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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? well, the girl is worth it, maybe. this dream of mine is somehow connected with this
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case, and you know who the killer is, yes, watch only without doing anything on your own, stand still , don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the site, russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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parliamentary hour, we continue. without the development of municipalities, the development of the state is impossible, the chairman of the state duma said at the forum of municipalities in tver. the future of villages, towns and cities was discussed in the president’s message to the federal assembly. during a working trip to the tver region , vyacheslav volodin spoke about the decisions taken by the head of state to support the regions and got acquainted with the work of industrial enterprises and social facilities of the region. tver is a mechanical electric transport plant, one of the points on the working trip of the state duma speaker. the company today produces more than 200 trams per year. the most spectacular part of the technological process takes place at the tver site. assembling the base for the future carriage. the structures are then sent to the plant in st. petersburg, where work is completed and new trams go onto the streets of russian cities.
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the chairman of the state duma got acquainted with the products of other enterprises in the region at the exhibition equipment from municipal and road construction to agricultural fire fighting equipment. vyacheslav volodin also visited a number of social facilities, a new school with 1,200 seats and a children's clinic equipped with modern equipment.
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this task is solved by our soldiers and officers, low bow to them, words of gratitude. the main topic was the implementation of the tasks set by the president during his address to the federal assembly; issues
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of development of the tver region and support for municipalities were also discussed. a large gap between those powers and the material potential which is placed and maintained. municipality, a great deal has been done in tver, most of the municipalities have been united, resources have been combined, this has increased efficiency, this is wonderful, but it requires a large systematic approach. vyacheslav volodin noted that in order to solve the problems of population outflow from municipalities and local personnel shortages, it is necessary to equalize the salaries of doctors and teachers across regions, and develop a new model of remuneration for public sector employees, the president instructed. these questions. should be given priority attention, because walls can be built, but without a teacher there is no school, without a doctor there is no hospital, so the president said it right. the president’s decision to write off budget
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loans, 2/3 of their volume, also opens up new opportunities for the regions. this will allow, for example, the tver region to make plans for the future with renewed vigor, attracting investors and participating in the implementation of joint programs, he believes. said the chairman of the state duma. you and i must do everything to ensure that our country develops. she can only be strong. when we are with you we are talking about the development of our country, we have our own path. and we need to go through it. we have our own history, we need to build on it. according to vyacheslav volodin, it is necessary to use all the best that we have in history, look at the development practices of other states, use them, but not stand still. alexander shavirin, andrey tarasov, nikita kharaskin, anna melikyan, vladislav alekseev, duma tv. parliamentary hour. chairman of the state duma
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vyacheslav volodya also worked in his constituency of saratov this week areas. he visited the military town of shikhany-2, which he had previously taken patronage over. during the working trip, it... was resolved, but we will not stop and discuss plans for the current year, a military town is significantly different from any territory, understanding this, we must try to improve life with you. the state duma has adopted a plan for the implementation
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of president vladimir putin’s message to the federal assembly, said alexander, first deputy speaker of the state duma, head of the working group for the implementation of the message. always exists, it usually includes chairmen of almost all committees of the state duma, representatives of all factions of the state duma, the task of this group is to prepare, based on the results of each annual address of the president, a list
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of bills that must be adopted in order for certain provisions of the address to be implemented, because the president... a lot of different theses are expressed about what needs to be done there in the field of family policy, there, that means, motherhood, childhood and so on, many of these issues... require changes in laws, this is the task of this working group - to prepare a list of laws that need to be adopted in order for the positions expressed in the message to be implemented. after a fairly detailed discussion, the working group approved a list of 77 bills, a rich message, almost every phrase... provides for something new in the social sphere, accordingly,
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many of these issues require changes to laws, well, for example, it will be necessary to amend the law on state support measures for families, having children in terms of repaying obligations on mortgages, housing loans, loans, amendments to the article of the federal law on civil status acts on mortgages in legislation.
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soldiers and officers who are currently fighting in active units will be able to apply to participate in the first training stream, a special personnel program, the time of heroes, here we are ready to promptly make changes to the legislation, if any are required, we must now look carefully at this issue, then the president said we we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs, here, in fact, two laws have already been adopted, and during this time that has passed, one of them is provided for.
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the state duma is preparing for the annual government report, which will take place on april 3. the day before, as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin said, representatives of all factions will meet with the head of the cabinet of ministers, mikhail mishustin. and now relevant ministers are eagerly coming. so this week the health protection committee discussed the state of the industry with the head of the russian ministry of health, mikhail murashko. i will also meet with the relevant minister. chaired the committee on construction and housing and public utilities, committee chairman sergei pakhomov recalled the importance of a systematic approach in modernizing
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the renovation program and maintaining territories. the parliamentarian also noted that the regions are not effectively using the opportunities given to them in urban planning policy. the state duma will take control of the issue. accepted powers are opportunities and responsibility for not implementing them, but there must also be some way. therefore, this year we, together with colleagues from the government, we will have to simply. work on this as well. exactly 10 years ago, on march 16, 2014, residents of crimea and sevastopol came to a referendum and declared, we are russians. what did the historical decision lead to in yana dobrovolskaya’s report. sign an agreement between the russian
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federation and the republic of crimea on the admission of the republic of crimea to the russian federation and the formation of new entities within the russian federation. what was happening at that moment in the kremlin, without exaggeration, was a historical event. march 18, 2014. st. george's hall, president vladimir putin, the leadership of crimea and sevastopol, sergei aksyo. vladimir konstantinov and alexey chaloy put their signatures on the agreement on returning the territory home.
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from now on, every year our country celebrates the anniversary of the historical event. 10 years crimea and sevastopol have been part of russia. during this time , we have come a long way together. it is necessary to do everything to make our country stronger, the economy to develop, and the quality of life of people to grow. together we will definitely overcome any challenges of unity, love for homeland, faith in russia. our strength. happy holiday, i wish it to all residents of crimea. and the city of sevastopol, good health, happiness and, of course, all the best. for all residents of the peninsula, this event became a turning point in their lives; crimea returned to its native harbor. and now, 10 years later, the region has changed significantly, as the residents themselves say. everything has changed for the better, roads, kindergartens, schools are being built, uh, the salary has become
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decent. education, medicine, trade changed, the crimean bridge was built. it’s also very convenient, which means we did a lot in the center of our simferopol, everywhere we see three water supply systems, it turns out there are roads.
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at which residents had to determine their future fate. based on the results of processing 100% of the all-crimean referendum ballots , more than 96% of voters voted for the peninsula to join the russian federation. the results clearly showed that residents of the region see their future only with russia. i was in the krasnoarmeysky district of the republic at the time of the count. and for me in general it was surprising when in the morning before the opening of the polling station they lined up queues of caring people who wanted to come quickly to vote, such was the emotional impulse of the people, after a difficult, long, exhausting voyage, crimea and sevastopol returned to
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their native harbor.
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the exploits of our ancestors, we have a real future, which we choose together and form as a common creative look into the future. the very next day after the return of crimea to russia, vladimir putin announced the need to build a road and railway bridge across the kerch strait. and today this historical project has been implemented. until 2014, the energy block of crimea was 80. dependent on ukraine. kiev regularly cut off the power supply to the peninsula. now crimea is completely self-sufficient in energy. problems with water supply have been resolved, crimea was previously supplied with water through the north crimean canal, ukraine blocked it after the referendum, as a result, an unstable harvest, the introduction of schedules for turning on water in residential buildings,
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there is no longer any difficulty in this issue. in 10 years , we have overcome a huge transformation the water blockade, there are no problems with water either in crimea or in sevastopol, today the energy blockade, and other blockades have been overcome and will be overcome, we only have victories ahead, big victories. we are moving forward, the financial system has also stabilized, now branches of the country’s seven leading banks operate in crimea, the population of the enterprise does not feel any, well, problems in obtaining financial services in the territory of crimea. moreover, for a number of indicators for a number of, let’s say, the quality of services that are provided to the population and enterprises in crimea, all this is at a higher level and is more actively provided to crimeans. acceleration of development occurred in housing, road construction, sports, healthcare and, of course, tourism.
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recreation areas and historical cultural heritage sites were put in order, public gardens and parks were reconstructed, and the peninsula’s calling cards were restored. the sanatorium-resort and tourist complex is without a doubt a priority direction. of course, crimea has probably become a showcase of the russian federation, it has become, it has probably returned yourself status. that all-union health resort, where residents of our vast country go with pleasure and great desire. today, crimeans proudly talk about their life on the peninsula, their love for their native land and positive changes, always remembering an accurate, complete and reliable chronicle of the events of 2014, the triumph of historical justice, and the journey to their homeland. yana dobrovolskaya, sergey gordeev, elena. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you in
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a week.
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loud scandals between loving people happen regularly, at first he beat me, and then i beat him once and found out that i ’m better at it, in fact, i killed my husband , i killed him with a knife, even ... celebrities turn out to be victims, it all starts with some kind of incredible love, he hit that i flew headfirst into this corner, the sweet life turned into hell, i open my eyes, i understand that i’m lying on the floor in a red puddle, he has this drool flying out of his mouth, he’s fucking, there was no affect, he was already stunned wife stabbed to death with a knife, why are victims of family conflicts, as a rule, are silent, jealous means he loves, beat means he loves, and how to fight back a domestic tera? and without ending up behind bars, we took on this case and conducted our own investigation.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; russian digital solutions should be taken to new heights. there are prospects, even more brutal ones. ours is more brutal, there will be more than exactly what color helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product?
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, the recipe will be how to achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure? russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia
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, 24. your brother is there in donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him, it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture , the pursuit of... views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deepfake, change your voice,
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we will expose all the fakes.
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