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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 6:30am-7:00am MSK

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news in the middle of the hour, briefly: in the amur region, mine rescuers are making their way to miners who were buried in a gold mine, 13 people were blocked by rock debris, a regional emergency regime has been introduced, at the disposal of employees. the ministry of emergency situations has all the necessary equipment. russian tank crews eliminated a camouflaged howitzer and a swinging mortar in the border areas of the belgorod region. the crew of the deeply modernized t-72 fired precise salvos at ukrainian armed forces targets. the head of eu diplomacy, barel, said the proposal for confiscation of proceeds from russian assets frozen in the eu may be presented in the coming days. the official acknowledged the unanimous approval of the idea. russian
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submarine sailors celebrate their professional holiday; ceremonial events are held at all submarine bases at the main fleet bases in the regions. the crews who are on mission also receive congratulations from the command. well, now about the story that became known after the events in ovdeevka. the seriously wounded russian serviceman remained to await evacuation, but at the same time, he captured a ukrainian armed forces fighter. he gave up okay...
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during this interview, sergei often holds his head, not because it’s difficult to remember, the concussion is severe, his left eye could not be saved, he has a double fracture of the tibia and right forearm, there are still operations ahead, now he is in a military hospital in the moscow region, but his beloved olesya is waiting for him at home in kazan, i found out about everything on february 23, when sergei was still lying where his colleagues left him and no one really knew whether they would pull him out, i was always with them.
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i was talking, i said: boys, you tell me i’m just saying, don’t lie , you tell me how it is, you wanted the truth, i told you, sergei is currently wounded, he hasn’t been evacuated yet, what i went through, well, probably, “i don’t even want to wish this on my enemy, because this, this is so hard, it hurts , yes, that to realize that he may not exist, your loved one may not exist, i haven’t slept for two days, i keep saying, well, mentally, yes there, please, crawl there, crawl as best you can, there, crawl, something else, but still my feeling did not let me down, i knew that he alive, i knew that he..." would live. sergei was seriously wounded during the assault on a position in the ssu in the village of lastochkina. he could not move himself, his leg hung like a whip, he could hardly see. it was impossible to take sergei, so he was hidden in building of a dilapidated kindergarten. colleagues left a machine gun with one cartridge. there is no need to explain what this means.
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and at night, when everything was quiet, a wounded ukrainian, twenty-five-year -old sasha from nikolaev, came out to this shelter. the kiev regime first threw him into a meat grinder, and then threw one onto the battlefield. something, well, a grenade, maybe some kind , i don’t know, he says, i only have a knife, i say, sasha, come on, so that you and i have this, i say, there are no disagreements, i say, you have your own knife put it aside, i was already thinking about everything, because you never know if they will reconsider their views, that it is worth taking my machine gun to shoot, but he
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didn’t do that and lay with me, waiting for him to get dressed, all this time sergei was waiting for reinforcements of his comrades in arms, such as ... awarded the medal of courage for shooting down an american bradley, like a volga, siva, cheerful, these are all call signs, hearing which there at the front is sometimes much more important than just names, it means your own are nearby, even despite heavy fire, although the ukrainian sasha, despite the fact that the formal enemy also seemed to have become a little like one of his own, because he was crawling for water, under fire and did bandages, the arrivals were right next to our house in the house, we simply prayed to god together and ... saved, how such a brotherly relationship would awaken between us, when even we were evacuated, i say, let at least i'll look at you, like this i opened my eyes, looked at his face, remembered his face, shook his hand, i said, sasha, thank you very much for everything, the captured soldier in
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su was also sent to the hospital, our military treated him kindly, fed him, gave him tea, nikolaev alexander, after all , his relatives are also waiting, his young wife is already an elderly mother, they believe that he will return. like any wife and mother, probably, yes, before i went to church i just lit a candle to greet this person, at the moment, yes, i would like there to be some kind of the opportunity to find him, yes, just to say thank you to him, thank you for your husband, thank you for helping, we are all russian, we are all brothers from the beginning and... well, the nationalists came up with some of their own and our unfriendly western countries, they just connected we are two fraternal peoples, in any case, there are people there who are decent, who understand.
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olesya herself, together with her children, with sergei they have two little sons, as soon as she could, rushed to the hospital here in the moscow region to care for her husband, so that before the wedding, which, by the way, has not happened yet, as they say, everything has healed. sergei is very touched, although it is generally accepted that a man does not cry , he still wipes his eyes, even the one where the temporary implant is now, and of course, says hello to his family and his brothers in arms, so that they are alive and return home to all their fifths roti, so that the living remain, i have two children, small, they are in kindergarten, i decided to set an example for my children, that’s the only reason i went.
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regions of the country where it will become cold like january, where, on the contrary, april warmth will return. this is the weather, a joint project russia 24 tv channel and fobys center, i’m ksenia levitskaya, hello. atlantic cyclones will spoil the weather in siberia on the russian plain in the coming days. by the beginning of this week , the country was conditionally divided into two zones: in the southern mid-latitudes of european and asian territory it was warm on monday. in crimea, for example, the temperature rose to +12°, in tatarstan. and here is the result of the protracted thaw, a terrible video from
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almetyevsk. a huge mass of ice from the roof falls on a thirty-year-old man, and also for a stroller with a five month old baby. the baby was hospitalized, and the young man also required medical attention. even a cold sectional car has been thawing in recent days. here the thermometers the day before showed +4 and the siberian region. that's it, our road ends. tests the strength of the ice of one of the local rivers and falls into the water with his foot. but in northern latitudes it became noticeably colder on monday. in st. petersburg , the temperature barely exceeded zero. in arkhangelsk for the first time in a week and a half. the thaw happened, and at night the thermometers showed a quite wintery -13. in varkuta, after
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-1 on sunday, the day before it was no higher than -9 even during the day. such weather contrasts are a sure sign that power in the atmosphere over the country is once again passing to cyclones. the cooling was caused by a whirlwind, which is now circling over the north of siberia, so that the western half of the country found itself in its cold rear, and another cyclone is currently breaking through to us from the black sea, under its influence on... russia will experience heavy rainfall today . at the epicenter of the bad storm will be the eastern slopes of the caucasus. so in derbens the rain will continue all day. and over the next 24 hours, more than half a month’s worth of moisture will pour into the city. of course, due to dense clouds it will become cooler, but not much. total up to +8. after all, well-heated air circulates in the circulation of the vortex. and this flow will be able to practically neutralize the influence of the cold front associated with the siberian cyclone. true, this. concerns only the russian plain, the black sea heat will not penetrate beyond the urals, so the asian part of the country will fully
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experience the arctic invasion. already today, for example, in the north of the region it will become frosty, like in january. and in the southern latitudes the thermometer readings will at least return to normal climate. then, obeying the normal west-east transfer, the cold will sweep across southern siberia, and every day the temperature will be lower and lower. for example, in krasnoyarsk today it is +8°. tomorrow it will snow and rain and it will only be +2. on thursday the temperature will drop to -6. friday is expected to be -8 already, this is the norm for february. but i repeat, for most of european russia, nothing of the kind threatens. in moscow today it’s +5, light rain is possible in places, and then the sun will come out and the air will warm up better every day. yes +8 on weekends. that's all i have. goodbye.
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konstantin, it’s become easier to get deposit insurance, yes, roman, now it’ll be possible to return it. in online mode. depositors of collapsed banks will be able to apply for and receive insurance compensation without leaving their homes. all you need is the internet. the relevant provisions of the law come into force today. previously, depositors had to apply for compensation in person by presenting a passport, application and a number of other documents. now you can do it remotely through the website of the deposit insurance agency or the state services portal. there is no need to provide identification documents. allowed to use.
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foreign holders cannot pay in the currency of the russian eurobond issue due to western sanctions; they prohibit our country from making transfers in dollars and euros. the ministry of finance, however, continues to fulfill its obligations to investors by transferring funds in rubles to a special account. pipeline gas supplies from russia to europe increased by 25% in january-february. general the volume of imports to the eu over 2 months exceeded 25.5 billion cubic meters, of which russian gas accounted for 18%. despite unprecedented geopolitical pressure, our country remains the second largest supplier of pipeline gas to europe. despite all the desire to completely switch to lng, the european union physically does not have such an opportunity, experts say. and there is nothing on
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the market to replace the sharp decline in gas supplies from russia. there is no free gas on the market. not only is there no free gas, there are no gas carriers yet, because this gas must be transported somehow. and plus there are no free regasification terminals in europe, simply not, building them for this requires time and large, large investments. and most importantly, not only investments. this is money, but it also requires material resources, which europe also does not have. as for lng, asia is becoming its key consumer. imports grew by 8.5% compared to last year, while to europe they decreased by 10. and against this background , bloomberg writes about such a new, still theoretical concept as the gas yuan. china, russia and iran collectively produce more gas than the united states, giving one of the currencies a status similar to oil. dollar may only be a matter of time. europe is urgently looking for ways to revive the production of lithium and other rare earth metals. the industry is in
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deep decline, competition to china has been lost , and against the backdrop of geopolitical confrontation , brussels does not want to allow dependence, the energy policy magazine points out. the european commission really has something to worry about. china's share in the world production of non-ferrous and rare earth metals reaches 60%. europe's share is only three, and 30 years ago the figure was 40%. previously, diversification of supplies was achieved with the help of russia, but now brussels does not want to cooperate with either beijing or moscow. at the end of the issue on currencies , the official dollar today is 91.98, the euro costs 100 rubles. 24 kopecks and that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you, i’ll briefly talk about some of the central themes of the hour. on yuzhnodonetskoe. in the direction of the special operation , the russian military destroyed a strong point apu. the task was carried out by the calculation of the grad multiple launch rocket system. the target was discovered with the help of drone operators, who also provided
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fire adjustments. a rescue operation is underway in the amur region at the site of a mine collapse. and the day before there was a rock collapse. 13 people are trapped inside. a team of mine rescuers joined the search ; a regional state of emergency was introduced in the region. the body of the second was found in kamchatka. a tourist caught in an avalanche in the krasnoarmeysky pass area. a snowfall covered a group of eleven people the day before, two died, the rest were not injured. france is ready to support poland in limiting the import of agricultural products from ukraine, a political source claims. according to experts, such a decision by paris and warsaw will deprive ukraine of income in the amount of more than a billion euros per year. premiere at the chekhov moscow art theater today. the play “hunger” will be presented for the first time on the small stage; it is based on the novel by the norwegian writer knut hamsun. at the beginning of the last century, his play was staged in the theater by stanislavsky mirovich danchenko. now directed by elizaveta bondar
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i decided to return to my favorite author. sofia sergieva will tell you what the new production is about and how it plans to captivate the audience. i’m happy that you turned to me first. to give this alms to the tramp, he had to pawn his vest. a writer slightly mad from hunger wanders the streets of a norwegian town in search of food and a muse. he is undoubtedly talented, but too complex for the general reader. when i read it for the first time, i lived in st. petersburg and perceived it through the prism of fyodor mikhailovich dastoevsky, because it is very similar that he lives in an office, somewhere in the attic the landlady is not paid, he is already so... at the starting point, wounded and exhausted that he does not have enough strength for normal live contact with the people he meets. the mkhat stage has a special chamber setting, the scenery
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is minimal, nothing distracts from the action, in which, as in hamsun’s novel, the focus is on the study of the living human soul. this story is actually plotless; it is composed of such internal states of the hero, of his various mental disorders. next to me, in general the veil theme is very is important - in the novel, because most of the time he sees her in a veil, this girl, and constantly asks her to take it off, because he cannot clearly see her features to recognize her.
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in the novel it is said many times that she was walking in a red dress, just this one, apparently, this image of this red color, in all these gray, gray, gray circumstances that surround it, it seems to me that it’s like such a light , which arises, which he fails to grasp, the fate of the writers was also influenced by the little heroine alexandra, who also showed us her image, she has both a school uniform and a home uniform, she wears it everywhere, i have it. during the performance, as if during the dubbing of a silent movie, live music sounds. to create audio effects, composer roman parkhomenko used the most unexpected instruments and even ruined the piano. i found a very cool vibratone instrument in the store. i went to the noisemakers of the theater and found various very old instruments, rattles, violins, which, in my opinion, are already
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haven't used it for years. who , the norwegian writer was one of the favorite authors of the early makhate, his plays were staged here by stanislavsky yanimirovich danchenko, the author himself said, only russians can understand his dramaturgy, light, sail into the deep land, sofia sergieva, yuri gonchar, valery glushakov, lead. your brother is there, in donbass, in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov,
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in short. you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you, get ready, moscow , we write down our brother as missing, it won’t go well, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, over there. went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture, chasing
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views change. entire locations, it’s easy to make a deepfake and change your voice. we will expose all fakes.
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in the amor region, mine rescuers are in a regional state of emergency; they are making their way to the miners who were buried in a gold mine; 13 people were blocked by rock debris; rescuers have all the necessary equipment. russian tank crews eliminated a camouflaged howitzer and a swinging mortar in the border areas of the dolgogorod region. the crew fired precise salvos at ukrainian armed forces targets.


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