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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; russian digital solutions should be taken to new heights. there are prospects, ours are more brutal. yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more. how exactly does the number help? not to the original questions, what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product, in order to say clearly and clearly, “we will not
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give up, we do not want any compromises with the west, we want to be a sovereign country, our cause is just, and we will build ours civilization, we don’t want to deal with this, and besides, it’s clear that among this public there are a lot of pro-westerners, that is, who have lost trips to this, there are planes, this and that, the fifth, the tenth.
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and then, so to speak, i don’t know, there’s something about it, it’s kind of like this, well, basically, they’re all in roughly the same direction, so this is very impressive, nothing can be done about it, and no matter how they say it, well well, this is complete stupidity, listen, well, how is it, well, how is it, so to speak, let’s not admit it, well, don’t admit it, well, it’s a gigantic country, a country. equipped with the best nuclear weapons , what do you want? , from when we chose, we will be part of the west, we want to be with you, we will be part of the west, this revolution has taken place, but this is experience, by the way, it is with us...
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as much as it is unknowable to us contemporaries, it goes its own way, which , as they say, you and i believe in god in marxism, because that god is pain, well done, why not , what are we connecting here, we are new marxists, it should be noted that this theory is not very new, tonacharsky was squeezed in somewhere before us, i don’t see, god is above everything, then a marxist .
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he believed in god, that’s obvious to me , by the way, it was also obvious to the main thing that along the way god believed in stalin, so he helped , so, okay, that’s another question, but i mean, what extraordinary paths does history take and how important this experience is, well, you won’t skip it, well, you’re in the early nineties years, well, i’m good, i’m older than you, i remember our self-awareness well, it was like this, we wanted to go to the west, we believed in the west, we believed in honesty, yes, they have businessmen, they shake hands with everything, but to hell with everything, this then we found out how their businessmen wished their hand, it was all in the process, but it all had to be done, jack london had it all written, jack london had everything written, mikhail likes
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to throw out the phrase, we are this novel, jack, people are an abyss , no, i mean, time doesn't wait, no, he had a terrible romance, just about... we have a serious difficult struggle ahead, we must take this seriously, in this sense , the president today has a fantastic carte blanche, he can solve many problems that
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perhaps he lacked today, but changes are of course necessary, we all understand this, we must there should be changes in the direction that... to ensure our victory in this fight, and the trust that the people have placed in the president is unprecedented, therefore, but this means that we have to work and we must, as they say, achieve our goals, the last thing, what will i say, volodya, i’m sorry, so to speak, just two words that maybe the ministry of defense will hear me, i can’t help but say this, i received a letter from... the commander, i won’t give his last name, although he told me wrote everything, the commander of an artillery unit of one, he asks massfilm to make mock-ups of mines and artillery guns , i understand him, i understand him, i understand him,
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mock-ups in drone conditions, this is probably a very important thing, why did he turn to me,
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china , they themselves went to china, studied the language, culture. and even in all these turbulent years between the first and second world war in china there were a huge number of researchers
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who lived, wrote and who preserved or strengthened even this american studies program, please channy studies in america, second question, on saturday we will celebrate our twenty-fifth anniversary the turn or turn of yevgeny maksimevich primakov’s plane over newfoundland, when he interrupted his flight to the united states, so to speak. and this is of course a significant event, but i would like to remember another plane turn, which also happened around this era , a little later, the plane turned around over belarus, this is the story with strobe talbot, who in june of ninety-nine was negotiating here in moscow, then this story happened, but still a little prehistory in and yes, and this is all connected with vladimirovich putin, i mean the second one.
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there on the bombing of iraq, on yugoslavia, on the expansion of nato to the east, but this agree and disagree can be translated differently, we don’t care about your opinion, gentlemen russians, we will stick to our line, in fact, this is exactly what happened, including at the initial stage of the conflict in yugoslavia, because yes, yevgeny maksimovich turned his plane around and returned back to russia, but he flew, in general, with an outstretched hand from washington. 5 billion dollars , then, as it turned out, the americans thought that they would not just give money in exchange for help,
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yes, or for russia’s consent to a military operation against serbia, but they were not going to give him money, he had to find out that the loan most likely it won’t happen, here goes history develops , the bombing begins, then they, the americans, get tired of them, understand that they need to somehow jump out of this matter, and russia again... that’s part of the deal that was supposed to take place then was the story about , that russia was supposed to get its sector in the north of kosovo, then finding out that stroup telbat, by the way, is the man whom bill clinton called hand, my russian hand, but in translation he saw him as such a governor general of russia, at least himself stroup telbod is not particularly against this
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objected, so he flew to russia to negotiate with ivashov regarding the fact that... russia has its sector in the north of kosovo, in fact, on this he flew away, when the srobata plane flew over belarus, information was received that our 200 paratroopers from bosnia herzegovina, entered kosovo, occupied the airport in slatina, and so the story began, the glorious story of the revival of the military revival of the hero of russia, colonel general. lands in moscow, demands a meeting with yeltsin, well, yeltsin was not organized for him, meets with igor ivanov, igor ivanov madeline aldright calls, madeline says, we ’ll figure it out, something incomprehensible is happening here, after all, he is allowed into the kremlin, in the kremlin he meets with vladimich putin, the secretary
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of the security council. stroup telbat, he is such a not very temperate person, he really likes to give interviews, right away, by the way,
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where can you see the formula s = v on t? distance, speed for time, at school, yes, submarine, uh-huh, strategist, alexander ii. why? the most striking proof of why we need to abandon the balloon system. i spoke with coperang, who commands these amazing strategists, the smartest guy. brilliantly educated, who tells me: i need to further train and retrain all the officers who come young, they are very good guys, but the level of education has dropped so much that they just need to take an additional course, and
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the strategic nuclear fleet is the elite of elites, well, that’s understandable , that is, the people who serve there are, well, they’re just white... the pride of the country, and you understand that if we want everything to be in order with us, education in the conservatory needs to fix something, advertising, russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different. but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum of russia. dmitry,
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your friend, robinet? well, of course, joseph rainet biden, jr., every time he knows that you will be on air, he prepares some amazing speech for you, which is ready to intertwine everything that he said before, since you are a big fan of ours , it’s very difficult to say, i can’t, i can’t say it later, because separated, yes they are, they are really separated, by the way, to say, this is by the way, a curious thing, it’s quite so, there are so
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many, divine, this but, as far as i understand, this is divine, no, he divideded said, i ’m trying to understand now, can we be given a hearing again, no, we need, we need a transcript from the white house, for now he can think that he should read, and here we will hear what he had to say. it becomes, well, that’s interesting, yes, what whatever the thing, biden is a big liberal , really, well, like the main liberal in the world, we live in an amazing time, when a lot of words,
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a lot, which at one time had their own meaning, they are devalued in general and become somehow , well, i don’t know, as if an antithesis and define, well, in particular , for example, liberalism, there was such a word, for a long time it was believed that if you are a liberal, not even in the everyday sense, but now in the everyday sense...
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then brussels gives up even more washington, second point, because it's all continuous. some kind of coalition government in which people can appear out of nowhere, yeah, the person who is now, well, david cameron, where did he come from, well, yes, and go, well, well, listen, well, this is funny, how shameful , as putin said, and the main thing is to think about it, yes, they took this destroyer, gave him the title of lord, yes, yes, yes, how is this possible, how yes, yes, yes, well, in fact, this...
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took part in that's all, because we are all participants in this historical process, we were historically doomed to this disaster, but judge.
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and the west was sure that everything was about the role of the individual, you and the role of the individual, and the role of the people, there is a very good joke about how putin, how putin, how mom was lucky with putin, but putin is with us too lucky , of course, here, but, but the point, but the point here is, in fact, everyone is really being judged, this, by the way, is a very american phrase, that this is even american wisdom, which was repeated even by the same biden, well, naturally, so to speak, teleprompt it is written. that it will be easy to judge the people, the nation, the rulers not a hit, because a person gets up from this matter, in this sense, this is it, we have passed this period, as it were, but we must understand that this was absolutely not something that was determined, this is an objective historical process, one can say manage the process , also a marxist, after all, was hidden and opened up, you know, if you call any logic marxism, then yes, then i’m a marxist, excuse me, of course, that’s young hygielism, but how can
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you want it? but here's what else is important, and now let's look at ours, so to speak, not partners, there are also very serious processes going on there, they are all of an exclusively objective nature, for example, trump, biden, it doesn’t matter who is there, bernie sanders, but he can get anyone now, put the most talented person, put him next to him as a guard, so to speak, we’ll gather the best security specialists in general, so that he doesn’t get killed, we’ll gather the best economists.
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putin wins in the absence of an alternative, and another article, the only alternative to biden is the death of america, that is , you see, well, this is the world they live in, which means they have already entered such a phase. u.s.a.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. does she really read minds or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya investigative committee, she has a special gift, who do you look at all the time? well, there, the girl is standing in hiding, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and do you know who the killer is? yes, look, just don’t do anything on your own, stay in place, don’t move, for some reason i
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trust you, anna medi. we watch it before anyone else in the app or on the website. actually there already in full swing, i understand that the quote from trump, where he said about a bloodbath, was taken out of context, but in reality there will be a bloodbath, because...


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