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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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and now it’s time for economic news: russian payment system the world does not limit work with armenian banks. tas was informed about this by the nspk. this is how they commented on the cessation of acceptance of world cards in the republic from march 30. the only exception will be vtb banks, armenia. today it became known that the cuban authorities will make accepting mir cards mandatory for the operation of any establishment on the island. chernogolovka group completed the purchase of the baby food business.
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two plants in ivanovo and georgievskie were transferred to the new owner; together they can produce 32 tons of products per year, for the first 6 months baby food will be produced under the hains logo, but in the spring chernogolovka will launch a new brand on the market. the largest russian banks have increased the profitability of deposits in yuan. the maximum rate has risen to 5% per annum, a businessman writes about this. almost 99% of such deposits go to vip clients, that is, the wealthiest. they also have the most profitable deposits, the publication notes. experts believe that further increases in the yield of deposits in chinese currency will be limited. and the ban on russian diamonds will take about $20 billion from western countries. the association of russian jewelers guild announced this to a russian newspaper. eu decisions primarily impact brokers who resell raw materials. moreover, for russians.
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miners will not receive a fatal blow from sanctions; our country will sell diamonds through other intermediaries. it was economic news. short. changes to national projects are being made approximately 3 and a half times faster than in 2021. this was done due to the improvement of digital management models. deputy prime minister and chief of staff of the government dmitry grigorenko spoke about this. like this? the digital model will make it possible to control not only national projects, but also the execution of the president’s instructions, voiced in the message to the federal assembly, see this in the interview. dmitry yuryevich, good afternoon, the president, during his address to the federal assembly, noted the effectiveness of the existing system, which allows you to manage and monitor how national projects are currently being implemented, so to speak briefly in numbers, what has been improved? well, first of all, with us. all
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national projects today are digitized, what is meant by digitization of national projects is the digitization of all events, these are tens of thousands of events, which , strictly speaking, national projects consist of, each event is digitized, which means that there is an image of the result, there is a unit of measurement, there are data sources, there is a certain periodicity within which the machine automatically shows what state it is in implementation. any event, this is very important, because no reports are collected, there is virtually no paper, there is virtually no subjective factor, we digitally understand what has been done and what has not been done, today our main task is to reduce the time frame as much as possible , but in general to get closer to a real-time response to all questions and problems that arise during the implementation of this or that event, and a separate one... the task of
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teaching the president a lesson is a task more collection of high-quality feedback from our citizens, you know that today, at almost all socially significant objects that are being implemented within national projects, qr codes are reflected, there are already more than 500 of them, which means objects have been made where any citizen can mobile phone, well, actually , express your point of view, complain there, praise. react in any way you like, what he likes, what he wants, what he doesn’t want. to date, there are already about 15,000 such requests, by the way, it was received, in fact, we are working with this feedback in order to improve somewhere, speed up somewhere, maybe change the task somewhere or adjust its task based on the request of specific citizens, thereby passing events , implementing objects directly according to how citizens see it, and not, perhaps , how... this was universally seen at the beginning,
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when the task was set and the decision was made to build this or that hospital there and implement this or that event, which one what is the current response rate to a request using a qr code from? population, what are you looking at, what might be the speed in the future? well, we have internal deadlines of thirty days, but in fact we now live within a weekly cycle, that is, 7 days - this is our internal kpi within which we , through project offices, are obliged to respond to any request from a citizen, by reaction we mean not so much and not only a response citizen, sub-reaction means , among other things, changes or acceptance of confirmation of a previously made decision on...
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and new national projects will already be integrated into the digital system, of course, of course, everything related to the digital system is a universal model of management, public administration, and this system is used not only for the implementation of national projects, but also for the implementation of state programs, there are key large socio-economic
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initiatives, large megaprojects, so- called. the point of the program is that the events are digitized, the data is loaded into the information system in real time.
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replenishment with activities, here is the control of these events - this is a fundamentally important task for us, so that these events are carried out, and accordingly , the president’s instructions are carried out. in the end, i would like to ask a question: you already said today that managing national projects, the effectiveness of national projects is a complex task, five new national projects appears, but what else can be improved, that is, now, if you look at the effectiveness of almost 100% achievement of goals for national projects, what other tools will help achieve higher results? well, if we're talking about what our management model is still built on digitalization, with these volumes, it’s probably impossible to do it any other way, well, it’s just that now we even have national projects.
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is the development of artificial intelligence, when a machine will act as a person in real time, record some events, record the future, predict the future, something will happen, something will not happen, of course, this is the layer of work in which we are now working, and answering specifically to your question, what can be... modernized, what can be improved, but it seems to me that in the modern world everything is there can be improved, if there is a desire, especially if we talk about it or discuss the management model, here perfection is not something that does not exist, the world is very dynamic, everything changes very quickly, we have no illusion that we have done something and being there in static conditions we will wish fruits and rejoice there, as we actually did , we don’t stop at anything like that, the principle is very simple, to stand on...
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with income they can receive assistance from the state, including financial, how need is assessed and what kind of support they can suggest, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. let's start with the fact that there are no universal criteria for need; it is assessed differently, depending on the type of assistance, and each region has its own cost of living. let's look at government support measures that are addressed only to families with low incomes. the most popular. a single benefit, parents can receive it monthly for children from 0 to 17 years old. important condition: average per capita income
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must be less than one regional living wage for each family member. the amount of payments is 50-75 or 100% of the regional subsistence level, depending on the level of income. all income of all adult family members that they receive is taken. all this income in 12 months. of a single benefit, a comprehensive assessment of need is carried out, it includes an assessment
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of movable and immovable property, and income from bank deposits. so, there are requirements for property, such as: a family can own one apartment of any size; if there are several apartments, then their area should not exceed 24 m2 for each family member, you can own one house of any size, if there are several of them, the size of the area per... each family member should not exceed 40 km2. a family may have one car or two if it has many children or there is a disabled person in the family. the list of property that you can own is quite large, up to the dacha of a light motor boat and a tractor. you can find out more about it on the social fund portal. there you can also see a rather long list of property and income that are not taken into account in a comprehensive assessment need. but the latter does not apply to banking income. this refers to the interest that accrues on them. if such income exceeds one regional
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subsistence level for a whole year, then the family will be denied a single benefit. if the family has already closed this deposit 6 months before submitting the application, then the income will be taken into account in the general calculation of income, but a decision on refusing to assign a payment will not be made. another support measure is a monthly allowance from maternity capital. his provided until the child reaches the age of three; assigned to families where the average per capita income does not exceed. two subsistence minimums in the region, the amount of payment is one children's regional subsistence minimum. what income is taken into account when assigning this benefit can also be viewed on the portal of the russian social fund. another way of support is a monthly payment in connection with the birth or adoption of the first child. this measure applies only to children born from january 1
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, 2018 to december 31, 2022. the benefit is assigned families with average per capita income. you can get money not only for current expenses, the state will help pay for training or development of your own business, which can pull a family out of a financial hole. this support measure is called a social contract. a social contract is a measure of support that can be used by a family in difficult life situations. to assess the level of family income, a period of 3 months is used, that is, the family provides its income for the previous 3 months, and if during this time incomes were below one regional subsistence level, then the family can apply for such a support measure as a social contract. well, while
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income is not enough and even paying for utilities eats up 22% of it, you can get a subsidy in some... most of the measures to support families with low incomes operate at the regional level, these can be cash benefits, tuition reimbursement, travel expenses, tax and other benefits. executive authorities of the constituent entities of the russian federation the federation provides for additional measures of social support for various categories of families, this... let us repeat, the most important thing is that there are support measures that can only be received by families with low incomes. first of all, this is a single benefit for children from zero to 17 years old and monthly payments from maternity capital. to get out of a difficult financial situation, you can enter into
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a social contract with the state and receive money for education or your own business. the poor can. compensate up to 100% of utility costs, conditions depend on the region. there are a number of other social support measures in place at the local level. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about benefits and benefits, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will disturb the relevant department and tell you about everything in one of the next issues. instructions. friend, hello, as promised, today we are preparing a flop, hey-hey, butter is not the first, oh, i need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer from vtb online, it’s faster and more convenient, thanks for teaching me, this is someone else who taught vtb , together everything will work out, hello everyone, dear subscribers, sometimes when mom orders
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cosmetics, she goes from being a favorite and turns into a strict, sleep-deprived one. in a hurry, then my cosmetic bag is replenished , look, you can try on cosmetics first, we wanted to be loved, we remain loved, megamarket, it’s beautiful and profitable to please, order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, you get super cashback in rubles every month, and also for free with ...
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the internet is over, look, you’re not on the megaphone yet, the megaphone gives unlimited social networks to everyone, for both your and new subscribers, marmalade, and for regular ones also unlimited video, connect megapowers and there will be jaga jaga, only in a megaphone, the contribution is the best percentage in the savings account. this is an easy way to make a profitable investment online. with just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made. one button, select. open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum
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rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank sberbank with prime, more profitable! all methods are good when you want to be the first to try the new big special bbq bacon with big beefsteak, cheese instant, bacon and sauces with pumpkin and barbecue. what are you ready for? radi big special bbq bacon. hurray, we've arrived. finally, how you have grown! now to the point? this is for you, granddaughter, and this is for you, take it! where does all this come from? are you retired? and the pension was issued at vtb. and there the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is as much as 18% per annum. how skinny you are!
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varvara nevskaya found out whether there is a way out of the situation and what scientists offer. about this in her special report environment. scary figure: the amount of waste, generated in russia every year, exactly half of them are packaging that lures the buyer from the shelves with loud
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marketing slogans, color, shape, and promises of its environmental friendliness. however, all this does not mean that it is truly safe for nature. if a buyer looks at the shelf, is it better for him to take it in this packaging or in this one? do you know? when we talk about pulperton, we, firstly, can be sure that most of this pulperton is already a secondary resource, it will be recycled again - by transferring the same cardboard to production, in the battle with plastic for the right to end up in the consumer’s grocery basket, pulperton wins a landslide victory; it is 100% environmentally friendly, this unique material can be recycled in countless quantities. times without the use of chemicals and other additives. all you need is warm water and a mold for the future product. almost anything in the world can be made from pulperton. this, in general, is
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the task of our plant. pulperton can be used to make packaging for equipment, which is all more is being done in russia; packaging for vegetables and fruits can be made. there are good prospects for recycling iopet plastic; in 99 cases out of 100, polystyrene egg packaging will end up in a landfill for eternity. that is why. it's so important to know which packaging materials have the best chance of a new life. everything about single packaging is more environmentally friendly and more recyclable. here, strictly speaking, let’s say, there are no discoveries, since the times of the soviet union, the simplest packaging materials, paper, glass, and aluminum and so on, if they are not combined in this respect or, say , in their arrangement, and do not... come into contact, then they can later be effectively either reused, or they can be recycled quite effectively. paper, aluminum, wood and, of course, glass deservedly bear the title of the most environmentally friendly
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materials for packaging, but alas, product manufacturers do not always give preference to them. in the sauce department , the lion's share of the entire assortment is occupied by ketchups, mustards and mayonnaises in doypacks. what doypack problem? they are created from many different ones. materials on top there is one plastic , inside there is foil, here also, they are multi-layered and here the plastic is soldered in, this cap is soldered in, it is almost impossible to separate one from the other, therefore, this is with a one hundred percent guarantee that it will go to the landfill after its use, the extended manufacturer responsibility mechanism should encourage business in the future will abandon non-recyclable packaging, but in the meantime, the buyer himself can make a huge contribution to the environment. choosing sauce in plastic pettar, or even better in glass. firstly, glass containers are made from environmentally friendly raw materials, this is soda, sand, yes, these are
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minerals and... and the most important thing is that glass containers can be recycled an infinite number of times, that is , we can reuse bottles from cullet glass containers an unlimited number of times number of times. unfortunately, at the moment less than 10% of glass is recycled in russia. the key reason is that the glass fraction is not the most profitable and is quite expensive to transport the curtain. to solve the problem this year, the reform of extended producer responsibility was launched. now it is the producers of packaging that will finance its disposal, while in parallel the russian environmental operator is working to improve the culture of separate collection among the population. we will be happy and contribute to this, together with fpcro , create a structure for the collection of cullet from the population, where the work of the population will be paid through the returned glass containers, and we, as manufacturers, will use secondary raw materials and return them back to the population in new ones packaging from store shelves so that everyone
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is happy to buy the right products. in the departments with soft drinks of retail chains , the palm is snatched from the glass by the bottle, which is essentially an extremely successful recyclable material, but product manufacturers still managed to introduce the most important principles here, but not all bottles are the same, if we look here, for example, there are separate juices, and their base is p, but they have so-called shrink packaging soldered on top of them, instead of using one material here. used several different materials, this packaging is no longer recycled. the same story with colored plastic, especially bright acid shades. it is, of course, possible to recycle it, only one such neon bottle will color the rest of the batch, accumulating colored containers for separate processing is extremely problematic due to the lack of mass demand for it, while the homogeneity of pet as a material is very convenient for recyclers, the main thing is properly collect
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recyclables. this one... still has the bottles in fact, many, many new lives, because it is collected in this form, not contaminated with organic waste, it is perfectly processed, processed and from it either new new packaging is produced, again a new bottle, or threads are produced, well, that is, this is fiber, that is , threads are produced from which you can make fillers for clothes, for this you can make from this you can make everything related, for example, to road... another type of packaging to which the consumer should say a decisive no is polyethylene nets for vegetables. most often they pack potatoes, often onions, carrots, and pears and apples wrapped in mesh appear on the shelves. in this regard, the mesh easily loses its original shape, it breaks into small pieces, and ends up on the sorting line in a deformed state, and it is virtually impossible to separate it from the general flow,
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precisely for this very reason . we see problems with plastic packaging bags; if their shape is modified in this regard, then they are very it’s difficult, let’s say, to catch the sorting belt and accordingly put it into processing, and therefore it’s better to always buy vegetables in bulk, putting them in a personal shopper or fruit bag, and if you don’t have one , give preference to paper bags, it’s better to refuse plastic bags altogether , as well as from the practice of printing a paper check? you just need to know one thing: they are not recyclable, they are guaranteed to end up in waste, so you need to discard them. the very first principle is not to create waste, so when we use something many times without creating new packages, this is of course the best. business itself has long been moving towards abandoning paper checks; for example, this retail chain saved 5.5 million meters of receipt tape over the past year.
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work is also actively underway to ensure that more and more products appear on storefronts in packaging that can be recycled. we are trying to do a lot of work with suppliers to encourage them to switch to more sustainable packaging solutions. also, inside we have set the company within the framework of the sustainable development strategy, we have set certain goals to achieve a certain percentage of the share of goods in sustainable packaging, but first of all this concerns itself. it is his awareness, awareness and regular choice in favor of truly environmentally friendly packaging that will make this world cleaner. varvara nevskaya, tatyana klepcha, news.


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