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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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bravo, i just think that the conclusions are completely unexpected, i would now, in fact, if there was such an opportunity, ask a number of research institutes to write a scenario for possible developments of events, because we must prepare and calculate what will happen to america with their armed forces during... the already obviously inevitable and civil war, we must see what happens when, for example, europe is drawn into a war with russia, because as soon as, for example, france tries to do something or germany, we will strike, there will be colossal losses, we remember how spain reacted at one time when they tried to get into the war, then they had problems, they tried to get out of the war, we understand that after this the entire architecture of europe will crack, in general, it will be expensive, for us , in principle, it will be pointless to talk not only ... with the european union, but also with
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countries as such, it will be much more interesting to talk, for example, with the lands in germany, because the former eastern lands of the gdr there, they have absolutely a different attitude, that is, they will breathe differently, france, why should they be perceived as a kind of single state, we understand that sooner or later colossal trends will arise there, and let’s say, lines of tension between different religious and ethnic groups, social, but...
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i'll start right from the end. the west really wanted and thought that the election process would weaken russia. i gave up all my strength. and russia emerged from the election process much stronger, and became so strong that now in the west it seems to me that there is some bewilderment. and diplomats would really like to take a break in order to understand what, how to say now, how to behave with russia. but at the same time, now a very interesting idea has been voiced that we want it all the time. to prove something, yes, to meet some standards, we turn to the west, we have done this many times in our history, this is a disease running in our body, it concerns not only our modern society, this is not even a soviet disease, it existed before , i’ll just remind you that ivan the terrible once signed an agreement with english merchants who came, and there were no duties there, that is, tell everyone how good we are, well, he wanted to marry this british woman, but she refused.
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consolidation has now taken place in our society, here are 75 million people who voted for the president, these are 75 million people who voted for his course, for what is being done now, what is planned, what is being voiced, for changes in the economy, for what that odessa is a russian city, for the fact that both russian merchants and russian military should be able to sail freely and calmly in the black sea navy, that’s what people voted for. and there has been talk about not recognizing the election results in the west for a long time, these are our traitors who used to be - the opposition in quotes, and now have become foreign agents and outright traitors, they have already given up these balls a long time ago, cannot be recognized because, cannot be recognized because today
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german diplomats come out and ask them, what are you going to do, and they start shoving this ball like a hot piece to each other, it’s very interesting there... this is a video of that, what are they doing, they ask the deputy , well, roughly speaking, the deputy chancellor in germany, will you call putin president, she says, and you know, the question is irrelevant, we don’t have any contacts now, that is, she left, well, why the hell should we expel the diplomats from the country already has an ambassador there, a german one, this is very interesting, then they say that they will not call putin president, they will say putin, and then they say that they now call it that, that is , there is no answer at all about...
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the foreign minister may also be new , may be old, we roughly understand our situation , but theoretically it all happens like this, this is where the most interesting thing turns out, look, the west has always considered the state very
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vulnerable during the election period, so color technologies hit countries precisely during the election period, well, there are many reasons, now not we will talk about this in detail, in order to play this card more conveniently, they got someone. out of pocket and appointed as the legitimate leader of some country, well, this one, as putin said, who looked at the sun, said that he the leader of venezuela, tikhonovskaya, means they got it from somewhere, and they are inventing legitimacy, tikhonovskaya is everything, she is recognized as the president of belarus by group b2, a heavy blow, yes, because when these boys saw, they said, madam president, she baroque neighed and ran after cutlets. so the funny thing is that the recognition of the bi2 group is equal to the recognition of some countries that did exactly the same thing, it also looks like an operetta, and so the dead end for the west is that such a consolidated, powerful vote, recognition by all participants
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in the election process of its results, the consolidation of the entire society does not give them this opportunity to play, they don’t even know what card they could get to say that this is the false dmitry... he, here, here he is, here, not sovereign, emperor, tsar, father, sitting in the kremlin, the real ruler of russia, this false dmitry, there is no false dmitry, this is the problem in the west today, and we knocked out this card with this consolidated vote, the powerful reaction of society to all attempts at this false dmitry, maybe to create some kind of collective, here is shooting at...
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we are who we are, and let us remain so. a simple question for our authorities. gelman, panomariov, volkov, sobol, katz, zhdanov, chichvarkin, the list goes on. have treason cases been brought against them ? has their property been confiscated? sonnya. for example, i watched it yesterday. what the media wrote, which citizen sobchak copied to someone, but everyone knows that it’s me, why
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is she still not recognized as a foreign agent, they were kept there, well, obviously, obviously in in what interests does the state, this is all working, maybe we will finally restore order, including among those who thought that they were the masters of life, everything is possible for them, maybe they’ll come to their senses, advertising, my friend, hello, how promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, it’s not the first day, oh, i need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer money online, it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, who else is this ? taught vtb together everything will work out a loan with cashback from sber - this is even more
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rubles every month, and you can also withdraw cash from any atm for free, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. here in the baltics the volkovs beat him up, and he began shouting that it was the kremlin, the island people were writing, why not the kremlin, you’re in the baltics, well, so that there are no illusions, that’s it. please, now a video of participants in the latvian march of ss legionnaires is going viral on social networks. that’s exactly what i am, i was born under hitler in riga, osland, you know, in riga, in ’42, i’m 82 years old, ’42, i ’m born under hitler, don’t you think it’s strange, but
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how about annul on berbuk on kayukala ? similar, yes, well, just to make it clear, they’re not afraid to say it, they’re not afraid, so when our people ran there, they somehow thought that they would be loved, yeah, it’s clear that i’m not in any way i'm not saying what exactly these two old cretins, who in theory should have been judged, but if you look at it now, then in soviet times one of them was probably an activist, hid all his views, and he probably also had a good career. was a member of the cpsu, most likely, i’ll tell you this, it was high-ranking members of the cpsu who deprived us of our homeland, yes, so there should be no illusions here either, but now we are gradually returning our homeland with difficulty, but we are returning it, karen georgievich, and i i lost the thread, armenia congratulated the president,
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good question, by the way, no , i don’t know, i’m doing something, now we’ll see, now we’ll ask, what... we looked, it didn’t flash, but among china there congratulated india, pakistan , it’s all ugly, ugly, whatever, okay, vector you take, but in relation, what this is, this is a congratulation from the president, this is an attitude towards the russian people, of course, an attitude towards the russian people, with whom you ate the path of salt, who saved the armenians many times, who, in general,
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will probably congratulate after all, well, with a pause, yes, no matter how, not at first, i was busy, sorry vladimir vladimirovich, i was busy , this, this, this is not, well, as they say, when, like this, god wants to punish, deprives one of reason, apparently this is what is happening, now regarding the elections, but i have already said there a couple of times, in my opinion, this, well, in general, in my memory, this is generally the most important choice.
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fifth, tenth, all sorts of things happened, but on the other hand, this is experience, this is a huge experience, and god gives a person experience, and then they draw conclusions from it, this is our experience, these 30 years. this is the experience that our people have lived and acquired, this is its current result, because that then, then the russian people, well, if
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we talk about the results of those elections, they chose the path to become part of the west, that was the decision, in fact, yes, now to say, no, we didn’t vote for that, come on. when you do something, you must understand that you will be responsible for it, it is clear that those who voted then are mostly my age, many are no longer there, those are further away, but in principle, this generation, yes, but then it made this choice, now, in my opinion, the people of russia have made the opposite choice, to leave, to leave the west, to return sovereignty, indeed , sovereignty, national independence
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, all normal people, i am absolutely convinced, many, having seen these results, think very hard, listen, it’s hard to go against the people, you know, it’s also moral, so to speak, well, how, how is this possible, when 80%, they came to express their will.
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tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him , alexy shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope , there is always hope, call sign passenger, a militiaman, a passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. easy to do, easy to change. we will expose all fakes.
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3:00 am
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