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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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let's return to the election results. vladimir putin gets 87.28% of the votes. this is this cycle after processing 100% of the protocols. chairman of the central election commission yella ponfilova reported that since the beginning of voting, over 420,000 attacks on remote electronic voting resources have been blocked. she called plans to influence the elections through spoiling ballots a gesture of despair. and. noted that in the west, assuming the results of the vote, they wanted to reduce turnout by intimidating people. almost 10 million voters were able to vote in a different way plot at their place of permanent residence, and where they were, where they were at that time, where it was convenient for them. and, by the way, of those who submitted these applications, 90% took advantage. that is, the turnout among those who
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applied was 90%, in fact only in remote electronic voting, including moscow, over 8 million of our voters voted. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia.
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industry to replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, stood up , dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure? we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. mobile voter system three-day voting format ensured record turnout in the presidential elections, the head of the cyka ela ponfilov. the figures are the highest in the history of new russia - 77.44%. according to the chairman of the center electoral committee , foreign policy pressure. on the part
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of the west, the citizens of our country were paid even more. all statistics and features of the past elections are from anna voronina. voting in the russian presidential elections in 2024 has already secured its status as historic, if only because the turnout was a record in the history of russia, new russia. according to the central election commission, as of monday morning, over 87 million voters had voted, which amounted to 77 and... 44%. the previous record for turnout in presidential elections was recorded in 1991, when the president of the rsfsr was still being elected, then the figures exceeded 76.6%. in the presidential elections in 2018, the turnout was 67.5%. the second record recorded in this election is the result of the current president vladimir putin. according to preliminary data announced by the central election commission, he was voted out. almost 76 million
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voters, that's more than 87%. in the 2018 elections , these figures were 10% lower. second line. won by the candidate from the communist party, nikolai kharitonov received more than 4% of the votes, the highest figures were for the representative of the communist party of the russian federation in the oryol region, where 9.14% of voters voted for him. the party noted that the elections were held in extremely difficult conditions, but nevertheless showed the unity of the people. we must all congratulate putin, who received massive support in these elections, which is for the supreme commander in chief. is also of fundamental importance, because to conduct a battle, soldiers of officers, set tasks for the country, carry out your message, you can only by uniting society as much as possible, mobilizing all resources , mastering the latest technologies, knowing full well that
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without this victory the country, each of us , will have no future, about a dozen of our territories are being shelled, our people living and working in russia are dying. this is no longer easy, so today the population has consolidated around the supreme commander-in-chief, who is responsible, yesterday’s elections at 90% are not a matter of laurel wine for the population, but a big yoke with heavy responsibilities, and vladimir vladimirovich understands this. ldpr party candidate leonid slutsky commented on the election results today at a press conference; he received just over 3% in the elections. votes, he received the greatest support in the tyumen region, where over 6% of voters voted for him, the ldpr candidate said that he was satisfied with the election results. the historic campaign for the election of the president of the russian federation has ended, historic because it confirmed
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the stable authority of the leader of the nation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. a country consolidated around. their leader and the entire russian world, the entire russian civilization , regardless of the party card in your pocket, regardless of place of residence, age, religion, shoulder to shoulder, this is exactly the call i made last year to the citizens of russia who care about our future, and well debutants in the presidential elections, the party of new people, according to analysts, showed a very successful result, managed to attract almost 4% of voters to its side, ahead of leonid slutsky. we provided the greatest support to karelia, where more than 8% of voters voted for him.
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many foreign leaders sent telegrams with the mood to continue cooperation with moscow to the kremlin. thus , the leader of north korea, kimchin in, expressed confidence in russia’s victory in protecting the sovereignty and security of the country and building a multipolar world. world reaction to elizaveta khramtsova collected the results of the presidential elections in russia. congratulating the words that became the key to vladimir putin's victory in the elections in telegrams from around the world in numerous calls, the chairman of the people's republic of china xidzenping said in a telephone conversation that putin's re-election fully reflects his people's support for russia. beijing attaches great importance to the development of relations with moscow and is ready to continue to maintain close cooperation. the leader of the dprk, kim, sent a congratulatory telegram to the president chin, iranian president ibrahim resi. congratulations, he called vladimir putin’s victory decisive and expressed hope for the further development of relations between moscow and tehran.
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alexander lukashenko called the results of the elections in russia stunning. the president of belarus separately noted that an unconditional victory was achieved against the backdrop of a record turnout. the most important lesson is that we cannot impose the will of others on our people. if you try to do this, people will do the opposite, no matter how difficult it is. that's why. it was not possible for known forces to impose this will, the russians, first of all, they are great, they rallied during this pre-election period, with their belarusian colleague, as well as the leaders of azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan and south ossetia, vladimir putin spoke on the phone today, colleagues warmly congratulated the head of the russian state , president of tajikistan imali rahmon called the results of the vote in russia a clear confirmation of vladimir putin’s political authority and broad support. society. congratulations to the russian leader came from ashgabat. the president turkmenistan serdar berdymukhomedov expressed
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confidence that under the leadership of vladimir putin , progress and prosperity will be ensured for the russian people. and the national leader of the turkmen people, gurbanguly berdomukhamedov, specifically noted the rich political experience of vladimir putin, which allows him to take the country to new levels of development. the leader of the basnian serbs, milorat dodik, noted that the re-election of vladimir putin is a guarantee that peace will remain. traditional values, it will not be controlled only by a narrow circle elected, the prime minister of india joined in the congratulations. warm congratulations to his excellency vladimir putin on his re-election as president of the russian federation. we look forward to working together to further strengthen the time-tested special and privileged strategic partnership between india and russia in the years ahead. words of support from the heads of gulf states and congratulations were sent by the top officials of the united arab countries.
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mishaal al-ahmed al-jaberah wished vladimir putin good health and well-being, as well as further development of relations between the two countries. the king of bahrain, sheikh hamad bin isa al-khalifa , expressed his sincere congratulations in a telegram to vladimir putin, wishing him success in fulfilling his duties. many congratulations come from south america. honduran leader seomara castro called it a success. the unity of the brave people of russia around the sovereignty of constant development. president nicorago danie. ortega called putin's triumph a contribution to humanity's irreplaceable stability. cuban president miguel diaz canel emphasized that the results of the election campaign are convincing evidence of the recognition by the russian people of the leadership of vladimir putin. and the president of venezuela emphasized that the russian people have demonstrated their commitment to true democracy. putin. vladimir putin won a victory over the imperialism of the collective
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west. this is a demonstration of the values ​​of the russian people, the demands of the new russia. great russia, a multipolar balanced world. our older brother, vladimir putin, won. these are kind omens for the whole world for this year. congratulations, they are winning on all fronts, putin and russia. pakistani prime minister shahbas sharif, who congratulated vladimir putin, is counting on continued cooperation between moscow and islamabad. palestinian president mahmoud abas wished his russian colleague further success in fulfilling the high tasks entrusted to him. about full support.
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the transparency and legitimacy of the russian elections were also confirmed by international observers; more than a thousand people came, including visiting regions bordering ukraine, with details margarita semenyuk. more than a million belgorod residents consolidated in spite of enemy shelling, they simply voted in the elections, and with their turnout they proved that they were... intimidated by the determination of citizens of the border regions, noted at the summing up of the work of international observers. the shelling of border regions and new regions had the opposite effect. this allowed our citizens to unite and come to the polling stations. novorosiya and donbass for the first time, choosing the president of russia as their
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the high turnout showed unconditional trust in the electoral process. experts from the united states were convinced of this; not a single case of pressure or blackmail was noticed; in accordance with the principle of universal voting rights, voting was organized throughout russia, including the dpr, lpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions. in total, 1,115 observers from 129 countries worked during the elections, 185 experts from 58 countries arrived in russia at the invitation of the public chamber. international experts confirm transparency and legitimacy voting. we saw that this was a real holiday, whole families of people came, women, men, we saw both young people and people of the older generation. i think it is very important that conditions were provided, there were various mechanisms of transparency, the elections were held very calmly, with dignity, in a democratic manner. summing up, cynthia ann mckinney, an expert from the united states,
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shared that she conducted her survey among fellow voting participants; more than a thousand people completed it. generally independent. observers saw that everything was being applied necessary principles for free elections in 99% of cases. across the country, a record turnout, a historic result that has never been seen before, more than 87 million votes were chosen in various ways, traditionally with a tick on the ballot, through terminals and remotely. of those who submitted these applications, 90% took advantage of it, that is, the turnout among those who submitted an application was 90%, in fact. more than 8 million of our voters voted in remote electronic voting alone, including moscow, the electronic voting system is truly an innovation, such an innovation that many of the world can really do, all the countries of the world can learn from russia how this has been done. summarizing the results of the first three-day
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voting, observers from the sco, csto, cis missions and heads of election authorities of foreign countries did not find any. the severity of the law in order to still understand that for every action responsibility is provided in accordance with the criminal code of the russian federation, and we know that... in particular in the kherson region the enemy deliberately shot from long-range artillery with rocket shells from members of the precinct commission in the golopristansky
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district and in gornostaevka when they went to organize home-based voting, this feat should be awarded. as expected, western countries do not recognize the results of the election campaign, but their compatriots, experts, and independent observers emphasized that the elections took place and were more than successful. margarita semenyuk, vesti. the election results were discussed today at a round table of the expert institute for social research, they talked about the high turnout and historically record level of support for the current head of state. the first key factor in turnout is the total support of the national leader, and by the overwhelming majority of citizens of the russian federation, times. secondly, through a request that. was, which our society one way or another presents to the authorities and its main institution , the president, this request was heard, and the president proposed a rational program
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of those measures, actions, plans for the future that voters liked, they saw that our country would develop like this as it were, a set of emotionally charged appeals, communications with society... without the formation of elements of pride, the formation of confidence and the formation of hope, was also an element that people saw and wanted to participate in. russian troops attacked the site of meetings of the commanders of the armed forces of the ukrainian security service. this was reported to the ministry of defense. over the past 24 hours , attempts by sabotage groups to penetrate into the belgorod region were also stopped. he will tell you more about the situation in the nwo zone. and also militants of the banned terrorist formation rdk, kiev, which every day rushes to the russian border, essentially for slaughter, positions, militants
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set up in the sumy and kharkov regions, from there they make attempts to break through, but every day there is a fiasco, yesterday a helicopter with personnel was lost, today a czech jet installation from which strikes were carried out on belgorod, and even greater personal losses... in the belgorod direction , russian units inflicted fire damage with a concentration of manpower and equipment 105, 120 brigades of the territorial defense of the armed forces of ukraine and the russian volunteer corps in the areas of popovka, lukashovka and velyka pisarovka, sumy region, staritsa, kharkov region, stopped attempts to penetrate across the state border of the russian federation, sabotage and separation groups of ukrainian militants in the area of ​​​​the village of kozinka, in as a result, the enemy lost up to 150 troops, two tanks, and three cars. multiple launch rocket system combat vehicle (rm-70 vamper). preemptive strikes on our military attacks ukrainian formations that are trying to gain a foothold in the border zone around the clock. the footage shows one
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example of artillery from the west group hitting command posts and drg equipment on the border with the kursk region. we work on manpower, on armored vehicles, on strong points, on buildings, we work on everything, we move out onto the field somewhere, orient the gun, and shoot right away. the situation in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, frankly speaking, is not very good, there is a problem with the personnel, there are still reserves, but throw it away it’s becoming more and more difficult for them to go to the front line, our ukrainians are trying to prevent rotations from the ukrainians, kiev sent the main forces to the avdievka direction, but as you know, everything was in vain, the result from avdievka, which took a week of ukrainian formations to retreat to the west, our military there again improved the situation along the front line, seven attacks by the landowners were not successful, and if a militant walked in the field... the day before they left the settlement peacefully, the lines there were important, they had to hold, but there was no one, the ukrainian commanders created only the appearance of defense, good
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our fighters of the vostok group did their work. and this is how the situation developed in this entire direction over the past 24 hours, the losses in the ssu were one and a half hundred militants, the teroborona brigade suffered a serious defeat in the area of ​​the village of shakhterskaya. our group repelled the attack near the harvest. ukrainian units were left there. a tank cannot burn out without air support, of course, with half-ton aerial bombs, our pilots will always cover it. the combat mission is assigned to us by control points with which we maintain contact in the air, also in the air, we interact between aircraft to better perform the combat mission. donetsk direction near artyomo. our assault groups took control of another ukrainian armed forces stronghold. in these images, combat vehicles amphibiously delivered personnel almost close to enemy positions. weapons that are
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strong. prevented us from advancing, was disabled by covering groups from a distance, after which grenade launchers and small arms were used. the capture of the opornik ended with his total cleansing. well, our intelligence learned about the high-precision strikes about the location of the meeting of the command staff of the sbu and the armed forces of ukraine. a missile was fired at the target. arrivals the day before were recorded in several rear regions of ukraine, among the destroyed military-industrial complex facilities, an assembly shop. european nato members owe 56 billion euros in defense debt, the financial times reports. maria kudryavtseva will talk about how countries are going to find these funds, given that in some of them the level of public debt has exceeded 100% of gdp. european nato members need find an additional 56 billion
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at the north atlantic alliance level, all defense up to the necessary level is oriented towards germany, and this is actually the economic locomotive of the european union, but now things are not going very well for this locomotive , the forecast there, in my opinion, is less than 1% gdp will
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increase in 2024. initially, they were talking about a recession. judging by the calculations of the german institute for economic research, many eu countries were in no hurry to revise their budgets. for example, germany spent 14 billion is less than what is needed to report achieving the nato minimum. italy and spain have approximately the same level of debt, about 11 billion euros, while belgium lacks more than 4.5 billion. the situation.
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a number of greek islands, well, i don’t think that spain will sell the islands, but they may well sell some assets; in the third quarter of last year, italy’s public debt was above 140% of gdp, but this is not a record among the european union countries; greece’s figure is more 160%, and no changes in ecv rates are expected yet, in france even had to spend money from a special reserve fund after a sharp rise in rates. we are talking about an amount of almost 12.5 billion euros, while the country is reassuring citizens that taxpayers’ money will not be needed, because losses of approximately 18 billion euros in the future will be covered from another reserve fund through the possible sale of assets. many other countries, members of the european union, are already resorting to the same strategy. well , where can countries find another 56 billion euros for defense in this situation? they give the answer themselves
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german analysts. economic research, if the level of public debt is already high, countries will have to cut costs in other areas, a rate of 4% on a loan, this for a farmer or for a small enterprise means complete collapse, and europeans have relied in the last 20 years on the development not of large-scale industry, but small medium-sized business, the medium-sized small business is highly over-leveraged, it is simply impossible for him to get further loans out of nowhere, why are the farmers on strike, they are all small entrepreneurs, they simply have nothing to pay, they are even under promising... can't get a loan. german experts call the situation difficult , recalling the protests of farmers in germany after the authorities decided to reduce subsidies for diesel for agriculture. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. an exclusive
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story from our fighter. how a captured ukrainian armed forces soldier saved his life in the battles near avdiivka.


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