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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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during a rescue operation at a gold mine in the amur region, rock debris blocked the miners. it is the russian cities that are working in the south-donetsk direction; the vzz stronghold has been destroyed. money is only loaned to kyiv. why american patrons no longer want to finance ukraine for free. crimea is, first of all, people. a grand concert was held on red square to mark the tenth anniversary of reunification with the country. hunger at the chekhov moscow art theater, on the small stage of the premiere, will present this performance based on the novel for the first time norwegian writer. in the amur region, a group
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of mine rescuers joined the operation to free miners trapped in a gold mine. the accident occurred the day before, rock collapsed and the entrance to the mine was blocked. 13 people are trapped inside and there is no contact with them. nothing is known about the condition of the people. our correspondent, maria gomlevai, is working on site; she is in direct contact with the studio. maria, i welcome what they say. hello, colleagues, a collapse in the pioneer mine mine occurred yesterday at 9:00 pm, in connection with this the government region introduced a regional state of emergency, this decision was made at a meeting of the coes, which was held by governor vasily orlov, he took the situation under personal control, according to preliminary data, there may be about 13 people under the rubble, they are at a depth of approximately 125 m, communication.
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it has not yet been possible to establish with those underground, 25 specialists from the ministry of emergency situations are working on the spot, and rescue groups from the khabarovsk territory, yakut neryungri, and also from the primorsky territory arrived to them, a reserve from kusbas was prepared, they were supplied all necessary equipment, equipment, uh, according to the latest data, rescuers assess the situation and conduct reconnaissance of the scene using underground equipment and... loading vehicles, they clear the transport slope, and also pump out the pulp, the organization’s employees contact the relatives and friends of those who are now under the rubble, they are ready to organize temporary temporary accommodation for them, as well as place them in hotels in the zeya district and provide them with psychological assistance. in addition, the medical services of the amur region are ready to evacuate those who are under land, that is, to attract medicine for this.
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disasters and i will add that the pioneer mine is located in the north of the region, it is part of one of the largest gold mining enterprises in russia, we will monitor further information, and this is all the news for now. thank you, rescue operation at the site of the collapse at rudnik in the amur region, said our correspondent maria gomlevaya. and in kamchatka, the body of a second tourist who was caught in an avalanche in the area of ​​the red army pass was discovered. a rescuer found him. who finally got there tragedy, i had to work in difficult weather conditions in the area of ​​​​the operation, there was a strong snowstorm and wind, let me remind you that an avalanche covered a group of eleven people the day before, two failed to get out, the body of the dead woman was found by her comrades, but a rescuer had to look for the young man, nine survived the climbers were not injured, now they are preparing for evacuation, as soon as the weather permits, people will be taken out, a helicopter from the ministry of emergency situations has already flown out to them, the group that made... the ascent from the local
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tourist club, its composition mainly students. in the donetsk direction, the russian military destroyed the ukrainian armed forces' drone control point, and artillerymen carried out precision strikes. the combat crew of the mstab large-caliber howitzer received coordinates from the scouts. after the first salvos and fire adjustments, the artillerymen eliminated the target. she was in a dilapidated building. drone operators confirmed an accurate hit. then our soldiers camouflaged the gun. retreated to cover to avoid return fire. in the southern donetsk direction , the russian military destroyed a stronghold apu. the task was carried out by the calculation of the grad multiple launch rocket system. the fighters covered the target with the help of drone operators. they provided adjustments to the strikes. artillery fires rockets in a strictly defined order, thereby protecting the vehicle from capsizing. our war correspondent, eduard punigov, will tell you the details. the crew of the rszzo
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grad of the thirty-seventh brigade of the thirty-sixth army loads full ammunition before leaving for the line of combat contact. each shell weighs approximately 80 kg. but the soldiers don't complain, there's no way to hesitate it’s impossible, you need to charge the hail as quickly as possible and leave this point before the enemy drones see it. the driver drives the car to a combat position at maximum speed. it takes several minutes to deploy the missile defense system, the gunner sets the coordinates , and the soldiers open fire. aerial reconnaissance reports a successful defeat. enemy stronghold, here is footage of a night sortie of the same crew: the salvos are short, because in the dark they are clearly visible, and the likelihood of a retaliatory strike is high. this installation has been working in the southern donetsk direction since the beginning of the special operation. the enemy is conducting
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a targeted hunt for hail, so combat crews never stay in one place, they are constantly moving, soldiers quickly shoot all the ammunition, and dismantle the installation. and immediately leave the battlefield and return to cover. the fighters already know their installation by heart; according to them , the shells are fired not in order, but in a special pattern. so that the car does not sway, if, for example, they fly out in order, it can be placed somewhere on its side, one will be fired from this side, one will be fired from that side, so that the load on the axle is different. this crew came here from buryatia. during the special operation, the soldiers learned to understand each other perfectly. my task. it’s already hailing on the target, they give us, as it were, well, they say coordinates, the main direction , we arrive, i set the bead, and set the main direction, that’s it, i throw the angles already exact, as if to our gunner, the gunner already orients, turns the package, turns it
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further my angles, orientation goes away, well from 2 up to 5 minutes, rczo grad have enormous destructive power, it is almost impossible to hide from them even in dugouts. the grad multiple launch rocket system is used to work against area targets, this can be enemy manpower, his armored vehicles, as well as personnel who are hidden in dugouts in trenches. accordingly, these different purposes have their own range of ammunition. reactive systems play a critical role at the cutting edge. they help infantry overcome even the most fortified positions in the ssu. edward. alexander botkin, news: south donetsk direction. the european union is introducing new sanctions against russia and continues to manipulate income from frozen assets. however, not all eu members are unanimous on how to use them, and in the meantime, american backers do not want to finance ukraine
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free of charge and offer money as loans. read more about the new western swings, victoria koroleva. to escape mobilization by any means, ukrainians are looking for a new opportunity to avoid going to the front. romanian border guards detained another evader, he came from nikolaeva pedaled almost 800 km to escape the country. meanwhile, an american senator arrived in kiev and again called for mobilizing as many people as possible. linsigram advised the ukrainians to fight regardless of whether the united states continues to provide its support. at a meeting with zelensky, the senator proposed a new format of assistance to kiev in the form of an interest-free loan. graham recalled that eu assistance, unlike american assistance, was initially provided in the form of a loan. i learned that $380 billion of russian sovereign assets are frozen, $200 billion in belgium and we need to get this money to help ukraine help itself. therefore, i told the president that i am ready to help ukraine, but we must do this in the form of a lawsuit without
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interest. this will be a new way of doing business. meanwhile, the european union agreed on new sanctions against russia, and as early as july, as bloomberg writes, eu members may begin transferring funds to ukraine. income from frozen russian assets, the introduction of the so -called income tax will allow receive about 3 billion euros. the plan still needs to be approved by a member of the european union. however, bloomberg notes, the eu is still arguing about how exactly to spend this money. thus, the head of european diplomacy, jose borel, said that funds should be directed exclusively to military assistance to the ssu. after the discussion today i saw strong support. some countries want more detail, but overall there is strong support for the idea of ​​taking the proceeds from the asset. use them in the interests of ukraine, how to provide military assistance within the framework of the european peace fund, and also strengthen ukrainian defense base. i can’t say that there was unity, but there is a strong consensus on making such a decision. european leaders are also busy with other problems, as politics writes, france supported calls from poland
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to limit the export of agricultural products from ukraine to the european union, under pressure from its own citizens. earlier, french farmers gathered for a large-scale protest. polish farmers also took to the streets against cheap imports. meanwhile, in the international political arena they continue to defend moscow's right to participate in a discussion about its own future, as the politician reports, will go to france to convince europe to invite all potential participants. to the swiss summit. the publication notes that china may boycott peace negotiations on ukraine if russia is not present. turkey also believes that the time has come to stop the bloodshed. for ankara , europe’s plans to settle scores with russia with the help of ukraine are unacceptable , the turkish foreign ministry said and warned that there is already a high risk of the conflict spreading to other countries. regions. there is a boxing match going on, which is very expensive. there is a threat of the conflict spreading to other regions, to the east. there is talk about nuclear weapons in central europe, we see that in europe a number of politicians are gradually beginning
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to realize the risks, and europe should be more worried than us. the minister added that there are some hopes for 2025; according to him, we need to wait and see what conditions develop. victoria koroleva, news. now footage from argentina, heavy rains hit the eastern part of the country, some neighborhoods buenos aires is almost down to... the level of the first floors under water, now these shots are on your screens, the vineyards have been seriously damaged, now i’ll show you, here ’s a car crashing out of a car window, that’s what’s happening now, the vineyards are outside the city, local farmers can now be left without a harvest. israel regularly bombs buildings in the gaza strip without credible evidence that they are military targets, the washington post reports. citing sources in the white house, according to their information, the american the administration is not confident that
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the idf's actions are necessary to achieve military goals. at the same time, the united states expects that israel will not launch a major operation in the south of the enclave while the authorities of the jewish state are negotiating with washington. the national security advisor to the american president spoke about this. according to him, the decisive meeting at which the operation in rafahi will be discussed should take place in a few days. the head of the palestinian foreign ministry, meanwhile, said: israel’s goal is to transform the sector. gas into a place unsuitable for life. official about this said during a meeting with his singaporean counterpart. according to arab media , the parties discussed joint actions for a ceasefire in the enclave. crimea is not only a strategically important territory, it is, first of all, people who have never divided themselves with russia. vladimir putin announced this on the day of the tenth anniversary of the reunification of the peninsula with the country. according to the president, it was the position of the residents of the region that allowed the peninsula to return to our part.
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first of all, people, sevastopol residents, crimeans, they are our pride, they are decades later carried faith in the fatherland, they never separated themselves from russia, this is what allowed crimea to return to our common family, but as for novorossia, as for donbass, the people living there were also
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then in the days of the russian spring. declared their desire to return to their family, their path to their homeland turned out to be much more difficult and tragic, but still we did it, and this is also a big event in the history of our state, for the crimeans of all future guests of the peninsula, unexpectedly good news from the stage, you can say a gift, trains and the trains will be leaving soon. now the railway from rostov to rostov has been restored . just this morning i was informed that donetsk, to mariupol and berdyansk, we will continue this work, and soon trains will pass directly to sevastopol, and this will be another alternative road to
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krymsky for the crimean bridge. those who lived through the soviet era remember that there were problems with logistics back then. they started to decide only after 2014, during my student days, i remember we came to crimea every time to get from place to place, there was a big problem, now there is a bridge, there are beautiful roads, and sergei krikalev, and fyodor yurchikhin, our cosmonauts treat crimea with special trepidation, they even followed the construction of the crimean bridge directly from space, they always tried to find in crimea that place called hersans directly from there .
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"we are together, russia, crimea, sevastopol." egor grigoriev, dmitry dunaev, nikolai portnykh, news. now economic news, konstantin churikov joins me. konstantin, good morning, people's inflation expectations are decreasing. raman,
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hello, yes, and, importantly, the observed inflation is also slowing down. inflation expectations. among russians in march decreased to 11.5%, the bank of russia reports this based on the results of a survey. if we talk about the observed inflation, it also decreased by exactly the same amount. at the first meeting of this year, the central bank kept the key rate at 16%. according to the regulator’s estimates, taking into account the current monetary policy, annual inflation will drop to 4-4.5% by the end of the year and will be close to the target four. from october, large russian banks will be obliged to provide clients with the opportunity to make payments to the budget through a system of fast payments, this follows from the instructions of the central bank. for banks that are not systemically important, the requirements will begin to apply later, from april next year, well, from this october they will have to inform clients about this option in the future. in addition,
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it becomes possible to make cross-border transfers in the fast payments system with the participation of foreign payment service providers. not just banks. supplies pipeline gas from russia to europe increased by 25% in january-february. the total volume of imports to the eu over 2 months exceeded 25.5 billion cubic meters, of which russian gas accounted for 18%. despite unprecedented geopolitical pressure, our country remains the second largest supplier of pipeline gas to europe. despite all the desire to completely switch to lng, the union physically does not have such an opportunity, experts say, and there is nothing to replace the sharp decrease in the volume of gas supplies from russia with anything on the market, there is no free gas on the market, there is no only there is no free gas, there are no tankers yet.
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and as for lng, asia is becoming its key consumer; imports grew by 8.5% compared to last year, while imports to europe decreased by 10. against this background , bloomberg writes: about such a new, so far theoretical concept as gas-yuan. china, russia and iran collectively produce more gas than the united states; it may only be a matter of time before one of the currencies is given status similar to the petrodollar. well, here are the consequences of the anti-russian course, this time for germany, wages there are now falling at the fastest pace since 1950, all due to the refusal of russian gas, the guardian writes about this, due to the fall.
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the professional holiday is celebrated by russian submariners at all submarine bases, as well as at the main fleet bases in the regions, ceremonial events are held, and the crews who are on missions also receive congratulations from the command. the historical point of the report is march 19 , 1906, when nicholas ii, by decree, allocated submarines to a separate class; during the great patriotic war they sank about 300 warships and...
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in response to the organization's decision to deprive him of his coaching license and titles at the national level back in september, the meeting dates have finally been announced. the main sensation of the 1/4 finals of the kogarin cup was the tractor. the club from chelyabinsk managed to beat dynamo away twice , a good basis for the final victory in the series before the home matches. this time the teams gave the fans a scoring frenzy, scoring nine goals between them. the first two periods were left to the tractor, before the third twenty minutes the guests were leading 4-2. if in the first match, such an advantage was enough for them to win, but here dynamo were able to equalize the score and send the match into overtime. the time has come for canadian goalkeeper zach
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fucaly. during overtime, the tractor goalkeeper saved his team twice, denying the inevitable goal. in the end, it was the guests who were able to score the winning goal. alexander sharov, lying on the spot, managed to push it through the goal. 2:0 in the series in favor of the tractor, the next two matches will be held in chelyabinsk. also 2:0 in the series after away matches in favor of lokomotiv. vanguard i was never able to recover from this and missed twice more in the final twenty minutes. lokomotiv confidently led the series, which now moves to yaroslavl. nikita kucherov was named the first star of the past week in the nhl. the striker chalked up two.
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astana beat the rune 75-70 away and caught up with the muscovites in the standings. runa , as the hosts, started the match more confidently. the muscovites went into the big break with a three-point advantage, but in the third quarter eston was able to reduce the lead to one point, in fourth. before the mistakes of the vitings allowed the club from kazakhstan to celebrate the victory. astana center jordan skipper brown was named the best player of the meeting; he had ww, 18 points, 11 rebounds, this was the best match
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for the americans. for the kazakh team. the russian national football team will play a friendly match with serbia the day after tomorrow. the guest of the russian football program was one of the leaders of dynamo moscow, daniil famin, who this time was not among the players called by valery karpin for the national team gathering. the result of the team is always at the forefront; in these matches we achieve results. now we are in a good position to fight for high places, so we want to. i myself look brighter in terms of statistics , but now there is such a good chance for our club, therefore, if i sacrifice something for the sake of the result, i am ready, the main thing is that it is there, while the twenty- third round of the first league turned out to be beautiful goals, i beat the quiet guests khimki 3:1, and the highlight of the match was maxim petrov’s goal, the striker responded beautifully to a pass from the flank hit the corner of the goal with an overhead kick,
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it seemed traumatic. will be the best goal of at least the entire tour, but kamaz midfielder daniil rodin had a different opinion on this matter; his irresistible shot into the top corner from outside the penalty area flew into the goal along such an intricate trajectory that even the player did not believe what had happened. the goal was victorious for kamaz, and the non-chelny team beat makchekalinsk dynamo 2:1. the best player in the russian handball championship last season, elena mikhalichenko, returned to the court after a four-month break, and how helped cska beat kuban. the muscovites' big victory 38:25 practically guaranteed them second place in the preliminary stage. with the arrival of rio olympic champion anna sidoikina to the coaching staff of cska , the red and blue goalies finally played well, but this position had been problematic all season. mikhalichenko scored five goals, showing that with her the champions' attack looks completely different. a week later, csk has an important match on the road with the leader rostovandon. it was sports news,
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good news. we historically defend our borders, our people and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the goals were always the same: to destroy the country, to take away our freedom, but we always bravely resisted in battle. history remembers everything. win a victory. the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us. become a hero bringing victory closer. serve under contract.
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