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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin held a meeting with candidates for the presidency. the winner of the last elections, the current head of state, noted that the election campaign took place in a civilized manner, in accordance with russian law. my colleague, anastasia efimova, followed the progress of the meeting and the main statements. anastasia, greetings, the floor is yours. yes, alexander, hello.
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that we need to continue active joint work in the country’s parliament, joint work to promote those ideas that, the implementation of which will allow us to get closer to a solution challenges facing the country, you met with a large number of people, heard people, they told you what they expect from the authorities, and no matter now what level this government is, no matter what... what ideas it promotes,
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it is important that we achieve goals that we set for ourselves, there are absolutely things that we understand uniformly, this is the security of the russian state, these are issues related to the external contour, the need to achieve sovereignty, i would like to thank everyone for the election campaign proceeded in a civilized manner, in full compliance with russian law. as part of the campaign, the candidates traveled virtually the entire country, from end to end. of course, the issues vary by region, but many of the problems are common. nikolai kharitonov, for example, talked about what worries his voters: salaries in the public sector, housing for young professionals, the difficulties of working in rural areas. as a result of the work carried out, the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation at the current meeting voiced very specific offers.
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human views, lives, moods , are directed specifically at you, because you have been a leader for many years, a lot has been done, it is no coincidence, today almost the entire world community, healthy, understands perfectly well that at the head of russia today is a reliable person, a person who is trusted by the majority of russia , the next elections were confirmed with a historic victory, precisely in this formulation of vladimir putin...
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leonid sludsky also congratulated, who emphasized that the past elections are important not only for russian world, they determine events and processes far beyond its borders, because today a new global majority is being created, and russia is becoming the center of gravity of world politics. today, a new global majority is, in fact, already actively forming, and russia is the center of gravity of this new one. world politics, systems of international relations, stable, secure, balanced world architecture of the new century, all this is formed around your ideas and approaches, so i want to say, this is truly a historical campaign, that is why the heads of state are congratulated so warmly, and they will probably continue to congratulate them for a long time. and in support
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of the thesis about common goals and common difficulties, the common theme in the speeches of nikolai kharitonov and leonid slutsky was the equalization of wages in the public sector. what are we talking about?
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young people are worried that a mortgage will simply not be available to them, changes to the tax system have been proposed, as the president emphasized, here you need to be careful and make quote verified decisions, however, this discussion was continued behind closed doors doors, without television cameras, there is every reason to believe that the conversation was substantive. thank you, nastya, i told you how vladimir putin’s meeting with the candidates for the presidency went. anastasia efimova. 10 years in their native harbor in the very heart of the country, a big concert is being held on red square in honor of the anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. tens of thousands of muscovites and guests of the capital began to gather for it several hours before the start.
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art performances will take place in the main square of the country. they will congratulate the russians on this memorable date. and now mine is there colleague daria kozlova. daria, greetings. how is the situation on red square at this moment ? the start of this gala evening. the concert is dedicated, of course, to the main holiday of this day and the first anniversary of crimea as part of russia, 10 years in its native harbor, that’s exactly what the name sounds like this concert. and it is gratifying to see that among those thousands of people who came to red square today, there are a lot of young
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people, 20-25 years old, those people who now live in the reality where crimea is part of russia. from the far east to the kaliningrad region, then there are a lot of young people among the participants, but if you return now here to... march 2014 signed an agreement on the reunification of crimea with russia. let's
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listen to what the head of crimea said today. for us, dear friends of crimeans, this is a holiday unity, love for the motherland, which we carried through the years. 10 years have really flown by for us. very quickly, but these 10 years have become for us a symbol of freedom, a symbol of development, a symbol of great, significant joint achievements, all this, i mean, our crimean dream of returning to our historical homeland, happened primarily thanks to the wise, courageous decisions of our leader , our president vladimir vladimirovich putin, these decisions reflect the will of the entire russian people. well, they really are 10 years old passed not only under the symbol of unity, but it is also extremely important that they passed under the symbol of development, cultural development, development. structure, development of transport , development of education, because if you look,
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in 2014, the overwhelming majority of roads in the territory of the republic of crimea were in unsatisfactory condition, over the years, only since 2015, about 400 billion rubles were allocated for the development of transport infrastructure in crimea, about 300 km of new roads were built, which is just the tavrida highway, 258 km of modern road, which connected crimea. well, of course, the new terminal at the simferopol airport, which was opened in 2018, the crimean bridge 2020, the crimean bridge, not only did it become a really important transport artery that connected crimea and the krasnodar region, it became just this symbol unity as a symbol of unity, in honor of the tenth anniversary, a patriotic mural of 10 years was unveiled in its native harbor.
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the status that was given to the new territories within russia 10 years ago, it guaranteed them that even within russia they would receive opportunities, the development of culture, of course, vladimir mashkov, co-chairman of vladimir putin’s election headquarters, spoke today about the development of culture, he is also here today at a concert on red square, what he said is the reunification of crimea. and sevastopol with russia was a long-awaited fair event, it is a holiday
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of unity, and you know, all crimeans and sevastopol residents are grateful to all of russia and our president, they see how their interests are defended and how much has been done for them in these 10 years. another area that cannot be ignored, which we are now talking about crimea - this is the social sphere, the development of kindergartens, the development of schools, hospitals, now the provision of kindergartens in the republic of crimea is 100%. in addition, in 2014 this figure is higher now. according to the latest data, it decreased from 52% to 2.5%, and
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literally in the last few years two modern multifunctional medical centers were opened in the crimea in yalta and simferopol, a lot is being done to ensure that there are already needs, so that there really is comfortable and there they can send their children to school where they can get quality medical. of course, if possible , we will also talk about medical care in the republic of crimea with maryana lusenko, co-chairman of vladimir putin’s collective headquarters and chief physician of the moscow city hospital.
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they put pressure on us, they tried to manipulate us, but we united and proved that we are together, and we elected our president. on march 18 , 2014, the entire population of crimea expressed the results of the referendum; the referendum took place 2 days earlier. on march 16 there was a referendum, on march 18 almost 97% of the population supported connection with russia, and of course a lot has been done and a lot of public work is now being carried out in crimea, about the communication with youth that is now happening with the youth of crimea, the zaporozhye region, also
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the kherson region of the dpr, lpr, we managed to talk with our cosmonauts a little earlier, heroes of russia.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, dear friends, i greet you all from the bottom of my heart, i congratulate you on the holiday, on the reunification of crimea and sevastopol with russia, exactly 10 years
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ago, on red square here. moving around at this same scene, i remembered that crimea is often called an unsinkable aircraft carrier. this is what prompted the idea to say that crimea has returned to its native harbor. but crimea is not only a strategically important territory, it is not only our history, our traditions and the pride of russia. crimea is, first of all , people, sevastopol residents, crimeans. they are our pride, they carried faith in their fatherland through decades, they never separated themselves from russia, this is what allowed crimea to return to our part.
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great event in the history of our state, now we are developing, moving together , feeling each other's elbow, just this morning i was informed that the railway from rostov to donetsk, to mariupol and berdyansk has been restored, we will continue this work and soon trains will pass directly to sevastopol, and this will be another alternative road to krymsky for the crimean bridge, here we are... instead of the crimean bridge, like this, together hand in hand we will move on, this is what, not in words, in fact, makes us really stronger, all this is
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happening thanks to you , citizens of russia, russia, russia, russia. russia russia russia russia russia russia dear friends, i just met with colleagues who have gone their way in the presidential campaign, they are all here, i invited them, it was unexpected for them, i invited them to come to you for today’s event, a festive event, we have different approaches to achieving national goals, but we have one homeland, they are here, i congratulate you on the holiday, and i want them to also say
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a few words today, dear friends, you remember that troubled time, the whole country i was worried, but everyone believed and hoped that crimea would return home. will return to his native harbor. we all remember very well how russian president vladimirovich putin actively did everything so that the aspiration of the people of crimea would prevail and they would return home. russia, crimea - one motherland. russia, crimea - one motherland. russia, crimea - one motherland. happy holiday, dear friends, tenth anniversary. hooray.
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good evening, sevastopol, we remember those exciting days, exactly 10 years ago, from that day, crimea and sevastopol are on the political map of the world forever as part of great russia. this there were difficult days, but there was no other solution but to return home. we remember the happy faces, all these 10 years, the sparkling eyes, the smiles of those who returned home, those who returned to their native land. and today, celebrating
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the first anniversary of this historical day, which is forever inscribed in golden letters in russian history, i want to once again congratulate all the courageous people of crimea and sevastopol. happy anniversary for russia, for our great future, for the president of great russia, dear friends, i will never forget my feeling, that feeling of pride for my country for its president, exactly 10 years ago, i congratulate you on this holiday. congratulations on the holiday, long live russia! russia, our sacred
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power, russia, beloved, our country, powerful will, great glory, your heritage for all time. the warehouse of the entire section, our free, fraternal peoples, an age-old union , ancestral, but... people's passion, glorified
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country, we are given by you, and from the southern praises he gave to the edges, our forests spread out and scorched, hell you are the only one. .. you are so, preserved by god, native land, for the whole fatherland, ours free, fraternal people, union of centuries,
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american, people's fashion, glory to the whole country, we are in favor of you, shy prastor, yash for the living namariva. the years give us strength, our loyalty gives us, as life, as it was, so it is, and so it will always be, glory to the fatherland, i am blissful, the ancient union of the people of the age-old
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prekam of may, people's wisdom, glory to the whole country, we have been here for a long time. we are proud of russia! thank you. it was a broadcast from red square. there is a solemn meeting and concert dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with the russian federation. the president addressed the crowd. let's return to
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the election results. vladimir putin gains 87.28% of the votes, this is the cycle after processing 100% of the protocols. chairman of the central election commission, ella ponfilova, reported that over 420,000 attacks on remote electronic voting resources were initially blocked. she called plans to influence the elections through corruption a gesture of desperation. ballots, and also noted that in the west, assuming the results of the vote, they wanted to reduce turnout by intimidating people, the president of the russian federation, almost 10 million voters were able to vote not at their polling stations at their place of permanent residence, but where they were, where they were at that time, where it was convenient for them, and, by the way, of those who submitted these applications, 90%...


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