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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 18, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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well, settlements arise around some enterprises, yes, that is , an investor must come, create an enterprise, build, arose around, well, jobs will arise, around, of course, social infrastructure will gradually emerge, schools, hospitals, there, and so on further, yes, here, but for you it’s the other way around, that is, it started from school, so you can say, oh, this is a miracle that happened, here you need to do one, two, three, here, scale the magic across russia. but the recipe is approximately the same, that is, everything comes from necessity. arion began as a settlement of foster families, and the basic idea was: let's do it, so it's 2004 in the country, there are about 700,000 children without uh, without parents, we need to solve this problem, he says: let's gather 10 families, take 10 children each, that's 100 children in the village, we raise and educate it together, huh? we
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consoled ourselves with this idea until 2011 10-11, when it became clear that, well, no, it doesn’t work out that way, because children with special needs have many knowledge gaps, and if you educate them, you need to create your own school, because in fact, how do tutors work, because you sit down first and look, but you don’t know this, you don’t know this, that’s it , we filled it out, we move on, and masha and i have had nine adopted children in our history, now the oldest is probably 26, that is, we are 40, and he’s 26, and over time , little by little people started to join in, it’s like we’re not adopted, but my family and i have the same problem, here we are, uh, well, the kid is good, great, well, he’s doing well in his studies, but there are problems at school there is no contact with teachers, but maybe with you, all this also happens.
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necessity, that is, when they gather people who have a problem, it needs to be solved, they solve it, that’s all, i’ll now show you another absolutely amazing phenomenon, this is a whole village, a settlement that arose in an open field, there was simply nothing around the school, that is, here is the school a new life has appeared, okay, you’re kidding, it’s in this open field or something, it’s right here, don’t be afraid, let’s go and show you, i’m afraid. in the kaluga region there is the village of orion, or rather, it exists now; not long ago it did not exist. at the beginning of 2000, with the participation of maria and anton kuzmin in pure orion school appeared in the field. initially, it was designed for families with adopted children; now there are no more than 30% of adopted children here. and the teachers here are almost all parents themselves.
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in general, about school, if you ask anyone, what is school? grades, subjects , homework, we removed it because, well, the children were traumatized at first, then it turned out that, in general, homework is not so important, and grades, well, are needed, but not in that, not in that format, and we identified four basic intelligences, but the academic one is conditional let's call it, this is when you have to really study in order to pass the unified state examination, go further through the system, well, in general, in order to know something, in order to know, of course. but this is necessary , but not enough, social intelligence is the ability to interact with each other , the ability to build connections, well , imagine, if we take a child from an orphanage, he does not know how to build connections or builds very strangely, or a child who is there with 3 for years they take them to chess, they teach them foreign languages ​​and so on, well, by the fourth grade he too, he knows chess, but he doesn’t know how to communicate with neighbors, the third is emotional intelligence, this is a skill... and
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the fourth, very important, is, well, i call it physical intelligence, yes, but in general it’s just physical education , here i have masha, she is interested in neuropsychology, with not some uh, with an orientation in neuropsychology, relatively speaking, when you sometimes tell a child, but it doesn’t go there, he can’t remember, you need to develop the brain so that the information can go there, and so we got a certain concept of harmonious education, relatively speaking, here comes a child, we... roughly evaluate, he says: there are academic 10, social two, emotional three, physical zero, we say, so we reduce this, we don’t need to know uh, some physics in the fourth grade, and you start going to physical education, we enroll you in a theater club for 2 years, well, empirically in
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arion, after 2 years the child straightens out, he begins to understand what he wants, and he begins to do what he wants i like it, after 2 years... why is the purpose of education in a career , well in a career, yes yes, well, i think that all these answers and many others are functional - they have a right to exist, but these are some kind of things, again this is in the logic of pragmatism, yes and this is
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a bad infinity, because here we immediately see that, relatively speaking, once a person came and said, what will i learn after graduating from your institution. there then it changed, and how much will i earn, well , this is this pragmatism, it leads us to some kind of bad infinity, so today we began to talk about continuity, about the best, yes, i would remember the greek paidea, yes, since the greeks not only did not know that they were ancient, they also did not know the word culture, since it appeared in latin later, they had the word paidea, and what is paidea, paidea - we can talk about paidea as an education system. education of the ancient greek, and as a system of education and as a culture, what we call culture today is not entirely identical, of course, we they also primitivized it a little in comparison with the ancients, that’s what paidea is, this is the transformation of a person from a biological being, well, you can say into a citizen,
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but just for the greeks a citizen is much more than what for us today a citizen, well, actually into a person , but from biological beings into humans themselves.
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a breakthrough to the transcendental with the help of religion or in a religious search, or as losev said that religion is a way of self-realization of the individual in eternity, so we can succeed in the profession, in the family, there in the career of television presenters is booming,
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never say never, but we can realize ourselves in eternity, religion tells us this. alfabank for business. register a business with alfabank in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay everyone. up to 200% more energy with new gtec technology. try the new gp ultraap batteries,
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when such sentiments appear that the school should not educate, we instantly and somehow move away from the russian pedagogical tradition, because for the russian school, now, if we engage in deep, as they say , research, well, this is ushinsky, and zenkovsky, kapterev, whoever you want to say, and sukhomlinsky in the end of the soviet school, this was, of course, typical, first of all, such educational function, our philosophy has always worked in conjunction with pedagogy:
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in the educational school we teach the subject of love from the first to the eleventh grade, then domestic studies from the first to the tenth grade, we introduced such subjects as eloquence and calligraphy in elementary school, then they were introduced completely subjects of the school of art history, which we introduced from the first to the eleventh grade, music, painting, choreography, were introduced,
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further, how can you study the russian language when you don’t know its history, so it... some goals, tasks together, well , this is for educational processes, some sets some cool example, in fact, which it seems to me, it seems to me, i want to take with me into the future, but i wanted to say that it even influenced
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the president russian federation, which , by its decree, signed the creation of a new official settlement. in school, in fact, there are already places where people have gathered, they need to raise their children, they organize schools, there are in the vladimir region, there are in the tula region, these are just those we we know personally, i know that in the kaluga region we are not the only ones, you know, we have another tradition that at the end of the program, well, in advance we write some
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finalizing maxims, statements, and... guests don’t just agree or disagree with them , but they make their proposals, that is, let’s correct, in this case, the theses on the topic of education of the future, the correct education of the future in russia, well, the theses express what we think, here in our project russia 2062, but we are ready to accept everything that comes to us they say, yes, yes, the main goal of education is... to convey the experience of happiness from learning about the world and from influencing the world with the help of this knowledge, that is, not writing a paper, not passing the unified state exam, not then making a successful career, yes, it is precisely when the student feels what
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it is like to truly understand the world, with the help of this knowledge, to influence this world, to influence this. the main goal of education in our opinion, do you agree or some amendments, are you against, yes, father vladimir, i feel that you want to tell us something, well, in my opinion, of course, schools are, uh, the transfer of experience, it’s a kind of relay race , that’s it, that’s what was created before me, the most valuable thing, i, my duty as a teacher is... to pass on to another generation, my father, the father of sergei bulgakov, sergei nikolaevich bulgakov , said very well that despite the fact that everyone...
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happiness from discovery, happiness from the fact that, well, yes, we were talking about happiness here, i am a geography tutor, and very often children come to me who, in general, well, that is, at
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best, they have heard the word geography, but they come in the eighth or ninth grade to take geography as an oge, and i tell them that i have one single goal, to infect you with interest, and through this everything opens up when the child feels... he has an interest in knowledge , after this comes the feeling of the victory of happiness, and there everything is already possible , i agree, i would also speculate here, it seems to me that in general there are two types of teachers, probably more, but we can divide into those who believe that a teacher should explain those who believes that the teacher should captivate, so i completely agree with my colleague, i also believe that captivating is more important than explaining, because as in that joke there, for the eighth time , i explain myself by...
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in the modern word humanity, and a person should feel part of this culture , he should, that is, i always say that a university education is when a humanist knows how the general
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theory of relativity differs from the special theory, and for him einstein is not just a guy with his tongue hanging out in a photograph, but it seems looks like lotman, but the techie, he not only knows that there was such a dante, but he has experience in reading the divine comedy, then we can say that the person has a higher education, well, university, okay. that experience, the acquisition of knowledge, the transfer of knowledge and its creative application , is passed on from person to person, so here is personal contact, offline contact, this image should not go anywhere, yes, online forms are just some kind of addition, yes there to offline. everyone seems to agree here, everyone seems to agree, everyone seems to agree here, our guests emphasized the importance of continuation of traditions, yes, continuation
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of the traditions of russian education, continuation of traditions in general, well, of european education, yes, that is, you talked about paidea, yes, on, probably, the third thesis that i would like to formulate is ... that education should form a person in all his diversity, yes, that is, in this sense, education even with upbringing somehow merges, yes, that is, the task of education is to form a whole person, this is the peculiarity, including russian education, which adopted and was the custodian of this tradition dating back to ancient greece.
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your brother is there in the donbass, the aurora battalion , he is so alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready to blow your mouth, we’ll list your brother as missing, this won’t work, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope. "looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have brother, they killed, alexey shevchenkov , they went there on reconnaissance, there were two of them, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger,
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militiaman. the passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. hello, i'm boris sakimov, and i'm oleg stepanov. and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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russia is traditional, modern, technological, original. open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, it was you who stole a dagger from your grandfather at the age of 7, this is for you, the men from the yard said, you are a fighter, you were never
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afraid of a fight, this. .. with you , she is calm everywhere, it is on you, friends can always rely, it is you who cannot stay away, it is you, and here you are, among his own, vladimir putin held negotiations with the crown prince and chairman of the council of ministers of saudi arabia mohammed bin salman al saud. about the telephone conversation between the two leaders reported the kremlin press service.


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