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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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crimea and sevastopol with russia, exactly 10 years ago, on red square, here, moving to this same stage, i remembered that crimea is often called an unsinkable aircraft carrier. this is what prompted the idea to say that crimea has returned to its native harbor. but crimea is not only a strategically important territory, it is not only ours. history, our traditions and the pride of russia. crimea is, first of all, people, sevastopol residents, crimeans, they are our pride, they carried faith in their fatherland through decades, they never divided themselves with russia, namely this allowed crimea to return to our common family. but as for novorusia, as for donbass, the people living there...
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also then, in the days of the russian spring, declared their desire to return to their family, their path to their homeland turned out to be much more difficult, tragic, but still we did it, and this is also a big event in the history of our state, now we are developing , moving together, feeling each other’s elbow, just this morning... i was informed that the railway from rostov has been restored to donetsk, to mariupol and berdyansk, we will continue this work and soon trains will pass directly to sevastopol, and this will be another alternative road to krymsky for the crimean bridge, here we are instead of the crimean bridge, and so together, hand in hand, we will go further , this is not in words, in... in fact, it makes us really stronger, all
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this happens thanks to you, citizens of russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, dear friends, i just met with colleagues, who have gone through their path in the presidential campaign, they are all here , i invited them, this is unexpected for them, i invited them to come to you today’s event, a festive event, we have different approaches to achieving national goals, but we have one homeland, congratulations on the holiday, and hello! this year
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, the russian budget will receive 12% more taxes than in 2023. this assessment was given by the head of the federal tax service, daniel egorov, at an extended meeting of the department’s board. my colleague anna is working at the event lazarev. hello anna. how much taxes will the budget receive in 2024. hello, according to the forecast of the federal tax service, this is 52.5 trillion rubles. and 2023, as colleagues said, was not easy, but the service coped with dignity, so revenues to the budget system increased by 11%, while the federal budget by 1%, the consolidated budget by 8%, the volume of non-oil and gas revenues increased by 16% to 28 more than trillions of rubles, the collection of income tax, vat has increased and... we
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felt very good about the income tax plus 25% that year. as well as income tax our growth is in accordance with the indicators for the economy as a whole in terms of wage growth, that is, 14%. vat increased by 11%. as for what we are forecasting for this year, it is an increase of... 12%. we plan to reach the figure of 52.5 trillion rubles. and a few more figures cited by the head of the federal tax service, the receipt of tax deductions accelerated in the twenty- third year, and almost doubled from 43 to 24 days in a simplified manner from 13 to nine. at the same time, the number of people receiving deductions is constantly increasing. in the twenty-third
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year it increased from 214 to 640,000, that is, almost three times. and representatives of the state duma, the federal customs service took part in the meetings of the board and pointed out the task that lies ahead jointly with internet platforms, and those tax schemes to be solved by the ministry of finance and the federal tax service? there is a big problem with the optimization that now exists when working through online platforms, if we are talking about the fairness of the new taxation, then of course it is necessary... to eliminate these tax optimization mechanisms and equalize the terms of trade across all channels, both traditional retail and retail that goes through electronic platforms. and the head of the federal customs
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service spoke about what groundwork exists for the work of both the federal customs service and the federal tax service, in particular he was mentioned, he mentioned the problem that is associated with the underpayment of import... vat and gave quite interesting figures, i will give one figure that cannot help but shocking, last year for the first time, according to china, the total import into the territory of kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan amounted to a total of 537,000 tons, to us, or rather on the contrary, to us 537, to them 546, that is for the first time, the total... import of clothing and footwear into the territory of kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan, it exceeded the import into the territory of russia, in general , creative people gathered at the federal tax service board today, for example, muse visited the head of the federal customs service right during the meeting, i suggest you listen to another
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fragment of it speeches. i want to end my short speech. its interactive part is taking place and the extended collegium is now ongoing, demonstrating the work of a new service called start for... thanks to the extended colleague of the federal tax service working anna lazarev. in russia
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, submarine sailor day is celebrated on march 19, 1906, by decree of nicholas, submarines were allocated to a separate class. not every state can be proud. submarine fleet, many russian submariners and submarines wrote heroic pages in the history of our country. the first nuclear submarine leninsky komsomol recently took center stage in the kronstatt museum. watch zenaida kurbatova's special report on the legend of the submarine fleet. this is the semantic dominant of the museum of naval glory in kronshtat, a legend of the russian submarine fleet, a legend of the cold war era, boat k-3, leninsky komsomol
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, launched in 1957. it is a miracle that the unique boat is now in the museum, that it has been preserved, in the 1990s they wanted to cut it into scrap metal, but the management and workers they stood up for the plant at their own expense , protected and preserved it with a link for several years. in 2021, k3 was transported from snezhnogorsk to kronshtat, it was a unique operation, it was restored and installed at the entrance to the museum. this is the first domestic nuclear submarine and the third in the world. is it true, the very first is considered to be the american nautilus, which appeared 4 years earlier than k3, but in fact it was the twenty-first german project that the americans got after. increases and improves hydrodynamic...
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komsomol was originally designed and built as a boat for going underwater, because it has a round bow, these are very characteristics of a submarine, and this submarine made the americans faster in submerged position, well, almost twice times, the boat reached underwater cruising speed from 25 to... knots, which corresponds to approximately 45-50 km/h. by modern standards, this is a very, very decent speed in a submerged position, so this boat initially, and so to speak, in all respects, is still the first nuclear submarine according to, as they say in the navy, according to anamnesis. of course, for the convenience of display, the boat was reconstructed, the internal space was freed from... compartments, additional hatches were made in the bulkheads between them, here in the first compartment there are eight torpedo tubes,
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20 torpedoes were loaded through them, this is a desalination system that turns salty sea water into distilled water, it is necessary for the reactor installation, and finally, the heart of the warship. you and i are at the control center of nuclear reactors and, in general, the entire propulsion system of a submarine . how was it preserved? its uniqueness has been preserved almost completely in its authentic form. on the opening day of the k3 nuclear submarine, december 26, 2023 , the captain of the second retired engineer eduard mitchenko. he is a kipovets, that is, a specialist who installs and maintains instrumentation and automatic systems. at the control center, the submarine officer could not hold back his tears. these are tears of joy. who are you, of course, this is when you meet your own mother, but
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what could be sweeter, of course, with friends , i remember how good and great everything was here, in these shots there is a nuclear submarine of the same project as katri in 1962 katri became the first soviet submarine to reach. north pole. july 13 katri reached the prime meridian and surfaced several times before going under the ice to establish radio contact. on july 14, sparse, then solid ice with polynyas was noticed. the television installation showed an image of the contours of ice fields from a depth of up to 80 m. on july 15 , the boat was looking for a suitable ice hole and surfaced in the evening. the nuclear submarine leninsky komsomol became the first submarine in the world that... surfaced near the north pole, first cameras and holota discovered
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a suitable polynya, its length was slightly longer than the length of the submarine (110 m). and then the boat it began to carefully, slowly float up, very gently, but its sides still broke the ice, because it was wider than the ice hole. hummocks have formed. the crew descended to these taros, planted the flag of the soviet union at the highest point, and then divided into two teams. the history of the russian submarine fleet began even before the revolution with the dolphin boat in 1903. in 1926, the ussr approved a program for the development of the navy, providing for the construction of twenty-two submarines. during the second five-year plan, medium and small boats were built; in the third, a course was already given creation of large cruiser projects. in 1930 , the press wrote less about soviet submariners than they probably did.
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at a depth of one hundred and seven meters they lay down, fortunately for us, well, it signaled a bomb on the head, 78
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depth charges were placed, around to about, when they exceeded 80 m, that’s when the guys began to sit, went to sea black, returned with strands of white hair, this is actually so happens, but when we lay down on the ground, then we were already thinking about how to escape from the explosion of depth charges, the frames sagged, the boat began to cry, it was riveted, from strong blows, the rivets began to let drops of water through, floated up, then... returned to the base , met with the traditional roast pig, which was used to greet submariners, who brought victory, at c13 or medium,
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performed his feats alexander marinesko, this is truly a great... stories, once upon a time in a dream, he shouted to the right of the helm, the helmsman carried out the order, everyone heard german torpedoes passing by. in january 1945, near dantzik bay, his submarine discovered a transport that was difficult to even recognize and destroyed it. it was wilhelm guslov, hitler's favorite ship. february 10 s-13 under direction.
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he bought an expensive car, and they gave him the command to move underwater to tallinn. the command was outraged that he was such a tallinn, but alexander ivanovich went out on the raid, that’s it, went to move to tallinn, and the command was amazed when they arrived in tallinn to i'm coming. submarine, this codelac was already standing on the pier. in fact, the team loved marinesk so much that instead of going straight to tallinn, they went to the neighboring bay, where it had already been built a special wooden platform, installed it on the bow superstructure of the submarine, put this codelac there and went on
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the surface. crane state, here alexander marinesko lived during the great patriotic war, from this piers. his boat went on campaigns, the hero’s granddaughter valentina marinesko tells why he was given the hero’s gold star, even mortally in 1990, after the war the feat was not fully appreciated, and the rank was demoted to the order of the red banner, and after wartime , only thanks to the public, including schoolchildren, ordinary people, veterans, that is, simply caring citizens have already been awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. in 1955, the current rubin central design bureau developed second-generation diesel submarines, and on september 24, 1955 , katri, our first nuclear submarine, was laid down at the plant in severodvinsk. this was the beginning of a new era, including in the history of the cold
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war. submarines capable of passing under the water of all seas of the oceans, diving in... tropical latitudes, emerging from under the eternal ltov, isn’t this a guarantee of peace in all countries, all peoples? our submarines, unlike american ones, can go under the ice and even two or three boats can surface in one place at the same time, risk and professionalism of the highest quality. alexander aleksandrovich berzin, retired rear admiral, hero of russia, legend of the submarine fleet, was allowed to manage nuclear submarines of seven projects. they call him the arctic admiral, he has. seven trips under the ice, like no one else, he tells what the difficulty of such a trip is: through wormwood or thin ice is marked on the map so that if something happens, you can return, but during this time the half-new ice can... be carried away or covered with ice, if only that? well, the difficulty is that if there is a good accident, then you die, you may
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not be able to break the ice and remain under the ice, but any accident, be it the influx of water or a fire, requires it, if water enters, then you need to rise as high as possible in order to to reduce the pressure, seal it somehow. therefore, the main thing is that this is an impeccable knowledge of the material part, the famous
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writer alexander pokrovsky, a legend of the submarine fleet, he is the author of the cult story 72 meters, captain of the second rank, he served on the submarine of project 667 as, they are called navaga, including serving under the command of berzin, rear admiral berzin himself was embarrassed to tell such an incident to his own. all sorts of loose boxes, in this mess, uh, everyone is floundering and there it was necessary to give these two commands, and these two commands in
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the absence of the commander can be given by the commander bc5 , if he sees that the boat is dying, that is, he must give the command instead of the commander, and he i couldn’t command, his throat was blocked, so i then saw how the man was sweating, that is, there was no soul, but there was a puddle, that is , a shower was pouring from him, as if from above, and he simply yelled in his ear, he came to his senses, shouted this command at the remote control, the remote control worked, and we flew to the surface, otherwise the boat would have been crushed, this is how he saved more than one boat, but a couple more, only a few countries, a few can afford to create their own nuclear submarine fleet, a nuclear submarine today is the most perfect thing.
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all branches of industry are involved in the creation of a submarine, all the best, most advanced, a nuclear submarine is the result of thousands of years of human activity, comparable in complexity and perfection only to a spaceship, but the scale is smaller, pokrovsky...
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essentially endless repetitions. all for the sake of conscious automatism. igor kurdin, captain of the first rank. he was studying when his boat
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k-219 left gadzhiev for the last trip. there was an accident and the boat was lost. i believed that wrestling training for survivability in peacetime is probably one of the most important types of training for submariners, not missile or torpedo firing, it is the fight for survivability, i took into account the experience of my crew, here is the dead 219, when they were still living there guys in gadzhievo, i brought them here, those who survived. they were on my boat and stood behind those who were studying in their specialty, so as not to repeat their mistakes. this is a fragment of a soviet training film, it is dedicated to practicing the rescue of personnel from a sunken submarine. the 1990s were a difficult page in the history of the russian submarine fleet; the union and well-coordinated naval
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crews ceased to exist. in fact, the naval system itself then disintegrated and degraded. in connection with the disarmament agenda, submarines were mercilessly slaughtered, including the new one, the situation was perceived as a tragedy by everyone associated with the submarine fleet, starting from the general designer of nuclear submarines sergei kovalev, and then the black date - august 12 , 2000 , nuclear submarine tragedy boat kursk. i personally think so. studying this accident, talking with designers , admirals, rescuers, i came to the conclusion that this was a man-made disaster caused by the consequences of the nineties, a bad torpedo, poorly made, untested, poorly prepared, i feel very good, not that the crew is bad , everyone says, it was the best crew in the northern fleet, yes, perhaps, but it never fired this torpedo, never,
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you know, at the commander of kursk gennady lyachin, now she lives in st. petersburg, go back to that august 2000 for her it was extremely difficult, it was not a hike , it was going to sea for training, no, probably there were no sensations, it was only strange, my husband never prepared for any hikes, events in the house, he always did it for the service, said, i have come home, that's it, i'm home , just before these exercises... he was doing something, locking himself in the kitchen, something there, i don't even know, i didn't go in, didn't look, but he was preparing for the hike, that was a little strange for me, i imagined that, like in feature films, officers would come in with their caps off and tell you, nothing this did not happen, a rumor spread throughout the village that something had happened, no one knew that in our time the domestic submarine fleet valiantly guards the country’s maritime borders, they serve with honor
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... the crews are launching new submarines from the stocks of factories, passing through every day training of personnel to fight for survivability, the durable hull of a submarine unites people so that they do not want to lose touch with each other throughout their lives, submariners have a special brotherhood and respect for the commander, as one admiral said, in physically, a submarine commander is a body that instantly falls asleep from fatigue, but immediately wakes up... from responsibility. a criminal case has been opened regarding the collapse of rock at the pioneer gold mine in blagoveshchensk. there are 13 people in the mine, these are employees of a contracting organization that specializes in mining and capital work. a regional emergency regime has been introduced in the pryamurye region
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. maria gomlevaya is monitoring the situation, she is in direct contact with us, maria, hello, how are things going? emergency rescue work, any news? hello, colleagues, now 80 specialists and 14 units of special equipment are working at the scene of the emergency; rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations from the khabarovsk territory, primorsky territory, yakutia have arrived to help our specialists, a reserve has also been prepared from kusbas, according to the tas news agency, the total volume. the debris at the pioneer mine amounts to 9.00 cubic meters of soil, of which 3.00 have already been removed, the amur department of the ministry of emergency situations said, the prosecutor's office investigative committee also assesses what is happening, i suggest you find out what they say in the latter department. currently, investigative teams with the involvement of forensic investigators from the regional department are inspecting the scene of the incident, interrogating witnesses and persons responsible for compliance with safety rules, and collecting the necessary
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documentation. carrying out the complex. investigative actions are carried out taking into account.


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