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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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news sergei nachasa, briefly. in the amur region, city rescuers are making their way to miners who were buried in a gold mine, 13 people were blocked by rock debris, a regional emergency regime has been introduced, and rescuers have all the necessary equipment at their disposal. in the southern donetsk direction , russian artillerymen destroyed a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces, we will attack enemy positions with multiple launch rocket systems, grad is assisted by drone operators, and they also provide adjustments to strikes. the head of
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eu diplomacy, barel, said proposals for confiscation of income from russian assets frozen in the eu will be presented in the coming days, the official admitted that there is no unanimous approval of the idea. russian submariners celebrate their professional holiday. ceremonial events take place at all submarine bases and at the main raft bases in the regions. the crews who are on mission also receive congratulations from the command. now to the technology news with which philip trofimov joins me, philip, greetings, home news of the last few hours, the most powerful accelerator for artificial intelligence has been created, what does this mean for ordinary users? good afternoon, well, potentially this means that generative neural networks will become smarter and probably a little more accessible, that is, they will help us more often and more quietly, but this is not immediately new data centers on new accelerators have yet to be built. the main event of the technological world in general and... the field of artificial intelligence, in
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particular the proprietary conference of nvidia, an almost monopoly hardware supplier part of the entire nira network revolution, and also gtc24 is the first nvidi conference, which has been held in the traditional full-time offline mode since 2019 and immediately with a record number of participants under 20,000 developers, to whom the head and co-founder jenson huang personally presented the new computing platform for artificial intelligence tasks. it received on... according to the company itself, this is the most productive neural network accelerator at the moment in comparison with the current solution from nvidia accelerators h100, which have become the de facto standard on which most data centers serving large generative models like chat g5 are built, the new b200 , according to jenson huang, is seven to thirty times more powerful depending on the task, and the architecture as a whole is designed for the construction of supercomputers for training neural networks from... the future generations with
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trillions of parameters. it should be noted that amid all this excitement around generative neural networks, which began with the amazing success of chgpt, nvidia’s capitalization doubled in just 9 months, and now it is worth more than two trillion dollars. however, according to reuters, the pace of this growth should at least slow down. on the one hand, direct traditional competitors intel and mmd are also aimed at part of the profits of the neural network market, on the other hand they are catching up. alternative solutions, for example, the sirivros project, specifically for training neural networks, is developing special gigantic systems on a chip; last week they presented an accelerator with 4 trillion transistors, 900,000 cores and 44 gb of memory, due to the integration of components on on one silicon wafer, they received less power consumption, which is important for power-hungry data centers, well, politically... invidia’s business is not being helped in the sense of
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an administrative ban and the export of its technologies to china. at the same time, sanctions are not an obstacle to invention. the chinese corporation huawei took over. retained first place in the ranking of companies that filed the largest number of applications for international patent protection over the past year, this ranking was published by the world intellectual property organization, so here's the score huawei has 6,500 inventions , one and a half times more than the korean samsung, twice more than the american qualcom, it should be noted that in the top 5 is another chinese company boy technology group, a large manufacturer of all kinds of screens, including flexible ones in terms of the number of patents, it is a little behind... from the japanese mitsubishi electric corporation. a similar picture in the ranking of countries is headed by the top 5 china. it is followed by the usa and japan, then by a significant margin south korea and germany. moreover, the world intellectual organization property received 272,000
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patent applications last year, of which 213,000 were from companies in this top 5. russia is in twenty-fifth place with 678 inventions applying for international protection. this. 150 more inventions than the university of california registered. well, a rather unusual photo smartphone is officially coming to russia today. vivo v30 arrives officially, which means with support, service and a set of applications required by russian law, that is, right out of the box mirpay, vkontakte public services, doubledis and yandexdisk, well, more precisely, the icons of these applications , they are loaded the first time you try to launch them, in general, with such localization it turns out quite curious, on the first, well... on the main screen there are three application stores at once, well, firstly, this is rustor, secondly , its own store from viva , and of course, google play, but since this is a global version of android, the most central place is given to the browser, yandex
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browser, google chrome is also there, but there is a default search bar, and google’s with the ability to remove the default search engine , however, my friend is interested in this phone. this is a kind of separate line, not just a photo of a vivo smartphone , it’s all about portrait photography, there’s even an inscription on the end “professional portrait”, from a hardware point of view this is professionalism, firstly, there are 50 megapixel cameras all around, by the way, there are only two under this big cover, and secondly, instead of a flash, you can use this source with... this, which we will not have a flash, but an adjustable one, when it works, but now it doesn’t work, but in in any case, you can use this,
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because the temperature, color temperature of this light source can be adjusted automatically or manually, which in theory allows you to take a more creative approach to portrait photography, if, of course, you... know how to use it, well, in extreme cases there is a set of built-in digital filters for all sorts of neuroenhancers, but this will not be very creative, this is all about technology for now, novel, philip, thank you, we will continue, after the advertisement we will tell you about the new the procedure for compensating losses to depositors of collapsed banks, about this and not only in the economic news section. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will get a 2% return with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry up to get a loan with cashback, sberbank is more profitable with prime. deposit - the best
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internet on your side, hurray, we’ve finally arrived while you’ve grown up, and now to the point, this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you , hold on, where does all this come from, you are retired, and your pension was issued by vtb, and there the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18%. per annum, how thin you have become, and good, dad, i wish you to be like your grandfather, rich in retirement, in btb, together everything will work out, hello everyone, dear subscribers, sometimes when mom orders cosmetics, she goes from being a favorite and turns into a strict one, into a sleep-deprived one, in the gloomy, then my cosmetic bag is replenished, look, you can try on cosmetics first, we wanted to be loved, we remain loved.
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megamarket. it is beautiful and profitable to please. you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank. you can take time off from work to go to the bank. or you can open it online reliable deposit in rosbank at 16% per annum. rosbank is a real opportunity. this is the ivanovs. average russian family. they throw away 664 plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could result in: 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. now economic news, konstantin, it has become easier to obtain deposit insurance.
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yes, roman, now you can return your money online. depositors of failed banks will be able to apply for and receive insurance compensation without leaving home. all you need is the internet. the relevant provisions of the law come into force today. previously, depositors had to apply for compensation in person by presenting a passport, application and a number of other documents. now this can be done remotely through the website. receive funds immediately on the world card. proposals to justify the theft of proceeds from russian assets frozen in the eu may be presented in the coming days. the head of european diplomacy announced the timing at a press conference in brussels following the results of the ministerial meeting and
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there is a problem regarding the legal basis of the possible financial consequences of using not even the assets themselves, only profits from them. i can’t say that anyone was against it, some countries just wanted to see a specific proposal in order to... carefully study the legal grounds. the text will be presented in a couple of days. and more about unfriendly actions, the eu is preparing to introduce duties on grain imports from russia and belarus in order to reassure european farmers who are generally opposed ukrainian grain and high inflation. the financial times writes about such an initiative. according to the newspaper, the european union is expected to impose a duty of 95 euros per ton. according to the publication's sources, this is...
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to finance further development, the founder of the messenger wrote about this in his telegram channel. pavel durov also thanked fairs for the high bid. the tough policy of the american regulator provided the most favorable placement conditions in the entire history of the company. earlier in an interview with the financial times, durov spoke about the preliminary capitalization estimate of more than
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$30 billion. messenger could reach profitability this year or next, which would pave the way for ip, he said. at the end of the issue on currencies, the official dollar exchange rate today is 91.98, the euro costs 100 rubles. 24 kopecks that's all the economic news i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. we continue the release. premiere at the moscow art theater named after chekhov. today the play “hunger” will be presented on the small stage for the first time. it is based on the novel by norwegian writer knut hamsun. at the beginning of the last century, his plays in the theater staged by stanislavsky nemirovich danchenko. well, now the director is elizaveta bondar. i decided to return to my favorite author, sofya sergieva will tell you what the new production is about and how they are going to captivate the audience. please, i’m happy that you turned to me first. to give this alms to the tramp, he had to pawn his vest. a young, cheerful writer, slightly mad from hunger , wanders the streets of a norwegian town in search of food and a muse. he is undoubtedly talented,
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but too complex for the general reader. but can't you read it? he is already so wounded and exhausted at the starting point that he does not have enough strength for normal live contact with the people he meets. on the small stage of the moscow art theater there is a special chamber atmosphere, the decorations are minimal. nothing distracts from the action, which, as in hamsun’s novel, focuses on the study of the living human soul. this story, in fact , does not have a plot; it is composed of such internal states of the hero, of his various mental disorders. gamson absolutely rejected the plot, that’s how it is if the stories associated with how
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the novel was written before, he turned to dust and tried to create something completely new. from the hunger of loneliness. the inflamed consciousness of the hero draws fantasies, among the projections there is a captivating image of a mysterious stranger and loyalist, every time i go to bed, i stretch out my hand like this, i imagine that it is you who are falling asleep next to me, in general the theme of the veil is very important in the novel, because that most of the time he sees this girl in a veil and asks her to constantly take it off, because he cannot clearly see her features
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100, move away, the norwegian writer knut hanson was one of the favorite authors of early mahat, his plays were staged here by stanislavsky yanimirovich danchenko, the author himself said that
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only russians can understand his drama. forecasters warn of a sharp cold snap in russia, which regions will be covered by the arctic invasion and whether it will affect the capital, we will tell you right after the advertisement. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will get 2% of your interest rate back with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry to get it loan with cashback. in sberbank with prime it is more profitable deposit has the best interest rate in sberbank - this is an easy way to profitably invest money online, just one button the investment in your child’s future
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rosbank - real opportunities. everyone is delighted with coffee at a delicious point. favorite cappuccino, as well as raft, flatwight, hot chocolate and desserts in the cafe. i consider one of most. hundreds of languages ​​of cultures, millions of people, we are in
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our own country, we have no barriers, do you want to become a modern individual entrepreneur and not pay a commission from a transfer to a cash account? then open a business account on hello everyone, dear subscribers. sometimes, when mom orders cosmetics, she goes from being a favorite to being strict, to not getting enough sleep, to being gloomy. and then my makeup bag is replenished. look, you can try on cosmetics first. did you want to be loved? we remain beloved megamarket: pleasing beautifully and profitably! alfabank for business! register a business with alfabank
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in march and receive 100,000 rubles. we pay every hundredth! alfabank is the best bank for business! we watch it to spend time with the children. russian cartoons and children's programs. we look, we look, in the application or on the website. cyclones over the russian plain and siberia will push spring and winter together. how the weather will change in different regions of the country, where it will become cold like january, where, on the contrary, april warmth will return. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobs center, i. hello! atlantic cyclones will spoil the weather in siberia on the russian plain in the coming days. by the beginning of this week, the country was conditionally divided into two zones: in the southern mid-latitudes
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of european and asian territory it was warm on monday. in crimea, for example, the temperature rose to +12°, in tatarstan it was about +3, here is the result of a protracted thaw: an eerie video from almetyevsk: a huge mass of ice falls from the roof onto a thirty-three-year-old. and also for a stroller with a five-month-old baby. the baby was hospitalized, and the young man was also required medical attention. even a cold sectional car has been thawing in recent days. here the thermometers the day before showed +4 and the siberian region. that's it, our road ends. in krasnoyarsk the day before the air warmed up to +3, in omsk to +2. it is surprising that in such already dangerous weather there are people consciously risking their lives. here young amich tests the strength of the ice of one of the local rivers and falls into the water with her foot. but in
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northern latitudes on monday. it has become noticeably colder, the temperature in st. petersburg barely exceeded the zero mark, there was no thaw in arkhangelsk for the first time in a week and a half, and at night the thermometers showed a completely wintry -13. in varkuta, after -1 on sunday, the day before it was no higher than -9 even during the day. such weather contrasts are a sure sign that power in the atmosphere over the country is once again passing to cyclones. the cold snap was caused by a whirlwind that is now circling over the north of siberia, so that the western half of the country... found itself in its cold rear, and another cyclone is currently breaking through to us from the black sea, under its influence , heavy precipitation will occur in southern russia today. the eastern slopes of the caucasus will be at the epicenter of the bad storm, so in derbenets the rainfall will continue all day, over the next 24 hours more than half of a month’s worth of moisture will pour into the city. of course, due to dense clouds it will become cooler, but not much, only up to +8. after all, a well
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-heated vortex circulates in the circulation. air, and this flow will be able to practically neutralize the influence of the cold front associated with the siberian cyclone, however, this only applies to the russian plain, the black sea heat will not penetrate beyond the urals , so the asian part of the country will fully feel the arctic invasion; today, for example, in the north of the region it will become frosty, like in january; in the southern latitudes , thermometer readings will at least return to normal climate, then obey normal west-east transfer of cold will sweep across all of southern siberia, and every day the temperature will be lower and lower. for example, in krasnoyarsk today it will be +8, tomorrow it will snow and rain and it will only be +2. on thursday the temperature will drop to -6, on friday it is expected to be -8, this is the norm for february. but i repeat, for most of european russia, nothing of the kind threatens. it’s +5 in moscow today, light rain is possible in places, and then the sun will come out, every day the air will
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improve. warm up to 80 on the weekend. that's all for me, goodbye.
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the rescue operation at a gold mine in the amur region continues; 13 doors have been blocked by rock debris; all forces have been mobilized to save people.
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professional holiday celebrated today russian submarine sailors are holding ceremonial events at all submarine bases, as well as at the main raft bases in the regions. the longest increase since the end of january in europe is that gas prices are rising, due to the shutdown of export factories and terminals, we’ll tell you more about that. on the stage of the moscow art theater nechekhov, the premiere of the play by elizaveta bondrgolod, based on the novel by the norwegian writer. a state of emergency was introduced in the amur region after a rock collapse at the pioneer gold mine. under the rubble there are believed to be more than ten people, no contact with them. all forces were mobilized to save people; a helicopter from the ministry of emergency situations arrived from khabarovsk with an additional group. a headquarters will be set up on site. we learn all the latest details about maria gomleva. she comes out with us
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... communication, maria, what a greeting!


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