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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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stimulate them, switch to more sustainable solutions in packaging, and also do a lot of work internally with suppliers, so that we set the company within the framework of a sustainable development strategy, we set certain goals to achieve a certain percentage of the share of goods in sustainable packaging, but first.
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region, a ground collapse occurred at the pioneer gold mine, there are miners at a depth of more than 100 m, there is no contact with them, specialists are carrying out additional ventilation of the mine, all forces have been mobilized to save people, they are working on the spot more than 100 people , maria gomleva has the latest details, now 80 specialists and 14 units of special equipment are working at the scene of the emergency, to help our specialists... there were rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations from the khabarovsk territory, primorsky territory, yakutia, and a reserve from kuzbass was also prepared. in total, the volume of rubble at the pioneer mine is 9.00 cubic meters of soil, of which 3,000 have already been removed, the amur department of the ministry of emergency situations said, the prosecutor’s office investigative committee also assesses what happened. currently, investigative teams with with the involvement of forensic investigators and the regional department, the scene of the incident is being inspected, witnesses and persons responsible for the incident are being interrogated...
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in the morning the president received reports from the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov and the head of the amur region vasil orlov about the situation at the emergency pioneer mine in the amur region. the president gave instructions to take all necessary measures, all possible measures to save the miners who are now blocked there in stvali and also to provide all necessary emergency assistance.
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70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. tourists who survived the avalanche in kamchatka were evacuated to the city of elizovo. due to difficult weather conditions, the skiers, accompanied by rescuers, went down to the parking lot, where they were picked up by a helicopter. in total there were 11 people in the group, two died. alexandra ostrikova found out why the campaign ended in tragedy. on board the mi-8 helicopter of the russian ministry of emergency situations , victims of the avalanche, despite extremely unfavorable weather conditions, rescuers managed to evacuate the group, nine people were saved, two died, their bodies will be delivered later. the avalanche survival phase is 18 minutes, 35 minutes under the snow - this is
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already the point of no return. no matter how highly professional the rescuers are, even using a helicopter, they need time to fly, find and dig out. and here the main question arises: was there a group? equipped with all the necessary equipment: an avalanche shovel, an avalanche backpack, probes, and most importantly - beepers configured to transmit a signal. oops, okay. in these frames happy gleb pylev. gleb’s parents have been involved in tourism for many years, the guy also loved hiking and went to study to get a guide certificate. your child was trained, right? yes, training is...
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testing. a seven-day hike of the first category of difficulty. early on sunday morning, a group of eleven people went towards pinychev. according to experts, the route is not difficult, although long, but it goes through the mountains. the group had all the permits and the route was registered with the ministry of emergency situations. the avalanche danger declared in this area 2 days ago was removed. the group consisted of eleven people, of the eleven people we received information that nine got out on their own, two people were unknown. while the rescuers were heading to the scene of the tragedy, the rest of the group began the search. near lovina, besides gleb, tatyana nikrasova remained. in the evening of the same day , the tourists made contact again. reported that they had found the body of a woman; due to weather conditions, the rescuer had to disembark from a helicopter several kilometers from the scene of
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the emergency. technically there was a serious avalanche threat, it was dangerous for a rescuer to be in that area. now footage from the presidential press service. dear alexander vasilievich. dear comrades, today at the extended board you will have to summarize the work of the previous year, determine priorities for the near future, including taking into account the strategic goals that were outlined on february 29 in the message to the federal assembly. i would like to note right away that in 2023 , fsb officers will act competently and clearly. acted in all their directions, in fact i confirm the high status and authority
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service, as a key link in the system of ensuring state security and sovereignty of russia, you paid special attention to the implementation of tasks related to the conduct of a special military operation, reliably guarded the constitutional order, suppressed attempts to interfere in our internal affairs, including during... elections, ensured public safety, in a difficult, often combative situation, while working to cover the state border, achieved new results in the area of ​​anti-terrorism and the fight against extremism, i want to thank the fsb personnel for their professionalism and courage for what you have done for our homeland during this... past difficult, very responsible period. special words to those who
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were responsible for the most difficult areas of work in the donbass in novorussia, who at the risk of their lives solved operational, combat missions of an intelligence and counterintelligence nature. we will, of course, always remember the fsb officers who died in the line of duty. consistent work in all areas,
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in economics, technology, culture, development requires us in the systemic , social sphere, in strengthening our state and public institutions, of course, the most important guarantee of the successful solution of the identified tasks is the protection of the country’s sovereignty, the safety of our citizens, as i have said repeatedly, we all understand this from both external and internal threats, therefore... the people of the party, the people of russia expect from the fsb, from employees of all russian special services, extreme concentration and high dedication, effective offensive actions, as i already said, the most responsible, intense part of your work today, of course, is connected with the conduct of a special military operation, the range of tasks here is the widest, i will note your actions to neutralize agents. enemy terrorist and sabotage groups, as well as successful operations in
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the front line and enemy rear, counterintelligence support for military units and formations. i ask you to continue consistent work on personnel and technical strengthening of the fsb unit in the donetsk people's republic, in the lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions. let me emphasize that it is important to fully understand the situation on the ground. support for citizens, our experience in the fight against international terrorism, and of course, we need to work in full, close contact with local authorities. what i want to note here is that at one time the west actively used various kinds of cross-border, radical terrorist groups in its interests, including encouraging their aggression against russia. it is natural that the neo-nazi kiev regime, again, with the support of the west, and often on their direct orders, he switched to
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terrorist methods, such as shelling of peaceful cities and assassination attempts.
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made to strengthen the state border, especially areas that are actually located in areas of combat operations, border agencies are equipped with additional personnel, modern weapons and equipment, we see the results of all attempts to break into our territory by sabotage and terrorist gangs consisting of regular enemy units, foreign
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mercenaries, they are also actively used, yes all kinds of scum, and i ask you to pay enough attention to this area of ​​​​activity so that it does not bother anyone, we remember what the vlasovites did on soviet soil, and we will never forgive this. enemy groups, according to available information, planned to stage a real terrorist raid on the border in cities and towns of the belgorod and kursk regions, but were met with dignity by fire,
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as they say, on the way and have already suffered heavy losses, clear coordinated actions, and of course, i want to thank everyone who currently fighting in in one line, protecting our citizens and...
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control of attention should remain ensuring economic security and combating corruption. in coordination with other specialized structures, it is important to increase the level of security of the banking financial system as a whole, to provide support to our companies, which today are actively developing, despite any obstacles created for them, developing new markets, while, of course, facing illegal sanctions from... . unfair competition with openly hostile actions, for which, again, are the authorities of a number of states and their special services. yes, they create temporary problems for us. just this
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morning i spoke with members of the government about certain large projects that we are implementing, introducing additional sanctions, this requires additional efforts from us, funds, new logistics routes. yes, this pushes back a little, as we say in such cases, the right to implement these. project, but everything will certainly be done anyway, and of course, your support is here for the economy country, our development is extremely important , i ask you to continue systemic anti-corruption work, paying special attention to the sphere of state defense orders, the implementation of national projects, federal and regional programs, increased demands are placed today on the protection of the information space of russia, the number of attacks on our information infrastructure, of course, and you you know this well, it’s growing. it is necessary to significantly expand the capabilities for a preventive response to such threats, strengthen
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the protection of domestic information infrastructure. here i ask you to actively work with our science, with domestic innovative business, to use our significant achievements in such areas as digital, quantum technologies, and artificial intelligence. i know that the director reports regularly that you are working successfully in all these areas and i ask you to pay close attention to this in the future. dear participants, colleagues, fsb employees perform special tasks, complex, non-standard, often associated with a risk to the health and life of those who do it. citizens of russia count on your reliability and professionalism. i am convinced that each of you. will adequately solve the assigned tasks in order to justify the trust of the people of russia, and i wish you success in your hard work, the meaning
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of which is the high importance of ensuring the lasting sovereignty of our homeland, in protecting the rights, freedoms and security of russian citizens. thank you for your attention. these were shots from an extended meeting of the federal collegium. security, in which vladimir putin took part. vladimir putin spoke on telephone with the presidents of iran and turkmenistan. they congratulated him on his victory in the presidential elections. as the kremlin clarifies, berdymukhamedov noted that the confident voting result confirms the high level of support that the residents of our country provide to the course of the russian leader. the presidents of russia and turkmenistan also discussed bilateral relations. strengthening. third-party relations also became the subject of conversation between putin and iranian president abraham ibrahim raisi. in particular, the parties discussed the expansion of trade and the implementation of large
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joint investment projects. from the government coordination center, good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will discuss in detail the new concept
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of the spatial development strategy, which... energy, improvement of the quality of life in small towns, in historical settlements, in rural areas, as well as measures to support the russian...
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identified new opportunities for the spatial development of russia , primarily in industry, which domestic enterprises today occupy after leaving foreign companies, vacated niches, increase production capacity , organize the production of their own products, thereby building technological chains within the country and, which is very important, loading related industries, increasing interaction between the constituent entities of the russian federation.
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their subjects, for which it is necessary to form appropriate growth centers in the regions , taking into account their potential, agricultural, industrial, logistics, to ensure an influx of investment and an increase in the number of workers places by the way, we included these four parameters, the growth of internal grp of the regions, investments, the creation of new jobs and the real income of the corresponding region, into the key parameters under the supervision of our
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deputy prime ministers. districts, this will help continue the construction of modern housing, kindergartens, clinics, hospitals, and modernize utility networks so that residents of even remote areas have access to quality medicine, education, heat, and clean water. the president said that our regions should become more self-sufficient and it is necessary to create equal conditions for the self-realization of citizens and high standards of living in everyone. of them. it is important to increase the level of independence of territories and improve state municipal management in order to make effective decisions aimed at improving the situation in key areas. everyone will need to understand the model, the economic model, according to which our regions should develop, taking into account territorial planning, connectivity and spatial development of the entire country. colleagues, the new strategy concept is a complex and voluminous document, we now have to
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identify priorities. spatial development of the country for the coming decades , taking into account the risks of opportunities, and also set tasks to determine the tools and mechanisms for their implementation. this was footage from the spatial development strategy session.


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