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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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let's tell you how this day is remembered in history right now. hello. on march 19
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, 1200, 1979, the battle of the pearl river took place, a battle in which the mongols crushed the chinese song dynasty. the mongols had attacked chinese lands half a century earlier, quickly forcing the chinese to sign a peace treaty. the song empire pledged to pay them tribute of 200 thousand silver bars and the same number of pieces of silk per year. but after 20 years the raids resumed, although the chinese put up strong resistance; in 1275 the mongols destroyed everything dry. and now the fleet in which the imperial court tried to escape was also destroyed. in the battle of the pearl river near mount i, the mongols destroyed almost a thousand chinese ships, although there were 10 times fewer of them. the imperial ship on which the six-year-old emperor jawin and admiral lu xiufu, who ruled on his behalf, was lost. and after three centuries of rule over china , the song dynasty ceased to exist on its territory. from khan kublai khan founded the new
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mongol yuan empire, which lasted for almost 100 years. on march 19, 1906 , the russian naval forces included submarines included. the first six boats appeared in the tsarist fleet at the beginning of the russo-japanese war. now there were already 20 submarines; they were separated into separate naval forces. at first, the country's submarine fleet was based in the baltic sea in the city of libau, today liepa. used for laying sea mines, reconnaissance, coastal protection and carrying out covert attacks on the enemy. the submarines underwent their first combat test during the russo-japanese war and proved themselves to be a new means of approaching the enemy covertly. a 90 years later, on the same day, the commander-in-chief of the russian navy, felix gromov, signed an order declaring march 19 as submariner day. today it is part of the russian navy. there are about seventy
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submarines, most of them nuclear-powered missile carriers, including the most modern submarines in the world, the fourth-generation nuclear submarines of project 955 borei. on march 19, 1919 , john reed's book, 10 days that shook the world, was published in the united states. this is a chronicle of the october revolution of 1917 in russia, written by its witness, an american journalist. rit describes what is happening from... the position of the bolsheviks, however, despite the assessments, even the american diplomat george kennen wrote that this quote is “a unique account of the events of that time, surpassing all other historical evidence,” due to his literary gift, insight and special attention to the details. lenin also appreciated the book and wrote an introduction to it. i wholeheartedly recommend this work to workers of all countries. this is a book i would like to see distributed in millions of copies and translated into all languages. because she gives
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a truthful and unusually vividly written account of events important for understanding what a proletarian revolution is, what is the dictatorship of the proletariat? the leader's wish came true, the book went through almost 50 editions, and at the end of the 20th century, it was included in the new york times list of 100 best works in journalism. the author of 10 days also went down in history, returning from the engulfed revolution of russia, john reed became one of the founders of the communist workers' party of the usa. then he returned to... moscow. he died here from typhus in 1920. he is buried in the necropolis near the kremlin wall. march 19, 2011 the nato intervention in libya began. the un security council authorized armed intervention, declaring that it was necessary to protect civilians, since a civil war had begun in the country. essentially, the west wanted to deal with its longtime enemy, the head of libya muammar gaddafi. troops from almost two dozen countries took part in the intervention.
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the first to strike the libyan military were the french air force, then the american, british and other air forces; gaddafi could not resist this, and the regime in the country was destroyed. for half a year. in the fall of 2011, the rebels were able to capture the libyan leader himself. muammar gaddafi was killed by brutal opponents right on the road, not far from the city of sirte. the bodies of gaddafi and his son were put on public display in a vegetable refrigerator in a shopping center in the city of misrata, and then secretly buried in the libyan desert. this ended the forty-two-year reign of colonel gaddafi. this is what this day was like. hello, the parliamentary hour program is on air, we will tell you about the main events of the state duma this week. russia votes for president. it is very important that
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we all go to the polling stations today and vote. the hole is high, and this is good news; the fate of our homeland depends on each of us, so each of us must fulfill our civilian duty.
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medicine, trade, the crimean bridge was done, also very convenient, and also what bills were considered this week, further in our program. today is the finale of the three-day voting. russians determine who will lead the country for the next 6 years. for the russian presidential elections the attention of people all over the world is riveted and there are enough people willing to influence the results in any way possible. even the so-called dormant anti-russian communities in instant messengers and social networks were affected, this is recorded by the state duma commission to investigate the facts of foreign interference in the internal affairs of russia. for the first time , remote electronic voting is being used in presidential elections. in such conditions, it is especially important
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to ensure maximum transparency of the process and prevent attempts at falsification. what has been done for this and how do russians vote? in report by maria burkova. polling station. number 75 presnensky district of moscow. on the morning of the first day of voting, state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin made his choice here. he noted how important it is to vote for the future of our country, for a strong and independent russia. leaders of factions are among the first at the polling stations; the country chooses the future, which means everyone’s voice is important, the parliamentarians noted. now we live in difficult times, special operations are taking place,
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russia is defending its sovereignty, it is necessary to say that in these difficult conditions the best qualities of our people have emerged, so it is very important that we all come to the polls today. today i voted in the presidential elections in russia, in these 3 days our country is choosing the path of development, this is our common cause, together we are choosing the future of russia, i came to the polling station, where i always vote, i was glad to see a lot of ballots already in the ballot box, and i talked with the participants election commission, turnout is high. i am glad, this is very important, do not stay at home during these 3 days, the entire collective west will look at the application under a microscope. there are almost 100,000 polling stations throughout the country, and almost three hundred polling stations operate abroad. our
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political system remains the most open in the world, noted state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. in america, two parties usurped, it will lead to collapse, because... the monopoly of one party in the ussr did not teach them anything, that is why everything came to collapse, now we will see how they will collapse, and we, within our framework... it is different , this campaign by frequency and
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the audacity of interfering in electoral processes. now our colleagues from the european parliament, the bundestag, the congress, and the united states have also joined in anti-russian activities. they gather around them not only agents there, but the most notorious scoundrels and traitors who have crossed over.
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talked with the chairman of the national assembly of the central african republic, as well as representatives of belarus, kazakhstan and a number of other states. a lot of work has been done and all the candidates say that they have no questions about the russian electoral system there is no federation, before that we received mimer reports, everything was in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation, in accordance with election legislation and in accordance with international standards. it is concluded that in the russian federation today all regulatory documents.
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voters through government services expressed a desire to vote remotely, with access shown to be effective, almost 5 million electronically; for comparison, in our elections in 2022, the total number of voters via dex was a little more 110,000 growth, as you can see, is colossal, we believe that this is due both, on the one hand , to the simplicity and convenience of this option, and on the other hand, to its high reliability. there are no online elections in the new territories yet, but you could also cast your vote without leaving
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your home. for residents of these regions, such a measure is primarily about safety and has an additional plus - convenience. early voting there started on february 25. people are happy that we come, because there are old people, there are disabled people who cannot even getting out of bed, it’s very convenient for them that we came straight to their home, they voted. of course it's convenient. i’m at home , here you are, i voted, i went about my business, it’s good that you came, you can vote at home, not everyone can go, in general , go, go vote, in donetsk they voted right at work, that’s how the railway employees chose president, railway workers, friendly people, for us work is probably a second home, so for us at work... it’s easier to gather us all than at home, new territories are voting in local
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areas, the fate of our homeland depends on each of us, so each of us must fulfill our civic duty. according to current legislation , the country's president is elected for a six-year term; the final results of the elections must be announced by the central election commission no later than march 28. maria burkova, nikita kharaskin, sergey gordeev, anna melikyan, elena bogdan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. state duma deputies adopted an appeal to the german bundestag after discussion by the german military command, attacks on the territory of our country. let me remind you that information was previously released about negotiations between high-ranking bundeswehr officers with plans for possible attacks on the crimean bridge. such discussions can be regarded as a threat to our country, stressed state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. we appeal to the german parliament so that they conduct their own independent investigation. we engaged in a substantive
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discussion of the topic related to... the involvement of germany and its senior officers in the issues of striking our country, we are we perceive it as aggression, as a threat to our security. one of the german generals instructed senior officers on how to plan the delivery of long-range missiles to kiev, provide accelerated training for ukrainian personnel, and conduct reconnaissance to destroy critical objects of our civilian infrastructure. about it. stated in the state duma’s address to the bundestag deputies. at the same time, the german military leaders were only worried that suspicion would not fall on chancellor scholz. head of the defense committee andrey kortopolov noted that germany had previously transferred weapons, tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery units and much more to the kiev regime. but this
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was not enough for the germans. and now the newly minted aces of girring are actually working on expansion issues. the territory of military conflict, its escalation and direct participation in the hostilities of the serving bundeswehr. unfortunately, there are people in power in germany who have completely forgotten how expensive aggressive wars are for the german people. meanwhile, the german authorities have not yet responded in any way. situation,” said chairman of the security committee vasily piskarev. there have still been no attempts to condemn the plans of the german military and conduct an open investigation. we insist. to carry it out , we ask our colleagues from the bundestag to join in this in the hope that they, representing the interests of their voters, understand what a disaster preparations for war with russia could turn out to be for them. those who make such plans obviously do not realize the consequences, said the chairman of
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the state duma. russia today has weapons, which is capable of hitting targets in any territory. in our country. how to answer, there are the most modern, high-tech weapons, it is equal, which is not, but we are a peaceful country, we are doing everything to reach a solution within the framework of dialogue, but there are those who do not listen, more than a billion passengers a year are transported by russian railways , and this figure will grow,” the head said. oleg belozerov during the government hour in the state duma. this year, for example, families with children will receive a discount for train travel. the company presented the program construction of high-speed highways. about how deputies can legislatively support the development of railways and what problems need to be solved in the report by elena zhelnina. russian railways have achieved
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world leadership in the accuracy and safety of train traffic, environmental protection, and energy efficiency. freight transportation and other areas. our railways transport 3 million russians every day. last year , for example, the highest figure was recorded for long-distance routes, and this is not the only record set by representatives of sterzhneva and one of the fastest growing sectors of the russian economy. all transportation within the country has reached its maximum in recent decades, but this is not the limit. forecast estimates annually. the growth of passenger traffic shows that in 6 years it will increase by 100 million people. in the target state, by 2030 the passenger complex should provide service and transportation of at least 1 billion 300 million passengers per year. this is the prospect of joint cooperation on government hour with the head of orzhd oleg
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belozerov, state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin notes the building of communication between the russian leadership. each deputy’s appeal is taken under control by the leader, these are colleagues, very important, we must emphasize that if leaders of this level pay great attention to citizens’ appeals, and we only contact you if letters come to us or people ask questions at meetings on their behalf. or problems are voiced, this already says a lot, this indicates that the company is focused on the person, on his appeal and through... such communication is very effective. the successes of the work of the russian arzhd are spoken about from the rostrum of the state duma; they are paid attention to even in
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western countries unfriendly to russia. the financial times reports that demand for cargo transportation on russian railways from foreign consumers has increased significantly. moreover, the german logistics company dhl estimates this growth at 40%, starting from december last year. along with achievements, politicians also mark the front work. when communicating with the leadership of russian railways, we proceeded from the principles of what problems there are in uzhda today that require our legislative intervention. numerous traffic jams continue to grow near railway crossings, in which, in addition to personal cars, there are buses, taxis, and fire ambulances, a problem that needs to be solved. i think that a special federal one is needed. program to address the issue of railway crossings at the federal level and 2025-30, when a new strategy is being formed development of transport in russia, provide these
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funds in the federal budget. previously, the trans-siberian railway was quite calm and not congested. recently, in connection with the reversal of our cargo directly to the far east, what is happening there is that some settlements are being cut along the railway tracks. and people wait to move from one part to another, sometimes for 3-4 hours, this is unacceptable, representatives of 76 regions of the country are online at the right hour, those who are not indifferent to the development of the industry, they are as well as the deputies in the hall are interested in the personnel issue: what is being done in terms of increasing real wages, equating in this case or an adequate ratio of wages of management personnel and workers, we index our wages, always by inflation or higher, since our labor productivity is growing, by what in this way, russian railways ensures the issue of scientific and technological sovereignty of the company in the field of
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personnel training in the segment of special transport education, in our education system well, literally, without exaggeration, it has been going on since kindergarten, while we enter into separate agreements with municipal schools, this is school education, training for our universities. carried out by nine universities located in the roszheldor system. the social block is a separate layer of work. russian railways launches a promotion: travel with children with a 15% discount. a program for the construction of high-speed highways, clearly outlined by the president, has been launched. it identifies four main areas. the first stage is moscow-st. petersburg. his project is already ready. next are moscow-adler, moscow-ekaterinburg and moscow-minsk. railway tourism is developing. over the year, the route network has grown one and a half times; these issues were discussed in detail at meetings with factions. the rapid development
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of russian railways corresponds to the regulatory framework, which the state duma is ready to work on as needed, without slowing down. elena zholonina, sergei vergunov, sergei gordiev, anna melikyan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. where there is simply no way to solve this problem on your own, and as for solving it for citizens’ account, this is unrealistic, so let ’s think it over, prepare an appeal to
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the prime minister, we need to discuss this topic further, the topic was raised during the plenary meeting by the deputy chairman of the committee on construction and housing and communal services svetlana razvorotneva. we receive many requests regarding the critical condition of elevators in apartment buildings; all of our elevators have expired... read more about this and other initiatives that were supported by deputies in our review.
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rent out, including daily can. there will be only those apartments that have utility meters. the new law introduces such requirements. landlords will be required to ensure compliance with the rules for the use of residential premises and the maintenance of common property. neighbors will be able to go to court if their rights were violated during the rental. changes were made to the housing code in pursuance of the decision of the constitutional court. the state duma adopted the supreme court bill in the first reading. which raises the amount the minimum debt with which you can initiate a bankruptcy procedure is from 300,000 to 2 million rubles for most legal entities, and for strategic enterprises up to 3 million. for citizens of individual entrepreneurs, the threshold will not change, it is 500,000 rubles. in addition, a number of bankruptcy procedures are simplified. deputies supported in the first reading the initiative to release prisoners with serious illnesses immediately after
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the relevant decision. court, without waiting for the period for appeals and consideration of the complaint by the appellate court to expire. also it is proposed to allow not only the prisoner himself to file a petition for release, but also the organization in which he is located at the time of illness. the amendments are aimed at humanizing criminal legislation. but on the contrary, they propose to strengthen the responsibility for involving minors in criminal activity. amendments to the criminal code were adopted in the first reading. now is the punishment. threatens for involving teenagers in a criminal group or in committing a grave or especially grave crime, as well as in committing crimes motivated by political, ideological, racial, national or religious hatred. the new bill introduces criminal liability for involving a minor in committing several, three or more crimes of minor average gravity. if the bill is finally adopted, the perpetrator will face imprisonment for a term of 5 to 8
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years. the bill that the state duma adopted in the first reading will help support young professionals. with this status, state assistance will be received by a person who for the first time is employed in a specialty regardless of previous work experience. this will eliminate the legislative gap, due to which students who work part-time while studying can no longer count on benefits. in addition, the bill introduces the concept of a young worker. these are russians under 35 years old who got a job for the first time... watch in the second part of our program. presidential decision for regional development, vyacheslav volodin’s working trip to the tver region. where will the state duma begin to implement putin’s message, as well as a historic decision on how crimea has changed in the 10 years since the referendum.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. does she really read minds or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all
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looking at? by the way, in a sarofan, maybe.


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