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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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the president also noted that the kiev authorities, with the support of the west, switched to terrorist methods, including shelling of peaceful cities and attempts on the lives of government officials. at one time, the west actively used various kinds of cross-border radical terrorist groups to its advantage.
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including encouraging their aggression against russia, it is natural that the neo-nazi kiev regime, again, with the support of the west, and often on their direct instructions, switched to terrorist methods, these are shelling of peaceful cities, assassination attempts on government officials and public figures, attempts to recruit perpetrators of sabotage and terrorist attacks at critical... facilities, infrastructure facilities in russia and in places where people are crowded. let me remind you of the recent, frankly, provocative statements of a number of official western structures about the possibility of terrorist attacks in russia. all this resembles outright blackmail, the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society. vladimir putin also noted that a lot depends on the fsb counterintelligence. it's about protection systems. military administration. in addition,
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according to the president, the fsb must firmly suppress attempts to sow confusion and ethnic conflicts in russia. understanding that we are dealing with a strong, dangerous enemy, whose arsenal has extensive information, technical, financial capabilities, what can i say, we know their capabilities in all these areas, including methods of intelligence activities, and terrorist methods. well, just remember the explosions of northern streams in the baltic sea, they go to any lengths, attempts provoke unrest, interethnic conflicts, violate the rights and freedoms of citizens, use russophobia and any other ideology of intolerance, must be strictly and immediately suppressed. much here depends on our counterintelligence agencies, this concerns both the sphere of anti-terrorism, the fight against extremism for... which the ears of the same
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western intelligence services often stick out, the enemy is rapidly developing and, of course, as always, works against us in this direction. all attempts by saboteurs to break through the russian border failed, vladimir putin said. he called on the security forces not to forget about the traitors participating in sabotage and reconnaissance groups, to look for them and punish them by name without a statute of limitations. all attempts to break into our territory by sabotage and terrorist gangs consisting of regular enemy units, foreign mercenaries, they are also actively used, and all kinds of scum, which through various channels ended up on the territory of the kiev regime, all these attempts failed, that’s when i said about these traitors, i ask, as has always been the case in our history, not to forget who they are, identify them... it is we who will punish them
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without a statute of limitations, no matter where they are. enemy groups, according to available information , planned to stage a real terrorist raid on the border on cities and towns in the belgorod and kursk regions, but were met with dignity by fire, as they say , on the way and had already suffered heavy losses, including armored vehicles and artillery, but as for these traitors, then their... their owners today do not spare them at all, they throw them just like cannon fodder for slaughter, well to the point. the settlement of orlovka has been liberated in the avdeevsky direction in the donetsk people's republic, the russian ministry of defense reported. in addition, our troops prevented new provocations of the ukrainian armed forces near the borders of the belgorod region, destroying up to 40 militants. in just one day , the enemy lost 570 people. in
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the belgorod direction, russian units continue to take measures to prevent the penetration of vso sabotage and reconnaissance groups into the border area. as a result. aviation and fire artillery targeting human concentrations forces and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine in the border regions of ukraine near the village of kazinka , belgorod region, the enemy lost up to 40 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, three vehicles. rescuers cleared a third of the rubble at a mine in the amur region, a ground collapse occurred at the pioner gold mine, there are miners at a depth of more than 100 m, there is still no contact with it, specialists. additional ventilation of the mine is carried out. all forces have been mobilized to save people. more than 100 people work on site. behind vladimir putin is monitoring the situation in the amur region, as stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. the head of state ordered to take all necessary measures to save
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people. in the morning, the president studied the reports of the minister of emergency situations alexander kurenkov and the head of the amur region. deputy prime minister, presidential plenipotentiary representative in the far eastern federal district yuri trutnev held a meeting on the issue of rescue workers... to do everything necessary to save the miners, everything possible will be done to save people, in addition, in this situation it is necessary to pay attention to the safety of those who carry out rescue operations, because
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the situation is not easy, well, today i will also talk to the owners, because i would like to see his participation in this, he bears directly... what they are doing, and those people who are under the rubble, they know that our rescuers are coming to their aid, let’s say, when performing their task, they will try to complete it at maximum speed,
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speed, speed of progress on average, well approximately 200 m, 100 m in 2 hours, well, this is important, but difficult. there is the soil itself , it is liquid-like in places and there are large, well , large-sized stones that are quite difficult to get out of there, but work is underway and a lot has already been done. during a meeting on rescue operations in the amur region , it became known that the situation is complicated by the flow of water into the emergency section of the mine. it liquefies the soil, forming a thick mass that has to be pumped out. according to the latest information. we managed to clear about a third of the rubble, and also established contact with the miners so far it has not been possible; as i already said, more than 100 people are working at the scene of the accident. the meeting of the emergency commission has ended, you know that a regional emergency regime has been introduced in our region, what is this for? so
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that the necessary materials can be used from the material reserve to eliminate this emergency. the commission was conducted by yuri petrovich strutnev, minister kurenkov participated. alexander vyacheslavovich, minister of emergency situations of the russian federation, there are enough resources, we have a detachment from yakutia and a detachment from khavarovsk working here - these are specialized mountain there are rescuers, there is enough equipment , and the situation is of course very complicated, there is very limited space, there is a constant supply of water, and therefore dirt, this dirt, in order to remove and organize the work without risk to the rescuers, of course , very serious efforts are required, at the same time groupies. ..
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the l76 aircraft is stationed in novokuznetsk on behalf of the federal minister, who is ready to deliver specialized equipment in the event that the equipment that is used today is not enough, therefore the situation. controlled at the highest level. now the main task is to carry out a rescue operation in the shortest possible time, while, of course, ensuring the safety of the rescuers themselves, but the competent authorities of the technical control service will subsequently give an assessment of the causes and culprits of this incident. today , the state duma approved in the second and third readings a law that obliges all educational institutions in our country to display the state flag on their buildings starting from the new academic year. also deputies examined several bills and documents in the first reading and summed up the results of
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the presidential election. anna voronina on direct line from the state duma. anna, hello, what other issues were discussed by the deputies at the plenary session? good afternoon, colleagues, but the most important question, of course, is summing up the results of the russian presidential elections. it should be noted that representatives of all parliamentary factions first of all noted the incredible support from the population. let's listen. all the tendencies of the collective west to strangle russia crashed about 76 million votes cast for the president of russia, the result is of course amazing, and the turnout is excellent, and our candidate received more than 87%, here i would like to draw your attention to these...
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therefore, we condemn any interference from washington, nato , brussels, in the affairs of other states, 25 years this week. how the bombing of pelgrad was carried out, when the city was under bombs for a long time, civilians, old people, children died on the conscience of washington, thousands of dead, destroyed cities and villages, the invasion of nato troops is unacceptable, and we condemn this act of aggression,
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just as we condemn the aggression... relations of libya, iraq, afghanistan, syria, other states, sovereign states, we must all resist this together. today, as part of a plenary session in the state duma , they considered a bill and approved it in the second reading, on the participation in a special military operation of persons with a criminal record, we are talking about exonerating from criminal liability those who have committed a crime of minor average gravity, but provided that the preliminary investigation is in their...
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from the state duma. prime minister mikhail mishustin sent greetings to the participants of the strategic session on project activities. its participants are actively involved in the implementation of national projects and priority programs in different regions. the head of government noted that over the past 3 years , the decision-making process in the country has significantly accelerated. its terms were reduced from 30 to 3-4 days. in a situation of external restrictions. on behalf of the head of state, the government has developed and implemented a whole range of measures, they made it possible to support the economy so that it would not just survive, but adapt and continue moving forward. such results have identified new opportunities for the spatial development of russia. primarily in industry. domestic enterprises today occupy
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the vacated niche after the departure of foreign companies, increase production capacity and organize the production of their own products, thereby building technological chains within the country, and, which is very important, loading related industries, interaction between the constituent entities of the russian federation is intensifying , road transport infrastructure is being built up, which is the basis for the growth of regional economies and entrepreneurial activity; its further large-scale expansion will make it easier to rebuild logistics and redirect commodity flows and create.
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14%, and if you look at loadings at seaports, then in january-february the growth was 121%. it is clear that the transport industry is now going through difficult times, but numbers, indicators, volumes show that the market for russian transport services has not sank, just the opposite, at the exhibition, which is taking place in the expo, transrussia, many, many people talk a lot about... global changes in world trade and a turn to the east, for example, the ministry of transport sees development, again , not only in east, but also north-south and azov, the black sea. we have growth on the severyuk corridor, which many people talk about, which is demonstrated by, yes, this same corridor, it is significant, and transshipment in the same
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seaports, its growth exceeded 55%, railway transport also increased by 13.5%, by automobile. checkpoint growth was 22% on this corridor, we expect significant growth dynamics on it, in fact, to the level that was achieved in the twenty -third year, over 18 million tons, well , at least double the growth, in 6 years in 2030 , we see that at the beginning of march, president vladimir putin held a meeting on the development of the south of russia and prizes. new transport infrastructure is important here, first of all, we were talking about plans to increase the capacity of the railway roads, which will allow... to use the capacity of the ports of the azov and black seas, and here , of course, the leader in the transshipment of containers and grain through the ports of the south is a group of companies. in 2023, the group’s terminals
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showed record volumes, for example, the grain terminal in novorossiysk shipped exported 8.2000 tons of grain, and this is almost 40% more than in 2022, recently. 100% of the shares of this grain terminal are now continuing to develop this terminal, the chairman of the business group company told our tv channel sergey shashkarev. we have invested more than 500 million dollars since 2006, extending the berth, increasing transshipment capacity, today the figure that we see is already about a million more than last year. this is 9 million exports and a further increase in the terminal capacity to 10-10.5 million. we are setting records day after day, we are loading here
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with a carrying capacity of more than 100,000 tons, there are no such stories in russia, it is probably appropriate to talk about the daily record, we made it in one of the fine days in novorossiysk, almost 50,000 per day. also 7% this year, according to the results of last year
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, we transported 550 million tons in international traffic, this is every third ton transported international, in 7.4000 containers. which is 14% higher than the level of the year before, and this is a record. and let me remind you that the transrash exhibition is the largest exhibition of transport and logistics services in russia. this year it brought together more than 180 speakers, and five conferences with the participation of industry leaders will be held in prox. expo, the exhibition will last until march 21. alexander. thank you, vera, on my colleague vera moroz is working at the international exhibition of transport and logistics services. in sevastopol
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, a performance was shown by the 12th theater and cinema center under the direction of nikita mikhalkov. tickets, of course, were sold out well in advance. in addition to sevastopol, the center shows its performances in kirchi and sevastopol as part of large crimean tours. report by oksana kolesnikova. in just a few minutes the hall will be completely filled with people; tickets for nikita mikhalkov’s performance 12 will not be available. big tour dedicated to the tenth anniversary the reunification of sevastopol and crimea with russia is a huge success. people in sevastopol love theater; productions of this level always sell out. now the audience froze in anticipation. i watched the film 12, i really liked it, well, seeing nikita mikhalkov himself live is very interesting. we agreed, i’ll be there in an hour, yes, we kiss , we kiss, gentlemen, there’s nothing to be done, what are the rules, they hand over, i hand over phones, the school gym, there are 12
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jurors closed in it, each has his own life, affairs and worries, they are in a hurry, they believe that a few minutes are enough to decide the fate of a person, especially since everything is obvious: a chechen boy is accused of murdering his stepfather, a russian officer. it is good to raise anyone who is guilty because the defendant is guilty. and only one out of twelve questions the young man’s guilt. he is joined by the hero nikolai burlyaev, because once at a sharp turn in his life the scientist himself almost died. once i was riding on a train, extremely drunk, dirty, and vomited.
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most, there is a sense of truth in the heart truth, and if necessary, speak out against say saved his life, the main thing is to live as a person, this sense of truth told my hero that he should vote against, when everyone is in favor, little by little, well , convince everyone, each of the twelve has his own story , which hurts the heart and which every person deeply hides from others... this is a performance of reflection on what freedom and compassion are, the ability to help a complete stranger who is in trouble and a serious conversation about what worries everyone today. i can to be mistaken, but i believe that this is the best performance in the country today, i mean from the point of view of the benefits that it can bring from the viewer’s communication with the stage, the silence that is in the auditorium, i am sitting
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first. with my back, sometimes i have an eerie feeling that there is no one at dawn, and there are 800 or 1.0 people sitting there. in addition to the deep meanings of the production, viewers note the interesting technical performance. the transparent grid periodically becomes a screen on which realistic video appears. using an additional video camera gives the viewer has the opportunity to feel what is happening to the characters. the actor is the stars, what can i say, so everything is natural. this is the impression that this is really not acting, they...
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vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here. serve under contract.
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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations , we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what in general with production, raw materials and export, what is our product?
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investment rating, economics, through a specific story, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear, clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general , here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia. russia, russia, 20.


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