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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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pomeranian region, mine rescuers are making their way to the miners who were buried in a gold mine, 13 people were blocked by the rock, a regional state of emergency has been introduced, rescuers have all the necessary equipment at their disposal. russian tank crews eliminated a camouflaged howitzer pumping mortar in the border areas of the belgorod region. the crew fired precise salvos at ukrainian armed forces targets. modernized t-72. the head
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of eu diplomacy, parel, announced a proposal for the confiscation of income from russian assets frozen in the eu, which may be presented to coming days. the official admitted that there was no unanimous approval for the idea. russian submariners celebrate their professional holiday. ceremonial events take place at all submarine bases at the main raft bases in the regions. the crew who are there also receive congratulations from the command. in the amur region , a rescue operation is underway at the site of a collapse in a gold mine; the day before, a rock collapse occurred, 13 people were trapped inside, a team of mine rescuers joined the search with special equipment, they are breaking through corridors, trying to restore contact with the miners , our correspondent, maria gumlevaya, is working on the spot, she has all the latest information, according to preliminary information, the communications company with those located underground on... has not yet
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succeeded, meanwhile in the amur region they have introduced in connection with the current situation, the regional emergency mode, i would like to remind you that a collapse in a mine at the pioneer mine occurred the day before at 9:00 pm, according to preliminary information, there are approximately 13 people underground, they are at a depth of about 125 m, 25 rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations are trying to help the situation, equipment is also involved, specialists are all equipped with the necessary equipment. equipment, an additional group of rescuers from the khabarovsk territory, as well as from the yakut nerengre, was sent to them. in addition, specialists from the primorsky territory will soon arrive, and a reserve from kusbas has also been prepared. employees of the organization where the chup occurred are contacting the relatives and friends of those who are under the rubble, they are ready to provide them with hotels in the zeya district, and we are also ready to provide psychological assistance. in addition, for medical assistance, those who
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are under the rubble are ready to deliver specialists from the amur center for medicine and disasters, that is, to evacuate them by helicopter. i will add that the petropavlovsk mine is located in the north of the amur region, it is part of one of the largest gold mining enterprises in russia. in kamchatka, the body of a second tourist caught in an avalanche in the krasnoarmeysko area was discovered. pass, he was found by rescuers who finally reached the place tragedy, i had to work in difficult weather conditions, in the area of ​​operation there was a strong snowstorm and wind. let me remind you that an avalanche covered a group of eleven people the day before; two of them failed to escape. the body of the dead woman was found by her comrades, but a rescuer had to look for the young man. the nine surviving climbers were not injured; now they are preparing for evacuation, as soon as the weather permits, people will be taken out, a helicopter from the ministry of emergency situations has already been sent to them. the group that
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completed the ascent came from a local tourist club, consisting mainly students. in the border areas of the belgorod region, russian tank crews destroyed important enemy positions, their location was found out by intelligence officers, and the coordinates were passed on to the crew of the deeply modernized t-72. our fighters took a convenient position and fired a sighting salvo from an indirect firing position. the drone operators helped with the adjustments and were eliminated as a result. howitzer of the armed forces of ukraine assets. pumping mortar. the rate of fire of tank guns allows you to complete the task in the shortest possible time before return fire ukrainian troops. the european union is introducing new sanctions against russia and continues to manipulate income from frozen funds . however, not all eu members are unanimous on how to use them. but in the meantime , american backers do not want to finance ukraine for free and offer money on loan. read more about the new fluctuations. west, victoria koroleva.
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to escape from mobilization by any means, ukrainians are looking for a new opportunity to avoid going to the front. romanian border guards detained another draft dodger, he came from nikolaev on... to escape the country i pedaled almost 800 km. meanwhile , an american senator arrived in kiev and again called for mobilizing as many people as possible. lincegram advised the ukrainians to fight regardless of whether the united states continues to provide its support. at a meeting with zelensky, the senator proposed a new format of assistance to kiev in the form of an interest-free loan. graham recalled that eu assistance, unlike american assistance, was initially provided in the form of a loan. i learned that 380 billion will be a new way of doing business. them
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in the meantime, the european union agreed on new sanctions against russia, and already in july, as bloomberg writes, eu members may begin transferring income from frozen russian assets to ukraine. introduction of the so-called income tax. however, bloomberg notes, while the eu is arguing about how exactly to spend this money, the head of european diplomacy , borel, said that the funds should be directed exclusively to military assistance to the ssu. after the discussion today i saw strong support, some countries want more details, but overall there is strong support for the idea that to take income from assets to use them in the interests of ukraine, how to provide military assistance. within the framework of the european peace fund, as well as strengthening the defense base of ukraine. i can’t say that there was unity, but there is a strong consensus on making such a decision. european leaders are also busy with other problems, as politics writes, france supported calls from poland to limit the export of agricultural products from ukraine to the european union, under pressure from its own citizens. earlier
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, french farmers gathered for a large-scale protest, polish farmers also came out on the streets against cheap imports from ukraine. meanwhile, moscow’s rights continue to be defended in the international political arena. to participate in the discussion about his own future, as the politician reports, sinzinzin will go to france to convince europe to invite all potential participants to the swiss summit. the publication notes that china may boycott peace negotiations on ukraine if russia is not present. turkey also believes that the time has come to stop the bloodshed. for ankara, europe's plans to settle scores with russia with the help of ukraine unacceptable, the turkish foreign ministry said and warned that there is already a high risk of the conflict spreading to other regions. there is a boxing match going on, which is very expensive, there is a threat of the conflict spreading to other regions, to eastern europe, to central europe, there is talk about nuclear weapons. we see that in europe a number of politicians are gradually becoming aware of the risks, and europe should be more
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worried than us. the minister added that there are some hopes for 2025, according to him, we need to wait and see what will happen conditions. victoria koroleva, lead. the south korean defense minister questioned kiev's version of the so-called bucha massacre. at the press conference, the official said that he could not assess what happened, because ukraine had not yet provided clear evidence. let me remind you that in march of twenty- two, the ukrainian media published photos and videos allegedly about the crimes of the russian military in bucha. as noted in the ministry of defense of our country, during the time the city was under russian control, not a single local resident was subjected to violent action was not injured. israel regularly bombs buildings in the gaza strip without credible evidence that they are military targets. the washington post reports this, citing sources in the white house. according to their information , the american administration is now not confident that the idf’s actions are necessary to achieve
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military goals. at the same time, the united states expects that israel will not launch a major operation in the south of the enclave while the authorities of the jewish state are negotiating with washington. advisor to the american president spoke about this according to national security, according to his information, a decisive meeting at which the operation in rafahi will be discussed should take place in a few days. the head of the palestinian authority, meanwhile, said that israel's goal is to turn the gas sector into a place uninhabitable for life, the official said this during a meeting with his singaporean counterpart. according to arab media, the parties discussed joint actions for a ceasefire in the enclave. now economic news, konstantin churikov joins me. konstantin, good morning. hello roman, yes, and importantly, the observed inflation is also slowing down. inflation expectations among russians dropped to 11.5% in march, as reported by the bank of russia based on survey results. if we talk about the observed inflation, it
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also decreased and by exactly the same amount. at the first meeting of this year, the central bank kept the key rate at 16%. according to the regulator’s estimates, taking into account the ongoing monetary policy. the dollar exchange rate was less than 92 rubles. the american currency fell by 98 kopecks. a euro cost a little more than 100 rubles. per day having fallen in price by almost 20 kopecks per ruble. the yuan exchange rate decreased by 14 kopecks to 12 rubles. 73 kopecks last week the ruble was losing ground, but now the main topic is the preparation of the exporters company for tax payments in march. in addition, currency sales within the budget provide support. the rule and rising oil prices, as well as the results of the presidential election, of course, provided
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incentives for investors to trade on monday. this morning the trend continued. pipeline gas supplies from russia to europe increased by 25% in january-february. overall volume imports to the eu in 2 months exceeded 25.5 billion cubic meters, of which russian gas accounted for 18%. despite unprecedented geopolitical pressure. our country remains the second largest supplier of pipeline gas to europe. despite the desire to completely switch to lng, the european union physically does not have such an opportunity, experts say. and there is nothing on the market to replace the sharp decline in gas supplies from russia? there is no free gas on the market. not only is there no free gas, there are no gas carriers yet, because this gas must be transported somehow. and plus there are no free regasification terminals in europe, there is simply no way to build them for this. over time , large, large investments and, most importantly, not only investments, money is money, but
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here we also need material resources, which europe also does not have. as for lng, asia is becoming its key consumer. imports grew by 8.5% compared to last year, while to europe they decreased by 10. against this background , bloomberg writes about such a new, still theoretical concept as the gas yuan. china, russia and iran collectively produce more gas than the united states. it may only be a matter of time before one of the currencies is given status similar to oil and the dollar. well, here are the consequences of the anti-russian course, this time for germany. wages there are now falling at the fastest rate since 1950 due to the refusal of russian gas, the guardian writes. due to the fall in industrial production, germany is experiencing a technical recession. according to imf forecasts, germany's economic growth rate will be the same in the next 2 years.
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provide impact correction. they are helped by drone operators, aka american senator linzi graham called on ukrainian legislators to pass a law to tighten mobilization; in his opinion, kiev should send more people to the front, regardless of age and military assistance from the united states. rescuers discovered the body of a second tourist caught in an avalanche at the krasnoarmeisky pass in kamchatka. today is a professional holiday for russian
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submariners, celebrations are taking place at submarine bases and fleet bases, units and crews who are on missions also receive congratulations from the command. they are rebuilding in mariupol. the first city hospital, it was almost completely destroyed during the fighting, now only one department is working, according to the builders, many buildings of the medical institution are almost ready to open, irina referemova saw how the work is going. all buildings of city hospital no. 1 were destroyed, restoration is still ongoing. there are 14 objects on a vast territory, many already have a high degree of readiness, and the representative the contractor says: a large amount of work was carried out over several months.
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much more difficult than in ordinary houses, the number of workers on the site will increase in may and will show a completely different picture, and today the first opened hemodialysis department continues to operate in the hospital, people who are literally... tied to the machine can live and undergo treatment in mariupol. by the way, doctors managed to save the equipment during the fighting. we still have an x-ray machine, but at the end of the twenty-third year we... received good news: we we purchased a mobile x-ray machine as part of the primary care modernization program. every day we have between 100 and 120 people. new equipment appears. uski specialists continue to conduct receptions, and builders quickly identify defects. therefore, almost finished buildings will gradually open. irina efremova, dmitry rud. news donetsk-mariupol. in
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murmonsk we met a special flight that brought a group of paratroopers and polar explorers. on the borneo expedition, they have a special mission in the arctic, they are building an airfield on a drifting ice floe and a camp for scientists and tourists. why and what unique program with the participation of astronauts is being prepared at the top of the earth, elvira serga found out. the heavy military transport il-76 brought a group of paratroopers, polar explorers and special cargo to murmass for our high-latitude expedition. this is not the first time that the airport has received such guests, because geographically murmonsk is the most favorable point for a stopover on the way to the north pole. the core of the borneo team has not changed for many years, the pilots, parachute service, polar paratroopers from moscow, smolensk, voronezh, murmansk. they arrive
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once a year in march to make several flights from here to the top of the earth to build an airfield in the arctic. drifting ice floes and the borneo camp, which will host scientists and tourists for a month and a half. the road to murmansk is always a favorite, beautiful one. we will fly on the khatango route from baranova, borneo and back. there is excitement, but we already know our task, we can handle it. from murmansk in the advanced group this year again our fellow countryman, polar parachutist, vladimir mashkorkin, for him it will be already seventh expedition. he worked in the airborne rescue service for 25 years. now he is the head of the complex airport shift, but why is it necessary? well, that’s how vladimir sergeevich pligin said at one time, he ’s drawn to the north, when the guys fly in every year, it’s like, well, how can i say, deja viya somewhere in my youth, in my youth. our task is to get to the area of ​​the north pole,
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find a visual ice floe, more or less level, and land. well, get settled. this year il-76 will make another special flight for landing of participants in the north pole stratosphere 2024 program. a group of astronauts will jump from a height of 10 km onto an ice floe for the first time. this jump will be supported by the world record holder and parachuting legend evgeniy bokalov. oxygen equipment experiences extreme situations, because... at the north pole there is its own atmosphere, its own disadvantages, he will jump with oxygen equipment in a mask, here he is and two more partners, three people will jump, about 2 days are needed in order sort the cargo into three flights, camp for survival barrels of fuel, a total of 26 platforms,
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two tractors, the first flight will start as soon as weather permits. elvira serga, vladislav egorov, hosted by murma. now sports news ilya these days is deciding whether velimir petkovic will remain at the helm of the men's handball team. the german press writes about the coach's departure from russia. roman yes, the head of the handball federation sergei shashkarev, responded to this by saying that the issue has not yet been settled, the contract with petkovich continues to be valid until the end of july, the parties will discuss in the near future questions, in the future, they will try to persuade him to stay in russia. the main sensation of the 1/4 finals of the gagarin cup was the tractor club from chelyabinsk twice. beat dynamo away, a good basis for the final victory in the series before the home matches. in the next game, the team gave the fans a goal by scoring nine goals between them. the first two periods were left to the tractor. before the third twenty minutes, the guests were leading 4:2. if in the first match such an advantage was enough for them to win, then here dynamo were able to even the scores and send the match into overtime. it's time for canadian
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tractor goalkeeper zack fukali. during extra time, he saved his team twice, denying an inevitable goal. in the end , it was the guests who were able to score the winning goal. already lying on the opponent's turn, alexander sharov managed to slip it into the goal. 2:0 in the series in favor of the tractor, the next two matches will be held in chelyabinsk. lokomotiv led the series with the same score after the away matches. yaroslavl left no stone unturned in the second game vanguard, crushing amich 7:0. the key in the match was the second period, when lokomotiv was able to score four unanswered goals in 8 minutes and turn the third period of the match into a formality. vanguard like that. to recover from this, i missed twice more in the final twenty minutes. lokomotiv is confidently leading the series, which now moves to yeroslavl. nikita kucherov was recognized as the first star. and washington took
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another confident step into the nhl playoffs this morning, the capital city upset calgary away 5:2, alexander ovechkin chalked up a double. the washington captain helped his team convert the power play twice. first, he sniffed his partner’s pass on the spot, and a little later he scored the signature puck with a powerful flick from his own. we don’t have such a thing that there is someone specifically , clearly expressed, it seems to me that now the strength of the dynamo team is that at
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some moment, in some situation, today it will be me, tomorrow it will be there smolov, let tomorrow it will be valbuina, everyone can take both the word and the responsibility for action and on the field for this reason, i think now the strength lies precisely in this. the twenty-third round of the football first league turned out to be rich in beautiful goals. neftik beat khimki 3:1 on the road, and the highlight of the match was maxim petrov's goal. the striker responded to the pass from the flank with a beautiful overhead shot into the corner of the goal. it would seem that this acrobatic move would be the best goal of at least the entire tour. but kamaz midfielder daniil rodin had a different opinion on this matter. his irresistible shot into the top nine and beyond the free kick flew into the goal along such an unimaginable trajectory that even the player himself did not... at first what happened. the goal was the winning one for kamaz; the bosses beat dynamo matchkala 2:1. the best player in the russian handball championship last season
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, elena mikhalichenko, returned to the court after a 4-month break and helped cska beat kuban. the muscovites' big victory 38:25 practically guaranteed them second place in the preliminary stage. with the arrival of rio olympic champion anna sidoikina to the cska coaching staff, etc. the red and blue goalkeepers finally played great. this position has been problematic all season. mikhalichenko scored five goals, showing that with her the attack looks completely different to the champion. a week later, csk has an important match on the road with leader rostoldon. this is true sports news. novel. ilya, thank you. we continue. a new nato base will appear on the black sea coast; construction has already begun in the port of constanta area in romania. in addition to hangars for equipment and military infrastructure. will build a whole city for soldiers, officers and their families. the alliance intends invest over $2.5 billion in the project, and make the base the largest in europe. why did they place their bets on romania? -
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evgenia petrukhina found out. washington seems to be preparing a strike fist on the eastern flank, and is doing this with the hands of stoltenberg. next to sports in the city of constanta, romania is building the largest nato military base in europe. it will be 20% more than...
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they have already rushed to put together a story, they say that there are now about 500 soldiers at this romanian air base, mostly american military personnel, and that they say expansion and modernization of the base means ensuring security, in the same story the analyst says that yes, this construction is directly related to the conflict in ukraine, this base will become the most important in the nato structure, it is the conflict in the south of ukraine. we don't think this conflict is anywhere near ending this year, by 2025
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. in 2026 the conflict is for the long term, the statement of the so-called romanian analysts is nothing more than a propaganda information cover for nato’s aggressive actions, and romania is here well just a platform for deploying forces, here we really see an attempt by the americans to make maximum use of the puppets under their control in bucharest, sofia and the baltic capitals for the militarization of eastern europe. and for strategic pressure on russia. the americans now have eight permanent bases in poland, and they are actively expanding their presence , including in romania. and how is this beneficial for romania or bucharest, no one even asked. it is very likely that the reasons for the strengthening of the eastern flank are precisely that the odessa region is nearby. even they have already guessed that odessa most likely will no longer be ukraine. and fearing that russia will leave
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is in romania, so most likely, those same f-16s will fly from romania to ukraine, maybe even the runway of this new airbase. they promise to deploy the largest nato military base in europe by 204, at least this is according to the romanian media, to whom the pentagon chief is unlikely to tell the truth. it turns out that washington is being prepared in romania in every sense words, alternate airfield. in case of a game. dolguya, it seems, is seriously afraid that she won’t work out in ukraine.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. does she really read minds or not?


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