changes will affect government, the justice system, the economy, energy and others.
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industries, conditions that ukraine needs to fulfill to receive financial assistance, the european council approved in february the list, inter alia, of the rule of law and respect for the rights of minorities. in germany , the number of company bankruptcies increased by 22% last year, to almost 18,000 cases, the local publication news writes about this. according to him, production has never gone bankrupt at such a rate as now. since the end of twenty -two, the country has been in a state...
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in short, you have to go there, this is war, war , vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you, no, get ready, is blowing towards moscow, we are registering our brother as a missing person, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him , alexey shevchenko. that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i'm oleg stepanov. and we,
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the creators of the russia 2062 project at volnoy headquarters thoughts. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.


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