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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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that 13 people are waiting for salvation. according to preliminary data, they are all alive. meanwhile, the prosecutor's office organized an inspection of compliance with the requirements of legislation on labor protection and industrial safety at the site. the head of the district supervisory agency, magomed aliyev, went to the scene. and i’ll also add that the mine is a pioneer, one of the largest gold mining enterprises in russia. they use it at the plant. tatyana petrova, see you on the russia-24 tv channel. this is big. good evening, we continue
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to introduce you to today's agenda. an exclusive story from our soldier about how a captured ukrainian armed forces soldier saved his life. in battles as a subdeevka, private sergei shevchenko spent 3 days side by side with the enemy, how did the military brotherhood turn out to be stronger than irreconcilable enmity? happiness will not be found through betrayal. the captured terrorist from the rdk opened up about how much it costs. to sell their homeland, why in ukraine modern vlassovites are also not favored. closer to the black sea, nato is building the largest military base in europe in romania. what does stoltenberg fear and what does the f-16 have to do with it? move to poland away from the russians borders. how many hundreds of kilometers can the sanitary zone stretch to protect the country’s borders from nato weapons? not a philanthropist, but a banal military contractor.
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elon musk's company is secretly creating a network of hundreds of spy satellites for the united states, although with their help it will be possible to find any person anywhere on the planet. oriented towards the european union with a non-traditional orientation. materials were leaked online where the alleged woman kisses a woman and walks around germany with her. what is the reaction of the president of moldova? but at the beginning the president of turkey congratulated vladimir putin, with a convincing victory in the presidential elections, in a telephone conversation, recep tayyip erdogan wished the current president of russia new successes in government activities. as noted in the kremlin, the telephone conversation between the leaders took place at the initiative of the turkish side. during the conversation, putin and erdogan expressed their intentions for the further development of bilateral relations between our countries, and also discussed international security issues, including the situation in the black sea region. essentially, we saved each other. life, quote
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from an exclusive interview with our channel with sergei shevchenko with the call sign said, who spoke in more detail about those very events in avdeevka, in case anyone missed it, here is a brief retelling of the sensational, truly dramatic story: a russian serviceman, being seriously wounded, remained to wait for evacuation, but at the same time he managed to capture the sushnik, and it would seem that the latter had every chance to escape or even kill our soldier, taking away his weapon, however... instead, the ukrainian helped the russian for 3 days with literally everything he could, carried water, made bandages, and in the end they evacuated together. the resonance, of course, is enormous, since it is clearly a case where the enemy put humanism and human nobility above the cannibalistic ideology of the nazi regime. but still , what happened was known only in general terms, only now we have the opportunity to learn much more about this amazing partnership. boris ivanin will reveal the details.
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a story that proves that humanity in war is more important than any ideological hostility, and thirst in life, the desire to kill is much stronger , private sergei shevchenko, here he is, who was essentially saved by his enemy, soldier vysu , each spent about six months in the combat zone until their paths crossed near avdeevka, they, russian ukrainian, both wounded, 3 days spent together, lying next to each other under shelling, i said, i’m thirsty, you can get some water somewhere, there’s a puddle there, he says there is, but there’s a 200th lying there, i say , it doesn’t matter, sasha, go get it, that’s how it is he gave me water to drink from this puddle for 3 days, filled a bucket water, somehow crawled on all fours, and we drank with him, i didn’t eat myself, my mouth just couldn’t open because it was interrupted, i just drank the water that he brought, during this interview sergei often holds on behind the head, not because it’s difficult to remember, the contusion is severe, the left eye could not be saved. there are still operations ahead, now he is in
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a military hospital in the moscow region, and his beloved olesya is waiting for him at home in kazan , i found out about everything on february 23, when sergei was lying where he was... he had not yet been evacuated, what i experienced, well, i probably don’t even want to wish this on my enemy, because it’s so hard, it’s painful, yes, to realize that he may not exist, may not be yours. something else, but still my feeling did not let me down, i knew that he was alive, i knew that he would
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live, sergei was seriously wounded during the storming of a position in the su village of lastochkin, he could not move on his own, his leg hung like a whip , i almost didn’t see it, it was impossible to take sergei, so they hid him in the building of a dilapidated children’s... colleagues left a machine gun with one cartridge, no need explain what this means, and at night, when everything calmed down, a wounded ukrainian, twenty-five-year-old sasha from nikolaev, came out to this shelter; the kiev regime first threw him into a meat grinder, and then threw him on the battlefield alone, and he was so scared that he surrendered captivity to the virtually motionless sergei, this was the moment when he told me not to shoot at him, i say, are you willing to surrender voluntarily? damn, he said, yes, i agree, the main thing is, don’t hit me, well, he was just scared, i say, you’re here with a finger, i say, no one touches me, i just say, i watched the videos , that the russians treat prisoners poorly, i say, it’s all a lie, i talked, we talked, i said, sasha, do you have anything, well, maybe some kind of grenade, i
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don’t i know, he says, i only have a knife, i say, sasha, come on, so that you and i, i say, have no disagreements, i say, put your knife aside, i ’m still thinking, because there’s not enough will they reconsider their views, that it’s worth taking my machine gun and shooting, but he didn’t do that and lay with me, waiting for evacuation, all this time sergei i was waiting for reinforcements of my comrades in arms, such as sopan, who was awarded a medal, courage for the shot down american bradley, like volga, siva, cheerful, these are all call signs, hearing which there at the front is sometimes much more important than just names, it means your own are nearby, even... despite the heavy fire, although the ukrainian sasha, despite the fact that the formal enemy also seemed to become a little like himself, because he was crawling for water under fire and doing bandages, the arrivals were right next to our house in the house, we simply prayed to god together with with them, when we were lying, in fact, we
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saved each other’s lives, how such a brotherly relationship seemed to awaken between us and him, when even we were evacuated, i said, let me at least look at you, just like that, i opened my eye, looked at his face, face for... reminded him, shook his hand, i said: “sash, thank you very much for everything. the captured soldier usa was also sent to the hospital. our military treated him kindly, fed him, gave him tea. in nikolaev, alexandro too relatives are waiting. the young wife is already an elderly mother, they believe that will return. like any wife or mother, probably, yes, when i went to church , i simply lit a candle for this person. at the moment, yes , i would like there to be some opportunity to find him, yes, just to say thank you, thank you for my husband, thank you for helping, we are all russian, we are all brothers from the beginning, and well,
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what kind of nationalists came up with there - these are our unfriendly western countries, they simply united us two fraternal peoples, in any case there is... i was able to, i rushed to the hospital here in in the moscow region, to nurse my husband so that before they have two little sons, as soon as the wedding, which, by the way, has not happened yet, as they say, everything will heal. sergei is very touched, although it is generally accepted that a man does not cry, he still wipes his eyes, even the one where the temporary implant is now, and of course, says hello to his family and his... brothers in arms, so that they are safe and return home until my entire fifth roti, so that there are survivors, i have two small children, they are in kindergarten, i decided to set an example for my children, that’s the only reason i went,
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signed a contract, one of my goals , which i achieved, was that my children have such a father that they are proud and an example, little misha and lyosha are waiting for... in all directions of the special operation, russian forces leave no chance for ukrainian militants for promotion, not even for rotation. in the donetsk and south donetsk sectors, our troops defeated several brigades of the ukrainian armed forces at once, occupied more advantageous positions near avdeevka, and a unit of the center group of troops improved the position along the front line. during the day, russian air defense crews were shot down almost one hundred and fifty uavs, as well as a mi-8 helicopter. in total , almost 140 areas were hit in a day, where the enemy stationed troops and equipment, and how russian aviation is working on targets, alexander kattsuba will show. a crushing air
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strike on neo-nazis who tried to attack our defensive line from the flank. the air controller is coordinating the actions of our aviation and the planes will now launch an urgent fire strike on moving units of the ukrainian armed forces. was there a hit on the target? officers of one of the elite units troop groups. the center, the eyes and ears of our aviation operate only at the forefront. in any case, i cannot leave aviation without my eyes, which is why i always select a place to work so that i can constantly observe the work of our aviation. their observation post is a military secret, they are in constant motion. if there is no advanced winemaker on site, the pilot will not work, since we are his eyes on the ground. transmit
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these coordinates for work directly by the army aviation crew. communications advanced the air controller and the crew are not interrupted for a minute. combat helicopters circle over the positions of the ukrainian armed forces, delivering strike after strike. today they reported the suppression of another attack by ukrainian drgs near the borders of the belgorod region. this time the terrorists tried
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to test the situation in the area of ​​​​the village of kazinka, but again they were unsuccessful. the enemy, as specified, lost up to 150 people killed and wounded, as well as a couple of tanks and a vampire rszzo, that is, everything is happening exactly as it was a little earlier, let me remind you, the president of russia promised, no mercy to the participants similar attacks, including modern vlasovites who went over to the side of the kiev regime. even during the great patriotic war , there was such a formation that was created by the traitor homeland vlasov, the vlasovites, well , they also fought against their homeland with weapons in their hands, how they ended is well known, then these people, these traitors and scum fought in side of the nazis, now there are exactly the same people who are fighting on the side.
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rdk is now telling a lot of interesting things about the plans of its owners and how these the plans turned out to be far from reality, stanislav bernwald will confirm. if ukraine treats its own soldiers as consumables, let alone aliens who are defectors from russia, these can be thrown into a military meat grinder in batches without a second thought, and that’s how they fight. ukrainian forces have been trying to attack the territory of the kursk and belgorod regions for the past few days with units numbering over 2,500. saboteurs, as well as 35 tanks and about forty armored fighting vehicles.
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the losses are colossal, both human and technical. the terrorist rdk, banned in russia, lost at least 800 people killed, inglorious bastard, inglorious end. and indeed, only a few managed to survive; those who were lucky were captured, and now they tell in detail about how they walked to such a life. here is this captive erdashnik, who came to ukraine from russia to visit a relative. after the start of the svo, i decided to stay a little in a foreign land, raise some money , the money was good, but i went, but how much money they paid, well, in different ways, well, three...
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quietly sweep back, they gave us something they were received there very warmly, we so accepted that a comrade, like on whose neck there is simply blood, formations are needed primarily to create a picture on the one hand, in order for this, so to speak, brand to sound, they set the task of actually capturing settlement on the territory of russia, go to...
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sumy region, passing it off as the russian village of tyotkino in the kurt region, where they are allegedly fighting. we are fighting in tyotkino, the legion of freedom of russia, the name of the village is further away, we will advance a little later. the streets are strong are shot through. and then there is still a local policeman waiting for us, with whom we need to talk, and local residents who need to be freed, so users managed to establish the real location of the filming from the footage from the video of the militants themselves, all these victories of the enemy were ridiculed not only by ordinary people, but also by the russian military, but let’s return to the testimony of the captured erdekashnik; in the ranks
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of this terrorist unit , russian citizens are actually fighting on the side of the ukrainian reich. but their motivation is far from what was stated, everything is different, everyone is different, some are for the idea, some are for the money, those who are much more for the money, don’t believe what they say about the rdk, the money is sawing, the money is spinning, getting confused, and living like that, preparing for a breakthrough, as the saboteur claims, his detachment took place on the territory of zhitomir, but the quality of this training is nowhere worse, we are engaged in pvd, well, according to reports, it’s like... preparation is all that is usual, well, in reality it’s not like that, who is what, who is drinking, who is weed , who plays the bazaar there, everyone is a kid, but most of all, the follower of ideas and traitor vlasov was disappointed with the attitude towards to him and his ilk from the ukrainian warriors, well, in general, to be honest, initially i thought that there would be a different attitude, as
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it turned out, it really wasn’t very good, well, firstly, they treat us there like some kind of bullies, some kind of then... the boy is running errands, that we are some kind of third-rate, well, it is clear that he is looking at us, yes, we may like some more, like others less, but that those who are different are russian, this is what the head gurbudanov decided to remind traitors from drgm, that no matter how hard the defectors tried to please the new owner by killing their own fellow countrymen, attacking the border cities of what was once their homeland, they still... will not be one of their own for the ukrainian bard formations, in a word, inglorious bastards - this is forever. vladimir putin spoke at a rally and concert in honor of the anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. thousands of russians gathered on red square in moscow to congratulate the polostrov on their tenth anniversary in their native harbor. and this is how the audience greeted the exit of the russian president’s stage. president of the russian federation,
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vladimir vladimirovich, putin! russia vladimir putin noted that he invited to a rally-concert of three candidates in the past presidential elections, because despite different approaches, all participants in the company are united by a common homeland. in his welcoming speech, the head of state took a shit.
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returning to our homeland turned out to be much more difficult and tragic, but still we did it, and this is
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also a great event in the history of our state. they have already begun to lay roads and conduct electricity, and later they will also work on basic infrastructure, be it runways or hangars for equipment. this is today's information western media... to invest over 2.5 billion dollars in this project and, moreover, i am sure that the investment will pay off handsomely, and why they decided to bet on romania, we will figure it out with the help of evgenia petrukhina. washington seems to be preparing
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a strike fist on the eastern flank, and is doing it with the hands of stoltenberg. the largest nato military base in europe is being built near the port in the city of constanta in romania. it will be 20% larger than ramstein air base in germany. why romania is quite understandable; from there it is easy to control the entire black sea area, and transnistria and that same grain corridor. this is a method of supplying weapons, under the guise, of course, of exporting grain from ukraine; this is a method, again, of transporting personnel, transporting ammunition, that is, supplying ukraine, plus the presence of nato ships in odessa. allows nato to control the black sea. europe's largest nato military base, apparently, will be located here, on the shores of the black sea.
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the new facility is being built on the basis of the fifty-seventh air base of the romanian air force, that is, a romanian base will be significantly expanded to almost 3,000 hectares. they promise a new runway, weapons platforms, technical equipment with communication systems, as well as hangars for military aircraft and... of course, infrastructure, schools, hospitals, 10,000 nato soldiers and their families will be there. euronews has already rushed to create a story, they say that there are now about 5,000 soldiers at this romanian air base, mostly american military personnel, and that the expansion and modernization of the base is to ensure security. and in the same story the analyst says that yes, this construction is directly related to the conflict in ukraine, they say romania is defending itself this way. this base will become the most important in the nato structure, it is located in close proximity to the conflict in southern ukraine. we do not think that this conflict will end this year, by 2025, in 2026,
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the conflict is long term. the statement of the so-called romanian analysts is nothing more than a propaganda information cover for nato’s aggressive actions, and romania here is simply a platform for deploying forces. here we we really see an attempt by the americans to make maximum use of the puppets under their control in bucharest, sofia, and the baltic capitals for the militarization of eastern europe and for strategic pressure on russia. the americans now have eight permanent bases in poland, and they are actively expanding their presence , including in romania. and how is this beneficial for romania or bucharest, no one even asked. it is very likely that the reason for the strengthening of the eastern flank is precisely because it is nearby... even they already guessed that odessa most likely ukraine will no longer be, and fearing that russia will come too close to
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moldova, and therefore ruin. they are very afraid that russia will seize moldova and romania, and for this they need to defend themselves, and it would be better, perhaps, to take this very odessa region back to romania, let me remind you that hitler gave odessa to the romanians. as for the contingent, bucharest has practically registered the pentagon as its host. it is unlikely that there will be 10,000 romanian soldiers at this base, and even if macron sends a hundred french, this will not change the situation. the states are digging into romania, that's why. from romania has very logical paths, an invasion , for example, into the same ukraine through moldova, there is room for ground forces to deploy there, and the most important thing is that it is very easy for aviation to operate from romania and very easy for the navy to operate, several f16 aircraft , which should be handed over to the ukrainians, and by the way, they with ukrainian symbols are
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in romania. then, most likely, those same f-16s will fly from romania to ukraine, maybe even from the runway of this new air base. expand the largest in europe, a nato military base is promised by 2040 . in any case, this is data from the romanian media, to whom the pentagon chief is unlikely to tell the truth. it turns out that washington is cooking in romania in every sense of the word. the alternate airfield seems to be seriously afraid of playing the long game. that it won’t work out in ukraine. moscow is ready to discuss the issue of arms control with washington, only with an emphasis on russia’s interests and security. the united states proposes to conduct dialogue exclusively on its own terms, this is how the russian foreign ministry responded to the statement american permanent representative to the un, well, the states are ready to start discussions right now without prior approval. the russian foreign ministry called this position an exercise in hypocrisy and demagogues and advised washington to familiarize itself with
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the message. putin to the federal assembly, where the president clearly indicated that the united states is now a state that is discussing issues of strategic stability, while simultaneously trying to inflict a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield. now a short advertisement, here's what will happen next on our air. drive to poland away from russian borders. how many hundreds of kilometers can the sanitary zone stretch to protect the country’s borders from nato weapons? when it seems that things can’t get better, penoplex slabs provide a double advantage, provide protection from heat and cold,
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